Nude » h.s (#Wattys2016)

By qveendom

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"There is a little bit of devil in her angel eyes." [Book 1] // © 2014 Qveendom. All Rights Reserved. |... More

w a r n i n g
p r o l o g u e
e p i l o g u e
r a d i s h


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By qveendom


Save me from myself, don't let me drown.


[Angel's POV]

Now if you never shoot, you'll never know
And if you never eat, you'll never grow

I laughed, throwing my head back as I danced in the middle of the dance-floor, swaying my hips to the rhythm of the music. Matt and a few other guys had a band and were now singing one of their song on the small stage.

The pill he had given an hour ago had slowly started kicking in and I could feel myself getting better. No more dizziness, no more headaches and no more Harry. I was in cloud nine and I didn't want to get back down. I was having fun.

You've got a pretty kind of dirty face
And when she's leaving your home she's begging you, "Stay, stay, stay, stay, stay."

I ran my hands up my body, causing the dress that I was wearing to lift up just a little bit. Sweat was forming on my forehead as random strangers danced around me, leaving me no space. The room was filled with thick smoke and I couldn't see the stage from where I was, so I slowly passed through the bodies of people until I reached the front of the stage.

I'll give you one more time
We'll give you one more fight
Said one more line
Will I know you

I looked up at Matt, who had the microphone in his hand and moved around the stage with confidence, and smiled at him. He saw me standing there and approached me, running his fingers through his curly hair and pulling them to the side. A mischievous smile appeared on his face, his brown eyes were sparkling and he bend down, bringing his face a few inches away from mine.

Well, now that you've got your gun
It's much harder now the police have come

He sang the words as he stared deeply into my eyes and lowered a bit the microphone from his lips. Then, he brought his face closer to mine, his eyes trailing to my lips, and he closed them preparing himself to kiss me. I noticed what he was about do and quickly pulled away before his lips could touch mine, giggling. Instead, I placed a kiss on his cheek and moved away from the stage, giving him a small wave. He smiled, standing up straight again and winked at me.

Now I'll shoot him if it's what you ask
But if you just take off your mask
You'd find out everything's gone wrong.

I made my way to the bar where Hayley was sitting, alone. I tapped her on the shoulder, making her jump a bit in surprise and sat down opposite her, laughing at her reaction.

Why was I laughing so much?

"What the hell Angelina? Don't do that." she exclaimed, placing her hand on her chest. I smiled and ordered a drink for myself.


"You're having fun I see." she said and smiled at me taking a sip from her drink. I took my drink in my hand and nodded my head, before placing the glass between my lips.

"I think you have had enough." Hayley told me and reached out to take the glass from my hand.

"No, I am fine. I can drink as much as I want." I protested, pulling my hand away and drinking the alcoholic liquor all at once. Hayley gave me a disapproving look and narrowed her eyes at me, observing me carefully. I simply smiled at her.

There was no way I was going to let her ruin my night.

"Have you taken anything, Angelina?" she asked me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. She pressed her lips together and came closer to me, grabbing my arm.

"What did Matt give you? Tell me!" she demanded. She looked angry and upset and that made me laugh again. Why couldn't she be happy like me? I think Matt should give her one of his pills. I pouted and ruffled her hair, making her sigh in annoyance.


"What?" I asked innocently.

"Did Matt give you anything?" she asked again calmly.

"Well-" I started to say but someone interrupted me.

"Girls. What are you doing here?" Matt asked as he walked towards us with one of his band members behind him. I smiled at them, but Hayley didn't. She was pissed. What was her problem?

"You don't seem happy to see me Hayley." Matt stated, coming behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, bringing his body closer to mine, and rested his head on my shoulder. His curls tickled my neck and I giggled.

"I'm not, actually. Matt what did you give her?" she asked him. Why the hell does she care?

"Nothing." Matt responded, kissing my jaw. That caused Hayley to slam her palm on the table with force.

"Bullshit! I can see that you gave her something, she is all hearts and unicorns. Jesus Christ Matt, you are so stupid. You gave her from your drugs just like that?" she yelled at him angrily.

"I didn't force her to take it. She took it willingly. Why do you ever care? What are you? Her mother?" he said raising his voice and unwrapping his arms from my small waist. He stepped in front of me and talked with Hayley, but I wasn't hearing what they were saying. I was starting to feel dizzy again as I listened to them yelling. 


"She is not used to it. What if something goes wrong?"

Matt was ready to speak again, but I stopped him.

"Can we leave? I don't want you two to fight." I whispered in his ear. He simply nodded.

I stood up and walked away with him following behind me. The dizziness didn't go away though. All the energy that I had before was drained from my body and I was starting to feel exhausted. I supported myself on the wall behind me, shutting my eyes as I began breathing heavily. The music had faded out and I could feel my head spinning.

