Forever In A Day (Sequel to F...

By SociopathInABox

21.4K 954 237

Sequel to Forever Yours and Never and Always! When we left the Doctor and Electra they had become trapped in... More

Chapter 2: Job Hunting.
Chapter 3: Domestication is Not For the Faint Of Heart.
Chapter 4: Fever!
Chapter 5: Celebrating!
Chapter 6: Serving Time.
Chapter 7: Goodbye My Lover.
Chapter 8: Welcome Back! Or Not.
Chapter 9: Fixing Things... or Trying to.
Chapter 10: Going for a Drive.
Chapter 11: Love is a Curious Thing
Chapter 12: The Missing Equation.
Chapter 13: Time Travel Again.
Chapter 14: Back to the Future.
Chapter 15: Time to Face the Changes.
Chapter 16: Loving You.
Chapter 17: Troublemaker.
Chapter 18: Kiss Me Slowly.
Chapter 19: Partners
Chapter 20: I'm Waking Up.
Chapter 21: Conflictions.
Chapter 22: The Old, the New, and the Old Again.
Chapter 23: The End is Only the Beginning.
New Story!

Chapter 1: Surviving.

3.4K 45 8
By SociopathInABox

A/N Hey all! So great news! You don't have to wait till Sunday for the sequel! Eeeeeek! I know I got to writing it and then I just couldn't stop! So you have chapter one at least for starters! Hope you enjoy guys!

Also this story is dedicated to TellerOfGallifrey for giving me this idea in the story contest! Please read her story To Those Who Perished Thanks guys!



Electra’s POV


      I woke up cold and wet as I sat up slowly and looked around. The reason I was cold is because I had landed right in a puddle. I looked up and saw a hole in the ceiling of the warehouse I was in and the moon shone brightly above me. I looked around for the Doctor and found him lying next to me, he had succeeded in avoiding the puddle.

    I leaned over and gently shook him. “Doctor, Doctor wake up.” I said and he groaned and opened his eyes. “What is it? Where are we Electra?” he asked as I helped him sit up. “I’m not sure exactly.” I said as he looked around.

    “Electra why are you all wet?” He asked looking at me and 10’s soaked trench coat that I happened to be wearing at the time we disappeared. “I landed in that puddle.” I said and he smiled.

   We both stood up and all of a sudden we heard an eerie laughter come out of nowhere. “Doctor? What was that?” I asked as he took my hand. “I have absolutely no idea.” He said as we stood in the middle of the warehouse frozen in our spots as the laughter continued and was then replaced by a voice.

     “Did you honestly think you had defeated me?” The voice asked and I immediately recognized it from somewhere but I couldn’t remember where. “Who are you?” The Doctor asked and the voice chuckled again.

     “You don’t remember me? Well why would you? You probably thought I was destroyed along with the rest of the Time Lords.” The voice said and my eyes widened when I figured out who it was, and I could tell by the Doctor’s face that he knew too.

     It was one of the first enemies me and the Doctor ever fought together. Gildrek, he was a half Time Lord like I was, and consumed with hatred towards the Time Lords. He hated them so much that he tried to destroy all of  Gallifrey but me and the Doctor had stopped him.

    He was imprisoned and should be dead, but somehow he isn’t. “Gildrek! What are you doing here?” I asked and he chuckled again. “Getting my revenge on the last Time Lord and his traitorous wife.” He said and I swallowed hard.

     “Gildrek where are we?” The Doctor asked and we waited for an answer. “Oh you see Doctor, that’s the best part! You are on Earth in the year 1955 but you see, its no normal time stream, this is a pocket universe totally separate from the real one, and it is designed to be your prison, just like you trapped me, I have trapped you. I hope you enjoy living on Earth, trapped and forced into domestication. Maybe you two will kill each other, but I sincerely hope not, that would ruin my fun!”

    Gildrek said and me and the Doctor stood gaping at each other. “Goodbye you two! Have a nice time in hell! I hope you meet lots of your old friends!” He said and then he was gone. “No! Gildrek get back here!” The Doctor yelled but I tugged on his arm. “Doctor, he’s not coming back.” I said and he looked at me with sad eyes.

      We stood in the middle of the empty warehouse staring at each other and holding hands, the reality of our situation slowly sinking in. “Doctor we need to go.” I said and he nodded as we began to make our way out of the warehouse.

     We were somewhere in London, and as we walked along the streets we discovered that we had about 100 quid between the both of us. It wasn’t a lot but it was a start. We found a small café and stepped inside then ordered some coffee.

     We sat there for hours not speaking just drinking our coffee, finally I got up and bought a newspaper and I flipped to the help wanted ads. We then sat there circling apartments and job opportunities. That’s one thing no one could ever say about us. We were survivors. And whether we wanted to or not… right now we were surviving.

     After a few more hours of searching we decided to leave the café and start trying to find a place to live. “No one is going to rent to us with only a hundred quid to our names.” The Doctor said and I nodded.

     “We could always..” He started “No! Why would we rob anything?” I asked and he stopped us on the street. “It’s not like we have a choice Electra, I don’t want to do it either. But if we want to be able to get a place to live, we need more money.” He said and I thought for a minute.

     “We could sell this.” I said pulling out my Mother’s cross. “No Electra, you can’t sell that, that was your mother’s and a representation of the faith she had and the faith that you have. Even if I don’t believe what you believe I can’t take that away from you.” He said as he touched the cross gently with his fingers.

     “It’s okay really, we’ll sell it at a pawn shop and then when we have enough money we will come and get it back.” I said and he smiled gently as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a fobwatch.

     “Well if you’re getting rid of something valuable then I am too, this should be worth a lot, and I don’t think I will be needing it here.” He said and I smiled gently. “Okay let’s go then.” I said as we made our way to a pawn shop we had seen around the corner.

    We came out of the pawn shop four hundred and fifty quid richer. “Well now do we have enough?” I asked and the Doctor smiled. “Yea I think we do.” He said as we made our way to the cheapest apartment circled on our list.

    Turns out in the 1950’s you can get a lot more for a lot less. The cheapest apartment on our list was actually rather nice and even though it would never be home, I could at least feel comfortable.

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