Confessions of a Bad Boy // S...

By RE_BellBooks

618K 26.9K 5.5K

As her senior year approaches, Allyson Craine finds herself unraveling from all aspects of her life. From the... More

Confession Of A Bad Boy
Casting Call
Chapter One- My Best Friend, My Sister, My Louise
Chapter Two- That's Quality Heart Attack Material
Chapter Three- Walking ClichΓ©
Chapter Four- Your Inner Perv Likes The Bad Boy
Chapter Five- Where's Your Sense Of Adventure
Chapter Six- Eat Shit Muskrat
Chapter Seven- You Fall For A Guy-He Secretly Falls For You
Chapter Eight- This Wardrobe Definitely Wasn't Narnia
Chapter Nine- I Give Their Pathetic Lives Excitement
Chapter Ten- Moves Like Patrick Swayze
Chapter Eleven- Strip It And Tip It
Chapter Twelve - Spilled Beans
Chapter Thirteen- I'd Rather Lick Shreks Foot
Chapter Fourteen- Um What Is This, Motel Roach?
Chapter Fifteen- Beauty And The Bad Boy
Chapter Sixteen- My Life Is A Sick Teen Movie
Chapter Seventeen- How To Kill A Heart
Chapter Eighteen-You Are Mine
Chapter Nineteen- Exercise Freedom
Chapter Twenty- Bad Boy Confessions
Chapter Twenty One- Fallback Or Fall Apart
Chapter Twenty Two- Don't Torture Yourself
Chapter Twenty Three-Time Heals all wounds, I'll be okay until then
Chapter Twenty Four- All Eyes
Chapter Twenty Six- Mally Lives
Chapter Twenty Seven- It's Complicated With Mason Reynolds
Chapter Twenty Eight- Our Song
Chapter Twenty Nine- Oh My God You're Pregnant
Chapter Thirty- Love Makes Family
Chapter Thirty One- We're Not Even In The Same Ocean
Chapter Thirty Two- It's You
Chapter Thirty Three- There's No Other Place For Me
Author's Note

Chapter Twenty Five- I've Been To Prison

14.1K 731 120
By RE_BellBooks

Chapter Twenty Five- I've Been To Prison

"The key is to not tuck in your thumb." he chuckled massaging my hand.

"That would have been great to know before you let me punch you!" I groaned.

"Sorry kid." the tattooed biker smiled. "Now what have you learned today?"

I bit my lip as I wracked up everything Jackie taught me. "Don't break into a car with an alarm. If the dog is awake, you stay away, never hold your gun sideways, the nose will always be a weak spot, and never punch with your thumb tucked in." I recited.

"I don't think I'v ever been more proud in my life." Jackie sniffled wiping away a tear, "I made a difference in a youngsters life. They should give me a friggin award!"

Jackie was pretty awesome for a criminal. He told me this is his ninth time getting arrested just this year. He was pretty intimidating at first, I mean the guy was covered in tattoos, was ripped, towered over me like the Sears tower, and had no hair. That's a recipe for danger.

But he was actually a gentleman. He taught me stuff I would never learn in school.

Now why am I making friends with a criminal? Well it's because two idiots didn't know starting a fight in public was illegal. Currently, i'm sitting in a holding cell with a very kind repeat offender.

Mason's down in the cell adjacent to me, lying on his back. Grayson is across from mine trying not to pee his pants. I lucked out when it came to cell mates.

"Jackie stop tainting my princess!" Mase called from the other cell.

"Ay the lady deserves to know this kind of stuff. It's a necessity." Jackie defended. "Butt out Reynolds."

I like this guy....

"Yeah butt out Reynolds!" I echoed.

Before Mason could retort an officer banged on his board gaining our attention. "Craine, Paxton, and Reynolds your parents are here."


My parents are going to kill me! I had one job, one simple job and I managed to get myself arrested. Mason automatically grabbed my hand when we were out of our cells.

I turned back one last time and waved at Jackie. I'm truly going to miss him.

"Grayson!" was all I heard before I saw the horrified expression Grayson had. His mother attacked him in a hug as he winced.

Yeah Mase did a number on him.

Then I saw my parents- both sets. Mom and dad stood next to Raven and Elliot. They all looked at me with disdain. "I much rather be with Jackie right about now." I whispered to Mason.

"Totally." he agreed when he caught sight of a man who looked exactly like Mason, except older. He openly glared at Mason, I thought I had it bad.

"Do any of you care to explain how this happened?" Masons father demanded from all three of us.

Mom and dad waited patiently for any of us to say anything. What were we supposed to say?

'Yeah I went to grab pizza and Grayson was harassing me so Mason beat him up for me.'

Nah, I much rather keep my mouth shut. Thank you very much.

