The Deal Taker (Book III)

By Kissmeyoufool

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*Read "The Deal Maker" and "The Deal Breaker" First* Joanna Garth's life has never been normal. It wasn't no... More

Prologue: 2007
Chapter One - What's My Line? 2010
Chapter Two - Pillow Talk
Chapter Three - Make a Wish
Chapter Four - Make Me Pretty
Chapter Five - Break a Leg
Chapter Six - To The Happy Couple
Chapter Seven - Party Animal
Chapter Eight - Rule Breakers
Chapter Nine - Here Comes the Bride
Chapter Eleven - The Honeymooners
Chapter Twelve - Sleepless
Chapter Thirteen - Rabbit Hole
Chapter Fourteen - Fire
Chapter Fifteen - Breathe
Chapter Sixteen - Bitter
Chapter Seventeen - All Hail
Chapter Eighteen - The Fortune Teller
Chapter Nineteen - The Lonely
Chapter Twenty - Happily Ever After

Chapter Ten - Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Foster

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By Kissmeyoufool

                                                                                       Chapter Ten

                                                                            Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Foster

I KEPT A TIGHT HOLD ON Matthew as we made our way back to the backyard where our ceremony had taken place. I wanted to question him about where we were heading because, from what I've learned from movies, people usually headed to some reception or something. When he opened the door I fully expected to see everyone still sitting in a circle, facing a now-empty center where we had said our vows. But that was not what I saw.

The entire backyard had been transformed in the ten or so minutes we were away. Instead of rows of chairs, there were dozens upon dozens of tables and chairs, all with blindingly white table cloths and giant bouquets of crimson roses. The tables were everywhere and illuminated with half a dozen candles on each table, surrounding the crystal vase of roses. Above us, where the trees had paper lanterns hanging previously, now had giant white cloths draped in a way that provided a sort of shelter. Paper lanterns still hung above us, in-between each white cloth, making the area feel like a cozy tent. In the center, where we once stood, now had a huge rectangular platform for what appeared to be dancing. Past that platform, sitting higher than the circular tables where all of the guests were sitting, sat a rectangular table with two throne-like wooden chairs. It didn't take a genius to figure out who would be sitting there like royal snobs.

The second we stepped into the glowing reception area people immediately began cheering and whistling. It was almost overwhelming how many people were staring us down. My hand squeezed Matthew's for him to take the lead, as he usually does.

"For the first time in a couple of centuries..." a British voice I knew boomed over some speakers. "Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Foster!"

Everyone laughed and cheered at Liam's announcement while Matthew seemed to be plotting Liam's demise. We stood there, smiles planted on our faces, and pulled together for a quick kiss in front of everyone.

Matthew led the way towards the platform just as the music began. This would have been a good reason to have had some sort of training, but I received none. I had no idea what dance we were supposed to do. The only kind of dancing I knew was dirty, which would not be appropriate at a wedding. Knowing Matthew, he probably had a thousand dances he knew how to do.

Matthew immediately pulled me close until we were chest-to-chest, his hand pressing against the middle of my back. His other hand directed mine around his neck. Once my arms were draped over his shoulders and neck, he slid his hands down my sides until they rests on my waist. The music started off quietly, mostly involving a gentle piano melody, but soon grew louder with the hum of violins. We swayed mostly, our foreheads pressing together most of the time. It was a little awkward to dance so intimately, especially in front of so many people.

His steps were easy to follow, mostly because he guided my every move. We mostly kept to the same pattern on the dancefloor, with only about a step or two in each direction. Matthew rested his cheek on the top of my head towards the end of the song while I tried to keep my eyes down. The dance wasn't as bad as I had originally pictured; I thought we'd be twirling around and possibly I'd be thrown into the air at one point. Thankfully I was entirely wrong.

When the song ended I almost flung us off the dancefloor in hopes of it all being over. Unfortunately, our dance wasn't our only one. Matthew's lips twitched as I tried to pull him towards the edge of the platform, but miserably failed when I didn't even budge him. The music changed, a little faster this time, and people surrounded us with their partners. If I was a claustrophobic person, I'd have passed out right then and there.

