Follow The Rules (One Directi...

By DreamingOfOreos

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Follow The Rules (1D Spankfic)
Explaining the Consequences
Sick but not Immune
Mood Swings
Acting Like a Child
Baby Leprechaun
Bar Fight
Feeling Betrayed & Sabotage Part 1
Feeling Betrayed & Sabatoge Part 2
Being Mean
Bad Boy Down

Being Annoying

12.4K 107 19
By DreamingOfOreos

It's been a week since the boys explained the rules. You would think the two young ones would follow in Liam's foot steps and protest right after him... but they didn't. Hearing Liam's punishment was enough to deter them from saying anything. Realizing that they weren't joking about the spankings but it wouldn't last for long.


Harry had been feeling sick, he was fatigued and feverish.

They were all supposed to go to the studio and do a radio interview. But since Harry was sick he didn't go he stayed home.

The boys where currently at the studio. Louis was in the booth and Zayn, Liam, and Niall were listening as he sang. Niall was getting board and antsy so he started to mess with Liam poking him, flicking the back of his ear, and messing with his hair. Liam kept telling him to leave him alone. But Niall wouldn't let up. "Niall stop it. Liam is tired and doesn't want to be messed with." Zayn scolded. Niall huffed. He sat in his chair signing heavily and tapping his foot impatiently. Until they were done recording.

At the radio interview he didn't let up. Niall moved on to messing with Lou. Ruffling his hair which earned him eye daggers. But that didn't stop him from messing with him. He started to poke his sides, this time Zayn cleared his throat and Niall turned around and Zayn gave him the cut it or else look. Niall looked peeved but he stopped. Instead he started to play with his phone. Since they could move around freely Zayn went over to him. "Give me your phone," he whispered in his ear. Niall was about to protest but Zayn gave him a look that made him think twice. Normally Niall wouldn't give in so easily but him and Liam are really close and he made him promise to try his hardest not get in trouble and get spanked. But he hated feeling like he was just rolling over and taking it.

After the interview Zayn handed him back his phone. "You need to stop pestering people who want to be left alone. Other wise your bum is going to be very sore. And it's rude and disrespectful to pull out your phone at an interview. So chill, got it?" "Yes sir." Niall murmured. Zayn wrapped his arm around him. "Come on let's go home."

They got back home at Harry was sitting at the counter in just his boxer briefs. With his head down and a glass of water in front him. Louis came to stand next him and started to rub circles on his back. "How are you feeling, Haz?" "I threw up about 20 minutes ago. But I kinda feel a little better." He still felt feverish. "Come on Haz. Lets get you upstairs so we can take your temperature and you can get some rest." Louis then proceeded to pick him up bridal style and take him to the room him and Niall shared.

Louis came bouncing down the stairs. "How's Haz? Is he any better?" Zayn asked. "He says he is. But his fever his the same and he threw up again. I think he doesn't want to miss laser tag this weekend." "Or he doesn't want to go to the doctor?" "True. It's probably a mix."

Niall went up stairs to look for something. He flipped the lights on his room. Earning a groan form Harry. "Could you please turn of the lights?" He moaned. "Oh stop being a big baby! I just need my phone charger." He was rummaging through all the drawers and slamming them shut and whistling. Harry was getting sick of all the noise, he already had a throbbing headache. So he grabbed his blanket and headed down stairs, muttering to himself about how annoying Niall is and how he hoped he'd trip and fall. When he made it downstairs he threw himself on the couch across from Zayn and Liam. He immediately regretted he shot back up ran to the kitchen and threw up in he sink. Zayn ran in behind him and started rubbing his shirtless back. All the jostling around made him sick. Louis came in hearing all the noise and took Zayn's spot rubbing his back. Harry rinsed his mouth and he was pulled into a hug by Louis. "Baby why did you get up?" "Because Niall was making a lot of noise in the room. I asked him to stop he just told me stop being a baby. So I was just going to lay down on the couch but then I felt nauseous." "That boy!" Was all Zayn said before heading up the stairs.

Niall was still looking for his phone charger. He hear the door open,"Hey Zayn have you seen my phone charger?" "Niall what did I tell you about pestering people?" "Huh?" "Why were you annoying Harry? You know he isn't feeling well." Niall shrugged "He isn't feeling well and you come in here turn on the lights, start making noise, and you didn't think that would annoy him?" "No. Why does he have to be such a baby about everything?" Zayn was furious he grabbed Niall by the bicep and pulled him over his knee. He was struggling, trying to break free. But it was no use Zayn is way stronger. "I warned you about annoying people. What did I say would happen?" "No!" He began to squirm even more "Niall you better answer my question before you make it worse for yourself." "You said you'd spank me. Please don't I'll behave! I'll leave Harry alone!" "I'm sorry Ni, but I told you this would happen. And I can't go back on my word." "NO!" With that Zayn pulled Niall's sweats and boxers down and started landing hard smacks on his pale bum. Niall was still squirming. "Please stop!! I'll behave!" He said through gritted teeth. Zayn wouldn't let up though he kept spanking him. Knowing that he really hasn't learned his lesson he just wanted the assault on his bum to end. Now Zayn was focused on his sit spots. These being the hardest of them all Niall was crying. He had finally stopped kicking but he was still shifting trying to ease the burn he was no doubt feeling in his ass. But Zayn wasn't done yet. "PLEASE I CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE! I SWEAR I'LL BE GOOD!" Niall sobbed. He wanted to stop but he had a feeling that Niall still hadn't learned his lesson. He gave one particular hard smack on the middle of his butt right at the curve of it and he finally went limp and was just sobbing into Zayn's jeans. He gave him 10 more and scooped him into his lap and let him sob into his shirt, soaking it. "Shh. You're ok. Shh. All is forgiven." He started to hiccup from how hard he was crying. "Even your breathing. Your going to make yourself sick. Shh." Niall looked up from Zayn's chest,"I'm sor(hiccup)ry for not listen(hiccup)ing to you." "It's ok all is forgiven now." Niall finally started to calm down. Zayn then stood him and walked him to a corner. "I want you to sit in the corner and I'll be back in 10 minutes ok?" Niall's pants were still around his ankles. "Can I pull up my pants?" "No. That's part of the punishment babe. Sorry." Niall didn't look like he wanted to sit, so Zayn gave him a slight push so he would sit. Niall yelped when his butt made contact with the floor. He would have shoot back up if it weren't for the fact that Zayn had his hand on his shoulder. Then Zayn walked out and Niall was left starring at the wall.

A/N ok so I'm not updating till I get at least five comments about what you like and what you don't like. "Update" comments will not be counted. I just really want to know what you guys think.

Thanks for reading vote comments and follow :D

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