"Reynolds attacked me after he saw me talking to Ally!" Grayson blurted out. "You're girlfriend can talk to whoever she wants too, no need to go psycho boyfriend." he muttered to Mason.

What the flip!

"You provoked him!" I shouted coming to Mason's defense.

Then it hit me. Grayson said I was Mason's girlfriend and he was my boyfriend. Should I correct him? I mean really, what Mason and I it even a relationship?

"That doesn't explain why you got arrested Allyson Grace Craine." Dad chastised me saving me from my thoughts.

Ooh, see that's where things went from bad to worse. Maybe if I stand really still, I'll magically disappear and he won't see me anymore.

"Princess I don't think you're invisible trick is working." Mason mumbled nudging my shoulder. How does he know me so well? Most girls would swoon, but i'm pretty annoyed right now....

I ignored him and explained the whole story.

"You see when the cops got there, they were rough on Mase. They had him restraint on the ground and I was working on adrenaline. So I sort of kinda hitthecopwithmyphone." I explained blushing. To be fair I wasn't in my right mind.

"Repeat that?" Elliot asked confused as everyone leaned in closer to hear.

"I said I hit the cop with my phone!" I blurted out.

"Oh my god!" mom and Raven screeched together.

"So grounded?"

"Definitely." all four of my parents surprisingly chorused.


It was February, two weeks since I found out I was adopted. I'v recently been let off the hook. I was in a sluggish mood today though.

The aquarium was officially closing today and Brie and I are in my room. She's not too happy either.

"Chip me." she says. I don't hesitate and feed her.

We've been clad in our pajamas all day watching movies and sulking together. The place that had been our safe haven since we were kids was officially closing. How else could we cope?

"Do you remember when Jeremy Adams broke up with me-" Brie began.

"Yeah we stole a bunch of fish chow and put it in his moms car." I chuckled.

"Classic paper towns move." Brie muttered as we high fived.

"I'm gonna miss it Brie."

"Me too." she mumbled then she sniffled. Oh god she's crying! She knows I get awkward around crying.

"Are you crying?" I blurt out.

Nice Al, way to embarrass her!

"No i'm sweating through my eyes you jerk." she cried even more shoving me off the bed.

My mom knocked on my door and frowned. I know it was pathetic that Brie and I were sulking when we could be out and about. But the aquarium wasn't a job for us, it was the heart and soul of our friendship.

What was even sadder was that not even John Hughes movies could mend us back. THAT'S MAJOR!

"There's two boys waiting for you girls." mom said softly.

"Send my idiot away." Brie mumbled, I groaned flipping on my stomach and stuffing my face in a pillow Brie so graciously threw on the ground for me.

She cares...

"I don't think-"

"It's alright Mrs.C, I knew Ally wasn't up for it." I heard Mason say politely to my mother.

"I'll be downstairs, good luck boys." she said before closing my door.

I felt Mason pick up my limp body. I didn't even bother fighting him. What's the use of doing anything now a days.

"You guys look terrible." Laine chimmed in. Suffice to say Brie threw a pillow straight at his face.

"We want to take you both out." Mason said poking my shoulder.

"I want you to leave me alone." I grumbled slapping his hand away.

"Come on princess, we have a surprise." Mason whispered in my ear. Any other time my skin would have gone alight, but right now I was too put out.

"How bout, nooo." I groaned, however Brie was already being carried out of my room. Her will power is pathetic.

Mason smirked at me, his grey eyes twinkling with mischief. I scowled at him, no way in hell is he taking me without a fight. I was in prison once...for like an hour.

But it was a productive hour. An hour where I learned stuff, and one of those stuff was defending myself.

So that's what I did when I sent my fist into Mason's beautiful face. He cried out and cupped his nose....I silently thanked Jackie. Wherever he is, I know he'd be proud of me.

"That's it!" Mason growled throwing me over his shoulder roughly. I punched his backside screaming the whole way downstairs.

My parents stood by amused. "Daddy you hate Mason, remember? Help me daddy!!" I cried out, but the baboon laughed and let the delinquent carry me off.

"Stop punching me." Mason mumbled, gripping his arms around me tighter.

"What, am I hurting you?" I smirked.

"No, it just tickles." he deadpanned, I glared at his butt.

"Did I ever tell you how much I hate you." I snapped.

"Not lately, but I can't blame you. You're well on you're way to falling in love with me." Mason winked throwing me in the back of Laines car next to a sulking Brie.


"Are we there yet?" Brie asked for the hundredth time.

"Not yet." Laine answered taking a corner.

"Are we there y-"

"Brie, we've literally been taking this block for the last twenty minutes. They're both just stalling." I rolled my eyes and caught Mason smirking from the front seat.

