My Life With BIGBANG

By CharlieFReed

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Disclaimer: I do not own BIGBANG or their agency for that matter. This is purely a fanfiction. Imagine you m... More

Chapter 1: Nice to meet you
Chapter 2: New Found Friends
Chapter 3: Accidents Happen
Chapter 4: Appear, Disappear
Chapter 5: The distances, The Changes
Chapter 6: Surprise
Chapter 7: Confession
Chapter 8: Disappointments
Chapter 9: Indirect Confession
Chapter 10: Fun under the sun
Chapter 11: 'fess up
Chapter 12: Fresh start
Chapter 13: Happy
Chapter 14: Home
Chapter 15: Rumors
Chapter 16: Meeting
Chapter 17: The Truth
Chapter 19: Goodbye
Chapter 20: Love...Life

Chapter 18: Open to public

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By CharlieFReed

Youngbae and I spent the night away from the others.

He didn't bring me back to my house.

Instead. we spent the night up on the mountain top.

"What did he say?" he asked.

I didn't answer.


I looked down and closed my eyes.

"I don't want to talk about it. You still have to do your album promotions, I don't want to ruin that. We'll talk about it some other time." I told him.

He sighed deeply.

"Fine. We'll talk about it some other time. Tomorrow afternoon we'll be leaving for Manila. We'll do our promotions a day earlier of the scheduled date. Seunghyun-hyung got a call from our manager while you two were talking. He is very disappointed and he wants us to get back to Seoul as soon as possible."

"can we talk something else?" I interrupted.

"I can stay here for a few days and help you take care of your visa." he said.

"Hmmm...Really... Won't Mr. YG look for you?"

"I don't think so..." he said.

I looked at him, he flashed me his smile.

I'm bothered at what Jiyong said earlier.

I'm getting confused now.

Do I really love Youngbae? or Jiyong? Is it out of pity? I really don't know. I wish somebody can tell me the answer.

"You know you're really important to me, right?" I told Youngbae.

"I know. That's why you're here and not somewhere else with some other guy." he said.

I hugged him tightly.

"Jagiya..." he said.

"I'm feeling a little cold. I'm sorry but can you hug me tight too?" I said as tears silently fell.

He hugged me tightly. I started to sob.

"Are you crying?" he asked.

But I didn't answer.

He let go of me,

"Don't...Don't let go, Youngbae." I said

"Fine...I won't" Then he hugged me back.

"No matter what happens, O won't let go of you...I'll fight for us." he said and gave a peck on my neck.

I arrived home early dawn.

The guys will be leaving for their promotions of their new album this late afternoon.

Taeyang wanted me to come with him.

At first I hesitated and declined his offer, but he was persistent and in the end I tagged along with them.

It was very awkward being in the same place with Jiyong after what had happened between us.

Tagging along with them wasn't THAT bad,l; I got VIP access;saw them perform live and I was even a part of the live audience during their TV guesting.

As expected, they have a lot of fans.

My eardrums were hurting from their shouting and chanting.

They had a press conference, I stood beside their manager during the press conference.

One reporter asked them,

"Are you guys still single? I heard rumors about Taeyang dating. Can you clarify that?"

Youngbae cleared his throat and smiled.

"I was asked about that before and I already gave my answer. If I was dating I wouldn't tell anyone except for my big boss. You see, there's no need to tell the whole world about my private life. Besides, I don't want paparrazzis to be all over her." he said.

"aawwwww" the fans chorused.

The reporters asked the rest of the boys,

"No, I'm not dating. I'm focusing on our album right now." TOP said nonchalantly. and the audience cheered.

"I'm single. So, no need to worry ladies." Seungri said cheerfully and gave the audience a wink.

This made the everyone laugh.

"No...I'm not...With our busy schedule, I don't have the time to date anyone." Daesung said with a smile.

"I love you daesung" was heard from the background and it made Daesung blush and laugh.

When it was Jiyong's turn,

"I'm going to be honest, for once and I admit I was dating someone. We broke up around last year because of some personal reasons dedicating this album to my past. So, right now I am officially single and ready to mingle" he said and let out a laugh.

The other guys smiled; fans gasped and mumbled, some of them even cheered.

