The Originals's Sister (The V...

By YellowGemeni

236K 4.9K 785

This story was deleted by accident. -annoyed sigh right here- We all know the story of the Originals, how Es... More

1: The Return
2: Complicated
3: Answers
4: Oh Witch
5: Making Memories
6: Speak of the Devil
7: Go Away
8: Darkness
8-2: Darkness
9: Homecoming
9-2: Homecoming
9-3: Homecoming
10: The New Deal
11: Our Town
12: The Ties That Bind
13: Brining Out The Dead
14: Dangerous Liaisons
14-2: Dangerous Liaisons
14-3: Dangerous Liaisons
15-1: All My Children

8-3: Darkness

10.6K 223 12
By YellowGemeni

Updated: July 29,2015

Heeeyy! So here's the thing, guys. I have been working on having to repost this episode for about three weeks now. So when I looked over at the corner of my screen and saw that I had already reached my normal limit for a chapter, I figured I had two options. A. Split this into two chapters and try to somehow make both of those longer, or B. Just make this a longer chapter and cut out some parts.

I went with B, and cut out a scene or two as well as two flashbacks. I know that you guys love the flashbacks and I am soooo sorry I had to cut them out, but don't worry, that just means now I will put them in later as more of Maddie's 'dream flashbacks' that I had earlier in the story :)

I do not own the vampire diaries, only my characters and plots


"You what?!" Caroline exclaimed.

Elena practically winced at the force behind her friend's screech of protest. It was funny how Caroline could go from excited to Angry in a matter of seconds. Probably has something to do with the heightened emotions. Elena thought to herself before shooing the thought away. No, she did that when she was human too. She corrected herself as she tried to think up a way to explain this to her friends again. She knew Caroline wasn't handling it well to say the least after the little explosion she just had, but what did Bonnie think? Elena turned her chocolate-brown gaze towards the witch to see her just frowning, processing maybe. That was alright though because Caroline was talking enough for both of them.

"So tell me again, why is handing you and Maddie over to an evil blood slut a good thing?" The blonde vampire questioned, not quite over her initial shock at the statement just yet. Elena sighed and turned back to Caroline so she could try to sort this out.

"We aren't handing ourselves over, Caroline. I'm just going to go have a talk with Rebekah." She tried to clarify, but Caroline just let out a dry chuckle and looked towards the ceiling as she tried to calm herself down.

"Unbelievable." She muttered under her breath before turning her attention back to Elena as she started to talk again.

"Look, Care, Rebekah has information that we need and-"

Caroline quickly interrupted her friend asking the question that was on both her and Bonnie's mind. "Then why does Maddie have to be there?"

Elena sighed and ran a hand through her hair before responding. "Weather we like or not, we all have to admit that Maddie and Rebekah are close." She finally stated and suddenly all three of the girls were wearing mirroring frowns. They were all aware of Maddie's new friendship with the Original vampire, and none of them were even remotely ok with it. The thought of it made Elena worried, Bonnie nervous and Caroline had made her idea about the whole thing clearly known. Elena took a moment to let that sink in before continuing to talk. "So when I told her that Maddie had been hurt she insisted on seeing her." She tried to explain.

Then Bonnie jumped in, still frowning. "Hey, why did you tell her that Maddie was hurt?" She questioned, suddenly curious as to how this happened in the first place. Elena let out a breath, knowing that this could go either really well or terribly. She herself understood the reasoning behind her decision but she wasn't to sure that her friends would as well.

"Like I said, Rebekah has information we need about that cave, information about Klaus. When I went to talk to her she didn't want to tell me anything, so I figured I'd up the stakes." She muttered with a shrug as Caroline and Bonnie both continued to frown. She noticed that this conversation wasn't going her way so she tried to change topic. "So, Caroline, I would need you to help me get Maddie over there, since you're the only vampire h-." She prompted but the blonde haired girl held up her hand as a signal for her to stop.

"No, no, no, no, I am not taking Maddie and you to that house." she interrupted before continuing. "She's an Original vampire, Elena! Your human, you don't stand a chance in there!" She pointed out the facts hoping to jar Elena out doing this.

Elena frowned and nodded towards Maddie before saying. "She's a witch." Trying to prove that she wasn't completely unprotected.

Caroline scoffed at her excuse before snapping. "Oh and I'm sure Maddie will be a great help while she's knocked out!" Sarcasm coating every word of her sentence. Bonnie frowned at them and then reached out and held the sleeping witch's hand when her current state was mentioned by the blonde vampire. She frowned and before either of them could continue their mini- girl fight, she jumped into the conversation.

"Maybe Elena's right." Her gentle voice surprised the other girls. Caroline had been assuming that Bonnie would back her up on this, be all for Maddie's safety. Elena had almost forgotten Bonnie was there for a moment, but she too had guested that the witch would be on Caroline's side of the debate. The two both sent her questioning glances that Bonnie took as a reason to keep talking. "I mean, Rebekah might have seen something like this before, she has been around for a while." She pointed out and even Caroline didn't have much of an argument about that. the only thing she could come up with to say was.

"But what about the book?" As she reluctantly sat back down on the bed and lowered her voice back down to its normal volume. Bonnie sighed and shrugged.

"I guess I can go look for the grimoire while you guys go to see Rebekah and then you can meet me there." She told Caroline before Elena jumped in.

The doppelgänger grew more and more confused with each mention of a 'book'. What could they be talking about? She scanned her memories to try to discover the meaning of the conversation, see if there was something she was forgetting about but she still found nothing. "What book?" She asked after a moment, the confusion she was feeling clear on her face.