We were really dancing now, and not just swaying like before. I gripped tightly onto Matthew as people danced beside us and were cheering as they passed by. At one point Nicholas danced by with a quiet and miserable Beth in tow. Surprisingly, I wasn't a totally crappy dancer. Although I have no experience with any dancing besides club dancing, I was actually managing to figure out the dances almost immediately. I think my couple of years of training to fight has made it easier to be able to copy dance moves rather easily. It was also easy to learn when your partner is making sure you're keeping up.

That is, until someone stepped in to dance with Matthew.

He wasn't given the chance to say anything before some woman in six-inch heels pulled him away. Before I could throw myself off the platform, someone caught me by my arms and began spinning me like a top.

"Well aren't you ravishing, beautiful?" Liam commented as he held me close to keep me from jumping off the floor.

I gave him an eye roll so intense it hurt my eyes. "Let me guess, you're a master of all kinds of party events?" I commented. "Also, have you been lurking for a chance to dance with this chick?"

He chuckled, pushing me out for a twirl before pulling me back in. "No, actually, I wasn't lurking. Not my thing."

How else was he able to grab me the second I was free? Unless... "Matthew told you to make sure I wasn't left alone, didn't he?"

Liam pressed his lips into a fine line, resisting a smile. "Nicholas has been circling you just in case. Unfortunately, Angelina seemed to jump on the chance to dance with her ex's best friend."

My eyebrow arched with interest. "Angelina? As in Matthew's ex-fiancée? She's still here?"

He nodded, pushing me out for another twirl. "She cried at the ceremony. I suppose she thought he wouldn't go through with it—I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up an ex; huge events such as these bring up quite the amount of dirt, let's just say."

I wasn't bothered by Angelina's presence, or the fact she's practically here to try to win him back somehow. Something about Angelina made me curious. Why would she want someone so desperately? Why Matthew?

The song changed, and yet again my partner was swept away. Though to say he was swept away would be false because it was more like I was pulled from Liam.

It took several seconds to remember who I was dancing with. I had only met him once, yet I definitely remembered him because of Matthew's odd introduction of him.

"What a lovely ceremony," Asmund mentioned, holding my hand delicately in his while his other hand rested on my waist.

Dancing with Liam was awkward enough, but dancing with a stranger was pretty weird, especially so close. I tried to be kind and hostess-like as we danced to some sort of song from the forties. "It really was. Are you enjoying yourself?" It didn't even feel like I was the one to say it. Have I completely lost my snarky and informal ways?

He smiled, flashing his pearly white teeth. "I am. This is quite the event of the century."

I stared into his eyes as dark as coal, trying to be as civil as can be. "I suppose, though I haven't lived a century."

His chuckle was loud over the music, causing a few to look at us in surprise. "No, I guess you haven't. Matthew has told me a lot about you, Joanna."

My smile never faltered. "I hope it's all good?"

"Mostly," he teased. "I've been told you are a rather good athlete."

Athlete? The first thing to go through my head was me in a basketball league or something. "Do you mean sports? Because I've never played any of those." Too busy not counting shots and running around to the latest parties.

Asmund shook his head, still grinning. "No, no. I heard you have certain skills, shall we say?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Did Matthew call me a hooker or something? That's a lie if he—"

Another roar of laughter erupted from him. "Matthew said you were witty and surprising. But no, he never indicated you worked in that field. I was talking about special, rather deadly, athletic skills."

My footing became off, causing us to bump into a couple next to us. Did I hear that right? Did he just hint to my fighting skills? I wasn't sure how to respond, partially because I didn't know if he was trying to get information out of me or not. Would Matthew have mentioned it to him? He barely seemed to care about this guy as being his guest. Matthew preferred keeping everything a secret.