The press conference went on for an hour and a half. Talking about their new album, their expectations and plans and what they think of their Filipino fans.

That night, the boys went back to Seoul after their successful concert.

Except for Youngbae who stayed to help me process my documents to get my visa.

He kept a low profile and stayed at the hotel most of the time. If we were to go to the mall, we would go around late in the evening or early morning, just to avoid fans or anyone who might recognized him.

4 days after their promotions, I got my approval.

Thanks to Youngbae, I didn't know how he did it but I got it.

That next night we flew to Korea.

I finally got to stay in Korea.

We went to his pad and he insisted on letting me stay there.

I didn't have a choice, if I were to rent a house, my savings would not be enough.

"But what if someone will see us?" I told him.

"I'll take care of it, don't worry" he said as he kissed my forehead.

"Ahh...Finally...I can have you all by myself in my territory!" he said as he hugged me from behind.

"silly.." I said as I try to kiss his cheeks but landed on his lips.

"Saranghe...Saranghe...SARANGHE!!" Youngbae said.

"aiissshhhh, don't shout! The neighbors will hear you." I said as I giggled.

"First thing tomorrow, I'll introduce you to Mr. YG." he said.

"Uhh...I'll finally meet him, eh? But isn't he scary?" I asked him.

he laughed.

"No, he's only scary when he's mad but he's a very nice man." Taeyang reassured.

"You won't leave me alone...right?" I said.

"No I won't" he said and gave me a kiss on my lips.

That night I had a similar dream again.

This time, two guys stood at the opposite end of the hallway. I was crying.

I looked at the guy in black, he had his back on me.

I looked at the guy in white, he faced me but had his face covered with his hand.

"what to do?!" I said.

Then I saw a bright light and ran towards it.

I heard my name being called,


Taeyang was calling my name, he woke me up.

"If you won't open your eyes as I count to three, I'll carry you off the bed and kiss you." he said.

ahh...such a teaser.

OK then, I won't open my eyes..


"I'm up!" I said.

" could have waited until three." he said

I giggled and he started to hug me again and steal kisses from me.

It was exactly 7:30 am when we arrived at the YG building.

I used to dream about coming here and wait for my idols just like the fans.

But now I was treated as a special VIP.

We went to YG's office, Taeyang knocked on the door.

"come in!" I heard YG said.

we went inside his office, it was spic and span, very organized and clean.

Action figures everywhere but was arranged accordingly.

Taeyang bowed 45 degrees.

I too bowed my head.

"I would like to introduce you to the girl that I have been talking about, Elizabeth." Taeyang said.

"Hello sir. it's  nice to finally meet you." I said politely.

"ah...I'm happy to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you."

and we started to converse.

Mr. YG wasn't that bad after all, he was so cool, so funny and I was really comfortable around him; it was as if I was talking to my brother.

"Well, it was nice meeting you. We should go out and eat dinner with the rest of the boys and girls. I'm sure Dara would love to meet you since you two speak the same language." he said.

"Yes, I would love that and I would love to meet Dara in person." I said politely.

"OK then, why don't you give her a tour, Youngbae? and if you see dara, introduce them to each other." Mr. YG said as he shot a smile at us.

"Yes sir." Taeyang said and bowed his head.

Then we left his office.

I let out a sigh.

"I thought I won't survive but I had fun talking to him." I said.

"what did i tell you?" youngbae said.

Youngbae gave me a tour of the building and in one studio, we saw dara and the rest of the 2NE1 members rehearsing.

We went inside to watch.

"OK, take 5" the choreographer said.

"Dara-noona, I want you to meet someone." Taeyang said.

I was introduced to Dara and to the rest.

"Ah! Youngbae! You're lucky to have her as your girlfriend. Filipina women are so caring and loving, you won't regret anything." Dara said.

"Thank you for the compliment." I said to her.

"I know that already, noona."

Then Dara and I started to converse in Tagalog.

She's still fluent and improving too.

Iwanted to tell her I want to meet her little brother, Thunder. But I was holding it in.

My first 3 days in Korea was good, until one day.

I received a bouquet of my favorite flowers, red and white roses.

I read the tag but there was no name in it, just "saranghe".

I thought of Youngbae as soon as I received the flowers.

