By rsimkin

78.6K 6.2K 230

Is love worth taking a chance for? What if Juliet had magic healing powers and Romeo were captured and about... More

Chapter One (revised)
Chapter Two (revised)
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Six Part Two
Chapter Seven
Chapter Seven Part Two
Chapter Eight (revised)
Chapter Eight Part Two
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Ten Part 2
Chapter Eleven - Part One - Discovery
Chapter Eleven Part two - A New Home
Chapter Twelve - A Long, Worrisome Wait
Chapter Twelve, Part Two - Searching for Lorenzo
Chapter Thirteen - Revealing the Truth
Chapter Thirteen Part Two - A Dangerous Path
Chapter Thirteen - Part Three - And Baby Makes Three
Chapter Fourteen - Part One - Choices
Chapter Fourteen, part two - Revealing Alterra
Chapter Fifteen Part Two - Return to the Encampment
Chapter Fifteen Part Three - Brother Mine
Chapter Sixteen, Part One - Negotiations
Chapter Sixteen Part two - People Change
Chapter Seventeen, part one - Healing
Chapter Seventeen, part two - Homecoming
Chapter Eighteen, part one - Family Ties
Chapter Eighteen, part two - Comings, Goings and Partings
Chapter Nineteen, part one - Sisterly Love
Chapter Nineteen, part two - A Birth and Peace
Chapter Twenty part one - Delivery
Chapter Twenty, part two - Torn Between
Chapter Twenty One, part one - How to Stop a War
Chapter Twenty One, part two - Relief
Chapter Twenty Two, part one - Aftermath
Chapter Twenty Two, part two - Peace at Last
Chapter Twenty Three - Finale

Chapter Fifteen, Part One - On the road to the border

1.4K 142 3
By rsimkin

The next day, Liriel and Lorenzo packed up their belongings and wrapped their baby into a bundle. Adina helped her make a carry sling from a length of fabric that would safely stow him in the crook of her arm as she rode. The horse was one of the few in the village. There was no question that Liriel would need it. She was still weak from the birth, and not getting enough sleep with a new baby. At least Adina had healed the damage that came with birthing or should would have difficulty rinding.

Lorenzo walked along side her, holding the reigns. Ergin and Adina walked on the other side of the horse, which was loaded up with supplies for a few days as well as her belongings. They were headed for the border. There, they would find her brother. She hoped he would listen to her proposal.

It only took a few hours, with Ergin guiding them on a direct route.

Before they got too close, Ergin suggested a break, and Liriel was more than glad to sit on something flatter than the saddle. Lorenzo turned to Ergin with a puzzled look.

"I noticed that you don't carry any weapons."

Ergin looked sagely back. "I have no skill at arms. I would be as likely to hurt myself as an attacker, I'm afraid. As such, it serves me better to be a man of peace."

For a moment, Lorenzo looked wistful.

"I would like to be a man of peace, but circumstances have laid a sword firmly in my hand and commanded me to fight."

"Sometimes we have to fight now so we won't have to fight later, but it can be hard to make the transition away from violence once the cycle has started. I hope you find the chance to be that man, Lorenzo. It would be a great gift for your son, to leave your land in peace for him."

Lorenzo nodded, but did not respond. He looked at Liriel, now feeding Liran at her breast. She smiled. She too, would like to see those days of peace sometime soon.


They walked another hour until Lorenzo held up a hand to slow down. He had been looking around, searching for the last while, clearly hoping to find some of his soldiers hiding out in the woods. He whistled a strange bird call. Liriel wondered it if was the call of some native of this forest. Another call responded. Lorenzo cocked his head to listen. He adjusted directions until he was heading toward the call.

Liriel looked about for signs of hidden soldiers, but saw nothing but tall, straight pine for as far as the eye could see. He whistled again, a more complicated tune, and suddenly the forest was filled with people.

It was the first time Liriel had seen so many Trillas together. They ranged in height and weight and colouring far more than her own people. Most were dark-haired, either black or brown. The odd person stood out with bright red hair. Their eyes were mostly dark, occasionally gray or blue. They walked towards Lorenzo, looking suspicious. Liriel realized they were eying her, Ergin and Adina.