The song came to a close, to my absolute relief, and Asmund kissed the back of my hand. Again, I was left alone on the dancefloor for maybe five seconds before another pair of arms grasped me.

Nicholas gave me a side smile, his chocolatey eyes warm and sweet. I nearly pulled him into a hug because he was the only one besides Matthew I'd willingly dance with. I also knew Nicholas would be nothing but kind and mannerly while dancing, making me relax.

"I think Matthew has been trying to make his way back to you, but keeps getting pulled away by eager women wanting a dance," Nicholas commented with a light chuckle.

We gently spun by a couple kissing and towards the edge of the platform. I looked around us, trying to find Matthew in the crowd somehow. Apparently he was deep in the crowd because I couldn't see him anywhere. "At least he has people to keep his bride from dancing with others," I mentioned with a quick glance at Nicholas from the corner of my eye.

Nicholas looked amused by my frustration. "I think he's more concerned with you attacking someone. Though I believe it does make him anxious to have some of his touchy guests handling his bride."

I scoffed, looking at the couples around us. "I can handle myself, trust me. No one is touching my butt without a few broken fingers."

"That brings us back to his other concern." The corners of his eyes were crinkled because he was smiling so widely.

When the song finished, Nicholas danced with me for the next song. We mostly danced in silence, swaying to the music. I found myself watching the people around us dance and laugh and chat. I could hear some talking about future events, such as the Halloween party in a month. Will I be going to that? Another mentioned an event happening a week before that party, saying it would be a pre-Halloween bash. I said a silent prayer I wouldn't have to attend all of the events. I love to party, don't get me wrong, but I think I put those days behind me when I was eighteen and homeless. Also, being around this many vampires all the time would most likely cause a mental breakdown for me, and I would not do well in a straightjacket.

"In the centuries I've known Matthew, I don't think I've seen him in love before," Nicholas revealed quietly.

My body stiffened, mostly because I was concerned this would be another lecture on not hurting his friend. I wasn't sure how to reply to his statement, so instead I just continued swaying to the music.

"I do see why he chose you of all the people he's met in all of the centuries he has existed; you're unique. As silly as it may sound, I think you two will be together a long time."

Did he just hear my heart falter and me choke? Because I'm pretty everyone had. Together a long time? I couldn't even think a month in advance. But Nicholas seemed so honest in his statement, as if he actually could see us together longer than a year. I swallowed hard and tried to speak with a stable voice. "I hope so," I lied.

After Nicholas had left, I was forced to dance with about four other men I hadn't met before. Three were super nice, almost as if they were sucking up to me to get closer to Matthew. The fourth one, however, did a lot of digging about my life. Although I mostly answered truthfully, I was a little uncomfortable talking about my upbringing. Thankfully, when the song had ended, some woman begged me to let him dance with her. I just about shoved him into her arms.

When another pair of hands grabbed me, I nearly groaned and threw a tantrum. That is, until I realized who was holding me.

"Oh, thank God," I practically cried, pulling myself closer to Matthew in case someone was about to yank me into another awkward and intimate dance.

Matthew pulled me even closer, pressing his lips to my temple. "Mmm, excited to see me?"

I realized how overly relieved I had been and tried to pretend I was more upset than happy. "My feet are killing me and I'm tired of dancing," I grumbled.

He looked around us before pulling me towards the edge of the platform and helping me down. He guided us to our table and, to my relief, helped me into my chair. "I've been trying to find you, but everyone was so packed up there."

I kicked off my heels and rubbed my sore heels as he spoke. "I kept getting swept away. Damn, I think I got a blister or two."

Matthew looked over at my feet and frowned. "Do you need anything?"

I slid my feet back onto the grass below. "A steak, a baked potato, and a slice of pie."

"Always food, isn't it? Don't worry, food will be out for the little humans soon. I'll be sure to put a napkin over your lovely dress so your drool doesn't ruin it."

My hand smacked Matthew under the table so no one could see it. It only caused him to burst into laughter, making several heads turn to stare at him in astonishment.