"Nice observations Nancy Drew." hr winked flirtatious. Mad or not, Mase definitely did something to my heart rate.

Laine pulled out his phone and read a text message. He smiled and turned that creepy smile to Mason. "It's tiiime." he drawled out creepily.

That's not alarming at all. (Note the sarcasm)

"Brie, I think they're planning on killing us." I whispered to her.

"If they kill me, i'm so gonna haunt them." she whispered back.

"We can hear both of you." Mason sighed, "You're not very quiet by the way."

"Eavesdropping is punishable by death." I said earnestly.

"In what land?" Mase snorted.

"The land of Ally, duh." I rolled my eyes.

"You're crazy." he concluded.

"Crazy beautiful, yes I agree." I nodded.

Before Mase could retort, Laine stopped the car. We were at a tiny....knitting barn? Are the guys going to knit us sweaters or something?

"Uh, are you guys going to knit us socks?" Brie asked genuinely confused. Laine chuckled effectively placing a warm shy smile on Brie's face.

"No, we have to walk the rest of the way." Laine explained before opening the door for Brie.

As soon as Mase opened my door, we joined both of them. Mason's hand automatically found mine. His lip twitched into a small satisfied smile. It's nice to know I leave him with some kind of effect.

"Where are you taking us?" I asked him quietly so only he could hear. He bent down so his lips brushed against my ear. Was it bad I wanted to kiss him right then and there?

"It's a secret."

"I obviously hate secrets." I retorted jokingly. Mason stiffened next me and sent me an apologetic frown.

"I'm sorry Ally." he mumbled releasing my hand. "For everything..." he trailed off.

I pulled his hand back and forced him to meet my eyes. My free hand cupped his cheek instinctively. Despite fighting himself, he buried his face deeper into my touch. He closed his stormy grey eyes and savored this moment.

"You are forgiven, for everything." I whispered when his eyes snapped opened, "I never really blamed you for anything Mase. Thank you, for only looking after me."

He smiled and dipped down to give me a heartwarming kiss. I completely forgot where I was when his lips massaged mine calmly. It felt like a safe kiss, an urgent kiss, an amazing kiss.

Every kiss from Mason was amazing.

"Break it up!"

"Yeah it looks like you're trying to swallow each other."

Mase and I openly glared at our friends. Like they have any room to judge. They practically suffocate each other with pet names and googly eyes.

"Don't you just love our friends?" I said sarcastically. When he doesn't respond I gaze up at him only to find he's gazing at me. His lip quirked up in a heart stopping smile.

"Not as much as I love you." he said just to spite me.

He knows it makes me uncomfortable, yet he insists on reminding me. But despite this, I dread the day he doesn't say it because he'd come to his senses. He could never love me, i'm not good enough for him. Mason Reynolds is a legend in his own right, and i'm only another face in the yearbook.

"Come on our surprise it's just around this corner." Mason smiled boyish, tugging me out of my reverie. I smiled too and let him lead me away.

Before we rounded the corner, Mason and Laine stopped both Brie and I. They simultaneously pulled out blindfolds.

"Now this may seem kinky-" Maso smirked before I cut him off.

"Creepy, not kinky."

"But this is part of the surprise." he concluded. We reluctantly let the boys blindfold us.

I felt Mason wrap his arms around me. I shifted so that my head rested on his chest comfortably. His breathing faltered, and I smirked at my small victory.

I affected him. He affected me. We affect each other.

"I don't like that smirk." he whispered in my ear.

"Hush, you love it." I giggled. When I didn't hear him chuckle, I realized I said the wrong thing.

"You give me something new to love every day, princess." He whispered and I could feel the smile in his voice.

"Are we almost there?" I asked when we abruptly stopped walking.

"Yes." he answered as he gently pulled off the blindfold. I gasped as tears sprung to my eyes.

Brie didn't hold back as she cried hysterically. She jumped into Laine's arms and crushed him in a surprising kiss.

"Mase, how did-"

"My dad pulled some strings. Do you like it?" he asked tentatively as if I could possibly tell him no.

"Mase, the aquarium is back. But how come no one told us?" I frowned. Brie and I had been dreading this day for months now.

"I was responsible for it closing in the first place. I knew how much this place meant to you. Dad pulled some money around and we found a bigger building and it's closer to the ocean. We didn't tell you because it was a surprise, and Brie can't keep a secret to save her yeah." Mason explained blushing wildly as if this was cheesy.

It wasn't though, it was amazing. It was a beautiful gesture, and he helped saved a lot of people's jobs. He saved the animals from being shipped away into different aquariums. He gave me my home again.

"This is amazing Mase. I can't believe I have an amazing boyfriend!"

Oh shit

I just.....

"Did you just?"

"What?" I coughed.

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