"Angelina, are you okay?" I heard Matt's voice say, but he sounded like he was far from me. I groaned gripping my stomach. I was going to be sick.


"Matt, I'm not feeling good. Where is the bathroom?" I asked him, opening my eyes. He was looking at me with a concerned expression on his face. Placing one arm around me, he guided me down a dark corridor and helped me inside the bathroom. I looked around at the dirty place and cringed.

"Do you need anything?" he asked me, taking my face between his hands and making me face him. As I was about to reply a disgusting taste reached my tongue and I gagged, slapping away his hands. I quickly sat on my knees on the floor, near the toilet and threw up. Tears appeared on the corners of my eyes and I sobbed, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

Why was I crying?

I felt someone else's presence behind me and soon Matt was helping me up to my feet. He grabbed my hair and braided it messily behind my back and then pulled me with him to the faucet.

"Thank you." I whispered.

He just nodded and turned on the water. I placed my hands under it and took the soap, cleaning my hands and lips. Then, I bend down putting some water in my mouth, to get rid of the awful taste, and spat it out again. I also splashed some of the water on my face, trying to keep myself awake.

My eyes fluttered closed slowly, but I forced them to open again. I didn't want to pass out in the middle of this dirty room. Placing my palms on either side of the faucet, I took, in shaky breaths and looked up at my reflection on the mirror.

I looked awful. My skin was pale, my lips dry and I had black mascara stains under my eyes.

"How are you feeling?" Matt asked hesitantly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Fucking perfect." I replied sarcastically, letting out a dry laugh.

I started crying again.

"What is wrong with me, Matty?" I asked him, taking a few steps back until my back hit the wall.

"You are fine, Angelina. You are just tired. Maybe if you sleep a bit, you will feel better." he said in a low tone, placing his hands over his pale face. He didn't sound convincing to me.

"No, no, no, no. I'm not fine!" I screamed suddenly, throwing my hands in the air.

His eyes widened and he walked towards the door, narrowing his eyes as he stared into the corridor. He didn't pay attention to me and that angered me.

"Matt." I called him. No answer.


"Fuck! Shit! Fucking hell!" he cursed loudly, looking back at me terrified. I frowned and parted my lips to speak.

"Matt, I'm talking to you." I yelled at him.

He was pacing around the bathroom, holding his head with his hands, muttering different curse words. I couldn't understand what was happening. Why was be behaving like this?

Suddenly, he turned to me and grabbed my wrist roughly, pushing me closer to him. I squealed and hit him on the chest, trying to get him to loosen his tight grip. He didn't seem to acknowledge my protest, though. I screamed and kicked him, fighting against him but he only brought me closer to him. When I finally stopped, he took me with him and started running down the corridor.

"Let me go!" I screamed once again.

"Shut up!" he yelled, giving my wrist a light squeeze.

As we continued walking the loud sounds of sirens reached my ears, making my eyes widen. The police was here. Why? What was happening?

"Follow me. I won't hurt you." Matt said, looking me in the eyes.

This time, I didn't protest. I was too scared and I knew that Matt was too. That's why he reacted that way earlier. I glanced like a lost puppy around me as we entered back the main room. Everyone was running around, some were hiding, others were walking out the doors and others stayed in place, too high to care. I spotted Hayley hiding under the bar with Luke by her side, holding his hand tightly. She didn't see me and I was about to call her name but Matt stopped me.

From the windows I could see the flashing red and blue lights of the police cars. I panicked and stepped closer to Matt, who remained silent.

"Matt. What is happening? Why is the police here?" I asked him.

"I don't know." he whispered. "How the fuck did they find us?" he muttered to himself.

I gulped. 

I wanted to get out of there. I wanted to go back to Harry. I knew I would be safe there, I was always safe when I was with him.

We stayed like that for a while and then the sound of shots being fired echoed in the quiet club. I jumped as a loud gasp escaped my lips and I collapsed on the floor placing a hand in front of my mouth to stop my sobs. This was not happening.

My body was shaking but it wasn't only from the fear. Something wasn't right with me. I was feeling cold and hot at the same time and my vision was getting blurry again. Matt pulled me up and hugged me as we now walked towards another direction.

The gunshots didn't stop and I clenched my fingers into the folds of Matt's shirt, trembling. A few bullets hit the windows above us  and went through them, causing the glass to shatter and fall in small pieces onto the ground near us.

People were screaming. Some bumped into us while running to rescue themselves. I still couldn't exactly understand what was happening. My main focus right now was to get out of this place safe.

We were now standing inside a different room I hadn't seen before. It had a huge glass wall on the side, which allowed me to see what was happening outside. I couldn't stop myself, so I approached it hesitantly and looked outside.