Bonnie and Caroline both turned to look at their friend, realizing at the same time that they had yet to tell her about the latest breakthrough. Caroline exchanged a glance with Bonnie to see if she wanted to explain, but the witch just nodded to her as if giving her the 'go for it'. So that's what Caroline did.

"Right, so, while you were off making plans to get murdered," The vampire decided to ignore the looks she was getting from her friends and just went on with the explanation. "Bonnie had one of her vision things." She explained. "She saw this old Grimoire, and we think that it has something to do with what's happening with Maddie." Elena's face lit up at the news, hoping that they could be one step closer to getting their best friend back.

"That's great, where is it?" She asked enthusiastically. Caroline opened her mouth to continue the explanations but Bonnie felt the need to jump in and finish up the story.

So before Caroline could start to talk she beat her to the punch. "We aren't positive, but we're pretty sure it's somewhere in Maddie's room." She explained slowly. Elena nodded a bit, her hopeful expression lessening ever so slightly.

"But you're not sure?" She questioned, and Bonnie and Caroline both bobbed their heads in confirmation with the statement. Elena spared along glance towards the blonde-haired witch laying on the bed and weighed her options. On one hand, she understood that what she wanted to do with Rebekah was dangerous, but she knew for sure that Rebekah knew something about what the cave drawings meant and the vampire might know what's wrong with Maddie. On the other, this book must have something to do with what happened to their friend, why else would Bonnie get a vision about it? And there was no way anyone could possibly get hurt by finding it. After a moment of thinking Elena sighed and said. "Ok, Care how about you get Maddie over to the boarding house with me, and then go help Bonnie with finding the book like she said." Caroline looked ready to object so the teen rushed on to finish explaining. "That way we can hopefully solve both problems and before you say anything, remember Klaus needs both Maddie and I alive to make his hybrids. I don't think he would be to happy with Rebekah if she were to kill either of us." She reminded.

Caroline didn't say anything, but she didn't look convinced either. Bonnie though was nodding in agreement. "Actually, she's right. Care, think about it, I think she'd actually be the safest choice to go." She admitted.

Caroline folded her arms across her chest and muttered, "Yeah but that doesn't mean she won't put them in wheelchairs." under her breath. Elena could see her resolve breaking apart so she stood up again from where she had found a seat at the end of the bed.

"That's what vampire blood's for." She waited a moment, giving Caroline a pleading look before Caroline finally sighed and threw her hands up a little.

"Fine!" She finally sighed in defeat before standing up, "You get to drive." With that the bubbly blonde turned and lifted Maddie from the bed before heading out of the room and towards Elena's car, with two girl following behind her.


The door to the boarding house creaked open ten minutes later. Elena was the first to walk inside the room, closely followed by Caroline who was holding the still limp Maddie in her arms. The first thing the two functioning girls noticed was the music. It was the kind of thing that most teen girls would be listening to on the radio or on their Ipod as they ran. Elena frowned in confusion and Caroline wrinkled her nose, making a face. It just seemed so out-of-place here at the Salvatore boarding house, where everything seemed so serious.

The girls exchanged a look before continuing down the hallway towards the source of the music, figuring that was where Rebekah would be since it certainly wasn't Damon who had decided to play this kind of stuff. Slowly, Elena rounded the corner and spotted Rebekah carrying tow champagne glasses in her hand. When Rebekah caught sight of Elena she smiled, further confusing the doppelgänger.

"Hey, what's up?" She asked casually, as if this was an everyday thing. Elena frowned, looking over the scene before her. She wasn't sure what she had expected when Rebekah agreed to talk to her, but somehow music and pleasantries hadn't come to mind.

"You invited me over..." Elena reminded, shifting on her feet as she looked at the Original. "To talk." Rebekah smiled, keeping up her pleasant act, actually it wasn't really an act. She was excited for what she had planned. If Elena thought she could get away with the stunt she pulled earlier, trying to get information by threatening to release Mikael, then she was sadly mistaken. Either way though she had something else that she wanted before she said anything to Elena.

"Where's Maddie?" She asked, putting a hand on her hip. She felt a momentary flutter of delight when Caroline stepped out from around the corner with her sister, not for Caroline of course for Maddie, but the feeling was quick to fade as she took in the state the little blonde witch was in. A second later her smile fell and she sped over to stand in front of Caroline and Elena, startling both of them. Caroline naturally took a step back turning a bit as to protect Maddie. Rebekah silently scoffed and rolled her eyes, as if she would hurt her own sister!

The Original held out her arms and looked at Caroline expectantly. It took the other vampire a moment to process what Rebekah expected her to do but once she did she frowned and shook her head no. She took another step back and once again Rebekah rolled her eyes before turning towards Elena.

"Do you want me to tell you about Mikael or don't you?" She questioned, mildly irritated at the stubbornness of the younger vampire Elena had brought with her. She knew that it was being a tad hypocritical, because earlier she had been pleased at the idea of her baby sister's friends protecting her, but at the moment she just found it increasingly annoying. Before she got the chance to act on her irritation though, Elena spoke up.

"Caroline," She started. The blonde baby-vampire looked over at her friend, keeping sight of Rebekah out of the corner of her eye. "It's alright." Elena tried to convince. Caroline frowned and looked down at Maddie before reluctantly walking over so she was in front of Rebekah once more and gently passing the unconscious girl over to her. She knew that this was a bad idea, she just knew it! Caroline didn't care how close she and Maddie had gotten, she just didn't trust Rebekah! It felt so wrong just giving her best friend to her, but she knew that she had to, after all Elena could have been right about Rebekah knowing how to wake her up.

