Triwizard Mechanics

By teamprongs

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Leo and Calypso have happily left Ogygia, but there's a problem. Festus crashes and they find themselves stuc... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Hogwarts
Chapter 2: Festus
Chapter 3: Professor Dumbledore
Chapter 4: I can't think of a chapter name?
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Tags *cringe* im jk
Chapter 10
Another tag. Yay. Thanks Cate *squinty eyes*
Chapter 11

Chapter 5

69 4 0
By teamprongs


Leo, Calypso, Harry, Hermione, and Ron walked into the Great Hall, which was more jittery than usual. Everyone seemed to be buzzing around and gawking at the visitors. The five sat down at the Gryffindor table and looked around. The Beaxbatons students were sitting at the Ravenclaw table, and the Durmstrang students were sitting at the Slytherin table. Calypso could see Draco Malfoy talking animatedly with one of the Durmstrang boys. Leo and Calypso didn't know much about Draco, but she did know that he got under Harry, Ron, and Hermione's skin. The other four noticed Calypso staring and looked over.

"Bloody hell," Ron gasped. "Draco's talking to Krum. Harry, Krum is here!" Harry's eyes widened.

"Who's Krum?" Leo asked.

"Only the best Quidditch seeker in the world." Ron said. "The three of us went to the championship match, and Krum played in it. He caught the snitch, but they still lost."

Leo and Calypso looked at Ron like he was crazy. "Qui-what?" Leo asked.

Ron laughed. "I forgot that you don't know anything about this stuff. Quidditch is a wizarding sport where people fly on brooms and try to throw a ball into hoops. It's more complicated, but that's the main idea."

At that moment, Dumbledore called attention. "Good evening, students. I'm very glad to welcome the students of Beaxbatons and the students of Durmstrang to Hogwarts!" The hall erupted in applause. "Yes, yes. Thank you for coming! Now," Dumbledore lowered his voice so a hush fell over the hall, "to the reason we are all here: the Triwizard Tournament." The hall was completely silent. "Now, Mr. Barty Crouch and Mr. Ludo Bagman have been working tirelessly to put together this competition, so they will explain everything." Dumbledore motioned toward two men.

"Hello, children, I am Bartimus Crouch," said one of the men with a square of a mustache. "And this is Ludo Bagman." He motioned toward the man next to him. "As you know, the Triwizard Tournament is a competition between three schools, where one 'champion' from each school will compete against the others for the Triwizard Cup. However, it is very dangerous. The competition was cancelled a century ago, and has not been done since. We have made precautions to the tournament to ensure that it is completely safe." Crouch paused. "It has been decided that no student below seventeen years of age may enter the competition." There was a series of boos from the students. A pair of twins off to Calypso and Leo's left that looked a bit like Ron were booing the loudest.

"That's rubbish, that is!" they yelled in unison.

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore roared.

Mr. Crouch inclined his head toward Dumbledore in appreciation. "This precaution is necessary to keep anyone under-age from dying in the tournament. Now," he turned toward Dumbledore, who had walked over to a cloth covering some floating object, "Professor Dumbledore will explain how to enter into the tournament."

Dumbledore walked to the center of the front of the room, the covered object floating after him. He took out his wand and waved it in the direction of the object, making the cloth fall of and reveal a gleaming goblet.

"This is the Goblet of Fire." Everyone in the hall oohed and ahhed. "If any one of age would like to enter the competition, they need only write their name on a plain piece of parchment and drop it in the goblet. But, do not take the tournament lightly. Once you enter your name, there is no way to take it out. Anyone wishing to enter has exactly twenty-four hours. The Goblet will select three names for within it at this time, tomorrow night."

The rest of dinner, the hall was filled with people talking animatedly about the tournament. The twins that had protested so loudly were thinking up a way to get around the age restriction.

"You two do realize that Dumbledore will be able to see through any disguise, right?" Hermione asked the two.

