The Shy Girl and the Jock

By the_lost_dreamer

284K 7.9K 1.5K

Naomi is the 16 year old, shy and very anti-social girl who doesn't talk to anyone. And when I say no one, I... More

The Shy Girl and the Jock
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chaptet 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 23

9.9K 258 94
By the_lost_dreamer

5 years later....

It was finally Christmas time and just about time to see the small family in our little-old-town of ours.

The airplane started to land. I'm sitting next to Brice as I stare out the window of the plane. Looking down at my small little hometown. That little town just outside of Crossville, Tennessee. The town I spent my whole life living in, never left until a few years ago when I was off to college.

I got a scholarship at Julliards. Jayden was so proud of me to find out that I got in. And as for Brice, he was accepted in NYU. Go figure! Brice went to FSU in Florida with a football scholarship, but he is majoring in Mathematics. He was always the one who help Auntie and Uncle with the taxes.

Sadly, Audrey went to Virginia Tech, she is pretty good with computers. It's not too far away, except when your on a college budget. But we always try to meet up back at home. Auntie and Uncle normally helps us out, especially since we try to save as much of our inheritance as possible. You never know when you may need it.

But even though Jayden and Audrey are a little but away. They're still together. Actually, two years ago They got married. Always knew it would happen. I mean, distance can never destroy love like their's. That's the love that everyone strives for, and they were lucky enough to get that. It's amazing what people will go through for the ones they love like: being in different states, with not enough in their budget to see each other as much as they want to, and yet, they're still together and still madly in love with each other. Even though times get tough for them, I already know that they never even doubt each other's love, not even for a second. They always just say, "it's God putting our love to the test. And when we pass we'll be able to live together as husband and wife. We're not giving up until we get our happily ever after." They always tell me that when I bring them up, and every time they say that it always warms my heart.

And as for Gorgi, we couldn't take him. flying him was extremely expensive and can be very rough on him. So Auntie and Uncle said they'd look after him. Thank the lord they did, I don't know how I'd live with myself if I had to take him to the..... the..... The Pound! I get goosebumps just thinking about it.

I felt the wheels of the plane hit against the walkway. It was like hitting a hammer on the nail. Brice laid his hand on mines. I looked into his green eyes. It's been about 4 months since we been back here. It's feels like forever ago. Even though I'm always Skyping Jayden. But Oh my was I excited to tell him the big news.

I look down back at our hands, admiring our engagement rings.


Brice and I finally got out of the busy as hell airport. Walking through there was like walking through a season of the Walking Dead. Surprisingly, Jayden was already there, waiting on us in his fancy Chevy Silverado. He always loved to brag about that truck, which always got annoying.

"Ni-Ni!" He yelled and jump out of the car. He ran up, wrapped his arm around me and spun me around. He act like he hasn't seen me since we left for college.

"Jay-jay! How long have you been waiting here for?" I asked.

"There's no need to worry about it. As long you and Brice are here, then that's all that matters." He answered.

"Your so corny." I teased, I watched my breathe as it showed from the frosty air. Winter in Tennessee was so beautiful, it's one of the many things I miss about living here.

I placed our bags into his Truck and we all hop in. He turned the ignition on and we rolled out!


We drove up to the house, It looks a little banged up but other than that, it was home.

"Where's Audrey? Wasn't she coming?" I asked.

"She's here. She's doing some schoolwork in my bedroom." He answered.

We grabbed our stuff and hauled it inside. We brought our luggage to be 'once was' bedroom. It still looked the same. Same bed sheets, same colored wall, same floor, same everything. Brice hugged me from behind and kissed the top of my head.

"This is where I first laid eyes on you." He whispered. I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Actually, First thing was that you heard my voice." I corrected.

"And like a siren, you lead into a trap. A pretty amazing one if I don't say so myself." He joked.

Jayden called saying dinner was ready. And so we wouldn't get too frisky in the bedroom.

We walked out f the bedroom and down the hall. Audrey and Jayden were sitting down, waiting for us. There was the basic chicken, peas, and mash potatoes with gravy. A pretty basic country dinner. I played with my ring, moving it up and down my finger and spinning it around like how Brice did when I said yes. It was like there was magic in the air and we were the only ones in the world.

I started to think about the delightful of telling Jayden. I've wanting to tell him for a month now. I was so excited but when should it be, the right time?

I started to feel anxious. I've been waiting a month to tell him but now that I'm here, with him sitting right in front of me, I don't know how to say it. I don't know when to say it.

"Naomi, it looks like something's eating you." Jayden called for out.

And there he goes again, using his twin telepathy again. damn, sometimes that really does get annoying. But I guess it now or never.

"Well, actually it not eating something that's bothering me. Just bothering on how to tell you." I told him.

"Just say it. You know I won't get mad." He reassured.

I looked at Brice. He gave me that 'go for it' look that makes me feel like I can anything.

"Jayden, I'm Pregnant."

And the whole room went silent.


There you guys go!
The final chapter of The Shy Girl and The Jock.
Hope you guys enjoyed Naomi and Brice's story.

Going to be working on some more stories for you Dreamers,
But until then
See yeah later Dreamers!
Keep Dreamin!

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