Rebekah felt Maddie's weight being shifted into her arms and couldn't help but feel just a little bit more at ease with her sister's condition. At least she was with her now, and Rebekah could start to work on figuring out what was wrong. Rebekah looked down at her sister for a long moment, scanning her for physical wounds while she used her vampire hearing to listen to her heartbeat and breathing patterns. Everything seemed normal. She turned around with Maddie in her arms and set her down on the sofa that she had moved into the room. She didn't bother turning around to look at the girls as she said.

"Goodbye Miss Forbes." She waited a moment before, to her delight, she heard Caroline's dainty footsteps headed towards the door. As she waited to hear the door open and close, Rebekah brushed some stray strands of golden hair away from her sister's face and muttered. "Madelyn, what have you gotten yourself into this time?" She took a breath to try to wipe thoughts of Maddie from her mind when she heard the door slam shut behind Caroline. She stood straight and turned to look at Elena once more. "Well now we can get back to business." She said almost cheerfully.

Elena frowned, staying where she was, and started to ask a question before Rebekah turned her head and called out, "Alright girls, have at it." Once again her smile started to grow as she was reminded of what she had planned. Several girls walked in from the neighboring room, all of them dressed in beautiful dresses. Rebekah turned to look over at Elena, loving the surprised and confused look on the stupid doppelgänger's face as she tried to figure out what was going on. "Ok, now twirl please." Rebekah instructed, turning back to look at the dresses. She had loved the way this idea popped into her head, now she could kill two birds with one stone, picking out her dress and teaching the doppelgänger a lesson.

Sure enough all of the compelled girls did as Rebekah said and spun in a slow circle as both Elena and Rebekah watched. Elena let out a dry chuckle as she figured out what this was about. The music, the dresses, the drinks, after years growing up with Caroline Forbes it as almost impossible to not know what was going on here. "You compelled your own private runway show?" She asked.

Rebekah shrugged a bit and gave her a 'why not' look. "I need a homecoming dress." She pointed out. Elena's browns lifted in a look of gentle surprise, she understood what was going on, just not why. Not to mention that taking the free will away from these girls was just not right. "So what do you think?" Rebekah asked, gesturing to the girls again. "Pick one." She herself was still looking over the dresses, trying to spot one that might work for her sister. Truth be told she was rather excited for Homecoming tomorrow for two reasons first was that she had never actually been to a high school dance before, with all of the running she had been doing with Niklaus, and second was that she was going to get to go to her first high school dance with her sister.

Elena though didn't seem to be as interested in the dresses as Rebekah was. She moved down the step and into the room with a dry laugh. She couldn't believe how petty Rebekah was being. "I'm not here to help you shop." She said bluntly, not bothering to even try to cooperate with her. "I'm here to talk about why you don't want me to wake up Mikael."

Rebekah smiled slyly. She knew, or had at least been hoping Elena would say something like that. She was cocky now that she thought she had the advantage, but Rebekah was about to knock her down a peg or two. With that the Original blurred across the room so she was standing right behind the first of her compelled models, a girl with pin straight blonde hair in a blue dress. She tilted the girl's head to the side and let out a hiss, her fangs already out and dangerously close to her neck. The whites of her eyes were blood-red and dark veins had appeared under her eyes. She watched as the doppelgänger gasped in shock and took a step forward. Little to no emotion showed in Rebekah's voice or on her face as she spoke next. "I said pick one, Elena." She hissed, all of her vampire features still out.

Elena shifted nervously on her feet, and scanned over the girls before quickly motioning towards the second with one of her hands and stammering out. "I- uh, the red one!" hoping with everything in her that Rebekah wouldn't hurt anyone if she cooperated. Slowly Rebekah's fangs retracted and her eyes went back to normal.

"There." She said simply as she brushed the hair that she had moved while craning the girl's head over back into place. "That wasn't so hard was it?" She muttered. Elena just glared in response. The blonde Original turned to the girls and said "Go away. Remember nothing." All of them turned to look at her before walking in a line out of the door and into the room they had first come out of. Once they had gone Rebekah turned to look at the doppelgänger again and walked over in long confident strides. She picked up her glass that had been set aside when the girl came in before turning to face her. "You do not threaten me." She warned, though her tone made it sound like she herself was threatening Elena. "You will learn what I allow you to learn, is that clear?" She spoke slowly and menacingly, and Elena cast her eyes down a bit as she nodded.

Rebekah looked at her for a moment before taking a sip out of the glass and strolling back over to her sister, picking her up and walking out of the room.

Elena watched after the vampire and could only hope that Bonnie and Caroline were having better luck finding that book.


Bonnie let out a sigh as she shut the next drawer a little harder than she needed. "Nothing." The witch uttered, irritation lacing through her voice. She was standing in Maddie's room, hunting for the book she had seen in her vision. She had just finished searching through the obvious place, the bookshelf, when Caroline had arrived to help her search a few minutes ago, turns out it was faster for a vampire to run to Maddie's house than drive so Care had left the car at the boarding house. Since her friend had arrived, they had started to split the room into sections, kind of like how they had searched for Elena's necklace a few days ago in Damon's room. The only difference was that this time they weren't worried what they might find every time they opened a drawer so they didn't hesitate to look through every single one.

Normally they, or at least Bonnie, would feel a little guilty about looking through Maddie's stuff but she knew that she must have gotten that vision for a reason so she put that small voice inside of her head aside. Caroline on the other hand was actually having a pretty good time! Mostly because this gave her an excuse to see all of Maddie's cloths and in the process she had found, in the back corner of her friend's closet, some nice shirts and dresses that Maddie had wisely kept Care from seeing earlier. Maddie, being a Donovan, never had to go to any of the Founding family events. The girls though were always trying to drag her into coming with them, but more often than not she would make up some kind of excuse, and one of her favorites was, 'I don't have anything to wear to those things'. By the looks of things, Bonnie guessed that Maddie would need a new excuse and Care would need some help getting focused again.

