The Kids From Yesterday (A Pa...

By suicidespark

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Suicide Spark was a fearless killjoy. She belonged to no group or zone, nothing could hold the red haired, pa... More

Chapter 1 - Suicide Spark
Chapter 2 - The Fabulous Four
Chapter 3 - Dracs
Chapter 5 - The Exterminator
Chapter 6 - Bargaining
Chapter 7 - The Leader
Chapter 8 - The Ghost Of You
Chapter 9 - Dr. Death Defying
Chapter 10 - Recruiting
Chapter 11 - The Triffid
Chapter 12 - Black Out
Chapter 13 - Sparks & Party
Chapter 14 - Dracs pt. II
Chapter 15 - The Ritalin Rat
Chapter 16 - The Future is Bulletproof
Chapter 17 - The Light Behind Your Eyes
Chapter 18 - Unexpected Visits
Chapter 19 - Blood, Blood, Gallons Of The Stuff
Chapter 20 - Welcome To The Black Parade
Chapter 21 - SING
Chapter 22 - Rescue Complete
Chapter 23 - Safe & Sound
Chapter 24 - The Industry
Chapter 25 - Confessions & Nightmares
Chapter 26 - Explanations
Chapter 27 - Spark's Base
Chapter 28 - Val Velocity
Chapter 29 - Anobrain
Chapter 30 - So Long & Goodnight
Sequel ||

Chapter 4 - Full Speed

1.2K 40 32
By suicidespark

It was dinnertime in the Killjoy's base meaning refried fucking beans, or more commonly known as Power Pup. This delicacy is a food every killjoy knows in the zones, it's the only food supplement we can get out here in the zones. The taste isn't so bad, if you just hold your nose and tip it back the first time. When you're on the road for four years and that's the only food supply, you grow accustomed to it quite quickly; as for me you sometimes don't know when you're going to eat next.

Out the front a few yards out from the diner Jet Star had begun making a fire while we all sat around putting our power pup into the fire to eat the revolting food. It tasted like shit no matter what you did with it, the fire making it taste only a tiny bit better. 

I was quiet for most of the night, just listening to what the other men around me were saying, taking in this new, weird experience of being somewhat included in a group.

"Sorry about our warm welcome by the way, it's just a precaution we have to take in case a BL/I idiot comes and tries to interrogate or capture us." Kobra Kid said snapping me out of my current thoughts. "It's alright I can understand." I replied simply taking another spoonful of the power pup.

After what seemed like hours of talking, well- the four killjoy's talking amongst each other and trying to include me in some conversation pieces, Jet Star sat up from his place in the sand. "I think I'm going to hit the hay." He said getting up along with the other killjoys. There were a lot of 'same' and 'me too' being said by all the killjoys.

We killed the fire to prevent any unwanted guests finding their way into the base before heading back into the diner. Kobra, Ghoul and Star all wandered off into their own rooms, bidding me a goodnight along with their fellow killjoys. There base was so cut off from the desert and so well hidden, I figured no one bothered to take watch.

I thought all the killjoy's had retreated to their rooms leaving me by myself, so I decided to lie down in a booth and get comfortable. I didn't realise Party Poison stood over me watching me curiously with a smug expression etched into his features.

"The fuck are you doing?" He asked confused. 

"I'm going to sleep?" I retorted confused why he's asking. 

"No way are you sleeping on that piece of shit." Party said placing his hands on his hips and looking at me expectantly.

"Well were else am I going to sleep?" I asked in annoyance and confusion, I didn't realise how exhausted I was until now, my eyes literally stung to keep open.

"My room of course." Party said and I felt like choking on my own spit, however I kept my poker face on.

"You have two beds or something?" I said getting up slowly and following Party Poison into his room. "Hell no." He said while opening his door. It's not that I was afraid of him- kind of. Maybe it's the fact four hours ago I was kicking him in the balls and he wanted my head on a spike and now we were sharing a bed together. Whatever though, if it meant a safe night of sleep for once I was so unbelievably down.

