A Meister's Curse (A Soul Eat...

By May5696

35.2K 1K 335

Luna, a meister, and her twin weapons, Drake and Drew travel to Death City at the request of Lord Death himse... More

Drake and Drew
1-Welcome To Death City
2-Checking Out The City
3-A Familiar Face
5-Luna vs Blackstar
6-Mission With Kid
7-Training And Hanging Out
8-New Power, New Home
9-One Thing After Another
10-The Truth
11-The New Luna
13-Under The Sea
14-Just Admit It
15-Battle With The Wolf Witch
18-A Day Of Shopping
20-Abandoned City
21-End Of The Owl Witch
22-Fun Day With Embarrassing Moments
23-Just A Bundle Of Joy
24-Arctic Mission Part 1
25-Arctic Mission Part 2
26-An Old Friend Or A New Foe?
27-What A Pest!
29-Princess?! Part 1
30-Princess?! Part 2
31-Princess?! Part 3
32-A Fitting End

4-First Day At The DWMA

1.7K 56 1
By May5696

"You don't belong here anymore, monster!"

"No, please! I didn't do anything!"

"Liar! You're working with her now aren't you?!"

"No! I'd never help her! Please, you have to believe me!"

"Why should we?! Look what you've caused! Now leave before you bring more death and destruction!"

"But I-"

I ran. I ran as fast as I could. Not looking back. Not wanting to see the faces of fear and hatred.

Finally stopping, I breathed heavily. I looked up to see her standing over me with a smirk.

"Now do you see? You're all alone now. No matter where you go, you will be feared and hated."

I held my head as tears streamed down my face.

"Shut up! Leave me alone! It's your fault! It's all your fault!"

She laughed and disappeared. I stared at the sky darkly.

One day, I will make you pay.

My eyes flew open and I jumped out of bed with a gasp. I looked around to see I was back in my room.

I sighed in relief. "What a nightmare."

I got up and stretched, realizing I was on all fours. I looked down at my hands to see that they had been replaced with paws.

I groaned in annoyance. "Stupid dream."

I got up and used my paws to push my door handle down, opening the door. I'm so glad the doors in this place aren't round knobs.

I headed downstairs to see the twins in the kitchen, eating breakfast. When they noticed me, Drew let out a sigh.

"What happened?"

"Just a bad dream, that's all."

I jumped into a chair as Drake set a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me.

"Lulu, you can't stay like that. Today's Monday, we're going to the DWMA, remember?"

I started eating and said, "I completely forgot about that. I'll handle it after I eat."

I quickly finished breakfast and rushed back up to my room. I sat on my bed, closing my eyes and clearing my mind.

I took deep breaths and let my mind go blank. I felt my body starting to change, until finally it stopped. When I opened my eyes and looked at my hands, I knew I was back to normal.

I checked in the mirror to make sure all my wolf features were gone. All clear. I grabbed my usual outfit and headed to the bathroom.

I changed and fixed my hair before heading downstairs. I sat on the couch while waiting for the boys to finish getting ready.

After a bit, they came downstairs. I looked at them and asked, "Are you two ready?"

They both nodded. Drew placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you sure you want to go?"

I sighed and nodded. "Yeah, just don't leave my side. I need you two to keep me under control."

Drake grinned. "Of course. We'd never leave you behind, Lulu."

The three of us left together. We walked down the streets toward the DWMA. I kept calm on the outside, but on the inside, my fear was coming back.

What if I'm discovered? What if someone finds out about me? No, I can't think about that. No one will find out, I won't let them.

Approaching the academy, I told the twins, "Now remember our reason for coming here. We are not here, Drake, to attract attention and make friends."

Drake gave me a fake sad face.

"I know that. Although you should worry more about attracting attention than me. After all, you are The Silver Wolf. People are bound to recognize you."

"Hmph, I'll deal with them. Don't you worry."

We went inside the DWMA and headed straight to the Death Room. Along with Lord Death, I noticed that red head, Spirit, I think his name is, and Stein.

When they noticed us, they all looked straight at us. Lord Death immediately spoke.

"Hey there, Luna! Nice to see you again! How's it going?!"

"Uh, great. Lord Death, we've made our decision."

He leaned a bit closer, waiting for my answer.

"We've decided, that we want to enroll here at the academy."

He clapped his hands together.