"I've been in this closet like, a million times, how could I have missed this stuff?" The blonde vampire asked, but she didn't sound upset, in fact she sounded happily surprised. Bonnie sighed as she turned to look over at Caroline, she couldn't hide the ghost of a smile that appeared on her face. She was actually thinking the same thing, knowing that all of them had practically lived out of each other's closets at one point.

"I don't know Caroline." She said as she started to walk over to her bubbly friend. She knew that now was not the time to be talking about this. Now they were supposed to be looking for a leather-bound book that could possibly help Maddie. Bonnie quickly weighed her options, she could try to direct Caroline back to the situation at hand, she could just continue t go about it herself, or she could take a quick break and talk to Caroline. After a moment she decided on a combination of the three and sat down on the side of Maddie's bed that was facing the closet. She watched as Caroline traveled deeper into the little closet, and part of her mind drifted back to the book. She looked over the image in her head wondering where it could be. She had already rooted through the single drawer in Maddie's beside table, the cabinet drawers in her desk, and Caroline had shifted through Maddie's dresser, where she had spotted a new blouse and her curiosity had spurred, leading her to her current place in Maddie's closet. "Maybe they're new." she suggested.

Caroline seemed to think this over for a moment before shaking her head no. "Nah, she's only been back for like a week or two, she hadn't had time for this much shopping." She said surely before she heard Bonnie chuckle behind her. She turned away from the cute blue sun-dress she had been looking at so she could face her dark-eyed best friend. "What?" She asked.

Bonnie smiled and then pointed out. "Care, she went on a trip to Europe for a year. I'm pretty sure she would have done some shopping." Caroline seemed to consider this before nodding and turning back to her latest find in the closet.

"Huh, yeah I guess your right..." She muttered before smiling and looking over her shoulder at Bonnie. "Suddenly I can't wait for the next founder's party." She said and the two girls couldn't help the wide smiles that grew on their faces.

"Now Mads can suffer with us." she agreed let out a chuckle as she imagined how upset the younger witch would be at the situation.

Suddenly Caroline said, "Wait a minute, I didn't see any of this when we came over last time!"

Bonnie frowned and thought for a second before remembering what she meant. A few days after the bonfire, when they had come over to check on Maddie, Caroline had picked out her outfit. She stood up with a small 'hmph' of confusion and walked to her friend's side. She to looked over the closet to take a look herself. Slowly she nodded before saying. "Your right, there's more stuff in here than before..." She too started glancing through the closet, trying to solve the odd riddle that had appeared.

"Um, maybe she hadn't finished unpacking yet?" Caroline tried to suggest but Bonnie smiled and raised a brow in question at her friend. Maddie was really peculiar about leaving half-finished. It was something that the girls often teased her about. They found it amusing because she absolutely hated leaving anything unfinished, if she had to leave while doing any sort of project then she would be whining about it all night, knowing that it would just be sitting there on her desk or on her bed. At the same time though, once she got back she would normally work on whatever it was for a few minutes before getting bored and just shoving it into some cabinet or under her bed where she couldn't see it, out of sight out of mind, and suddenly she was fine with it. Caroline seemed to remember that because she giggled and shook her head. "Never mind." she said simply and Bonnie nodded in agreement that she had been wrong. "Maybe she boxed it all up and sent it over. Could have arrived yesterday or the day before if she sent it the day she left. That's what I would have done, that way I wouldn't have to take all my stuff through the airport." Care suddenly resolved.

Bonnie's head shot up, sending some of her dark curls to bounce around her face as she looked over at Caroline. "Say that again." She instructed suddenly as she gave the blonde vampire her full attention. Caroline frowned, confused but she did as Bonnie said anyways.

"Uh, I just said that I wouldn't have wanted to take a lot of stuff through the airport" She said slowly and Bonnie shook her head.

"No before that." She corrected. Caroline could see the wheels turning in her friend's head so again she did as she was told.

"Maybe she had mailed everything here?" She said but it sounded more like a question since she was wondering weather or not this was what the witch wanted to hear. Bonnie seemed to think for a moment before something sparked in her eyes and she dropped to her knees. Caroline stepped back and watched in confusion as she looked around the floor of the closet, pushing away a few pairs of sneakers and several sets of flip-flops. "Um, Bonnie..." She started. "What are you doing?"

Bonnie didn't bother looking back up at her friend as she spotted what she had been looking for. "A box, Care!" she said sounding almost excited as she explained. "I wasn't seeing a drawer in my vision, the book is in a box!" She grabbed a hold of the cardboard edges of one brown cardboard box and pulled it out of the closet, opening it up to reveal some old toys and knick-knacks. She started sorting through them as Caroline also got on her knees and reached for the second box that had been stuffed back there. "No, I got these, Care." Bonnie assured, glancing up at her friend. Caroline nodded and glanced around for a moment before spotting the only other place in the room that could hide a box. She stood up and hurried over to Maddie's bedside before she laid on her side and stretched her hand out under the bed. She moved her arm around, trying to find something that- there! She grabbed the edge and pulled the object out from it hiding spot. She smiled as she realized this was indeed what she had been looking for. In front of sat an older looking cardboard box, sealed by nothing other than the four flaps that served as a roof.


