Fake Friends

By M0rgiez

21.2K 924 250

Hannah is hooked onto the popular group until disaster strikes. Now her so-called-best friends ditch her. Han... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 1

4.4K 117 35
By M0rgiez

"Did you kiss him Hannah?" asked my best friend Caroline .

I was sitting at lunch with my girlies, (Caroline, Katy, Jenny, Sarah , and Layla). I had many more friends than that, off course. Let me just tell you straight, I'm popular. My name is Hannah Rose. I have tons of friends, I am totally rich, always dress in fashion , and lots of people wish they were me. I mean seriously, life is good and couldn't be better.

"No, not yet, I'm scared he will back away from me since he already has a girlfriend, I mean omg, how embarrassing would that be," I explain hoping they understand. We were discussing my crush Ben. He was all the things I looked for in a boy. Cute, caring, and had the perfect smile. There was only one thing holding be back from pursuing this rightful relationship. His evil girlfriend, Macy.

"What a little coward," Jenny said giving me I cold look. Lately Jenny had been insulting me. I wasn't sure why she didn't like me. She hadn't actually physically told me that she hated me or anything , but I could tell by the way she acted towards me.

"Yea seriously drama queen, you should of just went for it," Katy said looking annoyed.

"Ok, ok I get it but I'm getting sick and tired of you two never agreeing with me," I said loudly causing attention which I deeply love. "And sorry that I am the only one at this table with moral standards," I continued looking Jenny straight in the eye.

Jenny mouth dropped dramatically "Well, I'm getting tired of talking about you all the time. Every single conversation we have now is about freakin' you. Like for real, I know you love attention but just freakin' chill."

"Yea, Hannah you seriously do need to take a chill pill," Katy agreed with Jenny like always.

"Are you serious? I don't remember making an agenda of what topics we talk about?" I shot back. These two were so delusional. In fact, they were the ones that started this conversation about me. It's not my fault my life is more interesting than theirs.

"I think you all need to shut up and get along," Sarah said like she was bored of us fighting. If I were to describe Sarah in one word it would be peacemaker. Every time we started bickering, she would be the one to try to stop it. She was probably my favorite person at this table right now.

"Argghh!" I scream getting up from the table. I was so feed up with the arguments we all had been having lately. I wasn't going to sit there and pretend like everything was okay.

I walked to the restroom, where I always go when I get in fights with my friends and want to be a lone. I started crying in the hallway before I could get to the restroom, and I started walking faster so no one would see me, but this girl saw me crying and rushed over to me.

"Oh my gosh, are you ok?" She asked.

She was a geek. I could tell by the way she dressed. One thing I don't do is talk to geeks, like seriously that could ruin my reputation forever. So I ignore her and run into to restroom and cry nonstop. Besides I was too embarrassed to pour out all my problems to some random stranger. I know you probably think I'm pathetic but I just couldn't help it. Lately my friends and I have been fighting a lot. I know for sure some of them have some type of grudge against me, or maybe they are just jealous of me. If I were them, I would be jealous too. After about ten minutes I stopped crying and just sat on the bathroom floor and thought carefully to myself. Sometimes I just think that I need a new group of friends, but I couldn't imagine just cutting them out of my life. The six of us grew up together and have gone through a lot. We hold each other's secrets and our families are even close. A bit later I heard the bell ring so I quickly wipe my face and put on makeup to hide the red splotches on my face. My makeup was like my mask. I always acted so bold, but honestly I  get sensitive and worried sometimes.

   I walked out the restroom and saw Ben, who was my crush. Ugh. I really didn't want him to see me right now.

"Hey Hannah," he grinned that sweet smile that took my heart away.

"Umm... Hi Ben!" I waved and returned a smile.

"What was all that drama in the cafeteria about?" he asked.

"Oh... Umm...nothing really," I lied.

"It sure seemed like something," he chuckled.

"Oh...no, you know how we girls are, overreacting to everything" I said giggling. I guess I was just happy that he was talking to me and didn't want to push all my problems on him.

"Well, if you say so. See ya later Hannah," he ran off.

Honestly I'm jealous of his girlfriend, Macy. Like she is so lucky to have him. I mean sometimes I see them make out and it just burns my heart. Macy is a popular girl too but not in my popular group. I swear she hates me. Yesterday I just happened to glance at Ben and she was all like, "don't stare to hard you might burn holes through him." She rolled her eyes and all her friends were laughing like it was the funniest thing they ever heard.

