To Get The Ones We Hate

By kaylawayla

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Amber and the gang are back like you've never seen them before. Now at age 22 and living in New York City, Am... More

Chapter One: New Start
Chapter Two: Old Antics
Chapter Three: Pause and Rewind
Chapter Four: Who Can You Trust When All Are Sus?
Chapter Five: Tell Me A Lie
Chapter Six: Unsure
Chapter Eight: Save Me - Part Two

Chapter Seven: Save Me - Part One

203 12 6
By kaylawayla


"It's your turn," I mentioned to Zonnique. She smiled and picked up the spinner. "Right foot on green," she said, reading off of the carboard disk. She moved as the card implied, landing her in a position where she had to hover above Prince, and they were face to face. I could see Prince's light cheeks fade to red from where I was sitting.

Zonnique, Breaunna, the boys- except for Ray, Prod's girlfriend and I were playing a game of Twister at our house. We were stationed in New York now; we packed up and left Atlanta after OMG went mainstream. It felt good just hanging out with the boys, and not their annoying ass girlfriends for a change. Zonnique had bitter feelings towards Laurielle, similar to the ones I have towards Amber. Ever since that meet and greet years ago, Amber has stood in the way of me and Prodigy's friendship. I never had romantic feelings for him like everyone assumed, but there was a point in time where we were really close friends. Maybe even best friends.

Prod and I did everything together: Wrote music, went to parties, played pranks, and probably even more stuff I can't remember. But Amber changed it all. Prod started devoting most of his time to her. Taking her shopping, going out on dates, the whole nine yards. Which left me all alone, just wanting my best friend back. Yet, when Bahja decides to show the least bit resentment, she's the bad guy. Everyone always takes sweet, innocent, lovable Amber's side. And that's the main reason I despise her. And it's not like she doesn't reflect similar emotions. Whenever Amber sees me, her face turns pale, and she tries her hardest to ignore me. For what reason, I really coudn't care less.

It's not a problem, though. If it's one thing I always carry out, it's vengance. And it comes back twice as hard.

"Bahja!" Prod said in an annoyed tone. "Its your turn." I got so caught up in my own thoughts that I forgot we were playing a game. "My bad," I said, lowly. I picked up the card board spinner. "Left hand on-" I was interrupted by the sound of Kya's phone ringing. "Hello?," She answered loudly. "Yeah? Okay, I'm coming. Bye." Kya stood up, luging her overly sized bag along with her. "Leaving so soon?" I asked. "Yeah. Amber and her friends are here to pick me up. They invited me to this weekend ski resort thing," She replied, partially scoffing. Kya was many things, but she wasn't nice. That went double for Amber. I could tell she didn't care for her. but the question was, Why?

"I'll see you guys later," Kya said as she let herself out. "Bye," we all replied in unison. Shortly after Kya had left, we continued playing the game, but in silence. I guess everyone had something different on their mind. Prod broke the silence not to long after. "I'm worried about Amber, guys." Prod said. I rolled my eyes and took out my phone, uninterested in whatever Prodigy was going to say next. "Why?" Nique asked.

"Because of this whole dream thing."

"Dream? What dream?"

Prodigy then explained what happened in Amber's dream years ago to Nique and Bre. I think Roc and Prince already knew. And I listed to every detail. It actually shed some light on why Amber acted the way she did when she was around me. I mean, come on; a seventeen year old psychopath? I'd be afraid, too.

"Wow..." Nique said, trailing off. "I still don't understand why that worries you, though." Prod sighed. "Well... Nothing is for certain yet but... I think Amber is the one." Nique gasped, and Bre raised her eyebrow with her eyes wide. Shit, that even caught me by surprise. I know exactly what Prod was referring to, and if his suspicions were correct, we were gonna have some serious problems on our hands. "Wait, you mean the one?" Bre asked. Prod nodded, "That's exactly what I mean." Nique shook her head in disbelief. "Wow..."

Prod tired to defend his claim. "I mean, think about it. Scenes from her dream started playing out in real life. And she told me that she got that weird feeling the day that plane crashed in Hawaii. That has to mean something." For the first time since Kya left, I spoke. "I wouldn't be surprised if she was." And I wasn't lying. I'm glad Prod shared this with us; the wheels in my head were churning, and I felt a plan coming on.


"Ugh, are we almost there?" Jamaya whined in my ear. I sighed, "For the millionth time, no. Stop whining. You sound like an eight year old." Jamaya pouted and folded her arms, leaning back into her seat. Apparently, she was acting like an eight year old too. This near six-hour drive to Vermont was driving everyone off the wall.