The door to Stefan's room swung open with a small creek to reveal the three girls, Rebekah who was holding Maddie, and Elena who was reluctantly following behind the vampire. Rebekah glanced around and a smile grew on her face as she looked at Stefan's room. She walked over and put Madelyn down on Stefan's bed, and Elena watched from the door, noting how gentle he Original was being with her friend.

"How fun is this?" Rebekah muttered with a smile or a smirk, Elena couldn't really tell which, once she had straightened up again and started scanning the bedroom once more. Elena leaned against the door frame and resisted the urge to sigh.

"We shouldn't be here." She muttered under her breath to Rebekah, hoping that she would listen and they could get out of Stefan's room. Right now she wanted nothing mor than to stop thinking of Stefan and being in his room of all places was not helping her accomplish her goal. As she glanced around the room she couldn't help but shift a bit on her feet as she remembered all the time she had spent in here with her boyfriend. Her frown deepened when a little voice in her head said or is it your ex-boyfriend now?

"Of course we should." Rebekah disagreed, keeping her tone lighthearted. The girl then walked over to one of the dressers and opened the first drawer, peering in to see what was inside. She had loved Stefan once, and she knew that a part of her still did, so naturally she was curious as to what he was like now a days, how ninety years had changed him. "Come on. Like you've never wanted to snoop." She tried to coax Elena into the room. She didn't really care if the brunette listened, but she got the feeling that she was right about what she had said. After all, what girl wouldn't want to know whats going on with her boyfriend? She pulled out a pair of underwear and held them out for her to look at before turning to Elena. "Boxer briefs." She stated before the corners of her mouth pinched up into a smirk. "Now, that's a change from the twenties."

Elena rolled her eyes and looked away, making a face of disgust before she decided she had had enough of this. She wasn't about to listen to Rebekah's love stories about the twenties, it wasn't the tale she had come here to hear. "Are you going to root through his stuff all night or are you going to start telling me your story?"

Rebekah turns to the Tatia look-a-like and shut the drawer, letting out a sigh. "You really are no fun are you?" She muttered under her breath, not caring whether or not Elena actually heard her. She didn't care if her words offended. She started to walk around the bed before asking. "What do you want to know?"

Elena pushed herself off the door frame, surprise flickering in her eyes for a moment. She hadn't assumed that Rebekah would actually listen to her comment, but she wasn't about to start complaining about it. Elena waited no time before talking, after al she had plenty of time to think up her questions already while she was waiting for Rebekah to finish goofing off. "Well," She started, taking a breath and walking a few steps into the room. "Elijah said that your father was a landowner in Europe." She remembered as she thought back to the day she had undagered said Original. "How did you guys end up here?"

Rebekah thought over the question for a moment, still trying to decide whether or not to lie to Elena about her family's history. After a moment she decided against it and grabbed at something on Stefan's desk as she began the story that she had never expected to retell before. She opened the book she had picked up and started skimming through the pages as she began. "My parents had just started a family when a plague struck their homeland. They lost a child to it." She informed, hearing Elena walk a little closer out of curiosity. "They wanted to escape and protect their future family from the same fate." With that Rebekah turned around and started walking around the desk.

"So how did you end up here? This part of the world hadn't even been discovered yet." Elena asked again.

Rebekah just chuckled, humans and their silly little facts. It amused her that they always thought they knew right. "not by anyone in your history books." She said simply, enjoying the confused look on Elena's face. "My mother knew the witch Ayanna, who heard from the spirits of a mystical land where everyone was healthy... Blessed with the gifts of speed and strength, and that lead my family here where we lived amongst those people." She concluded.

Elena thought for a minute about what Rebekah had said. Everyone was healthy, with speed and strength... She thought. The first thing that popped into her head was vampires, but a moment later she realised that couldn't be it. After all the Original family was the first group of vampires, and at this point they were not even alive yet. That left her with only one other option.

"The werewolves?" She questioned, crossing her arms as she watched Rebekah continue to casually snoop around Stefan's room.

"To us, they were just our neighbors. My family lived in peace with them for over twenty years, in which time they had more children. Including me." She was suddenly met with pictures of her siblings flashing through her head, an image of the noble Elijah, arrogant Niklaus, Quiet Finn, Childish Kol, and last but not least she turned to see her sleeping sister Madelyn as she remembered her as she had been back in the tenth century.

Elena, unaware of Rebekah's thoughts just shook her head a bit and said. "You make it sound so normal." To which Rebekah only had one answer.

"It was."


(A/N Rebekah's voice over of this flash back will appear in Bold AND italics & same thing goes for anything Elena says (I'll put an 'E' after it though) and everything within the actual flashback will be in italics.)

Rebekah walked into the sunlight that flooded through a small window in a wood made house. It was a simple building, with wooden plank walls, a dirt floor and little to no furniture. Rebekah wasn't looking at any of this though, her attention was focused completely on the Various necklaces hanging from the windowsill.

"Once a month my family would retreat to the cave bellow our village. The wolves would howl through the night and by morning we'd return home." Rebekah explained to Elena as her mind traveled back to the years when she was human.

In her fascination with the pendents that shimmered in the sunlight, the blonde teen had not noticed two others come into the room. She cocked her head and slowly reached up as she spotted a familiar shape among the various necklaces. It was her mother's, or so she thought. Rebekah gently reached up and held the necklace in her hand, pulling it towards her a bit so she could get a better look. As she gazed at the stone she felt the once cool metal grow warmer and warmer in her hand until she pulled her hand back with a gasp. She looked down and noted the fresh circular burn that the pendant had caused. After a moment she realised that there were in fact people in the room and she turned to look at who it was. She knew both of them, the first was Ayanna and the second was her dear sister. She turned her gaze to the older witch once more.