"Nah, not if we make it real convincing," said one.

"I'm sure an aging potion would do it, don't you think Fred?" said the other. Fred nodded and looked toward Leo and Calypso.

"So, we've been dying to know . . . is it true that you two crashed here on a mechanical dragon?"

"Uh . . . I . . . uh . . ." Leo stuttered. Ron came to his rescue.

"Oh, come off it, you two. Don't you have some jokes or something to work on?" Fred and his brother rolled their eyes, but got up and left.

"Sorry about those two," Ron said. "They can be pretty annoying sometimes, especially over the summer when I'm stuck with them."

"They're your brothers?" Calypso asked. Ron nodded. Calypso laughed. "You look a lot like them, you know."

The five finished their dinner and went back to the common room to do homework and relax. While Harry, Ron, and Hermione worked on their homework, Leo and Calypso talked about Festus.

"So, when are you planning to tell Dumbledore what we need?" Calypso said as she updated the list of parts they needed.

"Once we take him all the way apart, I'll set the broken parts aside and tell Dumbledore."

They kept discussing Festus, and soon, Harry, Ron, and Hermione had finished their homework. They had already told the three about Festus, and the they were trying to help in any way they could, which wasn't much. After a while, the conversation switched over to the Triwizard Tournament.

"Are you guys going to try to enter?" Leo asked, excitedly.

"No, we're not. Right?" Hermione said as she glared at Ron and Harry, who quickly shook their heads.

"I reckon no one in their right mind would try to go against Dumbledore," Ron said, "except for maybe them two." He inclined his head toward his twin brothers. "Fred and George will try anything if they think there's a way to do it.

"You know, my brother Charlie told me he was coming to Hogwarts sometime this year. He works with dragons," Ron added, looked at Leo and Calypso, "what if one of the things the champions have to do is fight a dragon?"

"That'd be wicked!" Harry said. "I want to see that!" The group kept talking about the tournament until the wee hours of the morning, and finally went to bed.

The next morning, there was a buzz everywhere as rumors about who had put their name in the goblet spread. Some had said that Lee Jordan had successfully put his name in, but when Ron asked him, he had just laughed.

"Bloody hell, Ron, how do you suppose I did that? Must've slept walked or something!"

Some others had said that Viktor Krum, the seeker, had put his name in the goblet right after dinner. This must have been true, because he seemed much happier than usual. He was talking animatedly with another one of the Durmstrang students.

The biggest rumor was that Cedric Diggory was about to put his name in the goblet after breakfast. This was true because a couple minutes after Cedric left the hall, there was a loud round of applause. When they went out into the entrance hall toward the goblet and the sound, they found Cedric dancing out of a blue, floating ring.

"What's that around the goblet?" Calypso asked Hermione

"It's an age ring," she explained, "it can be enchanted to only let a certain age or above into it. In this case, the ring keeps people sixteen and younger from reaching the goblet."

Just then, Fred and George came running into the hall from upstairs. They held some sort of potion in their hands.

"Ready, Freddy?" said George as he unstopped the potion in his hand.

"Ready, George." Fred unstopped his potion as well.

"What's that you got there?" asked one boy.

"This, my friend, is an aging potion—," said Fred.

"—It'll make us a few months older—," said George.

"—Just old enough to be seventeen," said Fred.

"Do you guys always talk like that?" asked Leo.

"Yes," the twins said together.

Hermione stepped forward. "It's not going to work," she said matter-of-factly.

"And why is that?" the boys asked in unison.

"See this?" Hermione pointed to the age ring. "This is an age ring. You can't get through if you're not seventeen. Surely, a man as smart as Dumbledore wouldn't fall for something as dim-witted as an age potion."

"Well you see," said George. "That's the point—"

"—Because he's so perfectly dim-witted," finished Fred.

And at that, they drank their potions and jumped over the age line.

