Wild Cat (A Kiba Love Story)

By strawberrypolkadot

28.3K 788 154

Kiba x OC On a job, Kiba and Akamaru are thrown far into the ocean and when they wake up, they find themselve... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 5

3.4K 128 25
By strawberrypolkadot

Rei woke up in a cold cell. Her body hurt all over. Dried blood coated her skin and clothes and Hikari was curled up in her lap shivering. She crawled to the door. "Hello? Is anyone there?" She called and someone growled. "What do you want?" He gruffed harshly. "C-Could I please have a blanket? My cat.... She's going to freeze. Please, I won't ask for anything else I promise." She begged and some shuffling around a lite window opened in the door and a blanket was thrown in. It closed as soon as the blanket was through.

"Thank you." She said and wrapped the small kitten in the blanket and setting her in her lap rocking herself. Kiba.... Why...? She thought tears streaming down her face.

* * * *

"Kiba are you freaking serious?!" Naruto growled. Kiba glared at him. "What? She betrayed me. I don't want anyone who will hurt me in my life." He replied codly. "I'm really dissapointed in you dude. If you really loved her, you wouldn't have let them hurt her like that. You didn't even give her the chance to explain anything to you. What if it was a lie to turn you against her? You'll never know now man. I thought you were different then that." Naruto said frowning and shaking his head walking away.

What if he's right? What the hell did I just do?! Kiba thought to himself his heart stopping. He fell to his knees the pain becoming more unbareable. Tears came to his eyes. "What the hell did I just do!?" He shouted pain filling inside him.

He got up wiping his eyes. He started running trying to get all that pain out of him. It didn't work.

"Why did I....? Why didn't I let her explain....? She won't want to see me again. I hurt her so much." He said. He knew that a shinobi never cries or shows any emotion that could be a weakness. He couldn't keep the tears in though.

It started to rain and Kiba cried. The tears couldn't show and were camouflaged by the pouring rain. He walked and when he entered the kitchen in his home, he expected to find her cooking something or sitting at the table crafting something. He passed his sister who looked at him with pity and sadness.

He walked up the stairs and he flopped onto his bed.

His sister opened the door and sat down next to him on the edge of his bed. "Why does it hurt so much, Sis?" He asked his voice cracking. She rubbed his back. "That means you care very deeply about someone. And when you loose them, you're heart takes time to recover. That is the pain that you're feeling." She said and he burried his face deeper into his pillow. "I'm a horrible person. I want to die." He mumbled and she stopped rubbing his back and slapped him although it was harmless because of the pillow. "No you're not, Kiba. No one deserves to die." She said.

"I am a horrible person. People hurt the one that I love and I just stood there doing nothing. And I didn't say that I deserve to die, I said that I want to die." He replied tears soaking his pillow.

He removed his face from his pillow and his sister was shocked she had never seen him cry before.

"I hurt her so much. Now she's in a cell alone. She's been hurt so much before.... And she told me. And I hurt her even more. I wish I were the one in the cell. Not her." He said and his sister patted his head. "Try to save her. If you really love her that much, you can make up for your mistakes and save her." She said softly and walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

He fell asleep the pain in his heart not wavering.

* * * * *

Rei woke up and looked down to see Hikari breathing heavily. A tray of foodslid under the door and she crawled over to it and picked it up and brought it back to the corner where Hikari lay on the ground wrapped in the blanket.

"Hikari." Rei whispered her voice raspy from the lack of water.The small kitten slowly opened her eyes and Rei tilted the glass so that the kitten could drink. She started drinking the water and stopped when she had her fill. Rei drank some of it herself and looked down at the food in front of her.

It consisted of clumpy mashed potatoes, jello, and purréd meat. "Eat up. It might be a while until you eat a decent meal again." The guard growled and she nodded starting to eat. She took the spoon and gave so of the meat to Hikari who gobbled up whatever was on the spoon.

She ate three spoonfulls when she finally felt full and rested her head on her lap and doozing off. She ate whatever was left and she also fell asleep.

* * * * *

Rei woke up, not in the cell, no. But on a large stage with probably the whole village. She looked around but didn't see Hikari anywhere. "It is time to place the verdict. Rei Haluchina, the last member of the Haluchina clan, is charged with killing her entire clan, and the death of eleven others." Someone stated. Boos rang through the crowd when Rei finally understood what was happening. It was an execution. Her execution. She wanted her life to end. She wouldn't be hurt anymore. No one but Hikari would miss her either.

"What is your verdict?" The person asked. "Since she was placed on an island to restrain her evil intent, we spared her life. She is here by charged with murder and treason. My verdict is, Death." The person said and Rei's eyes widened a little bit and she closed her eyes, tears in her eyes. It was still painful to hear all those cheers as she was sentence to death.

"Where's your proof?" Someone called from the crowd. Her eyes shot open to search for who the voice's captor was.

"What do you mean?" The person said. "I mean what I said. Where is your proof that she killed her entire clan and eleven others?" The same voice said.

Rei kept scanning the crowd in search. The voice was so familiar. She had to make sure her ears weren't playing tricks on her. Then she saw him. Tears came to her eyes. Not tears of sadness, but tears of happiness.

"I did some research, and I found that Rei has an identical cousin named Ria. Identical except for one thing. A birthmark shaped as a blade on the right side of her neck. And when Rei's clan was assasinated, Orochimaru had been spotted in the area. Rei was on a job with her teamates and came back to her clan district ten minutes after the clan was killed. She was acused because she had stepped in a puddle of blood which splashed on her." He said.

Murmurs broke out through the crowd, both of uncertainty and anger. "That settles two cases, but what about the ten others?" The person inquired. "That's where you need proof to proove that she is responsable. Pictures, eye witnesses, video camera reports, police reports." He said. The person opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water. "Until further evidence is collected, the subject may be released." The person said and Rei put her hand over her mouth tears in her eyes. She was released from the handcuffs which were binding her hands together.

She ran down from the stage and hugged her savior with tears streaming down her face. The crowd started leaving. "Thank you. I thought.... I thought that you hated me..." She said and Kiba hugged her back. "How could I ever hate you...?" He replied and she looked up at him. He bent down and kissed her, his arms wraping around her waist. Her hands went up around his neck.

Kiba's mother watched the two and turned her back walking away. Naruto nodded his head with his arms crossed over his chest. He finally realized. He thought and walked away a light smile on his face.

The two seperated and the crowd was gone. No one but them was on the streets.

"I love you, Kiba." Rei said and Kiba looked down at her. "I love you too." He replied

A/N: I honestly didn't think it would end like this or any of this would happen :/ I also thought it was going to be longer. This is the end of my Kiba Love Story! This morning when I opened the document, there were like, thirty words, and here I am, finished the story. I beat my top record. I finished in a day! Woo hoo! I don't think there'll be an epilogue. I really enjoyed writing this story. I think it's a short story but not my shortest :) I hope you enjoyed and I'll post more Naruto fanfics if you wanna check 'em out later when I post them. Also please leave what you think of this story in the comments and if you want me to make more Kiba Love Stories, with Rei or not. Thanks!






~ Strawberry-Chan

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