One Direction Imagines

By Kayla_and_Hannah

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Anything we write about or you ask us to write about that includes the boys will always be here :) If you'd... More

Losing Lou
The accident that nearly killed me (Louis)
Suicidal Harry? (Unrequested)
Please read
Zayn's back (Zayn)
Food fight (Liam)
Fair date (Harry)
Going on tour? (Harry)
Mornings with Niall (Niall)
Fan hate (Niall)
Your children (Niall)
His dark side (Niall)
When he returns home (Harry)
Becoming a father (Niall)
Truth or dare (Harry)
Love turns to hate (Harry)
Larry fans attack (Louis)
A normal life (Niall)
The boys as military agents in training
Lusting Larry (part one)
Settling Down (Liam) for Cynthia
A surprise?(Louis) For Eden

The Day he left (Niall) (not requested)

79 0 2
By Kayla_and_Hannah

A/N: Im just really bored with nothing to do so if this is bad im sorryyyyyy but enjoy!!! 

Lyric's P.O.V

"I have something to tell you" Niall said with a look of sadness in his eyes. 

"What is it?" i asked sitting down on his bed with him 

He grabbed my hands and looked at the floor for a moment. 

"I'm going to xfactor in the UK" He said 

"Thats great Niall!" i exclaimed 

"I think your forgetting something" He said sadly 

"Your leaving me, here in Ireland...." I sad depressed 

"I'm sorry Lyric. I promise I'll call text anything I can" he said giving me a hug

Oh my gosh this can't be happening! The worst part was that I fell in love with him! What if he dates someone else or his career takes off? I need to tell him i love him but how? 

"when do you leave?" I asked 

"Next week" he said 

"soooo we have a week to spend as much time together as possible." I said breaking our hug 

"yes, im really sorry Lyric i just didnt know how to tell you. My mom finally convinced me to tell you today" he spoke tears where filling in his eyes. 

"your gonna make me cry!" i said as tears where pooling in my eyes 

He wiped them away as they fell from my eye. 

"I promise this will be the best week ever" He said pulling me into his lap 

"let me guess we are watching movies staying to together at eachothers houses and taking silly picutes?" i asked 

"nailed it" he said laughing 

We arent dating we just have a close bond no one can break. I remember back in grade 7 these boys where picking on me because they found out who i liked and they told him and they all picked on me, Niall beat all of them up and got suspended for 2 weeks.

People think we are dating but its like a brother, sister bond. No one really understands. 

"Ni, im tired" I said tiredly since it was 10:30 at night after all

"Go to sleep then, your mom knows your staying here, your safe with me" He said pulling the blankets over us.

I moved to the inside of the bed and cuddled into his side, I know I'm safe with him. I used to run here at 2 Am in the morning when my dad would come home drunk and beat me. He's in Jail now but only for 3 more weeks. 

"Good night Niall." I said 

"Good night Lyric" he said and kissed my forehead and wrapping an arm around me.

Niall's P.O.V

It's 2 am and i cant sleep, Lyric's light snoring is telling me she fell asleep. I pulled her closer to me, I love her I just dont know how to tell her. What if she doesnt like me back? Who am i kidding im ugly she wouldn't want me. 

I turned a little but stilll kept Lyric at my side. She's my world, maybe I'll kiss her before right before I get in the car to go to xfactor, yeah then she can have time to think about everything. I hope that doesnt ruin anything. 

"NIALL!! NOO...... PLEASE.. STOP NIALL.. I....I....I" Lyric yelled her in sleep what is she dreaming about what was she gonna say? 

"Lyric?" I whispered i didnt want to wake her up. 

"NIALL PLEASE DONT DO THAT!!!" She was crying. 

"Lyric" I shook her a bit 

"Lyric, please wake up" 


What was she dreaming about?

"Lyric princess please wake up" I shook her some more 

"DAMN IT NIALL JAMES I LOVE YOU!! PUT THAT DOWN RIGHT NOW PLEASE. YOUR MY EVERTHING!" She kept yelling be she just said she loved me... 

"Lyric" I said i shook her more violently 

She kept sobbing 

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, I love you I promise Ni im never leaving you I love you so much. You have no idea" she stop crying as voilently. Tears still running down her face. 

I kissed her forehead. 

"I love you" I said

I calmed my self down and fell asleep. 





I decided not to say anything to Lyric if she was crying about it, it probably isn't a good thing to bring it up. But she keeps hugging me and telling me shes here for me.

"i think we should watch disney movies today" she said 

"Okay but we are watching horror movies tomorrow." i said 

"fine, only if you let me use you as my shield" she said 

I sighed "Okay fine, fine" 






*The day Niall leave for Xfactor* (Sorry its just so much to write out everyday and it'd be so long.)

"I'm going to miss you so much." I said 

"I'm going to miss you too" she said tears rolling down her face i brushed a few away

Come on Niall we gotta go, we cant miss the flight. 

Lyric looked at my mom then to me, she looked to the ground and stepped closer to me. She looked into my eyes then at my lips, she cupped my face and pressed her lips agianst mine. I kissed back our lips moved in sync. 

"I love you, I've loved you for a while now." She said breaking the kiss and stepped back more tears rolling down her cheeks. 

I grabbed her hands and pulled her into me. 

"Really? Because i love you too" I said kissing her one last time

"Ill call you later" I said

She nodded. 

"Laterz baby" i smirked and got into the car Tears filling into my eye. 

"Congrads hun" My mom said 

Sorry this sucked... but ermm yaa im akaward okay byeeee.

All the love,


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