"That's great news! I knew you'd come around! Anyone with your skills is welcome here!"

I bowed my head slightly. "Thank you."

"You'll be in the Crescent Moon Class. Stein, would you take them there?"

Stein nodded. "Of course. Come with me, you three."

We followed Stein down the halls to a classroom. We followed him in and saw everyone's eyes on us. I felt really scared all of a sudden, but kept my neutral expression.

"Class, these are our new students. Why don't you three introduce yourselves."

I sense it again. I glanced around until I spotted him. The reaper boy.

Showing no emotion, I simply stated, "I'm Luna Shade, a meister."

I could faintly hear a few murmurs about The Silver Wolf. Looks like I'm already recognized.

The twins said in unison, "And we're her twin weapons."

"I'm Drake Sterling."

"I'm Drew Sterling."

Stein gave us a nod. "Very good. Now find yourselves a seat."

I noticed the reaper watching me as I made my way over to three empty seats in the back of the class. Drake and Drew sat on either side of me.

As we sat down, Professor Stein immediately started talking about dissecting things. With a disgusted look, Drake whispered to me.

"What does this have to do with being a meister or weapon?"

"I have no idea."

Kid's pov

No way, The Silver Wolf is here?! I could already hear Soul and Blackstar talking about it.

So her name is Luna and she has...twin weapons?! The symmetry! Those two boys dress a little differently, but their faces and hair...their identical!

And remembering her fight at the arena, her weapons are some kind of gauntlets...and they were perfectly identical too!

If only Liz and Patty could be so perfect. I watched as the three newcomers approached. My eyes were on Luna the whole time until she passed my table.

Wait a minute, did I just see that right? The way she was dressed, she looked pretty symmetrical from what I could tell. Probably just my imagination.

Luna's pov

This was a very dull lesson. How many people really need to know how to dissect an animal?

With my elbow on the desk, I rested my chin on my hand as I watched Professor Stein slicing open a raccoon.

As I stared forward blankly, I noticed the reaper boy occasionally glancing back at me. I narrowed my eyes, what's his deal?

As soon as the bell rang, I stood and left the class with the twins following. I wanted to get out of there as quick as I could before someone tried to talk to me.

Following the crowds of students in the hall, I soon found myself in a lunchroom. Must be lunch time. I grabbed a tray and picked out my food with the twins doing the same.

I scanned the room, looking for a place to sit. I finally decided on an empty table at the far end of the room, sitting down with the twins.

As I started eating, I noticed the reaper boy and a small group of people sitting a few tables away. My view was quickly blocked by a group of people.

I gazed up at them as they stood around our table with excited grins.

"Can I help you?"

"You're The Silver Wolf, right? Can we have your autograph?"

I narrowed my eyes at them and said, "I don't do autographs. Now go away and leave me alone."

They all frowned in disappointment and quietly left. I sighed to myself and continued eating. Hopefully I won't draw so much attention after a few days.

Kid's pov

Sitting a few tables away, at the far end of the room, was Luna and her weapons. They were sitting by themselves and eating all alone.

A group of people suddenly surrounded their table, begging for autographs from The Silver Wolf. I didn't hear her reply, but it must not have been good considering the group left with frowns on their faces.

"What's wrong, Kid? You've been quiet this whole time."

I blinked and looked over at Liz. "What? It's nothing really. I was just thinking about our new students."

Everyone glanced over at them before Soul spoke. "It's weird, they've been completely keeping their distance from everyone."

Maka sighed. "You guys are probably over thinking this. Maybe they just want to be left alone on their first day."

Crona then quietly said, "Maybe they don't know how to deal with people."

Blackstar then added, "Or maybe they're just not comfortable being around a big star like me!"

Tsubaki nervously smiled. "I don't think that's the reason Blackstar."

Patty just giggled the whole time, like usual. Something still feels off about that girl. Maybe her soul will tell me more.

I used my soul perception to see her soul. I was immediately shocked by what I saw. Her soul wavelengths emitted nothing but a strong amount of fear.

I gasped. Maka gave me a weird look and asked, "What is it, Kid?"

"Maka, look at Luna's soul and tell me what you see."

She looked in Luna'as direction before gasping. She looked at me with a startled expression.

"I don't get it. Why is she so afraid?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. No one should be that scared of their first day of school."