My eyes widened as I took in the horror that was happening in front of me. People were being pulled into police cars, others were being hurt as they tried to resist and some of them were already dead. Policemen were gathered around the club with guns in their hands ready to shoot. I felt Matt tug on my dress to catch my attention and I immediately glanced back at him, with tears stained cheeks.

"We don't have much time. There is an underground basement here. We can hide there." he said and I nodded my head, eagerly.

Just as I was about to follow him though something hit the glass wall, causing it to slowly crack and then explode. I screamed placing my arms in front of my face to protect myself and turned away.

"Angelina!" I heard Matt yell as he ran to me and pushed me out of the way. The small sharp pieces of glass flew everywhere and some of them succeeded to cut my skin, creating a painful sting. With his arms still wrapped around me we both collided on the ground and I yelped out in pain as I hit my head somewhere hard. I felt everything around me go blurry again. 

This time I couldn't stay awake. My head felt like it was about to explode.

I blinked a few times. The room was now filled with smoke and I couldn't see a thing, my eyes were closing without my will.

"Angelina, stay with me." I could hear Matt's voice. "Angelina."

I blinked one more time and then everything went black.

  [Harry's POV]

I ran my fingers through my hair cursing under my breath as I tapped the heels of my shoes impatiently on the floor.

This time, I fucked up big.

I  had sent Miles two hours ago to go and look for Angelina with his car. I was sure she wouldn't have gone far but it seems like that girl suddenly disappeared from this world. I called him ten fucking times and every time the answer that I get is that he hasn't found her yet.

I was going crazy with every minute that passed and I didn't get a call. 

She doesn't know New York well, she's probably lost. There are a lot of junkies around the city and I don't even want to imagine what would happen if one of them found her. Those people are fucking perverts.

"Harry." I heard Bianca's annoying, high pitched, voice  say next to me. She placing her hand on my back and I tensed up at her touch, moving away and standing up on my feet. The last thing I needed right now was to have to deal with her too.

"Remind me again. Why are you still here?" I asked her angrily, furrowing my eyebrows.

She sighed deeply and stood up walking towards me.

"I'm here because you need me. I'm who you want, Harry. I'm the one you need." she said, pressing her finger against my chest. I laughed bitterly.

"Well, I don't think so. After all, it wasn't your name I moaned when I reached my high, was it?" I asked her with a bit of irony evident in my voice. What I said was a bit cruel, but she was getting on my nerves.


My head turned to the side by the sudden action. I clenched my jaw, turning my head back to face her. I guess I deserved that, but not from her.

My anger was getting the best of me and she was doing nothing to help the situation. I grabbed her by her arms forcefully and pushed her on the wall, trapping her with my body.

"You are testing my patience, Bianca." I growled, looking down at her with dark eyes.

She just smirked at me and placed her hand on my face, her fingers touching the stubble on my chin softly. She brought her face closer to mine, her red lips brushing over my lips and then her other hand came down to the front of my pants and grabbed my crotch.

I immediately slapped her hand away, earning a laugh from her, and took a few steps back.

"You are sick." I told her.

But she didn't look affected by my words. She stood against the wall, looking at me with a flat expression.

"You don't care about her, Harry. You simply feel guilty because she left after she saw us having sex." she stated.

"Shut up, Bianca!" I yelled at her.

"Why? You don't want to hear the truth? If you cared about her Harry you wouldn't have fucked my brains out earlier without even bothering to put a condom on." she said, smirking at me from across the room. I froze in my spot as her word hit me.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

"What are you implying?" I asked her, feeling myself sweating. How the fuck did I forget the fucking condom.

She approached me again and placed her palms on my clothed chest, bringing her lips near my ear. She bit on my earlobe seductively, kissed my jaw and then pulled away, staring into my eyes for a few seconds.

"What I'm implying is that there is a high possibility that you might have impregnated me Harry." she whispered. I gulped.

Then, she started  laughing dryly.

"I'm messing with you. I'm on birth control, don't worry. Though, next time you will have to be more careful." she said.

I pushed her away from me, letting her fall on the couch and quickly grabbed my phone and jacket. I had enough with her. She could go and torture another man, I had others things to worry about at the moment.

"There will not be next time, Bianca." I told her with a stern face. Her face had turned red, she was fuming with anger. I tossed the key in my pocket and walked to the door without glancing twice at her.

"Where are you going? To that bitch?" she asked, as I gripped the doorknob. I pressed my lips into a thin line and opened it.

"Careful how you speak about her. The only bitch here is you." I said and walked out of the suite, only to return back again a few seconds later. I peeked through the door and when Bianca's eyes met mine I parted my lips to speak.

"By the time I come back I want you gone. Oh, and if you could also close the door on your way out, that would be amazing." I said. 

Her lips parted in shock and I smirked to myself walking away.

Now I have to find Angelina.

This was a rushed chapter and not as long as my others ones but I hoped you liked it anyways.

Comment and vote because that encourages me to update faster.

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