"Actually, we're here," Dez said, with her hands groping the wheel. I looked out the window to notice two things: One, it was snowing in the middle May, and heavily at that; and two, we were right in front of this grand wooden ski lodge. Far from what I expected. My jaw dropped, and I hopped out of the car as soon as the wheels stopped rolling.

"This place is gorgeous," I exclaimed. The exterior was all polished wood, mahogany if I was correct. When we went inside, the place was huge. Chandeliers drapped the ceiling. Huge glass windows allowed every ray of sunshine to enter. It was breathtaking. All six of us stood there in awe at the marvelous establishment.

"Yo," Briana said, with her mouth ajar, "this place is dope." Kya nodded in agreement, "Yeah, this place is gorgeous. But, can we check into our rooms now? I'm ready to relax." Dez shrugged, and went over to the concierge.

"Hello," she said formally. "I reserved the master suite for me and my five guest." The concierge nodded. "Ah, I see your reservation right here, Ms. Garcia. Please show me some valid I.D., and I'd be happy to show you where your suite is." Dez pulled out her drivers license and showed it to the woman. The woman smiled and rose from her seat. "Follow me," she said to us.

She led us outside, to this smaller looking version of the main lodge. The cold was causing my skin to sting, so I was ready to get inside. The concierge took out the key, "Welcome to Winnipac Resort's Grand Master Suite." She opened the door, and I was blown away. Two levels of space, with the bedrooms upstairs. There was a huge 56 inch flatscreen T.V., an indoor jacuzzi, surround sound stereos, a central heating system, an indoor jacuzzi, warm plush rugs and a beautiful cocoa brown sofa set. Did I mention the indoor jacuzzi?

While the rest of us stood there in shock, Jamaya instinctively ran for the kitchen- which was all stainless steal, I might add. She opened the fridge, and a somewhat unhuman noise escaped her mouth. "Have we reached the mother land?!" I laughed at her humor, but I didn't blame her for her reaction. The fridge was stocked with every food you can imagine. As for the cabinet? Full of any junk food your heart desired. The concierge giggled, "I do believe you'll enjoy your stay. Contact me if there's any issues, ladies." And with that, she disappeared through the front door, leaving us with this huge suite all to ourselves. It was quiet for a little bit, besides the sound of Jamaya rummaging through the cabinet. Thats when I heard Kerry scream, "Last one in the jacuzzi has to scrub Dez's crusty feet!" She lunged for her suitcase in search for her bathing suit, and I did the same. "Shut the fuck up, Kerry," Dez said, laughing.

We've been at this resort for about fourty five minutes, and Kerry, Dez and I have been in this jacuzzi for the whole time. My skin was even starting to wrinkle. Kya was on the couch, watching a rerun of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta. As I glanced over to her, I noticed staring me down, hard. I swiftly turned my head again, trying to avoid looking in her direction. Jamaya was still in the kitchen, with Bri now in there, taking inventory on the snakcs. Jamaya was working on her 4th bag of cheese puffs.

"Aye Jamaya," Dez called. "Why don't you and Bri come join us?" Jamaya groaned. "I wish I could. If I went in that jacuzzi, I'd probably sink. I think I've gained 5 pounds." She clutched her stomach as the three of us laughed. "Put the cheese puffs away, fat ass," I said, still laughing. Jamaya shook her head, "I wish I could... but they're so good!" She stuffed another handful in her mouth. I shook my head, smiling. Dez turned from Jamaya to Kya. "How about you, Kya? You want to join us?" Kya shook her head, not even looking away from the television. "No, thanks," she said, bluntly. Dez turned to me, and I slightly rolled my eyes. I was having such a good time, and I didn't need a pessimistic soul to ruin it.

Kerry sank down in the jacuzzi, such that only her head was above water. "Oh, how good this water feels. What I wouldn't give to make love in here," she said, exhaling deeply. Dez snickered, "Don't you think you need a man to do that, Kerry?" Jamaya, Briana and I were weak from laughter at her sarcastic retort. I could even hear Kya laugh a little at the joke. Kerry playfully rolled her eyes.

Just as it seemed we were all having a good time, every single light in the suite shut off. The six of us looked around, confused as hell.

"Did the power go out?"

"Possibly. Or maybe its just a power trip. Maybe they'll come back on."

At that moment, all six of our phones went off simultaneously. It was one of those public service announcement text. "Power outages across the whole state of Vermont due to severe snowstorms. The electric company predicts the power to be down for at least 3 more hours. All are expected to stay indoors at this time," I read out loud. We all groaned in annoyance. I glanced outside, and there had to be at least three feet of snow out there. I could hear Jamaya gasp in the kitchen. "What's wrong?" Bri asked, almost frantic. "If the power is out...." She started trailing off. She opened the fridge and fell to her knees in a melodramatic manor. "All this good food is gonna go to waste because the power is out!"

