C'mon, C'mon (Nouis Fanfic)

By DryRosesChangeBlue

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Meet Louis Tomlinson. Funny, sassy, confident, and way too encouraging. After nearly going home on The X Fact... More

C'mon, C'mon (Nouis Fanfic)
C'mon, C'mon {1}
C'mon, C'mon {2}
C'mon, C'mon {3}
C'mon, C'mon {4}
C'mon, C'mon {5}
C'mon, C'mon {6}
C'mon, C'mon {7}
C'mon, C'mon {9}

C'mon, C'mon {8}

243 12 3
By DryRosesChangeBlue

This is dedicated to HaileyHoran119 because she pushed me to do this chapter. Thanks!

(((((Niall POV)))))

I was confused. And so were Liam and Louis. Meanwhile, Zayn and Harry looked sheepish, ashamed, and humiliated. Why did they have to destroy the house amd then nearly have sex in our room? It make sno sense to me.

"You better answer my questions," I said. I was fuming mad.

Harry looked me dead in the eye. "Well what do you want to know." It was more of a demand than a question.

"Why is the house destroyed?"

"I got pissed that Zayn helped make Louis mad and cry. When you left he went downstairs to get something to eat, I followed him and started to yell at him saying how he is horrible that he made Lou cry. Then he started yellling back saying its not my business and he can do whatever he wanted. We got into this huge arguement about what is and isnt my business. So I punched him. He punched back. And so on," Harry replied cooly.

I gaped. The way he said thay was as if he could pour his whole life into a story.

"If you guys were mad at eachother then why did you guys almost have sex up here?" I asked.

"Even though I obviously like Louis, I had to admit that Zayn looked pretty hot when he was mad. So when he got like Hulk mad, I pushed him into the wall and started to kiss him. Do you want the derails?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Nope Im good," I said quickly. "But uh, dont be mad at me, Harry. Zayn kissed me first. I only kissed back because I was imagining it was Louis."

Louis was blushing like mad. Harry waved it off. "Eh, I dont care. He seems pretty happy now. Whatever you said to him earlier mustve cheered him up or something."

Liam chuckled. "Thats an understatement."

It was my turn to blush. "Uh, why dont we watch a movie? Theres nothing better to do..." It was so completely obvious that I was desperate to change the subject.

Everyone agreed so we started to get comfortable. Liam volunteered to make popcorn, and Harry wanted to watch Finding Nemo. Obviously, no one disagreed.

Louis was going to sit down alone on a bean bag chair, but I pulled him back to me.

"Cuddle with me," I whispered in his ear with a husky voice. He shivered and nodded. Well at least I know his weakness is husky voices. I sat down on the bottom bunk and Louis settled betwewn my legs. As the movie started, I heard him give a breath of relief. Hm I wonder why.

(((((Liam POV)))))

I was walking down the stairs to the mess by the two criminals when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see Harry.

"Hey there, Harry."

"I know your secret."

I froze. What secret? Which one? "What?"

"I know that you like Niall. But dont worry, I wont tell him. I like Louis, so I think we should come up with a plan to split them up. I could have Louis, and you could have Niall." He explained.

I relaxed. Oh. It was just THAT secret. I thought it was something important.

"You know, I feel kinda bad for Zayn. He doesnt like someone with mutual feeling," he continued.

"Neither do we..."

"Yes. BUT, we can make them like us. One way or another, Im getting Louis. Even if I have to get rid of Niall to do so."

"Dont do that! Arent you forgetting that I like Niall?"

"Oh geez I didnt mean it like that."


So after that beautiful convorsation, and after making popcorn, we went back upstairs. Louis and Niall were having an intense cuddling session and Zayn was already asleep. I shook my head. Stupid bloke. Who could fall asleep to Nemo? Its a talking fish for crying out loud!

I started to wonder what Harrys plan was and how it was going to work. More importantly, IF it was going to work...

(((((Harry POV)))))

After the movie was over, I heard a sudden gasp come from Louis. I looked over to him and Niall and realized that Niall was a deep red.

"Whats wrong, Louis?" I asked, suddenly curious.

"U-um... Ashley broke up with Brad! Yeah, thats it!"

"Louis, whos Ashley?" I wondered, about to burst into laughter.

"And whos Brad?" Liam added.

"Well you see, theyre my-" Louis said but Niall cut him off.

"Fish. Theyre his fish."

I started laughing. "Oh god, fish?! Is that the best lie you can do? Come on, you have to have a better lie than that."

"Sorry, but we dont," Louis apologized.

"Alright, well Im going to bed. Tell your 'fish' I said hi," Liam said yawning.

Niall started laughing. "You dont want him to do that."


I decided to go to sleep too. I was really exhausted and I need to get up early so Liam and I could start to form our plan. I wonder i fit would really work.

(((((Louis POV)))))

I was a bit mad that Niall has said Ashley and Brad were fish. If anything, theyre snails. But the reason I gasped is because at the end of the moive, I noticed that Nialls friend had decided to show himself. It was totally obvious. Well at least to me, since he was poking my lower back. It was interesting though.

I was currently in my bed, the boys in theirs. I was in deep thought. Would Niall and I last? I mean, this is kind of sudden. We barely know eachother. But I feel like Ive known him forever. You know?

Hes so... Niallish. Yes, Niallish is a word. It is because I said so. Anyway. Hes just a unique person. I love the thickness of his accent. His blue eyes, bluer than mine, that sparkle when he laughs. His imperfectly perfect smile. His rough, but amazing, singing voice. His warm hands. Hes just so amazing I cant describe it anymore, okay?

I heard his soft snores fill the room and I smiled to myself. I loved that sound. It was so...snorey.

I started thinking of how Niall and I look together. Then about how Niall and Zayn look together. They look a lot better together than Niall and I. I mean, Zayn is so much better than me. He could treat Niall right. But I dont know if I could. Im just so uncertain. I honestly dont know what to do at this point...

A/N: So Ashley broke up with Brad. How sad. Hey that rhymed!^.^

Anyway. Sorry for mistakes.

Oh and since I realized that like..no one likes this story, Ill need 5 comments for Chapter 9.






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