Dangerous (Isac Elliot)

By Bloodrose15

5.7K 750 166

Ashley Aura just moved from England to Kauniainen, Finland. During her second week she starts school and meet... More

Chapter 1
Book trailer
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 10

242 39 2
By Bloodrose15

Saturday! The weekend is finally here! I woke up to my phone buzzing on the sheets which made me groan. I'm struggled to peel my eyelids open and rolled over, clicking my phone on. But the screen was too bright and it ended up blinding me for a few seconds.

I clicked my texts and saw 'Isac'. Wait how does he have my number? And how do I have his? I clicked the text.

Isac: "Good morning" I smiled while reading it.

Me: "Morning. How do you have my number?" I replied.

A few seconds later he replied. Wow he's a fast texter.

Isac: "I have my ways ;)"

Me: "You stole my phone again didn't you?" It's the only option I had. He stole it once so he must've again and dialed his digits in.

Isac: "Maybe ;)"

Me: "Idiot ;)" I contemplated whether I should've posted it with the wink face or not. But I took the risk.

Isac: "But you love me ;)" Why does he keep replying with that? I was joking...

Me: "No I don't ;)" I decided to reply. Why can't I stop replying with winky faces...

Isac: ":(" He texted back in an instant.
"I hate you ;)" He sent straight after.

Me: "I hate you too ;)" I turned my phone off and decided to jump in the shower and get dressed into my white t-shirt and black jeans with knee gashes, a red flannel was tied around my waist and a red bandana was tied around my wrist to add to the style! I was going shopping with Ellie today since it was the weekend.

*skip to the mall*

"Ashley." Ellie virtually leaped off the floor as she bounced over and hugged me tightly.

"Calm down El. You saw me just yesterday." We both giggled and started walking to a shop.

*30 minutes later* (geez I'm too lazy to write today)

We were chilling in a cafe when my phone buzzed, I lazily dragged it out of my back pocket and read on the screen that it was a text from Isac.

Isac: "Good afternoon"

Me: "You're gonna say 'good night' before I sleep as well aren't you?" I couldn't stop smiling. He's such an idiot. Oh god.. Don't tell me I'm actually falling for him... Don't be so stupid Ashley...

Isac: "Maybe I will ;)"

"Why are you smiling like an idiot? And who do you keep texting? Oh my god it's a boy." Ellie squealed like a fangirl would if she noticed her idol in the street or something...
"Okay tell me everything." She gave me her full attention.

"Maybe it is a boy.. Maybe I like him but I don't know. I'm so confused." I sighed and her smile faded. Shit... Did I really just say I might like him? Why the fuck? I need to snap out of this before it becomes an infatuation!

"Confused feelings? You do like him. You're just in denial." She drunk her coffee. I was in denial?
"Aww your second week in Finland and you already have a crush." Ellie seemed more excited than I was. But she doesn't know who it is... She definitely wouldn't think it was cute if she found out who it actually was. I felt my phone buzz again and Ellie squealed in a very high pitched voice.
"I think that's him. Tell me what he says."

"Do you want to come over later? My sister wants to see you again." I read out his text out loud.

"Obviously he's using his sister as an excuse to see you. Tell him you will." She told me, before sipping on her drink. Was he really using Ava as an excuse just to see me? ME...


I stepped up to his house and froze for a few seconds. What if Ellie was right? What if I do actually like him? My heart was pounding in my chest as I knocked on the door. What the fuck am I even doing?

A few minutes later Ava opened it and hugged me. We raced up the wooden stairs and to her room, sitting cross-legged on the floor. She looked quite confused and nervous.

"I need to ask you something." She looked straight into my eyes. So she actually did want to see me and Isac wasn't using her as an excuse to see me...
"How do you get a guy to like you?" Her question threw me back a bit and I had to blink a few times.

"Awww you've got a crush." I teased her and noticed her cheeks blush up red.

"No I don't." She denied, flickering her eyes everywhere except me.
"Okay maybe I do." She became very nervous...

"Hmm. I think if you like the guy you should just be yourself around him. Don't try and act like someone you're not because that won't end well." I started and she nodded, taking mental note of everything that was flowing out of my mouth.

"What else? Oh yeah if you really like him, then I think you should tell him. People can surprise you." She smiled and hugged me again.

"Thank you Ash. I think I'm going to tell him on Monday."

"Okay. Tell me how it goes okay?" I hugged her back and then pulled away.
"So next time I see you, will you have a boyfriend?" I teased and winked at her, giggling.

"I don't know." Her cheeks flushed up as she blush. She really does like the guy.

"Come on mum's making dinner now, we should go and help."

"Okay." We both

We had all finished eating and it was delicious. I sat opposite Isac and I admit it was quite awkward between us. "Thank you for dinner Linda. I should probably get back home before mum starts worrying." I smiled and waved to them, walking to the door. "Bye." I turned around and saw Isac stood there. "Bye Isac." I smiled and left. Isac seemed more grumpy than usual. *skip a little bit* (so many skips I'm sorry)

I tossed and turned in bed but I couldn't get to sleep. I gave up and walked downstairs. Opening the front door quietly and sitting on the steps outside.
I saw something moving in the woodland area. Damn, my curiosity again... Maybe I should go and see? I don't know... I slowly felt my legs move freely in the direction of the small, dim light that was shinning through the darkness!
The light suddenly faded as I approached and I felt arms being wrapped around me.

All I could do was scream....

Until my mouth was covered...


I have not updating in like forever. 😂😂 But here you go, new chapter will be up soon hopefully. Thank you for us for reading.

Much love
~ Holly x

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