I kissed my teeth and got out of the jacuzzi, making sure to rap myself in a towel. "Really, Jamaya? We most definitely have bigger problems. Like hello, the heat? We're going to freeze in here because there's no electricity to keep the heat on." As soon as I finished my sentence, Dez and Kerry scurried out of the jacuzzi, looking for some warmer clothes to put on. "Oh look, here goes Ms. Know-It-All Amber again. Just what we need," I heard Kya mumble under her breath. I turned around and raised my eyebrow, "Excuse me?" She shrugged. "I said you're a know-it-all," she said in a blunt tone. I walked closer to her, growing more annoyed with each step I took. "I'm sorry, but I don't recall acting like I knew everything. I'm just trying to save your ass from hypothermia." Kya stood up, seemingly just as annoyed. "I don't think my ass needs that much saving, so stop it." We were now face to face, with nothing but the couch dividing us. I could feel the chilly air start the settle in the suite, but my blood temperature was rising.

"Why are you so rude?"

"Why are you so annoying?"

My eyebrows creased at her statement. "I'm annoying? You're the one that's always ruining the mood with your pessimism! No one wants to be around a downer, Kya! Especially a rude one!" She folded her arms, "And no one wants to be around an uptight goody two shoes with a pole up her ass," Kya said, with a slight smirk.

I swear on everything I know and love, it took everything out of me not to knock the shit out of her. Jamaya, Bri, Kerry and Dez were all in shock at the events taking place. "You know what? I'm a grown woman. I'm just gonna walk away before I do something I'm gonna regret," I said with my hands up, heading for the bedrooms. I could hear Kya snicker behind me. "Yeah, because I know you're very familiar with regrets. Especially the way you regret not getting back with Prod. It just sucks when you can't keep a hold of your man, doesn't it?"

That's it. She crossed the God damn line with that. Sure, I was a grown woman, but everyone has their breaking point. I turned around almost invoulentarliy, and charged at her. I could hear Briana run after me, and hold me in an embrace. "Amber, calm down. Be the bigger person." I ignored her request. "Don't you ever talk about my fucking relationship with Prod," I spat at Kya at the top of my lungs, with Briana holding me back. "What relationship?!" Kya asked with severe sarcasm. "Prodigy is my boyfriend! Wake up from the little delusional world you're living in, Amber! Shit!"

I finally managed to wiggle free from Briana's restraints, and I tackled Kya to the ground. I had my hands around her neck. I was seething with rage. "I'm so sick of your bullshit, Kya!" Her facial expression changed from a somewhat neutral one to one of pure rage. She grabbed my arms and threw me off of her. I'll be honest, I didn't expect her to be so strong. I hit the wall of the suite with extreme force. "Are you out of your fucking mind," Kya yelled at me as I laid on the floor. She came charging at me, but I thought on my feet. I swiftly rolled out of the way, and Kya hit the wall in the spot where I previously was. I could hear the chandelier shake from the impact; it was that strong.

Kya seemed even angrier than before, if that was even physically possible. She pounced on me, and punched me in my jaw. It took a few seconds for that fact to settle in my mind. "Did she just hit me?" I took my thumb and wiped my mouth. The warm and sticky residue of blood was evident. I creased my eyebrows, and rolled over so that I was on the top, and she was on the bottom. She struggled to break free from me, "How about you get the fuck off?" "How about you shut the fuck up," I said, mocking her. She finally managed to shove me into the wall that we have been struggling next to for some time now.

"Can you guys please stop yelling and hitting that wall," Kerry asked, in somewhat of a whisper. Semi-ignoring her, I continued trying to bash Kya's head into the wall. "Why should we?" "Because," Jamaya said, somewhat annoyed, "You guys are going to start an av-"

Jamaya was interrupted by the sound of rumbling. The floor began to shake, growing more vigorously with each passing second. I looked away from Kya to the other girls, to see their reaction to the commotion. "What the hell," Dez screamed over the loudness. Then, there was a crash. All six of us screamed, and took cover on the ground, covering our heads and closing our eyes in the event of any impact.

About a minute after the noise subdued, I finally looked up. The room was near pitch black; no sunlight shone through the windows. "Guys, where the fuck did the sun go?" Jamaya finally finished the sentence she tried to complete before this commotion took place.



What up guys?!? Long time no update.

So the girls are stranded with no electricity in the middle of a snowstorm. Yikes.

Amber and Kya? Need to clear things up ASAP.

Bahja is back to her old ways, I see.

 And what do you guys think Prod means when he refers to "the one"? Hmmmm...

Serious note, guys. On June 29th, I'm going to Beijing for 6 weeks and I can't update until I come back. I mean, I'll try my hardest, but don't get upset if I go M.I.A.


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