Re-post: Always and Forever b...

By just_a_fangirl_2442

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Harry and Hermione start to feel attraction towards each other, even though Hermione is with Ron. One of the... More

1. A Midnight Hello
2. Reaching the Burrow
3. At the Ministry
4. Questions
5. Explosions Explained
6. A Stolen Kiss
7. Talking
8. Train Rides and Surprises
9. A Prophecy Unknown
10. Curses and Such
11. Loss of control
12. Frights
13. Why?
14. Getting Lost
15. Dancing
16. The Consequences of Firewhiskey
17. A Helping Hand
18. Some Secrets Revealed
20. Follow the Snouper
21. Hermione's Return
22. Two Big To Hide
23. The Birth
24. Fights and Lights
25. Shadows in the Dark
26. A Stag of Light
27. The Battle Dedicated to Tired Eyes
28. Unraveling
29. The End of It All

19. The Break Up

1K 26 7
By just_a_fangirl_2442

DISCLAIMER: None of these characters are my own they all belong to the amazing, wonderful J.K Rowling. Also this plot isn't my own it belongs to Neiva.

I also want to say that because I'm back at school I might not have a lot of time to update but I'm doing it as much as I can! ;) see you soon - Em x

Every eye was upon the ceiling of the Great Hall, a flock of a dozen white birds had flown in, and were now encircling above them.

"What is that?" Seamus said trying to get a closer look.

The group of doves, flew and danced in a recited manner, making an 'ohhh' and 'ahhh' be drawn from the females in the school.

Come down, come down now, Harry thought not forgetting to block Hermione.

The teachers were getting up from their seats to get a better look. Except Dumbledore who had his chin propped up by his elbows.

Harry let out a breath he didn't know he was holding when he saw the doves dive down towards Hermione.

"There coming right at you!" Neville yelled. Hermione must have realised it too because she got up from her seat and took a few steps back.

She was the only one standing, all the attention was directed upon her. Her instincts made her cover her face and scream out waiting for an attack.

"Look they're holding something," Ron said from the table.

Very slowly she opened her eyes, they were flying around the top of her head. Ron was right, something was glistening at the foot of every bird.

The perfect circle was broken by one dove that came gracefully fluttering in front of her. It didn't land or make any other attempt to stop. The grey vapour was in the form of words, from what she could tell. The message detached from the foot of the bird and floated a few inches from her face. The dove having accomplished its mission departed from the Great Hall.

The other birds were still flapping around atop, but her attention was on the message in front of her.

"Smoke, it looks like smoke," Seamus said, squinting to get a better view of the words.

Indeed that is what it looked to be, it was a silvery substance that swirled into a fixed form. It wasn't solid, for you could see right through it. But it looked too clear to be smoke.

Another bird broke the formation and fluttered down in the same pattern as the one before.

It dropped the flowing message and took off. Now there was two messages, that were still unreadable, but floated about magically.


Another dove flew by, faster than the one before it.


They were all breaking formation and dropping the silver mists they had attached to them in order.

SWOOSH, the last three went by so fast it almost knocked Hermione off her feet.

Who is doing this? Hermione thought.

Ron had made a strive to come forward where she remained. The last three doves that had almost made it out the Great Hall changed formation and flew to him.


He had made it as far as two feet when bird shit hit his eyes. An impulse drove him back landing on his seat. His temporary blindness was hilarious to watch. Laughter was ringing in the still air.

Before she could look up and determine who the culprit might be, the messages that were placed to hover overhead her started to glow.

They aligned themselves and flowed like the wind around her once. There she saw what they said at last. I love you was written faintly, by the beam of vapour that was lightly illuminated.

Harry watched as the words I love you, he had so cleverly created, danced in a circle around her. He had gotten the idea for this by Tom Riddle from the Chamber of Secrets. He had to do a lot of research to learn how to make the mist stay in one place and form those words.

The tricky part was having them start glowing when they were all detached from the birds. Now all he had to do was keep concentrating on where he wanted them to go, he was the one controlling their actions.

The words twirled around her arm lifting it from beside her, then they flowed to the other arm and did the same. They started to pick up speed and felt like wind when they flew past her.

