My Selection

By KatnissMellark_

185K 7K 1.9K

A fan fiction based on the Selection trilogy by Kiera Cass. No, I do not own the story (though that would be... More

The Selection Forms
The Report (1)
Note (not a chapter)
Before The Report
The Selected
Dont be Disappointed
Before the Palace (part 1)
Before the Palace (2)
Before the Palace (3)
Before the palace (4)
Leaving What I Know
Venturing Into the Unkown
Yep, that's Prince Rhode
Snowmen and Relationships(?)
Relationships and Friendship(?)
'Just One Kiss'
The Date
Bombarded by Questions
The first round of goodbyes.
The Chase
Disco Fever
Broken foot party
Why Do I Feel Blindsided?
You're Not Brighton
Smuggled IceCream
Let the Pranks Begin
Would You Like A Pie With That Elimination?
Not ANOTHER dead Selected!
Another Apology
Expert Tree Huggers
Following the leader
I am the Ultra-Bush
Stranded in the Gardens
Food is Better Than Boyfriends
The Struggle of Choosing Red or Blue
Groups and Royals
Do not lose hope (author note)
Party Planning
Psychotic Nox
Cordelia Being Nice?
Rebels + Tears = This Chapter
Goodbye, Rhode
Stories and Excuses!
Rhode's Surprise
Breakfast With the Family (1)
Breakfast With the Family (2)
Rhachlan Bromance
Drunken Accusations
Rocky Rhode
Just a Little Bit Tipsy
What do you mean?
Quick Little Author's Note
Last call for Q&A
Official Q&A!!!!
A Short List of Idiots: Caspian Beckers
Listen Up Now Y'all- I've Got Something to Say
Time to play- oh... Nevermind
Singing Competition
Outbursts and A Surprise Visiter
TAGGED- 10 Facts About Me

Time to Die, Cass!

2.1K 75 113
By KatnissMellark_

"No," I argue with Lachlan on our way to the garden. "The most majestic creature in the world would be a unicorn with an ice cream cone as a horn."
"Cassie, Cassie, Cassie," he sighs. "It would obviously be a dragon made of cotton candy."
"That's just stupid. It'd be the least intimating dragon ever and it would be so hard for the dragon to walk with such flimsy legs." I counter.
"I hate to stop the wonderful argument, Madam, but here is where we're going to sit." He says, pointing to a tiny bench with a small table hidden by the bushes. "For more privacy. So we can talk without guards listening to every word we say."
I nod my head. "Yeah. Okay."
We sit down on the bench, our legs touching.
"So you're a really cool girl-" he starts, but I interrupt him.
"Haha, thanks." I joke back.
"No." He says, suddenly getting very serious. "I mean it. Will all my heart. You're freaking amazing, Cass."
A light blush comes up on my cheeks and to distract myself, I lick my ice cream.
"Tell me more about you." He coaxes me into sharing details about me that I'm not even sure Rhode knows.
"-and so that's what happened the first time I got in trouble at school." I finish my story, just after finishing my ice cream.
"I can't believe you actually told your teacher that she was a 'frog-faced old hag who couldn't get a better job than teaching'" he says, laughing again at my choice of words.
"Hey, I was only eight. I didn't quite know enough mean words." I defend myself.
"I still can't see you saying that." Lachlan responds. "You're perfect."
"Nobody's perfect." I say, remembering what my father used to say to me.
"But yet you are nearly so. Your intelligence never ceases to amazing me. You're the most gorgeous lady that I have ever seen in all of my nineteen years alive. No princess alive could ever compare to you." He beams at the end.
"Thanks, Lachlan." I grin.
"You know I really do mean that, right? Even only knowing you two days, I feel like I've known you for months."
"Me too." I say, grinning.
He starts leaning in, and without thinking, I do so, too.
Before I know it, we're kissing. And it's great. And... Wait, what about Rhode?!?
I pull away quickly. "I- I have to go." I say quickly, stuttering slightly.
"I'm sorry, I should've never done that! I didn't know what I was thinking." Lachlan immediately apologizes.
"I have to go." I say, walking away as fast as I can.
"Caspian!" Lachlan shouts, trying to catch up to me.
"No. Just stop." I say, breaking into a run. I hear Lachlan's steps slow down and eventually stop. Tears stream down my face uncontrollably. I peek over my shoulder and immediately regret it. There, standing in the middle of the garden, is Lachlan with a single tear falling down his cheek.
I feel the tears rushing down my face. I climb up the stairs, rush to my room, and immediately lock the door.
I'm going to be killed. I kissed somebody else besides the prince. That's against the rules. And I know that breaking one of the rules can result in death. I kissed somebody besides the prince...
Well, technically he is still a prince. I say in my head.
You're an idiot, Cass. You can't have any relationship besides to one with Prince Rhode. You're going to be killed.
Well aren't you a ray of sunshine?
Nobody asked for your opinion.
But we're the same person.
I roll my eyes at myself and lie down on my bed. I'm a horrible person. I could've stopped him. This is all my fault.
I hear a knock at my door.
Time to die, Cass!
Go away.
I get off my bed and walk towards my door, wiping tears off my face. "Who is it?"
"Cass, it's Lachlan." I hear Lachlan say through the door.
"Not right now. Please." My voice cracks and it barely comes out above a whisper.
"If that's what you wish, Caspian. I shall do what you want." He responds back formally, as though we barely even know each other.
For some reason that upsets me even more.
Three hours later I hear somebody knock on my door.
"Caspian? It's Lachlan. Rhode wants to know why you aren't at the party."
"Tell him I don't feel well. He'll understand." I say back through the closed door.
I hear his footsteps walking away. Ten minutes later I hear footsteps again, then knocking again.
"Lachlan again." I hear Lachlan say. "Rhode wants to tell you to feel better soon."
"Okay." I say. I still haven't looked at Lachlan since this morning.
"Can I come in?" He asks.
"No." I say, walking closer to the door.
"Are you sure?"
"Shut up." I snap.
"I guess I'll just have to sit by your door, then. It'd look a lot less weird if you would just let me in, Cass." I almost open the door, just thinking about how much I love his accent, but I decide not to.
"Go back to the party."
"You and I both know that I don't belong there. I'm a guest. Besides, I'd rather be here with you."
"Could you please leave me alone?!? I'm going to be killed because I cheated on Rhode! Don't you understand that, Lachlan?" I almost scream.
"Shhh... Calm down." He tries to soothe me.
"No! I'm not. Why don't you understand?" I start sobbing. "Just leave."
"Okay. Have a good day, Caspian." He respond back and for the last time, I hear his footsteps walking away.
This has all been a mistake, hasn't it? I don't love Lachlan. I love Rhode. Well, I don't love him, but I really like him. A lot. But still... Lachlan. I need to figure this out. And maybe soon. That'd be helpful.

Hello everybody. Nothing here. Do people even read author's notes anymore? Seriously? Cool people do, right? Comment, "jelly fish" if you're actually reading this because I want to know how many people actually read these things. Anyways, have a great day and all that stuff I usually say and bye!!!!

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