Matthew was right about food coming out. Of the hundreds of guests, about fifty or so were human, and we were all served a really amazing meal. During my time of chewing happily on some grilled salmon, Matthew kept having to adjust the napkin on me because apparently I was being "too sloppy" in my chewing. I hid the broccoli in my other napkin every time Matthew turned to talk to someone, eventually throwing the whole cloth napkin into a nearby bush. After the meal we were served dessert consisting of individual mini wedding cakes in square shapes. The cakes were wrapped in a white fondant with pearl candy along the bottom to match my jewelry, along with a large and elegantly drawn M & J on the top in red icing. As if it were not fancy enough, it had a black, edible ribbon wrapped around the tiny cake with rose petals and raspberry sauce drizzled on the white plate. The cake itself was red velvet to match the crimson theme with a chocolate filling. I asked for two, but I got in trouble for getting a drop raspberry sauce on my dress, and was thus banned from having another one.

We sat most of the time, mostly talking about the many guests. But at one point Matthew was called over to a group of people eager to speak with him. I had to keep telling him it was okay to leave before he finally had. Once gone, I tried to think of a way to get another cake.

"You seem rather eager," a soft voice, with a slight accent I couldn't fully put my finger on, commented.

I looked over to see a woman sitting in Matthew's seat, not caring whether it was appropriate or not. Not like I cared or anything. "A little hungry."

She smiled and reached towards me with her hand covered in bizarre rings of every color and size. "I'm Adeline."

I hesitantly shook her hand, surprised by its warmth. I thought for sure she was a vampire, partly because of her confident demeanor. "Nice to meet you, Adeline."

She grinned, her pale blue eyes wide with excitement. I began to take a better look at her, realizing how bizarre she actually was. Her black hair was done in thick dreadlocks, reaching as far down as to her hips. In her hair were different charms and beads attached to each lock. Her brow, lip, and nose were all pierced with different types of metals. Around her neck, clumped together, were about two dozen necklaces all varying in lengths and sizes. She ran a long fingernail across her chin, narrowing her eyes at me as I took in her appearance. I tried not to stare, but it was impossible not to. She wore a dress, about three times her petite size, consisting of nearly every color of the rainbow and every pattern known to man. Meanwhile, she was completely barefoot with toe rings. She was the type of person to make everyone stop what they were doing and stare.

"So, um, where are you from?" I awkwardly asked, realizing it had been about a full two minutes of silence between us.

Her bubbly mood never changed. "I was born in Jamaica, though I only lived there about a decade, I suppose. I move about every few months. I currently live in Germany, though that'll change soon." She noticed my confusion and gave a slight laugh. "My spirit cannot be chained to one location. Similar to you, Joanna Garth of Wonderland."

My breathing hitched at the familiar name. Wonderland. It was a place I had named myself; the place where my life was destroyed. It was a place in Chicago where people got high and partied and basically got lost in whatever they were taking or drinking. I used to run around the streets of Wonderland every single night from around fourteen until I sobered up at eighteen. Last time I was there I was in search of my sister Cindy. Hearing someone say it so boldly completely shattered my mask. How would she know about the place? I don't even think Matthew knew the name of the place. "Excuse me?"

She stood up, still grinning, and patted the back of my hand. "A cold rain is coming, though I believe you'll stay warm by the fire."

Before I could say anything on that odd statement, Adeline disappeared in the crowd as mysteriously as she had arrived. What about rain? I looked up at the sky through the leaves of the trees and saw stars, not clouds. It wasn't even cold out. She's mental.

"I'm close to ending this event and rushing out of here," Matthew grumbled, sliding back into his seat where Adeline had sat.

My thoughts were still spinning over the encounter, so I barely took notice of his appearance.


I glanced up at him, my brows furrowed in concentration. "Do you know Adeline? She was just—"

"You didn't let her touch you, did you?"