Whispering broke Hermione's ears. the words changed directions and dove down to her feet. The glow was starting to get brighter as it encircled her ankles. The words were no longer visible because they were moving so fast and the light was too bright.

The circle that the messages had formed at her feet rose, and so did she. The ferocity of the wind that they were creating was lifting her. The circle was moving up and had now reached her waist.

She started to panic, even though she wasn't far from the ground she was afraid she would fall. The whispering grew louder, and she realised that they were coming from the words.

By the time the encirclement had reached her chest, she could hear what the words were saying.

"I love you, I love you, I love you... was repeated over and over again each time the words circled around. By this time her hair flew up like a gust of wind had just burst through the Great Hall. Her arms lifted from the pressure, and she closed her eyes at the sensation running in her body.

She felt like she was flying, being lifted by unseen arms. The words that were dancing around her started to cease. They played at her fingertips and slowly brought her down.

Once on the ground they joined forming a single cloud of haze. Right before her eyes it began to sculpt into letters. The Script was beautiful calligraphy that spelt out three words.

When Hermione read them, she wanted to faint. Her heart literally skipped a beat and then stopped completely. Tears burned her insides, while she tried to hold them off.

Always and Forever

It spoke the words out, softly, at once she recognised the voice, it was Harry's. However she was the only one who was able to hear it.

The message broke apart and raced up like fire. Four feet above her it flashed violently and burst into gold sparks that fell upon her skin warmly. It glittered harmlessly around her, showering her in light and love.

The Great Hall erupted into applause, bringing her sound of the world back into her ears.

The show ended, now all that was left for his finale was the song. THE SONG!

PLAY, PLAY, it's supposed to play now. Why isn't it playing, Harry thought panicking. He needed the song to play for her, or everything would be ruined. Ron was sure to figure something out soon.

He tried to summon the music to play, but the noise in the Great Hall was too loud.

PLAY, Harry thought wanting to cry.

He was digging his fingernails in the table from the attempt to will the music to play.

Crying was inevitable for Hermione, as was looking at Ron. His face was fixed into one shocking looking position. His mouth was hanged to the floor. He must not yet be registering what happened into his brain.

If he had his face would be red with anger. Perhaps he as surprised to find someone other than him would do that for Hermione.

"That was the sweetest thing Ron, how did you do it," Susan Bones said when the applauding ceased.

"Huh," Ron said being knocked out of his trance.

"Yeah Ron tell us how you did that, I never heard of that kind of magic," Neville said eagerly beside him.

"I... uh..." He couldn't finish his sentence. His stare was placed upon Hermione, who was crying silently in the same spot.

Harry did this wonderful thing, not Ron, Hermione thought wanting to scream out. Her speech was impaired. She tried to talk but her mouth had gone dry as well as her throat.

"I... " Ron looked down hurtfully, pondering his words. You probably could hear a pin drop if someone actually had the courage to drop it. Suspense was thick in the air, even some teachers were on the end of their seats.

Ron stood up, Hermione noticed him battling with himself. He was fighting to sit back down or walk up to her. She had not had the courage to look at Harry yet.

"Hermione... no... 'Mione..." Ron said uncomfortably. Was he going to ask her who she thought did this. Would he make her look like a fool in front of the whole school. He seemed to get cold feet and turned to walk away.

"Aw screw it." Hermione heard him say before he flipped around and got on one knee.

NOOOOOOOOO! Hermione thought in her head.

Now she really couldn't breathe. Someone had closed her air hole and cut off her oxygen. With one hand on her throat and the other at her mouth, she watched Ron pull out a small box.

"Hermione Jean Granger, I love you so much, and I want you to marry me." Ron's voice was confident, it lacked the nervousness and didn't falter one word.

Hermione started to cry so badly, sobs came out erratically. Mrs Weasley started crying in the corner too. The different between these cries, was one from joy and the other from pain.

When those words left Ron's mouth Harry dropped his hands with a clunk. He stopped trying to get the song on and thought the world had ended before him. His beautiful Hermione was fiercely crying, but that was all he could think about right now.