Party Poisons room was filled with colour; he had a desk beside his bed, if you could call it a bed. It was really just a large mattress with red covers on the floor. I silently thanked the heavens the bed looked almost big enough for three people. Not that I'm prude or anything just I prefer my space as you can tell. Especially when it comes to sleeping.

His bedside desk was filled with papers and pencils and all different sorts of art equipment. "You're a pretty good artist." I said looking at his walls, splashed with different colours. His jaw dropped sarcastically and he held his hands up to his mouth dramatically. "Did THE Suicide Spark just compliment me?!" He joked while smiling at me. "Oh shut up before I take it back redhead." I spit back more jokingly.

I took my black leather jacket and heavy boots off, standing suddenly feeling extremely awkward and small under Party's gaze. 

"What are you waiting for?" Wow he was sassy. "OH do you need a pair of shorts or something to sleep in? Because fuck that sleeping in skinny jeans." Party said pointing quizzically to my black worn out jeans. I rolled my eyes out of habit. 

"Please." I said while Party rummaged through a small pile of clothes in the corner of his room, grabbing a plain black pair of shorts. "There you go." He said handing them to me while standing back smiling at me.

I cleared my throat waiting for him to close his eyes or something- no way is this motherfucker gonna catch me in my underwear. 

"OH RIGHT." Party exclaimed abruptly turning around instantly catching onto what I was hinting at. I let out a small laugh before tearing off my jeans and slipping his oversized shorts on.

"Okay you can look." I said while Party turned around, looking me up and down. His expression instantly changed to his famous smug grin. "Cute." Was all he said before turning off the light in his room.

I got into one side of the bed while party climbed into the other. I laid there with my eyes open for sometime until party began to speak again. "Oh Spark, do you need to take your contacts out? I noticed your eyes are red." Party asked concerned. Oh gosh here we go.

"Well actually they're not contacts. They're uh, natural." I spoke weakly. Party Poison stayed quite for a moment before letting out a loud laugh. 

"HA! Nice on Spark, now get up and take the contacts out, they'll hurt like a bitch tomorrow morning. I know from experience." Party rambled on while I once again rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't even see my dull expression.

"Party! They're natural. No bullshit, had them since I was little, I've got photo proof if that aint enough for you." I said determined while Party remained silent for a few minutes, mulling over what I had just told him.

"That is so. Fucking. Cool." He breathed out to which I laughed in response.

"That's a first." I replied heaving a sigh. Thinking back to my youth all I remember are hateful comments towards my unusual eye colour. 'Fucking emo' The kids would spit at me, I could take them though, I was strong like that.

"What do you mean?" Party asked, I could make out the outline of his face, he was sitting up slightly, his hand supporting his head.

"Not many people think it's cool. In my teenager years the kids used to be terrified of me, adults out here in the zones still are. At least now a days it's a bit more acceptable to have coloured hair." I rambled realising all the information I was spilling to Party Poison.

"Fuck em' all, people will be quick to judge no matter what. We just gotta' stay true to ourselves." Party spoke determined. 

For a while the silence came back within the room Party and I shared, we were both mulling over our own thoughts no doubt. After a small while of thinking between the both of us, Party Poison let out a muffled yawn.

"Night Spark." Party Poison slurred from tiredness. "Night tomato head." I said grinning. 

"Hey I could say the exact same thing to you, you sassy bitch." Party said rolling onto his back. "Anyway, goodnight." He said while yawning again.

"Night Party." I replied before turning over myself.

This was certainly extremely weird for me. I've barely known this dude one day and we're in the same fucking bed together! Not that I wasn't grateful, I can't see the booth I was originally going to sleep on be as comfortable. Now that I think about it, I haven't slept in a proper bed in ages- years maybe. This was definitely an upgrade from the wooden floor I was so accustomed to sleeping on back in my own base.

Still, this whole situation was weird. I feel like everything was moving in fast speed, however for once I'm not complaining.

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