"Haha," they said together as they put their names in the goblet of fire. Suddenly, the goblet spit out their names, and threw the twins out of the ring. As everyone watched, the boys' hair turned white, and they grew white beards.

"This is all your fault!" they told each other. Dumbledore, hearing the commotion, came to see what was wrong, and started laughing. He scolded the boys and took them to Madam Pomfrey, while everyone laughed.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione went off to classes, and Leo and Calypso went to the forest to take some more of Festus apart. That afternoon at lunch, Harry and Ron caught up Leo on the latest guys that had entered the tournament, while Hermione caught Calypso up on the latest brave girls who had entered. By now, everyone was talking about Fleur Delacour who had entered her name just an hour before. It seemed Fleur couldn't get a minute to herself. She was flocked every second by boys gawking and girls wishing to be her.

The Leo followed Harry, Ron, and Hermione for the rest of the day, while Calypso decided to rest a bit in the common room. She had been working pretty hard lately, and being stuck on Ogygia for so long, she wasn't used to working this hard. Usually she just weaved and walked around.

No one was focusing on their work very much. They were too excited about the name drawing at dinner. "Mr. Weasley, will you please stop staring into space and focus on your cauldron before it explodes," Snape hissed at Ron. He was completely fed up with everyone, as no one seemed to care much about their exploding potions. It was a very difficult potion, because if you left it in too long, your cauldron would explode. Leo snickered. Snape snapped his head in Leo's direction. "Find it funny, do you Mr. Valdez? I would shut my mouth if I were you. There's only so long Dumbledore can put up with you and that idiot girl of yours. You're just little pains in the neck.

"CALYPSO IS NOT AN IDIOT!" Leo yelled. "Don't you dare call her names. She's been through more than you'll ever go through."

"Get out of my classroom," Snape said coldly. "Now."

"Gladly." Leo quickly stood up and walked out of the classroom, brushing against Snape on the way out. He stormed back to the Gryffindor common room, and stormed past Calypso. He started up the stairs, when Calypso saw him.

"Hey, what's up with you?" she said as she ran after him.

"Starting tomorrow, we're spending all day in the forest with Festus so we can get out of here as soon as possible. I'm done with this place."

Calypso grabbed his hand. "What happened? It wasn't Harry or Ron was it? They're so nice."

"It was that idiot Snape. I'm done. They don't want us here. We might as well get out of their hair."

Calypso ran in front of Leo. "You know what Snape is like. He's just an old sour puss. He doesn't like anybody, except for maybe the Slytherin house. C'mon, Leo," she pleaded. "Think about it. If they really wanted us gone, Dumbledore would be asking us every day how far along we were, and Harry and Ron and Hermione wouldn't talk to us so much. They like us Leo, whatever you may think. Just relax."

Just then Harry, Ron, and Hermione came bursting into the common room. "LEO!" they shouted. They looked up and saw him fuming on the stairs with Calypso.

"Leo, are you okay?" Hermione asked.

"You know Snape was just saying that. Dumbledore doesn't hate you," Ron bursted.

"We don't want you to go anywhere!" Harry said quickly.

Leo shook his head. "You don't have to lie to me. We'll be out of your hair as soon as possible."

The three ran up to Leo. "Leo, we don't want you guys to leave. You're our friends; we don't want to see you go," Harry said. Leo realized the three were panting. They had run all the way from Snape's office. They really didn't want him to go anywhere.

He nodded. "Alright. Okay." Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Calypso smiled. "How did you guys get away from Snape?"

Ron laughed. "We waited 'til Snape turned his back and ran. What's he gonna do? Say that we ran for no reason? You know Dumbledore will want the whole story. It's Snape that'll get in trouble. It's kinda funny, really."

They all laughed. They decided to relax until dinner because Snape was the last class of the day, and there was no way they were going back there. As people started to trickle back into the common room, they kept coming up to the Leo, Harry, Ron, and Hermione to congratulate them on standing up to Snape. Even Fred and George had heard about it already, and they came up to give them a slap on the back.