There was no premature magic to control or anger to subdue, he was empty. Everyone awaited her answer, including him unconsciously.

After about a minute or two of silence, even though it felt like eternity, she inhaled a large amount of air. This delight to her brain, started up her brain cells, making her aware that every eye was upon her.

"I..." She couldn't say no because her crying had shortened it. Ron's eyes looked up hopefully, like a starving puppy who wanted food from your hand.

Don't look at him, she thought scanning the Great Hall. The face were too many, the number that stood at the edge of her word was too great. Harry would be the last thing she wanted to look at.

Her chest was compressing into her body, and her head light. She placed her hands on her face and bawled giving a slight nod.

She said yes, Harry thought feeling all will to live leave him.

She said yes to him, she nodded and that means yes, I lost. I didn't do it first. But I was going to... I was... she said yes, Harry thought disbelievingly to himself.

The lyrics of his song to win Hermione back started playing in the back ground.

Damn baby

Just don't understand where we went wrong

I gave you my heart

I gave you my soul

I gave you...

Perfect timing, Harry thought feeling his cheeks burning. he was crying badly, but wasn't making any attempt to clear it away. He was far from anger, but it was there waiting to be unleashed. But right now he was still in denial.

"Yes," Ron yelled picking her up and twirling her around. A song started playing in the background, she instantly knew that Harry had been the one to put it on.

As a matter of fact I was the one who knew I loved you first

It was about seven years ago, don't act like you don't know

We were sittin' in a private livin' room

Cause, we couldn't be alone

Hermione wanted to die right now, she was two seconds from forgiving Harry, but he would be far from forgiving her. She blocked out the cheers that was going on in the Great Hall, and listened to the words Harry meant to tell her.

See you were with someone else, and you knew how I felt

Back when we were in school; and he was your favourite excuse

Growin' up I was a fool; and I can't lie I'm missing you

Listen and don't trip

I think I need a bottle with a genie in it

Here's my wish list

People were now listening to the words and got confused looks on their faces. The lyrics were not something Ron would play after he proposes. Ron was too busy being hugged by his mother to pay attention. To Hermione each word stabbed her heart, breaking it further into little pieces, that couldn't be put back together.

First one, I would create a heart changing love

Second one, I'll take yours and fill it all up

Third one, but I don't need a lot of wishes cause I'll be okay if I get one

"I knew you would say yes, I kept telling Ron not to be nervous but the poor boy was a sweating pig. After the tragedy with Ginny I had to have something done right. I told him to do it today and look how great this turned out," Mrs Weasley said hugging Hermione who didn't reposed physically or emotionally.

If I had one wish, we would be best friends

Love would never end, it would just begin

If I had one wish, you would be my boo

Promise to love you, trust me I'll trust you

If I had one wish, we would run away

Making love all day, have us a baby

If I had one wish, I'd make you my whole life

And you'd be my wife, making it right this time

She was like a statue standing still while the rest of the world functioned around her. Harry was the only one who was proposing all those to her, not Ron.

"Why did he play this song," Lavender said listening along with the rest of Hogwarts.

If I had one wish

One wish, one wish, one wish

One wish, one wish, one wish

One wish, one wish, one wish

One wish, one wish, one wish

Hermione looked over the crowd and noticed Luna was sitting alone at the Ravenclaw table. She was the only one who hadn't stood up and congratulated her. She also had the same look on her face that Hermione was sure she had on hers.

Now tell me is this the only way I can get you right back in

If so then searching I'll go, then I can have you for show

Then you'll be loving me, holding me, kissing me

So girl don't tell me what I'm feeling is make believe

"Where's Harry?" Ron's words finally penetrated her thoughts.

Harry didn't dare get up and try to wish congratulation to his best friend. Maybe if he really wished it hard enough, he could make it all a dream.

I swear if I lose a second chance with you

I wouldn't know what to do

I'd probably check myself into some kind of clinic

I couldn't be alone because without you I'm sick

Here's my wish list

He got up and walked calmly out the door. The Dementors might as well have kissed him and sucked out his soul, he was hollow.