He's being too sweet again.

When he arrived at his pad from rehearsals, I threw my arms around him and thanked him for the flowers.

"What flowers? What are you talking about?" he said.

I looked at him with a confused look on my face.

"The flowers that you sent me. I even placed it in the vase." I told him.

"I didn't send you any flowers. if I would, I'll give it to you personally." he said.

"Stop joking around Youngbae." I said

"I'm not joking, do I look like I am joking?!" he raised his voice.

"You don't have to raise your voice at me. I thought you gave me these flowers and I was just being grateful. You don't have to shout." I said and stormed right in the bathroom.

That was the first time that he raised his voice at me.


If he didn't send me the flowers then who did?!

I thought hard, then a name popped out of my head.


He knew I was staying here, he knew my favorite flowers, it was him who sent those flowers.

The next day, I went to the studio with Youngbae.

I looked for Jiyong, it was time to confront him and tell him a piece of my mind.

After 20 minutes of looking around I found him, alone in the booth.

I went inside.

He looked surprised to see me.

"Lizzie, what are you doing here?"

"Tell me honestly Jiyong, did you send me those flowers?"

"Why? did you like it?" he teased.

"Stop it Jiyong. Stop before I start to hate you. Don't ruin someone else's life just because yours is so screwed up. The more you're aggressive the more I'll stay away from you. So before I'll hate you even more, stop ruining our lives and yours as well." I said and left him there.

I don't want to hate him but he's making me hate him.

I don't want to hurt him and Youngbae.

They are both special to me.

Dara insisted to be my tour guide in seoul.

"Dara, aren't you busy?" I asked.

"Yes, I am. But I asked permission from my manager and he said it was OK, as long as no pictures for the fans, just autographs." she said.

She was as bubbly in person just as she is in TV.

So we went around Seoul.

Even visited some sites which is very popular in drama, such as the Banpo bridge.

we even ate some street food,

"Ah, this reminds me of home, the tempura and kwek-kwek" Dara said.

I laughed when she said the word kwek-kwek.

I didn't know she eats those too.

After our mini tour, I decided to buy Taeyang some snack.

I wanted to surprise him.

I asked the staff where Taeyang was and pointed me at this dance studio.

It was awfully quiet.

Maybe they are resting.

so I peeked.

And I wished I hadn't peeked.

my eyes widened, I don't want to jump into conclusions.

So I tried calling him.

"Yeoboseo?" he greeted.

"Jagiya...Where are you now?"

"In the studio, rehearsing with the boys."

I checked the surroundings, but they were alone.



"Can I talk to Seungri?" I said.

"Uhhh...Seungri is rehearsing his part right now."

"Is that so?" I said.

"Yes...can you call me back? I'm kinda busy..ok?" he said.

Then he hung up.

I opened the door and glared at Youngbae.

He looked surprise to me, and the girl he was with walked out.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

I raised the plastic bag I was carrying.

"I was thoughtful enough to buy you some food. Too bad it's only for you. If you have told me earlier, I would have bought some for her too." I sarcastically said.

"It's not what you think..." he said trying to defend himself.

"I know... You are rehearsing, right?" I said.

He didn't answer right away.


"I gave you my trust, Youngbae. It's up to you whether you'll keep it or break it.." I said then left the plastic bag on the floor and left the studio in a hurry.

On my way down, I bumped in to TOP.

"Lizzie..why in such a hurry?" he asked.

"Go ask Youngbae." I told him without looking at him.

I went back to Youngbae's pad.

My phone kept ringing and ringing.

But I didn't bother to answer.

I sent him a message,

"We'll talk when you get home"

But he went home late that I was too tired to argue with him.

I pretended to be asleep.

"Jagiya... There's nothing going on between me and her. Honestly, we were just rehearsing. Have I told you that I'm uncomfortable around other girls?" he said.

"Jagiya... I hope you're not mad."

I sat up.

"I understand your job very well Youngbae. But you lied to me. You said you were with the boys, but you two were alone. How should I react? be happy that you lied? of course I'm mad." I said.

I stood up.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Prepare something for you to eat. I bought dinner for us to share with but since you came home late, I didn't bother to eat."

Then he flashed me his smile.