My eyes widened and I almost lied about it just because I knew I was about to get a lecture. "Well, I wasn't exactly told about her. What does touching do?"

He let out a small sigh, shaking his head with disappointment. "Adeline is a witch. I'd practically call her a gypsy for her special abilities."

"A witch? What abilities?"

Matthew strummed his fingers over the table. "All witches specialize in something. Shana specializes in spells, mostly because she has mastered them in the long time she has been around. Some specialize in potions, weather control, speaking with the dead, messing with the mind, and I've even met someone able to grow plants from a seed in the palm of their hand in seconds. There are many versions of witches. Adeline specializes in being able to see some somewhat significant parts someone's past, present, and future with a single touch. She only gets bits and pieces, from what I'm told, but she gets more the more she comes in contact with someone."

She saw my past by shaking my hand? This seemed impossible, though I'm currently married to a vampire so impossible is not entirely impossible. But what about the rain? I couldn't think of rain or fire having something to do with my life.

Matthew noticed my silence and leaned forward. "Did she say something?"

There was no point in hiding what she told me from Matthew. Maybe he'll understand what she had said? "She mentioned the name of a place I used to hang out at. And then she mentioned something about rain and fire."

He nodded, leaning back in his chair as he tried to mull over what I had been told. "Does rain and fire have any significance?"

"No, not really. Do you think she was wrong about something?"

"Not necessarily. Maybe it has something to do with the future?"

Something about that made me shiver. Could she really see something about my future? I wanted to get up and find her in order to get some answers. Would cold rain and a warm fire mean something good? Would it mean something awful? Should I prepare for it? "Do you think she'll tell people what she saw?" I questioned, now concerned she might have seen other things of my past, including the deal with Matthew.

Matthew lightly shook his head. "Adeline might be a meddlesome little thing, but she keeps to herself."

It made me curious how much she can see in a person's life. Could she see everything? Would she be able to see someone's first steps? Someone's first kiss? Could she see it through their eyes or from a different view? Did she see anything else about my life? "Has she seen into your past, present, or future?"

Matthew seemed almost bothered by my question because he quickly shook his head and looked up at the stars. "No. Adeline cannot see into a vampire's life because there is no life to see. We feel dead to her, like we do to nearly all witches. There's good and bad to this, mostly because it makes it more difficult for witches to attack us. But I often wish someone could tell me what my future holds."

I thought about that. Why would Matthew care about the future? Wouldn't that be nothing for someone who has existed as long as he has? Would I want to know my future? "You know, I think knowing your own future is pretty awful."

This took him by surprise. "Why would you say that?"

"I wouldn't want someone telling me what I'm supposed to do. I don't want to know if I'll die next week or live to see my eightieth birthday. I think it ruins how you'll live your life in the now because you'll constantly be living for that moment. I'd rather have my life and future entirely up to me."

Matthew seemed impressed with my answer, to the point of actually having a smile spread across his lips. He looked at me lovingly with amazement, making me shift in my seat from the intensity. "I see your point. I agree with it."

We sat there for several minutes in silence, mostly observing the people around us. I was relieved to not be forced to mingle, but instead was allowed to sit off to the side by myself. Matthew occasionally had a guest stop by to wish us the best. The dancing and chattering ended about half an hour later, signaling me something was about to happen. If only someone had prepped me on weddings, I thought in frustration.

A chair was placed in the middle of the platform, completely baffling me. Only one chair? Where was the other? Matthew grasped my hand and brought me towards the center, making me all the more anxious. When I was forced to sit down, I began to feel a knot in my stomach.

Matthew gave a large and twisted smile, making me realize something I probably would hate rather much was about to happen. The music started up, though it was mostly some soft background music, while Matthew lowered himself in front of me. Was this some kind of vampire ritual? Was I about to bitten?

"What is happening?" I whispered to Matthew through clenched teeth.

He grinned wider, almost seeming to be holding back laughter. "Retrieving your garter. It's a wedding tradition."