The music was travelling, and so was Harry. He walked out rather calmly out the doors, and without thinking Hermione ran after him. The music boomed louder as he departed. She had to make him understand why she was doing this.

First one, I would create a heart changing love

Second one, I'll take yours and fill it up

Third one, but I don't need a lot of wishes cause I'll be okay if I get one

Ron called out after her, but she didn't listen. His foot steps were heard bouncing off the floor behind her. She was close to Harry if she kept up her speed, she would reach him, she would reach him before it was too late. She looked over her shoulder and found not only Ron was running after her, but half the school. The music was cascading off the walls from Harry gaining volume as the people behind her advanced forward.

If I had one wish, we would be best friends

Love would never end, it would just begin

If I had one wish, you would be my boo

Promise to love you, trust me I'll trust you

If I had one wish, we would run away

Making love all day, have us a baby

If I had one wish, I'd make you my whole life

And you'd be my wife, making it right this time

Hermione was dead tired, her side was stabbing at her painfully, but she was not going to stop. Harry was aware that he had a field of people going his direction, so he broke into a run. She was going to reach him if it killed her.

I don't even know how we ended upon this road

And, even though we are grown, Girl I just want you to know

Those words consumed her body, making it obvious he was directing them to her.

If I had one wish, we would be best friends

Love would never end, it would just begin

If I had one wish, you would be my boo

Promise to love you, trust me I'll trust you

If I had one wish, we would run away

Making love all day, have us a baby

If I had one wish, I'd make you my whole life

And you'd be my wife, make it right this time

Harry turned a corner, Ron and the other people were far behind. She song suddenly stopped and she turned the corner Harry had.


She ran right into his arms. He kissed her, desperately, painfully. He didn't even open his lips, simply bruised his on hers.

He retreated trying to keep a straight face. He had been crying madly, Hermione didn't know what to say.

"'Mione..." Harry said grabbing her fiercely. He contorted his face to keep from breaking down in front of her, but it was useless. He let the sobs and tears out resting his forehead on hers. She accepted him gracefully.

"I..." He struggled to say between bawling.

"I never cheated on you Hermione," he said tearfully. Hermione got a spasm in her mind. He flooded her with his thoughts. Flashes of images on the day she had walked in on him broke into her.

She saw everything, felt everything. Her eyes rolled to the back of head while she let them seep into her, understanding things clearly now.

He really didn't hold back anything including... something clouded that was, distorted. Curiosity go the better of her, and she entered into the dazzled territory.

Flashes of a dance scenery she was familiar with shot in front of her eyes. The suddenly her eyes widened, she saw him kissing her that same night that she had slept with Ron.

Without warning Harry closed her out and wiped his face. The voices behind her confirmed that the Ron was arriving.

"'Mione," Ron said making her turn her head.

"Why did you run off like that," he said with a tint of anger in his voice. Right now he sounded like then most annoying person she had ever come across.

She turned to look at Harry but he was gone. They were closed to their common room so he must have entered when she had her head turned.

"I was making sure Harry's alright," Hermione said in a low voice.

"Why wouldn't he be," Ron said being joined by the rest of the followers.

"He's been feeling down lately," Hermione said lamely. Before she could stop him he began to head for the common room.

"Wait don't!"

She crossed her fingers and prayed, to all the lords that were worships on the earth, that Harry didn't hurt him.

"I'm just going to talk to him in private," Ron said opening the door and closing it behind him.

The crowd behind her stirred, they thought they were going to get a show but didn't.

Draco emerged from the crowd along with Ginny and Luna. Ginny pulled her into a tight embrace and Luna stared at the ground.

"I know what to do," Draco said giving her an honest to god genuine smile.

"What," Hermione said muffling herself from Ginny's hair.

"Trust me," he said telling Neville and Seamus to hold Ginny back.

"I don't want her to get hurt," He told them.

"Wait, the only way she would get hurt is if... there was a fight or something," Luna said fearfully.

Draco shrugged and whispered to Hermione, "You did me and Ginny a favour now I'm going to pay you back."

"Fight, fight, fight, fight," The crowd chanted in unison.

