Attachment (AKA: Tamaki's Sis...

heck-boi द्वारा

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Title Credit: @ Listen idk where the hell this story is going to go, it wasn't even going to be Oc x Kyoya, i... अधिक

The Start of it All
Getting to Know Her
The Sleep Over
An Engagement
Dinner with His Family
Break Up and the Resort
Movie Night
The Beach
A Day with Haruhi
Cavities and Dead Mothers
To Hell With the School Newspaper
Alone Time
The Stuffed Bunny
A Birthday Party
Summer in Karuizawa Part One
Summer in Karuizawa Part Two
Summer in Karuizawa Part Three - Stormy Days
A Day Out With The Bois (And A Dog)
Walk Around The Park
First Day Back And French Lessons
Yeah, A Bitch Beat Me Up
Ditching the Host Club + Chika
Lobellia Girl's Academy
Sick Pt. 2

Lobelia Girl's Academy

4.5K 121 48
heck-boi द्वारा

A/N: sorry if you didn't want this chapter! You can just skip over the lobelia chapters I guess.... but you should read them...

Rose's POV

I can't believe I'm late! It's not like me to loose track of time like that when I read. Okay yes it is.... BUT I'm really late! I walk into the club room and the Zuka club from Lobelia Girls Academy is there. I almost went to that school, but I ended up coming here. Hikaru and Kaoru are laughing and Benio is talking to Haruhi.

"There you are Rose. Why are you so late?" Kyoya asks me and the Zuka clubs turns around to look at me.

"Sorry Kyoya, I was reading and lost track of time." I say with a smile. He nods.

"Benio way look at this gem!" A tallish girl with light brown hair that comes down a few inches past her shoulders says hugging me.

"You poor soul! Having being trapped with this stupid Host Club!" Benio says.

"How would you like to go to St. Lobelia Girls Academy?!" The girl hugging me asks. I notice Kyoya glaring at her. 

"I like it here. Also could you let go of me?" I ask. She ignores the second part.

"How could a maiden possibly like it here? You would be much better off with us!" The girl says hugging me tighter.

"Chizuru give the maiden some space." The 3rd girl says. 

"Oh, but she's just so cute!" Chizuru says.

"Could you pleeeeeaaaaase let go of me?" I ask again, but the question is ignored.

"Miss. Maihara Rose wants you to let go of her and unless you want a black eye I suggest you do so." Kyoya says. I could easily give her a black eye, but I'm not sure if he is talking about me giving her the black eye.

"Kyoya you can't threaten them!" Tamaki says.

"I'm not. Rose looks about ready to give her a black eye." Kyoya says chuckling. Chizuru lets go of me and I walk over to Kyoya. He snakes his arm around my waist, it's a little out of character for him, but I'm not complaining. I notice him glaring at Chizuru, though I doubt anyone else can see that he is glaring because of the glare of his glasses. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Chill out Kyoya." I whisper to him. He glances down at me. We hold eachothers stare  for a moment, this is how we have arguments. I narrow my eyes and he lets out a sigh before looking away and I know that I've won.

"Maidens we will be back for your decisions tomorrow!" Benio says and they leave spinning. Haruhi looks a little pissed, she must have found out about the whole online auction thing... I was pissed too when I first found out. Mostly because a lot of the stuff auctioned off was stuff that I had thought I had misplaced some how. The stuff they were auctioning off was from my room, not just a pencil.

"We have to come up with a plan!" Tamaki says. I sigh.

"Tamaki I'm sure Haruhi will stay at Ouran." i say.

"She did say she might not mind being fussed over by a bunch a girls." Kaoru recalls.

"And Lobelia's does have the money to pay off her debt." Kyoya says.

"Haru-chan did sound really mad..." Honey says and walks over to me teary eyed.

"Rose-chan is Haru-chan going to leave us?" He asks and Hikaru and Kaoru appear on both sides of Honey with the same look on their faces and then Tamaki behind them. 

"I don't think she will, though she often surprises me with her actions and choices some time so it's hard to tell." I say. 

"But Haru-chan can't leave us!" Honey says and hugs me then so does the twins. Hikaru on my left and Kaoru on my right.

"Don't let her leave Rose!" The 2 chorused in my ears. I noticed Kyoya looking a bit annoyed by Hikaru and Kaoru. I feel a bit uncomfortable with the close contact. I never have liked that about those 2, so much close contact.