Garter? I vaguely remember Lacey shouting something at me while sliding some piece of fabric up my leg. Did she call that a garter? Please tell me it wasn't a garter, and that a garter is actually another name for a necklace or something because that piece of fabric is too high for comfort right now.

Matthew slid his hand under the dress where it was mostly flared out. I'm almost certain I lost my cool expression when I felt his hand go past my knee and up my leg. The thing is, my dress was rather formfitting and didn't have much room for anything other than my legs. Matthew's hand basically hit touched every part of my legs before he even reached the damn garter. When he didn't pull it down my leg I gave him a little kick because I knew he was stalling. I could feel his finger hook the piece of fabric, but he didn't quickly get it out. No, instead he seemed to twirl the piece of fabric around his finger before gently, and slowly, pulling it down. By this point I was entirely red, both from anger and embarrassment. Normally I'm not one to get embarrassed, but having so many people watching the most intimate thing Matthew and I have ever done about made me turn into a tomato in front of everyone.

Matthew pulled the delicate piece of fabric out and spun it around on his finger as he stood up, still grinning at me. Quickly, he bent down and captured my lips with his. People went crazy for it all, practically screaming at us. Matthew turned his back to the crowd, held the garter up in the air, and flung it back into the crowd of shouting men behind him.

The person who caught it completely caught me by surprise. It was someone I hadn't seen in nearly a year.


It seems he always pops up when I least expect it. I only knew about Xavier from when I was working for Matthew. Back about two years ago I was told to hunt down a vampire named Lucy and kill her. Although I had thought killing vampires would bring justice to the world, I didn't realize it was part of Matthew's master plan to rule the world. Lucy was Xavier's mate he had changed in 1920, and Xavier was insanely obsessed with the poor woman. She had managed to escape his tight and possessive hold on her years ago, but he hasn't stopped looking for her since. I didn't end up killing Lucy, mostly because I empathized with her agony of being stuck in life. But during my few encounters with her, Xavier has always managed to appear shortly after her departure. Always so close to getting her, yet always minutes too late. From what I've learned of him, Xavier is extremely dangerous, impulsive, emotional, and destructive, especially when it comes to his mate.

The last time I encountered Xavier was several months ago, back when I really had let myself go. I had just come from meeting my loser father and pretty decent step-brother, Jeremy, when I came across an arguing couple soon killed by Lucy. At the time I was losing my mind from lack-of-sleep and food, making me see things and act completely irrational. I had called Matthew to clean things up, but Xavier showed up after Matthew had and took care of the mess his lover had made.

It was strange to see him here, dressed casually in a suit and tie, his dark eyes cold and dangerous even now. Clearly he still hadn't found his mate, Lucy, most likely the reason he seemed so cold then.

"Great catch, my friend!" Matthew praised, though I knew he was putting on a show.

Xavier stepped forward, causing many to stumble back out of fear. "It's great to see you, my friend," Xavier replied with a slight bit of bitterness.

People were talking amongst themselves, glancing several times at Matthew and Xavier. Xavier walked over to us and looked at me with a slight bit of curiosity in his eyes. I almost flinched when he reached his hand towards me, though I soon realized it was a friendly gesture. I hesitantly placed my hand in his icy, cold palm and tried not to panic when he lifted my hand to his mouth, placing a gentle kiss on the back of my hand. Although I knew he was insane and dangerous, I had to admit he was one of the most attractive men amongst the crowd. Xavier was tall and slim, with slightly messy black hair, and sharp features such as a defined jawline and cheekbones. Though, looking into his dark and bottomless eyes, I could feel my blood run cold.

"It's lovely to meet Matthew's beautiful bride. I'm Xavier," Xavier mentioned in a velvety yet friendly voice.

He couldn't possibly know what I've done, could he? Could he know I was once sitting in a bar with his ex? Could he know I was supposed to kill her? No, he couldn't have, because I wouldn't be alive right now if he had known. "It's nice to meet you, Xavier," I murmured, stiff in my chair.