Hermione was not just going to stand there she and Draco went to the common room followed by a persisting Luna.


Harry had barley escaped the mob outside, he had seized the moment and escaped by a hair. He sniffed in his runny nose and tried not seem like a pathetic baby.

The portrait door opened and Ron came in.

Is there a god somewhere out to get me. I mean did I do something so horrible in a past life that I deserve this to be happening to me now. Isn't all this shit hard enough to deal with, without Ron having to show up demanding explanations, Harry thought bitterly.

"You ok?" Ron said cautiously.

"Yeah I'm great. I feel like a sundae cone, with nuts on top of me, and a cherry in between two wonderful scoops, of chocolate and vanilla ice cream," Harry said thinking the first neutral thing he could thing of.

"Your not happy for me and Hermione are you?"

"Ron, I... I don't care. My two best friends are going to be married to each other, why on earth would that make me unhappy," Harry said sarcastically. Ron didn't catch it so Harry started to pace around the room.

"Something got to you," Ron said, pushing his luck.

Why won't he just leave, Harry thought.

"Look... don't take this the wrong way but right now... I'm in no mood to talk. If you... I may... hurt you and... just leave," Harry said pulling at the end of his hair.

"Your just jealous," Ron said making Harry stop.

"Wh-what are you talking about," Harry said trying not to give himself away.

"Your mad because I'm going to settle down after school with Hermione and you don't have anyone."

"I don't... don't care who you end up with," Harry said bawling his fists up.

"Sure you do, me and Hermione will be together and you think we're going to leave you by yourself. We won't do that Harry, and I'm sure you'll find a girl that's right for you soon," Ron said smiling at him.

If I punch his right now, will I be wrong, Harry thought.

"Why are you even marring her, I didn't even know things were this serious between you two," Harry said without thinking. He kicked himself mentally and began to pace the room again.

"Actually, things have gotten serious. You remember that night we got wasted? That night, me and Hermione... well... and it sort of happened. We..."

They might as well have gotten Harry's heart and placed it on a silver platter. Not only did he beat him to proposing, he slept with her. His 'Mione, the body he knew to be his and his alone. The anger he had been repressing was starting to creep up on him. He was trying so hard to suppress his magic, and his knuckles were white from the pressure of holding on so tight.

The portrait door swung open revealing Draco who was smirking. Harry was about to take this moment to hit Ron but Draco's appearance held him back.

"What the bloody hell do you want," Ron said facing Draco.

"Nothing, it's just funny how you had to go impress your mother by proposing."

"I didn't do it to impress no one, get out how did you even get in here," Ron said bawling up his fists like Harry.

To answer his question Hermione came walking in behind him. She stood by the door, pulling at Draco's arm to get him out.

"No leave him, he wanted to come pick at me, ok let's go." At this point Harry knew Ron was showing off. He had completely forgotten to be angry and was now trying to see a show.

"Let's take this outside," Draco said flipping his middle finger and rushing out.

"He did not just do that," Ron said running after him. Harry was compelled to do the same, any fight between Malfoy and Ron was worth watching. Especially because he was keen on seeing the crap kicked out of Ron.

Both boys were no longer in sight and Harry was left alone with Hermione. Realisation hit him over the head, it was a trick to get them alone.

Hermione stood by the door, unsure of her next move. What was he to say to her, she betrayed him. She blanked out on him, after a minute of cautiously picking her words she spoke.

"Harry, I love you. I want you to know that I truly and deeply love you. I will always love you, always and forever-"

"No, I don't want to hear anything from you right now. A moment ago I was a completely different person. Five minutes is all it took to change my mind about you... and us. So go to him Hermione, that's what you're here to do. You're here to tell be why you chose to say yes to him and not me..."

"You didn't ask anything in the first place... and I came here to make you understand-"

"Make me understand, Hermione you don't need me to understand anything. I get the picture, I'm not an idea. Sleeping with him meant more to you than sleeping with me." Harry as angry now, angrier than when Ron was in the same room with him. He was furious at how Hermione could tell him something like that.

"Harry it's not like that at all, I didn't... I didn't..." Hermione was now crying hysterically. Harry's words were hurting her as they slipped out of his month.

