The Demon Hunters

By QuirkyNightOwl

430 40 0

Meg is about to be enticed to a stranger. When hunters get enticed it is hard for them to keep secrets from t... More

1. Birthday Party
2. The Secret
3. Enticement
4. Ride Home
5. Assignment
6. Drive
7. Apartment
8. Sparing
9. Death
10. Attack
11. Following
12. Truth
14. Training
16. Practice
17. Kidnapping
18. Rescue
19. Doubts and Plans
20. Hard Work and A Battle

15. Ally

13 2 0
By QuirkyNightOwl

"I am so exhausted." Katie says.
"I am going to shower then go to bed." Jamie says.
"It is only five in the evening." Hunter says teasingly.
"I think I am going to go on a walk." I say and disappear before anyone can say anything or follow me.
I just needed to get out of the house for a while. Everyone seems to be on edge right now. I keep trying to make some kind of plan or at the very least a start of a plan. The Hunters have a very large man power on their own add in the vampires and we don't stand a chance. Not like this. We have four humans who have had one day of training and two hunters, one of which isn't even legal yet. We have two warlocks who are very young and together we couldn't do very much especially right now. I suddenly bump into someone while I was jogging.
"I'm sorry. Are you okay?" I ask the stranger.
"Yes, it's fine." He says I hold my hand out to help him up.
"Here let me help you." I say and he takes my hand.
"I'm Seth." The strangely familiar man says.
"Meg." I say and continue to stare at the man.
"You happen to know a Mary?" Seth asks.
"My mother. How do you know that?" I say and start inching away from him.
"My name is Seth Gray." He says and it hits me.
"You mean the same Seth Gray that is the highest ranking Warlock in the country?" I ask.
"Yes, I take it you know who I am then?" He asks.
"I know you are my father if that is what you mean" I say.
"Do you know what the hunters are then?" He asks.
"Yes, we found out, after he arranged for the primary class to be hit. How did you know?" I ask.
"Your mother and i found out a while back. She wouldn't leave Joseph, she was afraid he wouldn't believe her. She thought as long as she kept quiet no one would figure out she knew. She also thought no one would figure out about you. I am also assuming you know and so do they." He says.
"They suspected, Simon said something about me never joining them and when I said I wouldn't, Erik attacked me and I zapped him." I say.
"Is there somewhere we can talk?" Seth asks.
"Let me make a call." I say.
I pull my phone out and call Josh. It rings a few times before he finally picks up.
"Meg, where are you?" He asks.
"I went for a walk and you will never guess who I bumped into." I say.
"Who?" He asks.
"Seth Gray." I say and he makes a noise.
"He knows about the hunters, he wants to talk. Do you think it is safe to bring him there?" I ask.
"Yes. Want me to have the others down here or no?" He asks.
"Yes bring them in too. They have a right to know." I say and hang up.
"Come on, Let's go." I say not elaborating.
"Do you know what you are capable of yet?" He asks.
"All I have been able to get from anyone is that I am powerful." I say.
"Yes you are. You have all the power I ever had plus what your mother had as a hunter." Seth says as we walk into the house.
"See everyone says that but I have no clue how to use it." I say
"I can teach you. All of you if you want." He says as we go to the couch where the others are.
"Sure." I say.
The next hour is spent of all of us grilling Seth about the hunters.
"What are we going to do about dinner?" I ask.
"We went shopping while you were walking." Beau says.
"Okay I will go throw something together." I say and jog to the kitchen.
"Why don't you let me help?" Katie asks.
"Please do." I say.
"What do you think of him?" She asks.
"I don't know what to think. I mean yeah he is my father but I only knew him when I was so little. I hardly remember him." I say.
"Do you think we should let him help us?" She asks.
"I mean it will help us immensely. The four of us need it. He said he could teach us how to use our powers more efficiently." I say.
"So you trust him?" She asks.
"Kind of." I say.
"What about you and Beau?" She asks.
"I honestly don't know." I say honestly.
"You like him?" She asks.
"Would it matter if I did?" I ask.
"He likes you. Anyone with eyes can see it." She says as she puts the food on the plates on the table.
"He doesn't" I say.
"Foods done." She shouts then looks at me. "And he does you just can't see it."
"Oh whatever." I say just as they come and sit at the table.
Katie has made pasta. It is surprisingly really good. We are all silent apart from Josh and Luke who are whispering to each other. I slightly kick Josh under the table and give him a look.
"So is Seth helping us or what?" Katie asks.
"I am willing to help all of you but I will be the most use to the enticed." Seth says.
"What does that mean" I ask.
"It means I can teach you telepath, magic and utilize your partner's strength to help you." Seth says.
"Whoa you mean they can talk in their minds?" Jamie asks.
"Yeah when they were enticed the doctors connected their minds it literally connected their minds. They can use this connection to communicate." Seth says.
"How did you figure that out?" I ask.
"The woman I was enticed to and I figured it out." Seth says.
"When do we start?" Beau asks.
"In the morning." Seth says.
"What happens if we can't do it?" Josh asks.
"Everyone who has been enticed can. They will be able to communicate and feel each other like when the other is close they can sense it. They might be able to sense the others feelings but that is questionable." Seth says.
"Okay I am going to go change." I say and jog up stairs.
I change into some shorts and a different tank top knowing I will be going running before I shower.
"Mind if I join you?" Beau asks.
"Sure. I am running that same trail as this morning." I say as he changes.
"That's fine." He says and we jog down stairs.
"Where are you two going?" Josh asks.
"Running." I say and we rush out the door.
We run the first three blocks in total silence.
"What do you think of Seth's theory?" He asks.
"About the telepathy?" I ask knowing the answer.
"Yeah." He says.
"It would come in handy in fights in stuff. What do you think?" I ask.
"I'm okay with it. What about the feelings thing?" He asks.
"Are you okay with it?" I ask.
"Yeah I think so. I mean we have been best friends for three years. What are we going to find out that we aren't likely to know?" He asks.
"Yeah." I say.
"Come on. I'll race you." He says about a mile from the house.
"Okay. Go." I say and we start sprinting.
I beat him but not by much. When we get to the house we sit on the porch before we go inside.
"Beau, why is there a bus in the driveway?" I ask quickly.
"Umm. I don't know. Let's go ask Josh." He says and we rush inside.
"Josh why is there a bus in the driveway?" I shout from the kitchen. I grab a bottle of water from the refrigerator and go sit on the couch.
"Seth borrowed it indefinitely." Luke says.
"So he stole it?" I say.
"Pretty much." Josh says walking back in the room.
"Where is he?" I ask.
"He left." Luke says.
"What do you think of his theory?" I ask.
"I can see why he thinks it will work but I am still skeptical about it." Josh says.
"It is most likely to work. Seeing as we can already sense each other and crap." Luke says.
"Yeah but what do you think of the read each others mind?" Beau asks.
"Seth said that we would be able to block some of it out but it would take practice." Josh said.
"Oh, well then we better get some sleep before we get our asses kicked in the morning." I say and go upstairs.
I quickly take a shower and throw on my pajamas on and crawl into bed. I hear Beau go and shower and feel the bed dip as he crawls into bed.
"Good night." He whispers and kisses my fore head.
"Night." I mumble and curl up beside him.

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