Soul looked confused. "Wait, so she's actually afraid right now? You sure can't tell on the outside."

He's right. Luna looks so calm on the outside. What is she so afraid of? Is she hiding something?

Maka suddenly stood up and said, "I'm going to talk to them."

She rushed toward their table while Soul called out, "Wait, Maka!"

Luna's pov

Quietly eating, I suddenly heard someone shout, "Wait, Maka!"

When I looked up, a girl with pigtails was standing in front of our table. She gave a big, friendly smile.

"Hi, I'm Maka Albarn. You're Luna, right?"

I nodded. "Yes."

Drake quickly cut in. "You'll have to forgive her, she's not much of a people person."

The girl nodded and replied, "That's okay, I understand. One of my friends is kind of like that too."

Drake grinned. "I see. Oh, I'm Drake by the way. That's my brother Drew over there."

Drew smiled and gave a small wave. "Hey."

"It's nice to meet you three. Would you like to sit with us?"

I sighed. "Not really."

Drake nudged me. "Aww, come on, Lulu. It won't hurt to sit with them for lunch."

I glared at him, wishing for him to stop insisting.

"I said no, Drake. I'm not moving from this seat."

Maka continued smiling and said, "That's alright, we can move tables."

I looked at her in surprise as she waved her hand to her group. No no no no no! What is wrong with this girl?! Can't she take a hint?!

Next thing I know, we're surrounded by her friends, and the reaper just happens to sit in front of me. Maka smiled to the group.

"Eveyone, this is Luna, Drake, and Drew."

A boy with white hair, red eyes, and pointy teeth grinned. "Sup, I'm Soul. I'm Maka's weapon."

A blue haired boy put his foot on the table. "I'M THE ALMIGHTY BLACKSTAR, AND I WILL SURPASS GOD!!!"

A girl with black hair in a ponytail smiled. "I'm Blackstar's weapon partner, Tsubaki."

A pink haired boy quietly said, "I'm Crona."

A small black and white creature popped out of his back, eating some of the boy's lunch.

Crona simply said, "And that's Ragnarok."

Then the reaper in front of me spoke. "I'm Death the Kid, but you can call me Kid. These are my weapons, Liz and Patty."

He nodded toward the two sisters beside him. The taller one waved while the shorter one laughed like some kind of maniac.

Drake and Drew both smiled. I simply sighed and calmly continued eating. I don't want to know these people. I wish they'd all just go away.

Luckily, Drake and Drew were doing all the talking for me. As all the others were talking, Kid suddenly spoke to me.

"I hope you don't mind me saying this but, besides your bangs, your body is perfectly symmetrical."

I looked up at him in confusion. "Huh?"

He simply smiled at me. Was that a compliment?

I stood up. "Whatever. Drake, Drew, let's go."

They both looked at me in disappointment before getting up and following me. We threw our trash away and left the lunchroom.

Kid's pov

It grew quiet as we watched Luna and her weapons leave. She doesn't seem to want anything to do with us, but her weapons seem nice enough.

I couldn't help but admire Luna's symmetry though. Her clothes, the shape of her body, her face, her eyes, everything was perfect.

Everything except her hair. Unlike mine though, her's could be fixed. With the back being black while the front is white, the only imperfection is her bangs that go over her left eye.

But why is she so distant and afraid? Maybe Maka had a good idea after all. Maybe if we continue being nice, Luna will open up.

I still get this weird feeling though. It's not just from her symmetry either. It's more like she's...hiding something.

Luna's pov

The rest of the day, I tried my best to avoid these weirdos, but failed. Drake and Drew really didn't help either.

Back in class, I was now being forced to sit beside Kid, the twins on my other side. I really wasn't enjoying this.

After classes, I quickly headed home with the twins. Drake grinned at me.

"So Lulu, how do you like our new friends?"

"They're not my friends. I don't know why they were so nice to me after I tried pushing them away."

Drew smiled. "Maybe we finally found some trustworthy people."

"Hmph, I think not. I don't trust anyone. And I don't need friends."

Entering our home, I quietly made my way upstairs to my room. Sitting on my bed, I took a deep breath, clearing my mind.

Who needs friends anyway? Besides, if they knew what I was, they wouldn't like me anymore anyway. They'd probably kill me even. No, there isn't anyone I can trust.

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