Marcusi was first to greet Lorenzo. He held his arms wide and smiled.

"Cousin, you left in haste and without instructions. I'm glad you saw fit to return to us. Are they your prisoners?" He jutted his chin in Liriel's direction.

Lorenzo stepped into the man's embrace, thumping him roughly on the back.

"Marcusi, I trust you managed well enough without me." He stepped back to survey the man. He hesitated for a moment but then he waved his arm in her direction.

"I made some new friends, and caught up with an old one." He reached out of Liriel's hand and pulled off of her horse and down into his arms. Marcusi wrinkled his nose in disapproval. Lorenzo placed her on the ground. "This is Liriel. She rescued me when I was captured in Kalad. She's a healer, and she used her skill to repair my body from the rough beating I received. The others are Ergin and Adina, who live in a village near the border." Liriel noted he didn't say on which side they lived.

Little Liran began to kick about and make noises. It was probably time to feed him again. He was always hungry. Liriel lifted him out of the sling and nestled him up to the crook of her arm. Marcusi seemed fascinated and a little repulsed.

"We can't have a baby making noise while we are hiding here, Lorenzo. Why did you bring it?"

Lorenzo sighed. They had talked about what to say and when to bring up their relationship, but lying, or at least, misdirecting a kinsman appeared to bother him.

"We didn't have a choice. The baby is new born, and Liriel couldn't leave him behind."

Marcusi's expression darkened. "You haven't answered my first question. Are these people your prisoners?"

Lorenzo leaned in to speak into his cousin's ear. "I told you they were my friends. Liriel helped free me, and Ergin and Adina have been looking after her. She had to run away after helping me or risk being charged with treason."

Liriel felt Marcusi's stare burn into her. She flushed as she realized he was working it out. He knew the baby was Lorenzo's. He must know, since Liran already looked so much like his father.

"Lorenzo, what have you done?" Marcusi's tone was suspicious, angry.

"I'm here to treat with the enemy for peace. Liriel is the king's daughter, and her brother is the commander of the enemy camp."

In a moment the entire group crowded around them, everyone looking at her with threat in their eyes. Liriel moved to stand behind Lorenzo. The baby whimpered.

"People, we've been fighting for a long time, and now we've come to hate the people we fight. Certainly they have hurt us, and we have hurt them. But these people here are unarmed. They're not soldiers, nor have they had any part in this war. They've come to stand with us, to support our demand for peace. I ask you to welcome them, though you may not love them. In time, you may."

Marcusi paced, peering into the faces of the others, looking for support. Liriel could sense his anger building and was afraid. Lorenzo left her side to go to him. He placed a hand on Marcusi's shoulder, but the man shrugged it off as it burned. He glared back at Liriel, then at Lorenzo. This wasn't going too well.

"Cousin, please..."

Marcusi's eyes went wide as he stared at the baby. "The baby is yours!" His face was a hideous mask of revulsion. He ran his fingers through his thick curls and turned to the others. "Lorenzo's done it now," he announced. "The incorrigible Lorenzo, can't keep his pants on for an hour! You had to...you had to do that...with one of them." The man was sweating, his face a bright red.

Lorenzo backed away, looking horrified. Liriel went to stand by Ergin and Adina, feeling small and vulnerable.

The woman, Renata, stepped forward. She was dressed all in green with a bow and quiver strapped across her back. "Silly man, one might think you were afraid of a little baby." Marcusi retreated. Apparenty, Marcusi cared what Renata thought.

She stepped closer and pulled back her thick auburn hair. Liriel shifted the baby so the woman could have a better view. Her eyes opened wide. "He's really so sweet." She turned to look at Lorenzo in wonder. "He has your eyes."

The woman withdrew her hand from Liran's firm grasp. "I'm Renata, I'm a scout."

"Pleased to make your acquaintance."

The woman waggled her fingers at the baby. She rolled her eyes and continued. "Men, they're always making a big deal about nothing." She sighed.

Liriel couldn't suppress a grin.


I hope you enjoyed this instalment of Ungloved. If you did, please consider voting so that it has a chance to receive some more attention by rising up the ranks in the (rather large) Fantasy category. I also enjoy comments, so please feel free to let me know what you thought.



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