"It's out of my hands boys. It's up to her. Who am I to influence such a decision?" i say and Honey lets go of me and I smile at him. "You shouldn't worry about it though, she didn't seem very comfortable with them." I add and he smiles and goes to eat cake. Hikaru and Kaoru continue to hug me though.

"And would you 2 get off of me!" I say.

"They that girl was right about one thing." Hikaru whispers in my ear.

"Yeah, you sure are cute." Kaoru says.

"C'mon guys! Seriously!" I say. They just lay their heads on my shoulders.

"Kyoyaaaaaaa!" I say and he appears in front of us. He pushes up his glasses so you can't see his eyes.

"I would have to agree with Rose. So let go of her." He says dangerously calm.

"You're no fun!" They whine and walk off.

"We need to come up with a plan to get her to stay!" Tamaki says and they rest of the group agrees and they start coming up with this plan to dress up at girls so she also has 'sisters' in the club. I shoot it down saying it's is stupid, but everyone in content on doing this.

"Fine, but only if I get to do everyone's makeup." I say planning on making them look ridiculous.

"We'll design some dresses!" Kaoru says.

"Rose could you come over and be our model?" Hikaru asks.

"Sure." I say having nothing else to do today. Hikaru and Kaoru quickly get everyone's measurements then come back over to me.

"Rose you'll be dressing up too right?" Kaoru asks.

"Why would I? I'm already a girl." I say.

"But you still have to dress up!" Hikaru asks.

"No way." I say. They look at each other then smirk. "What are you 2 thinking?" I ask.

"Noting!" They say quickly.

"Yeah right..." I say and the 3 of us leave.

~~~while Haruhi was gone to get coffee and after the guests are gone earlier~~~3rd person POV

"Hey Kyoya we came up with this great idea for a game!" Kaoru says.

"And what would that be?" Kyoya asks.

"The 'Make Rose Blush' game!" Hikaru says.

"I want to play!" Honey says.

"Alright I'll play too." Kyoya says. 

"What's the prize if we win?" Honey asks. Kyoya holds up several pictures of Rose.

"Where do you keep getting pictures of her?!" Tamaki asks alarmed.

"I found her old instagram account, and a few other sources." Kyoya says.

 "The rules are that you have to get a picture of her blushing or everyone else has to see it happen." Kyoya says.

"Alright!" Hikaru and Kaoru say.

~~~back to now~~~Rose's POV~~~

We pull up to their house. Kaoru gets out first then me then Hikaru. As we walk they keep me in the middle of them. They link arms with me as they lead to to the designing room. I sit on the couch reading for about an hour until they are ready to have me help.

"Alright Rose! You're just about the perfect size!" Kaoru says. They hand me the dresses and a few pairs of high heels and push me into the dressing room as if I couldn't walk there myself.

~~~30 minutes later~~~

I've finished 'modeling' the dresses, which Hikaru and Kaoru changed a little so then I had to model the new versions. Now I'm changing into a pair of dark red jeans and a black tanktop. When I step out of the changing room I don't see Hikaru and Kaoru.

"Guys?" I ask. No response. I walk into the hall.

"Where did you 2 go?" I ask.

"In here!" I here Kaoru says. I walk to where I heard his voice and open the door. It's their bedroom.

"Great timing! We were just about to pick out the movie without you!" Hikaru says.

"Okay what kind of movie are we gonna watch?" I ask.

"Horror." They both say. they separate and pat the spot between them on their bed.

"C'mon sit down." Hikaru says.

"Yeah. Don't just stand there." Kaoru says and I sit between them. Once I do so I feel Kaoru wrap his arms around my waist and lay his head on my shoulder and then Hikaru does the same. I stiffen a little as Edward Scissor Hands starts.

"This movie is not horror." I say.

"Really? We've never seen it before." Hikaru says.

"Really?! Have you ever seen any Tim Berton movies?" I ask.

"No." Kaoru says.

"WHAT?!" I say having grown up watching all his movies. The 2 just chuckle at my reaction.

~~~@ the end of the movie like 3 hours later~~~

Hikaru and Kaoru ended up falling asleep. At one point Hikaru rolled over so he is no diagonally laying across me on his stomach. Kaoru is asleep the same way he was when he was awake. The sun went down some time ago and I can't get Hikaru and Kaoru to wake up.