"Ayanna, you burned me." She remarked, casting another glance down at her hand before looking up to see the witch smiling.

"I did not." The witch said simply as she cast her gaze down at the fair-haired little girl who held her hand. Rebekah followed her gaze and cocked her head in confusion getting on her knees and motioning for Madelyn to come to her. The child looked to the witch as if for permission and waited for Ayanna to give her a court nod and a small smile before skipping over to her sister's side.

"Madelyn, was it you who burned me?" She asked, her confusion growing as she watched the little girl bob her head yes, sending her mass of wavy blonde hair bouncing around her. Rebekah naturally found herself tucking the loose strands of golden blonde back behind Maddie's ears to try to tame the long locks as she asked. "Why?"

Maddie shrugged her shoulders and then recited something that Ayanna had told her many times. "Because that is not your to touch."

"I had gone to visit my sister at her practice with the witch Ayanna one day after I had finished my chores."

Rebekah saw the black-haired witch chuckled at her protegé, an approving light in her eyes as she was reminded yet again how quickly the child had picked up on not just her magic, but the rules that Ayanna had given with them. She had told Madelyn to never disrupt another witch's work unless you need to, and when Esther had dropped Maddie off that morning, she had seen Ayanna creating talismans. She must have put two and two together, and realised that these were the same pendants that she had worked on that morning.

"Your sister? I thought you were the only Original sister." (E)

Suddenly the three heard a shout. "MOTHER!" The voice was filled with Panic and fear, and after a moment Rebekah realized it was a voice she herself knew. The blonde teenager's eyes widened and she stood up, looking to Ayanna.

"Is that Niklaus?" She asked, her voice changing to one of surprise and worry. When Ayanna did nothing to correct her she assumed she was right. "Something is wrong." She took a few steps back and turned so she could see out of the window she had found the necklaces in. What she saw shocked her, ending a bolt of fear through her body. It felt like a cold wind had blown over her, sending chills up and down her spine as she just watched for a moment.

"I am."

Soon enough she came to her senses and bolted to the door. Madelyn was close at her heels, while she had not seen what was going on outside, she had been watching her sister's face. What she had seen scare her, she had never seen Rebekah look that way before. She looked utterly heartbroken. She was about to follow Rebekah out the door when she felt someone grab her arm.

"Let go!" The child squeaked as she tried to pull her arm away. Ayanna glanced out the window and a similar look crossed her face as she spotted, what Maddie had assumed Rebekah had seen. The dark-haired witch shook her head and got down on her knees, trying to talk to her.

"Madelyn, stay here." She instructed, or tried to. At the same time Rebekah's high-pitched fearful voice let out a cry.

"Henrik!" With that Maddie's pure blue eyes widened as she put two and two together for the first time. Her brother was hurt! With that she started struggling more and eventually pulled her arm from the older witch's grasp and sprinted out the door as fast as her little feet would allow. She heard Ayanna call out after her and soon the woman began to follow her out of the house, but right now she really didn't care that she wasn't listening to her because what she saw caused silent tears to trickle down her cheeks. Her big brother was laying on the ground, surrounded by her siblings.

"One full moon Klaus and my youngest brother Henrik snuck out to watch the men turn into beasts. That was forbidden."

The child could not see much due to the small circle surrounding him, but she could see red staining his clothes, and his unmoving legs. She suddenly got a dead feeling in her gut. She couldn't help her own cry of "Henrik!" that erupted from her mouth. This gained the attention of her siblings, after a moment though, they all exchanged looks. None of them wanted innocent little Madelyn to see Henrik like this, and they all knew that, the question was what were they going to do to stop her from seeing. One of them would have to go get her. One look at Niklaus and they knew it could not be him, and both brothers noted how pale their oldest sister looked, so that left Elijah. The eldest brother sent one last look towards Henrik and then forced himself to get up. He took three or four running steps before intercepting his baby sister.

"Madelyn." He said gently, but the girl wasn't listening to him, her eyes never left the spot where Henrik lay.

"Henrik payed the price."

Bekah glanced up and saw Maddie try to get around Elijah before the man bent down and picked her up with one arm. "No! No Elijah put me down!" She cried as Ayanna walked past her and her brother and over to where Esther now sat along with her siblings. He whispered soothing words to her as she struggled in his grip, tears streaming down her face as she watched the two witches interact. Ayanna touched Henrik's cheek and when she opened her eyes and started speaking, that her mother let out a gasp and started crying over Henrik. Madelyn knew what that meant. There would only be one reason that they wouldn't be working, fixing his wounds with their magic, and that was because he was past being helped.

Her struggled increased to the point that Elijah was using both of his arms to keep her held firmly to his chest. He turned around so she wasn't looking at the frightening scene, and after several minutes the child grew tired, and her struggles faded into sobs that she muffled with Elijah's shoulder. It could have been minutes or hours before she was handed off to Esther who held her baby girl tightly as if worried if she let go, Madelyn would just slip through her fingers. Maddie just berried her head in her mother's dress, completely ignorant of the world around her. Esther tried to shush at Maddie through her own tears of grief.

"And that was the beginning of the end of peace with our neighbors."


Rebekah slowly turned around from where she had been gazing out the window while telling the story. She locked eyes with Elena as she finished. "And one of the last moments my family had together as humans." Rebekah's voice was tight with emotion and the hard, uncaring act that she put on had fallen away. She and Elena just took a moment to stare at each other, Elena taking in the story and Rebekah trying to hold herself together as memories came flooding into her mind.