"Your going to stand there and lie to me, Ron just told me you and him slept together 'Mione. How could you? I don't care how much you had to drink... you shouldn't have done that."

"Harry, listen to me. I'm-"

"I don't want to hear that your sorry. Apologies are not going to change the past."

"Harry will you let me speak I-" Harry cut her off again.

"Why, why did you do that with him. The most sacred... intimate... WHY," Harry yelled out.

"BECAUSE I THOUGHT HE WAS YOU," Hermione yelled sobbing into her hands.

"Wh- what. Me, how could you think it was me?" Harry said softly with his eyebrows connecting.

"That's all I remember. Thinking it was you," Hermione said between crying.

"You still did it, though, your still going to marry him," Harry said sitting on the couch. Hermione reached over to him but he pulled back hatefully. He looked at her like she was disgusting.

"Don't touch me, your filthy and... I'm tired of playing games. I am tired of chasing you and I'm tried o always ending up hurt. You think I'm some toy that you can pick up whenever you want, well I'm not. Go, go marry him. Your tainted, and I don't want a tainted girl, I suspect he won't either. But then again he doesn't know your dirty little secrets!" Harry spat out to her hatefully.

He was angry and pissed, he was also taking his anger out on Hermione unconsciously. She just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?" Hermione was drenched in tears and it was getting worse.

"How can you stand there and act innocent when all you've done is fuck around. I LOVED you and that wasn't enough. How can you stand here telling me you love me while your going to go off and marry him, what is that. I never took you for a slut, or a bitch, but right no-"

"STOP IT, SHUT UP... I said yes because I'm-" Harry cut off her words.

"Your what, falling in love with him? Because you don't want to hurt our friendship. You don't want to hurt his feelings, BUT DISREGARDING MINE IS OK."

What was she to say, every time she tried to tell him he wouldn't listen. He wasn't going to listen. That night she slept with Ron, she thought it was Harry. Harry even had a repressed memory of them kissing.

"Say something, explain yourself," Harry said massaging his temples.

"You don't let me, every time I try to talk to, you cut me off. I'm trying to tell you-" This time she wasn't cut off by Harry, but from Harry. He let his emotions go on her. He let her feel all the hate and frustration that he was enduring. The intensity brought her to her knees.

There in the shadows she saw the same cloud that was disoriented before. She entered this time not from curiosity but for knowledge.

She grabbed her skull from the power that the flashes had. There were so many of them, and they were going by so fast. She broke away with such speed that she fell back.

Blinking was painful but the outcome was worth it. The reason she had thought she slept with Harry was because she did.

He looked like he was going to get up and help her but instead only shut out his emotions for her to be able stand up.

That night she had ended up on Ron's bed by accident, by Luna's accident. She had never slept with Ron at all. But how was she going to make Harry see that.

She sat up letting the distance images settle into the back of her head, her shaking subdued when she caught her breath.

"Why did you do that?"

"It was an accident," Harry said bitterly. She smiled at him faintly. He looked at her like she had just escaped out of an insane asylum.

"I'm not going to marry Ron, Harry."

"What, why would you say to him then?"

"I'd like to see you in front of the whole school bearing a burden like that and say no. It would be his humiliation upon no end if I refused. I was waiting until we were alone to tell him the truth," Hermione said lying. She had just changed her mind but she wasn't going to tell him that.

"LIER, I can see right through you. You came here to make me understand, and now to win me back. I'm sick of this shit, of us, of this relationship. I'm not going to be with a whore who only wants things she can't have Ron, so you pick Ron. You sleep with Ron and you can't have me, so pick me. What, next week are you going to change your mind again. That's called being a SLUT," Harry yelled at her with tears of hate coming down his cheeks.

"You have no right Harry. You don't want to be with me no more fine, I won't be with anyone. I DON'T NEED YOU I... I HATE YOU," Hermione yelled tearfully. Harry barely caught her words, her voice was so strangled.




At this Hermione could not take it any more. She turned around and stormed out the common room knocking down everything in her path. If he didn't want to listen to her, she wasn't going to tell him.