"Hikaru wake up!" I say and try to shake him, but he doesn't respond.

"Kaoru wake up!" I say and do the same thing, but he doesn't wake up either. I try to move, but that doesn't work.

"Hikaru if you wake up I might just kiss you." I say. I see a smirk form on his face. THAT ASSHOLE WAS AWAKE THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME!

"I'm awake." Hikaru says.

"Then get the hell off of me." I say. He turns his head to look at me I turn my head to look at him.

"Not until you give me that kiss." He says.

"I said I might give you a kiss." I say.

"Oh fine." He says and gets off me.

"Is Kaoru really asleep?" I ask looking at the other twin.

"Yes. He fell off the bed last night so he didn't sleep very well and was tired all day." Hikaru says.

"Should I wake him up?" I ask.

"Well he might not be able to fall back asleep, but it would be the only way if you plan on leaving." Hikaru says. I sigh. I'd feel bad if I woke him up and he couldn't be able to fall back asleep, but Tamaki was expecting me home 3 hours ago... Hikaru's phone rings and he sighs.

"That's Tamaki." He says and answers the phone. I can hear Tamaki's voice, but can't tell what he's saying.

"Tamaki chill out she's here. We were watching a movie that's all geez." Hikaru says.

"Um I'm not sure when she's leaving." Hikaru say and look over at me. I look down at Kaoru and sigh.

"Looks like I'm spending the night." I say.

"Yeah, Rose says she's spending the night." Hikaru says.

"What no way am I letting her spend the night with you 2 shady twins!" I hear Tamaki scream though the phone.

"Bye." He says and hangs up. "I'm going to change into my pajamas I guess." he says. I just close my eyes a 15 seconds later I feel his lay down next to me. I open my eyes and he's only in his boxers.

"Hikaru I thought you said you were going to change into you pajamas." I say.

"My boxers are what I wear to bed if I wear anything at all." He says and shrugs. Kaoru shifts a little and almost falls off the bed, bringing me with him. Shit shit shit shit. We're gonna fall. I'm able to turn to face Kaoru and move so that we won't fall off the bed.

"Does he always fall off the bed?" I ask.

"Yeah, pretty much every night." Hikaru says. I sigh. I close my eyes trying to sleep. 

"Rose why are you so nice now?" Hikaru asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"When Tamaki brought you to the host club that day, you were really bitter and only kinda nice to Honey. What changed?" Hikaru asks. 

"Well to start with when you guys first met me I had lost my twin sister only 2 months previous. I had lost the one person who ever really noticed I existed. I was pretty bitter because of that. I also figured no one would want to be my friend because, well, no one had ever really wanted to be my friend before. That also made me bitter. Then I met people who wanted to be my friend because they liked being around me. All that harshness and bitterness was to keep a wall between me and everyone else. Then it just kind of disappeared." I say.

"We used to be like that. It's a lot more fun having friends though." Hikaru says.

"Yeah. It sure is." I say. I close my eyes and slowly fall asleep. I'm so close to sleep when I feel Hikaru lay his head on my shoulder I don't bother trying to get him to move.

~~~the next morning~~~

I wake up and I'm on the floor and Kaoru is pretty much laying on top of me... I look over at the clock and see that it's 7:48!

"Kaoru! Wake up! I say and try to shake him, but it's kinds hard.

"What?" He asks.

"Okay you're awake now get off of me and wake up Hikaru!" I say.

"5 more minutes." He says. Okay so not really awake.

"Kaoru! Wake the fuck up!" I say. His eyes open a little and colour drains from his face.

"Rose?" He asks surprised.

"Yes. Now GET OFF OF ME." I say. He just now realises out position.

"Sorry. Must have fallen off the bed and taken you with me." He says sitting up and so do I. Hikaru is on the bed spread out. I pick up a pillow at throw it at him.

"Hikaru wake up." Kairu says. Nothing. He tries shaking him, but hikaru only mumbles something and stays asleep.

"Hikaru~! Wake up and I'll give you that kiss." I say in the sweetest tone I can.

"Hhmm? I'm waking up." He says and yawns then sits up. He sits there looking at me with a smirk sitting criss-cross-apple-sauce. He taps his lips and I roll my eyes. 

"School starts in 12 minutes guys." I say.

"Shit!" They say in unison and rapidly start putting on their school uniforms. I grab my uniform that had been washed over night and go into the bathroom and change. I come out of the bathroom as Hikaru and Kaoru are leaving their room. I grab my bag and follow them. 

~~@school on our way to class

"Could you 2 walk faster?!" I say.

"Oh calm down!" Hikaru says.

"We still have a minute till class starts." Kaoru says.

"Only one minute! We aren't even close!" I say.

"Chill out Rose" Kaoru says.

"I can't chill out!" I say. Some how we make it to class in time and I sit in my seat. 