Suddenly the silence was interrupted by the sound of Elena's phone vibrating against her Jacket pocket. Rebekah shook her head a bit as Elena reached for the mobile device. She cleared her throat before saying, "You should get that. That'll be Damon checking up on you." She shook her head a bit, thinking it was a tad ridiculous before Elena nodded and did as she was told. Elena turned her back to Rebekah and took a few steps away and Rebekah couldn't help but roll her eyes. She was a vampire for heaven's sake! Elena couldn't really think that would do any good.

The blonde Original picked up the journal she had been looking through earlier. She didn't really care about what Damon had to say so she didn't bother eavesdropping on the conversation, even though she was fully capable of doing so. She just kept skimming the record Stefan had kept of his life through what he thought to be the 1940s. Suddenly her heightened sense of hearing picked up on something. The soft thumping of a heartbeat, speeding fast, she glance up at Elena and watched her for a moment, thinking maybe Damon had said something to worry her. She noted the indeed shocked and mildly angry look on her face and turned back to the book with a smirk until she heard the heartbeat grow faster still. She frowned and glanced up again, noting that this was getting a little out of hand. The heart grew faster till as she watched Elena and tried to focus on finding her heartbeat, checking herself to make sure she wasn't just hearing things. Once her hearing honed in on the small Brunette's heartbeat she frowned. It's normal... Well then who- Her train of thought was cut off as she realized with a start that there still was one other mortal in the room.

"Madelyn!" She practically shouted before vampire speeding over to the bedside. Elena spun around at the sound of Rebekah's cry and told Damon she had to go before hanging up.

Rebekah looked down at her sister and reached out to check her pulse and confirmed that it was racing. This is bad! She thought to herself. She knew Maddie's heart shouldn't be beating this hard, it was unhealthy, something was wrong. Before she had even removed her hand from her sister's neck her face had shifted into its vampiric form and Elena gasped.

"Don't!" She exclaimed, thinking that Rebekah was about to sink her fangs into her unprotected friend's neck. Rebekah didn't spare Elena even a glance before she pulled her own wrist up and bit down. She heard the doppelgänger fall silent as she watched, not that Rebekah cared in the slightest what she thought of her. As soon as she could taste a bit of blood on her tongue she pulled her wrist away and pressed it to her sister's mouth.

For a moment or two Maddie gave small struggles, like trying to turn her head away or pulling back just as she had done with Damon. Elena expected the Original to do as Damon had done, and steady Maddie by putting a hand to the back of her head, so she was surprised when Rebekah's fangs retracted, her eyes returned to normal and instead she started muttering to the witch. Elena strained to hear what was being said from her place all the way at the foot of the bed, and managed to catch just a few words, "... Please... Come on... can't... please... drink..." But she knew that she clearly was missing most of the sentence. Surprise graced her features when Maddie stilled and she saw her throat move a bit. She was drinking!

Rebekah let out a sigh of relief when she felt Maddie swallow. If they were being honest, she didn't know if she could have handed it if she hadn't. After reliving Henrik's death she could admit to herself that she was a little emotional and worried. She was surprised however when Madelyn let out a gasp and her eyes flew open. Out of instinct the frightened teen grabbed the nearest object, which just so happened to be Rebekah's arm. The vampire didn't mind though, after she got over the second of initial shock she pulled her sister into a hug, placing her hand on the back of Maddie's head in a comforting, protective manner. "Thank god..." She whispered before realizing that she too felt arms wrapped around her. She smiled despite herself at the gesture, knowing deep down that it was just a hug, but she was just happy that the girl would hug her in the first place.


Caroline and Bonnie were sitting on the cream-colored carpet that lined Maddie's floor. It seemed they had found what they had been looking for because an old, leather-bound book was laying on Bonnie's lap. Caroline though was scanning and fiddling with two other objects that she had found enclosed in that cardboard box under Maddie's bed. The first of which was a little dress made of a rough, scratchy fabric that she had never seen before and the second was a small doll made by hand.

"Any luck?" Caroline asked her friend, not looking up from the dress that she was brushing her hand against. Bonnie shook her head no and let out a sigh.

"Nope." For the last fifteen minutes the two of them had been sorting through the three objects. They both found it strange that Maddie would have these things and not tell them about it. Then again, Caroline had suggested that maybe it had something to do with some witchy things that she couldn't have told them before. It seemed reasonable enough, and Bonnie wouldn't have blamed her friend if she had forgotten to fill them in about these things with all of the commotion going on in their lives lately. A little voice in the back of her head though kept whispering to her that, that couldn't be right! She had felt the magic enclosed in this book before her fingers had even brushed the box it was held it, how could a fellow witch have simply forgotten about something that powerful? Especially if it was a grimoire! This book was one of the oldest- no it was the oldest spell book she had ever layed eyes on herself, and it was more powerful than most everything she had come across, she'd even dare to say it rivaled even Emily's book. Naturally she had tried to open it but she had found that it just wouldn't budge. The covers were firmly rooted in place, and not even Caroline's vampire strength seemed to do any good. "There must be a spell on it." She claimed.

Caroline bobbed her head in agreement and stayed silent as she set the child-sized dress down and reached for the doll. She was fascinated by it and the little dress. They were old enough to be museum pieces for sure and yet she had found them laying with the book they had been searching for. It didn't make much sense to her. "Well maybe some of your books will know how to get rid of it." She suggested.

Bonnie seemed to consider it before she too nodded. "Yeah maybe..." Then she stood up, and Caroline followed suit. The blonde vampire shifted awkwardly before asking.

"Sooo... Are we just going to take it?" Bonnie frowned and thought for a second. Yes they were technically stealing, but it was for Maddie's sake, so that made it alright, right?