When Harry actually saw back of Hermione's head he wished she would come back. He knew he was wrong, to say those things. How unlikely he would be the one to say them, but he felt the years worth of frustrations rolling off of him. He needed that, and now his body was free from the urge, and left with the guilt.

He didn't mean what he said, not one word. Yet when she stood before him, thought was not an option he could play with.

She was coming to me, and now because of my dumb ass she is going to him, I've pushed her right into his arm. Why did I say those things to her, he thought hitting himself over the head.

He was calming down, and he knew that's what she needed to do, before he could go after her. Who was he kidding if he thought he could let her go that easily. Blasted emotions go the better of him. He recited the words that he told her and winced hurtfully.

He was never going to win her back now. If he was her he wouldn't take himself back either.

Love hurt, and it also killed. The only thing he can safely say he meant was that he was tired of playing games. That is why he did the surprise in the Great Hall for her today, to make her pick once and for all. Now she had, and he gave her the gun and pointed it in the right direction.

Why had all the anger from Ron proposing, and from Ron saying he slept with her, have to come out a time when he was alone with her, why. That's the way life is, it sucks.

Time was his best ally, he had to wait until morning to go apologise his heart out. On second thought he was going to stay up tonight and think. Think of a damn good way to make sure Hermione knew he was terribly sorry. He sobbed there alone, knowing he was getting what he deserved.


She couldn't do it. She could not stand there and try to give him any more explanations. If he felt that way about her then fine, she would live. But Ron, Ron was something she would not, could not deal with any longer.

If Harry did anything it was make her see what he said was right, it was time to stop playing games. Harry's words burned the inside's of her head, repeating over and over.

She was going to be alone, but it was no more than she deserved.

No one was in the corridor. It was well past curfew so she figured that Ron would be somewhere in the common room. She was hiccupping from crying so much, so she waited until she had calmed down and wiped her face.

Standing outside the portrait down she took a deep breath and prepared to enter.

"My, dear what is-" The Fat Lady was interrupted by Hermione kicking beside her.

"Tapioca," Hermione said gaining anger and losing despair.

"Now that is no-"

"Open the door, I said the password. No one wants to hear you anyways," Hermione said rudely. She was becoming more and more like the Harry she had left behind in the common room.

The Fat Lady opened for her and hit her hard on her ass closing. Everything was starting to boiling her blood, that was already under a fire.

Ron was sitting at the end near the fireplace, while Luna tended to his wounds.

"If you hold still-"

"It hurts," Ron said trying to pull back from her.

Hermione was two seconds away from walking up to Luna and slapping her for what she did. Instead she decided to let it out on someone more deserving.


She hit Ron right on his cut, making sure it hurt. Luna backed away as soon as she seen how angry she was.

"What the bloody hell was that for," Ron said clutching his face in agony.

"For going around and telling people our business. I told you to keep what happened the night we got drunk, between us. You told Harry, what were you trying to do show me off?" Hermione said coldly. She was provoking a fight, but this way it would be easier for her to leave him.

"I... 'Mione, it slipped. But why would it matter, it's only Harry."

"Only Harry... he shouldn't have known it because I asked you not to say it. And he is our best friend, you think I wanted him knowing something so private about us. All you did was cause problems."

"It's not my fault the bloody git is jealous," Ron said massaging his new wound.

"Oh my god... I can't do this anymore." Hermione fidgeted with the ring that Ron had put on her finger. He had placed it there when she was too busy listening to the song to notice.

"'Mione what are you doing?" Ron said getting on his knees.

"I don't want to marry you Ron, I can't"

"Quite a show you put on in Great Hall, though," Luna said coldly. Hermione's jaw dropped and the she laughed forcefully.

"You're no one to talk, miss moving bodies. I know what you did and if... I wasn't such a nice person..." What was she doing, she needed to get this over with.

"I overloaded you didn't I. We don't have to get married right away, it can be in five years or ten, just-"

"No Ron, you don't get it. I don't want to marry you at all."