~~~later in the host club~~~

The other most members have put on their dresses and I did their makeup (except for Mori). I'm at at a window waiting for the show to start. The Zuka club members (and Haruhi) walk in and Chizuru imminently comes over to me smiling. She grabs my arm and pulls me over to Haruhi and the Zuka club. The boys start their 'plan' and it's taking all I have not to burst out laughing right now. First of all The makeup is horrible because that makes it funnier. I look over at Haruhi and she looks over at me and we burst out laughing. Tamaki tries to explain what the plan was, but we are far to busy laughing. Hikaru, Kaoru and Honey start chasing Haruhi telling her to call them her big sisters. I calm down and go over to Kyoya.

"You knew this plan was stupid." He says.

"Yes I did and so did you. But we both went along with it anyway." I say.

"I'm surprised the twins didn't make you dress up too." He says.

"I was a little surprised too at first, but then I realized to me that they just wanted to see me in a princess dress and I tried all of them on." I say.

"Tamaki told me you slept over at the twins house last night." Kyoya says.

"Yeah. Kinda a long story..." I say. 

"We have time." Kyoya says.

"Well we ended up watching Edward Scissor Hands because they had never seen it and I love that movie. And those 2 being those 2 were hugging me when we were watching it, I tried to get them to not, but they don't listen. And Kaoru fell asleep still hugging me and he hadn't been sleeping very well lately and I was worried he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep so I just stayed the night." I say.

"Rose! I can't wait for us to get you to Lobelia! Oh you'll have so many amazing friends there!" Chizuru says pulling me away from Kyoya.

"I'm not going to you school. I'm staying here at Ouran." I say.

"What? Why?" She asks.

"Because I have friends here and my brother is here and my boyfriend is here. I don't want to go to your school." I say. She gives we a bone crushing side hug.

"Don't be silly Rose! Like I said you will have plenty of friends at Lobelia and you see your brother everyday! As for that boyfriend you should break it off now. He will dump you one day any way! High school love never lasts!" She says.

"I don't want to go to your school. Fuck off." I say.

"Fine. But if you ever want to talk here is my phone number." She says and writes in is fucking sharpie on my arm. How am I going to get this off?!

"Farewell dear maidens! But we will be back and save you from this horrible club!" Benio says and the 3 leave.

~~~After the boys have changed out of the dresses and have taken off the makeup~~~

I'm sitting at a window when I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind. I look behind me and sitting there is Kyoya. He rests his chin on the top of my head as I turn back to the window. I see the Lobelia girls walking out. He narrows his eyes at the sight of them. His grip around my waist tightens a little.

"My Rose." I hear him mumble. "I don't like that Chizuru girl." Kyoya says to me.

"I don't either." I say.

"What if she's right?" He asks.

"Right about what?" I ask.

"About high school love not lasting. What if we end up hating each other when we're older." He says Kyoya isn't someone who worries about this kind of thing normally. Well maybe he does, but doesn't say anything. 

"Kyoya don't listen to anything that she said. I love you and you love me and that will never change. I promise." I say. I silly promise. One that I hope I keep, but it's impossible to know if I will or will not. 

"Diffidently my Rose." He mumbles to him self and kisses my cheek. I blush a little. Hikaru and Kaoru walk by and they do a double take when they see me and groan.

"What?" I ask them. They ignore my question and walk off kind of pissed.

"Kyoya would you have any idea why they did that?" I ask him. I can see a smirk appear. 

"I haven't the slightest idea." He says. I shrug it off and relax even though I didn't notice I was tense. I can feel myself falling asleep in his warm embrace. 

"Go ahead a fall asleep it's aright." He whispers and I nod doing so.

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