"We've trying to come up with something to do to him for a while, but I think that's pretty good! Wait 'til Dumbledore hears!"

They all decided to go down to the Great Hall early. Everyone that had wanted enter had already done so, but there was still a big crowd around the goblet just in case. Leo, Calypso, Harry, Ron, and Hermione kept going. They didn't really care who entered. They just wanted to see who the Hogwarts champion would be.

When they got inside and sat down, they immediately noticed Snape staring them down. He was obviously still fuming from their disappearance. They also noticed Dumbledore staring at Snape. He finally caught his eye and raised an eyebrow. Snape took one last glare at the group, and started talking to Professor Flitwik. People began to trickle into the hall, and soon, Dumbledore stood.

"Good evening, students. I'm sure you are all very excited, but the champion drawing will have to wait until after eating." Shoulders drooped everywhere, and Dumbledore chuckled. "I suppose it gives you more motivation to eat quickly, hm?"

The food appeared, and everyone dived in. The quicker they ate, the quicker they could draw the names. It was probably delicious, but Leo, Calypso, Harry, Ron, and Hermione ate so quickly that they didn't taste anything. Soon, everyone was finished, and Dumbledore stood once more.

"Alright, then. I have asked Professor Moody to retrieve the goblet, and we will now begin."

Moody brought out the goblet, whose flame seemed a bit brighter than before. He let go, and the goblet went spinning in mid-air toward Dumbledore, and stopped directly in front of him. Dumbledore put a hand on the side of the goblet, and it glowed still brighter. He let go, and a piece of parchment came flying out into the air. Dumbledore caught it and looked at the name inscribed.

"From Durmstrang: Mr. Viktor Krum!"

Everyone erupted in applause, and Krum was pounded with people slapping him on the back. He stood and made his way to Dumbledore, who then directed him to a room off to the left. Dumbledore put his hand on the goblet again, and a second name came shooting out.

"From Beaxbatons Academy: Ms. Fleur Delacour!"

The hall erupted in shouts and applause once again as Fleur made her way to the same room as Krum. Dumbledore once again put his hand on the goblet and the last name came shooting out.

"From Hogwarts: Mr. Cedric Diggory!"

The hall was even louder than before as all of Hogwarts cheered on their champion. "Yes, yes. Thank you to all that entered, and we wish our champions good luck! Now, the first task will be in two months . . ." No one was paying much attention to Dumbledore as the goblet started to grow brighter again. Dumbledore walked forward and stuck his hand out, as if to stop the goblet. A piece of parchment came shooting out. Dumbledore caught it and looked at it in shock. He mumbled something incoherently. He said it again, this time much louder: "Harry Potter!"

Harry's face went pale with shock. "But . . ." Everyone looked at him.

"Harry!" Dumbledore said again, looking directly at him. Harry stumbled to his feet. He walked slowly up to Dumbledore, all eyes on him. A few people shouted out, but only insults. The hall was completely silent. Dumbledore looked down on Harry in disappointment, but directed him to the room the other champions had gone in. Immediately after he left was an eruption of outbursts from people complaining.

"Silence!" Dumbledore yelled. "Everyone is to go back to their dorms, immediately." Hermione, Ron, Leo, and Calypso stood to leave, but Dumbledore pointed to them and gestured for them to come see him. "Did Harry put his name in the goblet?" he asked. They all shook their heads. "Are you sure?"

"Professor, in all due respect, Harry would never do such a thing. He told us himself he wasn't even going to try," said Hermione, politely.

"He was always with us," Ron added.

"Yeah, he couldn't have left in the middle of the night either," said Leo. "I sleep right next to the door. I would've woken up." Dumbledore nodded.

"Would you like to come with me?" He gestured toward the room the champions had gone into. They all nodded, and Dumbledore led them into the room.

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