"I suppose not now, I agree I did rush you into this but-"

"I DON'T WANT TO BE WITH YOU ANYMORE," Hermione yelled out hastily before she didn't get another chance.

Ron's face fell. He looked confused and hurt. He was still on his knees but he got up and closed in on her.

"You don't mean that. I love you Hermione, can't you see it."

"I don't love you," Hermione said plainly.

"No," Ron said getting angry and shaking her violently.

"Let me go," Hermione said breaking away from him and backing up a few yards.

"You love me, you told me you loved me."

"I never loved you Ron. I stayed with you out of pity. I know you think this is a bit harsh but... I can't do it anymore. I thought I could but I was wrong." Ron stared at her, he looked like he was going to try but he didn't.

"It's over," Hermione said handing him his ring. He didn't take it, only stood there like a statue.

"You're in love with someone else aren't you," Ron asked Hermione suddenly.

Hermione gasped. She wasn't yet able to deal with him knowing it was Harry she was leaving him for.

"Ron take the ring, and let her go," Luna said anxiously.

"Answer the question," Ron said letting a tear fall down his face.

"This is too much," Hermione turned to leave but Ron caught her arm.

"I heard you were cheating on me with some Slytherin boy. Rumors go around 'Mione, I never thought one of them would be true."

Hermione snorted. His information was way off, but his idea was right on queue.

"Your going to actually listen to those pathetic rumors."

"PATHETIC," Ron yelled back. Hermione couldn't believe how stupid Ron was. She said the rumors were pathetic not him, but now she was starting to doubt that.

"Let me go," Hermione said pulling at her arm.

"You did didn't you. Sandy told me that you were sleeping around but I wouldn't listen to her. I didn't want to believe it, but-"

"Who's Sandy?" Hermione asked questionably.

"She's this girl from Hufflepuff who tried to tell me the truth about you," Ron said furiously. He was getting pissed and taking it out on her, just like Harry had.

One major fight was enough to wear Hermione out, she was not about to do another one.

"I don't have to listen to this, your mad because I'm leaving you. Grow up Ron, that's what always was your problem." Hermione said pushing Ron back and releasing his grip from her.

She was heading out the door when she heard Ron call out to her.

"You stupid whore. Your nothing but a mudblood," Ron yelled at her.

"FUCK YOU!" She cried out to Ron who was candy apple red. He was crying but it didn't provoke any pity or remorse for her.

"No thank you," Ron said breathing erratically.

"It's a good thing I'm leaving you, your horrible," Hermione cried out heading for the door.

"Wait, Hermione wait. I didn't mean it."

"Let her go," Luna said holding Ron back to stop her from chasing her. Hermione was eternally grateful as she headed out the portrait door.

What's up with everyone calling me names, Hermione thought stopping to lean against the wall.

She knew this was going to be a hard break up but that was ridiculous. Ron said those things to her because he was upset she was leaving him, but that didn't stop them from hurting. It brought up the memories of her recent fight with Harry, and that was truly painful. Her chest was hurting, her heart wouldn't be able to take anymore.

The tears came, she couldn't remember another time in her life that she cried so much. How can both her former best friends have ever said those things to her. Harry's speech was the thing that killed her the most. She never saw him as the type who would insult a girl like that.

She expected Ron to say those things because, he's... Ron. She must have broken their hearts badly if they were acting this way, if they felt anywhere as close to how she felt, she was going to be alone and friendless for a while. All her feelings and overwhelming sadness draping on her, she needed someone to talk to.

She left Ron so he wasn't going to talk her. Harry was just as mad, if not ten times worse. Any other potential person would be asleep, and she would have to pass through the common room. If she went back to her common room, Harry and her might start fighting, so where was she going to sleep.

She suddenly got an overwhelming feeling to leave. To go somewhere far for a long time and never return. She wanted to forget the faces that burned her eyes from memories, and go start over. Somewhere she wouldn't be called names and no one knew how bad she screwed up.

How was she to do this, she would have to go through the common room. There was no way she was going to go face Harry right now, he didn't ever want to see her again.

Dumbledore, she thought to herself. She could go talk to Dumbledore. He said that he would always be there to listen, now she needed him to do just that.

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