After school I came home and mom was boxing up all my designer clothes. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. What the heck was going on?

"Mom! What are you doing?" I whined as I ran over to touch my precious clothes.

"Honey we are having financial problems because your dad lost his job last month and we got to sell these," mom explained. "I know this going to be hard on you, but we need to make sacrifices," she continued.

"What! No, what am I supposed to wear then? A trash bag?" I questioned.

"Don't worry honey, we will get you much affordable clothes to wear till your dad gets another job," she said with sorrow.

I didn't really want to complain because I know my mom feels bad for this, but seriously, like omg, I have to look like a bum of the street for a couple of days.

On the weekend mom and I went shopping for cheaper clothes. I hated all the clothes we got. Like for real, ewwwwwwwww.... How do people deal with this?
On Monday at school everyone was staring at me like I was a freak show or something. I awkwardly looked at the floor. This was so not me. Usually I walked this ground with my head held high like a fashion model.

"Yuck. What is she wearing?" I heard Jenny whisper before I reached the table.

"Is today Halloween?" Katy snickered.

"Like I haven't heard that one before," I said rolling my eyes.

Before I could sit down at the table Katy put her foot on the chair. "May we help you?" she asked rudely.


"These seats aren't for peasants," Katy explained. "Like why would you even wear that? You're embarrassing us sweetie."

Was she serious? Did they only like me because of my clothes.

"Oh it's just for a few days, and who else would sit here?" I said kind of annoyed.

"Oh when we saw you this morning we invited Macy to sit with us," Layla said.

Oh no they didn't.

Then my mouth drop," Macy?! But we don't even like Macy."

"No. You don't like Macy. We love her. She is so popular and fashionable."

Then Macy came over and sat in my seat. I felt betrayed.

"Hey Hannah," Macy said like a perfect angel and sat in my seat. Then Macy stared at my outfit. "New fashion trend? I certainly hope not because I don't think people will follow that one."

I DoN't ThINk PEoplE wIlL FOlloW tHAt oNE.

"Argh," I was angry. This is so unbelievable. How dare my friends for treating me like this. "Well I don't need you fake people anyway," I said and left.

I walked around the cafeteria and I saw that girl that tried to help me the other day. She seemed pretty nice so I headed towards their table. I felt kind of awkward about it since I had totally ignored her yesterday.

"Is it ok if I sit here?" I asked.

"Sure," said one of the girls.

"Thanks," I said sitting down.

"To introduce us, I'm Kaley; that is Margaret; that is Stacy; and last but not least Samantha," Kaley said.

"Oh... Well hi guys, I'm Hannah," I introduced myself.

"Oh don't worry we already know who you are," Stacy said.

"Well, yeah I'm popular, or at least I used to be," I said in a soft voice. I looked at the table I usually sit and saw them all giggling and chatting as they were all reading the new teen magazine. Only this time Macy was there and I wasn't.

So the day was basically terrible cause all my friends were being butt nuggets, but I meet some new ones that seemed cooler than I thought. I don't think I would be able to ever forgive my friends for excluding me like that.
The next day on the bus I sat next to Ben. I was really hoping that he wouldn't treat me differently. I just needed for some one to treat me normally.

"So what's with the new style?" He asked a bit rudely. Are you freaking kidding me? Not Ben too.

"Long story, and now all my friends are ignoring me," I muttered.

"Well that's sucks," Ben said with no sympathy in his voice.

Just then Ben's girlfriend got on the bus and stopped in front of the seat Ben and I were in.

"That's my seat Han Han" she said smacking her gum. I hate it when she calls me Han Han. "And do me a favor and stay away from my boyfriend."

I got up and moved to the seat behind. I did like Ben, but I was not trying to take him. In fact I don't think I liked him as much anymore. I had hoped that he would be the only person to understand me, but I guess I have been watching too much romantic movies because Ben couldn't care less. But somehow my feelings for him weren't quite gone.

"My name is Hannah not Han Han" I snapped. That was the only thing I felt like arguing about.

"Whatevefs. Same thing," she rolled her eyes.

"Keep rolling your eyes, you might find a brain back there," I respond.

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