"I'm sorry, Jagiya...I won't do it again..I mean, the lying part." he said as he grabbed my hand.

I sighed deeply.

"Aisshh, I don't know what to do with you. Did you know that i wanted to smack you right there and then?!"

"I think I deserve that..." he said.

"Let's go. I'll re-heat the food for us."

As soon as I stepped out of the room, I saw a huge teddy bear holding a balloon saying 'I'm sorry' and one white rose.

"Aisssh.." I said and smiled.

"Next time if you lie to me, I won't hold back and I'll really smack you." I said.

He smiled and hugged me from behind and stole kisses.

And the usual routine; Youngbae goes to rehearsals while I stay at his pad.

Afternoon came, my phone rang.

"Jagiya...Mr. YG wants us to eat dinner with him and the rest."

"Ah...Really? Well, OK then. I'll be there in a few minutes." I said

"Ye, saranghe."

"mmm...Saranghe.." and hung up.

We ate dinner together with Mr. YG, 2NE1, BigBang and the rest of the YG family.

The atmosphere was so light and comfortable.

I felt I was a part of the family.

Mr. YG was trying to be funny but Seungri takes away the spotlight.

"Thank you for the dinner!" I said and bowed.

"You're welcome. Next time then." Mr. YG said.

We went on our separate ways.

Youngbae and I walked to the car, hand in hand and was laughing.


My face was all over the newspaper, fan website, and was even featured in a morning news.

Apparently, there was a paparazzi following us after dinner.

I don't know what to do. I wanna go home!

"Jagiya..." Taeyang said. but I didn't say anything. I was speechless.

He just sat in front of me, staring while I was spacing out. He shook me a little.

"Well...There's nothing else we can do, it's out already. Once it's out in the media, there's no backing out...Right?" I finally said.

he sighed.

"I'm sorry.."

"aisshhh...It's not your fault." I said.

We spent the whole day in Taeyang's pad.

We practically isolated ourselves.

The next day after the article was out, Taeyang was invited at a radio and TV show.

He asked me if it was OK.

"There's no point of hiding now. Might as well, go out and reveal everything." I said in a cheerful tone.

"Fine then. You come with me." he said and pulled my hand.

"Eh? Why?"

"I'll introduce you to the world." he said smilingly.

<at a TV station>

"Good day everyone! Today we have a special guest. Months ago, he was spotted buying a couple ring alone, and during a live broadcast, he was spotted wearing the ring he bought, but left us with a question, where is the other ring? Yesterday, it was all over the news. Today, finally, he came out and is ready to answer our questions. please welcome, BigBang's TAEYANG!"

Audience cheered and clapped as he was introduced.

"Yes, hello, thanks for having me here."

"Let's get to the point, who is she and where did you meet her?"

I was standing beside TOP and their manager.

I was so nervous although I wasn't the one being interviewed.

"Relax...Taeyang can handle this.." TOP said.

I nodded and tugged his coat.

He smirked a little, took my hand and caressed the back of it and repeated the word "relax".

Taeyang was telling the story of us, how we met and how he fell in love.

"Whoa...So romantic and sweet...When can we meet her?" the host asked.

"Actually, she's here. She's with hyung at the backstage." he said and laughed.

"Really? Whoa...Can we please let her join us?"

eh?! no! I'm a camera-shy type of a person!

Then Seunghyun tugged my hand.

"Let's go, I'll gladly escort you to the stage." he said.

I looked at him with my puppy eyes.

"Don't be nervous, Taeyang's with you and I'll be watching you over here." he reassured.

Finally, I agreed.

"Please welcome, Taeyang's girlfriend, Elizabeth."

So I did my first TV appearance together with Taeyang.

I was asked how, when and where we met plus what O think of Taeyang as a boyfriend.

At the end of the show the host asked Taeyang one song he would sing for me.

He sang "you're my".

I looked up at some fan-based site.

There were a lot of comments about me and Taeyang.

Some were positive; others were negative.

But there's nothing they can do now.

Taeyang and I are dating.

But after that TV appearance and radio guesting, I noticed Jiyong was mean and irritable.

One small mistake from a staff, he would fire up.

Is he mad because we finally opened up to the public?

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