Matthew placed a hand on Xavier's shoulder, smiling as friendly as any host could. "I'm pleased you were able to make it. It's difficult to find your address nowadays."

Xavier released my hand and looked at Matthew with a slight, friendly smile himself. "Well, I'm constantly on the road, as you know. Unfortunately, I was unable to have a plus-one tonight."

Matthew's smile faltered, though I believe it was on purpose. "I'm sorry to hear you haven't found Lucy yet. She's difficult to track." Liar.

Matthew was purposely throwing Xavier off Lucy's track because he wants them apart, all for Matthew's master plan, no doubt.

"I believe I'll find her soon. She's just cooling off," Xavier mentioned, seeming to believe she actually was just cooling off. After all, she's only been cooling off for nearly seven years.

"When I get back from my honeymoon, I would love to help you."

"Sounds like a plan."

The two gave a firm handshake before Xavier disappeared into the crowd, leaving me in sort of an awe state. People were still murmuring about the event when he had left, mostly out of fear.

The wedding reception excitement kicked off yet again as people started to dance and cheer. Matthew, seeming unfazed by what had just happened, pulled me up from my chair and into his arms. His lips brushed over my forehead before he squeezed me in his arms and swayed to the music. I was practically crushed against his chest.

Beth ran up to us then, waving my bouquet of roses in the air. I took them, actually understand what this part of the reception this was, and pulled away from Matthew.

"You know, they need to have the grooms wear something so the brides can embarrass them in front of hundreds while they take it off. But no, we're forced to throw flowers while the groom throws a piece of the bride's underwear!" I complained as Matthew tried not to laugh too loudly at my rant.

"Mmm, how about we save that part for the honeymoon?" He gave the biggest most obnoxious smirk a person could ever give.

I almost smacked him with my bouquet, but instead discretely gave him the finger when I pretended to brush a strand of hair from my face. This only made him all the more chipper, causing him to burst into laughter.

The music quieted down when it was my time to throw something. I turned around and faced Matthew, giving him a dirty look. Expertly, like no other bride could have because I'm just that skilled, I threw the bouquet a little too hard and managed to smack someone in the face with it. I immediately looked away and whistled while Matthew looked like he was about to pee himself with laughter.

People gathered around us, creating a gap big enough for us to exit through. Matthew took my hand just before rice was thrown painfully at us, though he managed to block most of it for me. We ran through the crowd, towards the doors and out of the reception area while people cheered behind us. I gripped onto Matthew as he ran us towards the front of the house with the crowd running behind us. I wasn't sure if the reception was supposed to involve a chase, but I didn't question it.

We ran out to the front of the house where a black limo was parked with the door open. Before I could jump in and flee from the scene, Matthew pulled me into a tight hold, kissing me passionately in front of the crowd. I resisted the urge to throw my body into the limo during the kiss, mostly because it was causing me to turn into a tomato again. People loved it and practically cried in amazement.

When we crawled into the limo and the door was closed, I flopped onto the seat. I had done it. I got through the wedding in one piece. So many emotions were rushing through me, making me nearly tremble.

Matthew pulled me closer to him and rested his head on mine. "You were amazing, Mrs. Foster."

Mrs. Foster. The name echoed in my head the entire way to the airport, making my blood run cold. I'm no longer Joanna Garth. She's gone. In her place stood Joanna Foster, the prestigious wife of Matthew Foster.


So, originally this chapter was supposed to be half this long... But, as always, I made it nearly 6,000 words. >.< 

So much went on in this chapter! What did you think of it all? First dance? Adeline? The Garter toss? Xavier's appearance? What was your favorite part? 

I'm really hoping I can fit everything I've been wanting to fit into this book. I'm already 51,000 words into it! I'm super excited to get to write things I pictured years ago :) Now time to start writing the honeymoon! 


p.s. If you haven't already heard the song by Hozier above, check it out! I think of Matthew for some reason, and also their first dance <3 

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