"Yeah." She said slowly.

"This stuff too?"


"... Okay..." With that Caroline started to fold up the old dress and pack it away into the cardboard box she had found them in. When she was finished they both started towards the door, and headed to Bonnie's house.


"Are you sure you're alright?"

Maddie had only been awake for about five minutes and she was pretty sure both Elena and Rebekah had asked her that same question about a million times. She knew that they were just being concerned, but still, concerned could get annoying real fast. She made a shooing motion with her hand before rubbing her temple to try and get rid of that pounding headache she had.

"I'm fine, Elena." She insisted once more. "Just got a bit of a headache." She hadn't noticed until now that she had been talking with her silky smooth, British like accent. On one side of her Elena sat, rubbing circles on her back, as she had done a few days ago when she and the girls went to comfort Maddie. Rebekah had moved to take Elena's old spot at the edge of the bed, and was now watching the other blonde like a hawk.

"Want me to give you some more blood?" Rebekah asked, cocking her head. Maddie looked up at her and shook her head no, but sent her a small smile.

"No, I'm good." She muttered, and Rebekah just nodded. "I think I have enough vampire blood in my system." Elena had filled her in on what had happened in the caves, and told her that Damon had fed her his blood, which she wasn't to happy about. "By the way, how long until I'm not in danger of coming back with fangs?" Maddie asked, glancing at Rebekah again.

The original seemed to think for a moment, considering how much blood she had given Maddie, that would be gone by tomorrow morning, but the problem lies in Damon's blood. "Not sure." she admitted, if Damon had given her as much as she had then it would be a good day and a half to two days before it got through her, but if he had given her the bare minimum then they were looking at about a day. Rebekah decided to go for the in between. "I'd guess around 36 hours maybe?"

Maddie put her head in her hands "If I die, I'm going to kick Salvator's ass." she groaned. Elena frowned and sent her friend a 'really?' look, but Rebekah just smirked in approval. Then Elena realized something and she pushed Maddie's shoulder, causing her friend to look up at her.

"What about Rebekah? She gave you blood too." She pointed out and Rebekah's smirk turned to a frown. Really Elena? She thought, rolling her eyes. That's just great, now Madelyn might hate her for all eternity. Thinking that way, both she Elena were surprised when Maddie just shrugged.

"So?" She said before rubbing her forehead again. Elena spared a glance towards Rebekah, and the vampire caught a hint of suspicion in her glance. She doesn't honestly think I had something to do with this! she thought, sending the brown-eyed girl a glare in response. She was about to say something but Maddie continued. "She's just Bekah." the girl muttered. Elena's frown deepened, as Rebekah's did too. Normally the Original would be pleased, but this was just to out of character, she knew they were friends but she knew that this was odd to say the least. Suddenly Maddie frowned and looked up as if she was just now realizing what she had said. She opened her mouth to say something and then closed it again, not finding the right words.

Elena was the one to step in after that. "Um... What was that?" She asked slowly.

"Yeah..." Maddie started, looking over at Rebekah and then back to her friend. She shook her head and continued. "I don't know where that came from."

Rebekah shook her head a bit as she thought about it for a moment, trying to figure out what was going on with her sister. She scanned through her memories as Elena tried to talk to Maddie about what had happened to her in hopes of understanding. Suddenly she realized something. Maddie doesn't call me Bekah. All yesterday they had hung out and not once had she heard Maddie call her anything other than Rebekah. It wouldn't have been such a big deal, except for one little detail. Maddie may not call her Bekah now, but back in the tenth century it had been her favorite nickname.


It was maybe half an hour later, and Maddie had finally gotten the girls to stop worrying about her. Or at least, they weren't doing it out loud anymore and that was all that mattered to her. The headache that had been pounding inside her head was now gone, leaving her board, and tired. Wait, why am I tired? I just slept for like, a day. She thought, confused. She shook her head to try and rid herself of the thoughts and went back to the book she was reading.

It wasn't really a book though, it was one of Stefan's journals. Once Rebekah and Elena had stopped fretting over her Elena had gone to sit and be bored while Rebekah started going through Stefan's things. When Maddie had to decide between doing nothing and digging up dirt on one of the handsome, but annoying, Salvator brothers it was an easy choice. So she had, to Elena's objection and Rebekah's delight, plucked one of the books from Stefan's shelf and started to explore the world of his vampire life. She had happened to chose one of the older books from the 1880s, it kept mentioning someone named Alexia. After reading about her, Maddie could admit to being more than a little interested in meeting her at some point. She was also surprised to discover that Stefan didn't used to be the complete jerk she knew today. It made sence though, seeing as Elena had dated him, and she had been having a hard time trying to wrap her mind around the idea of her friend being in love with someone like Stefan.

"Have you gotten your fill of snooping yet?" Elena asked, interrupting her reverie. Rebekah looked up from where she was laying across the bed. Maddie had been sitting behind her, resting her back against the headrest of the bed as she read. "Can we get on with the story?" She asked. Rebekah sighed and snapped her book shut, standing up and walking over to the desk, where she started to set it down. Maddie just kept reading, not really bothering to stop and pay attention.

Rebekah spotted a picture of Elena and Stefan and picked it up. "Honestly , I don't get you two as a couple." She admitted with a frown of distaste.

Elena chuckled "Why would you" She asked, causing the original to glance up at her. "You don't know anything about who he really is." Both girls glanced over her shoulder as Maddie let out an airy chuckle. Rebekah smiled and tossed down the journal. She leaned over and got in Elena face.

"I know exactly who he is." She said simply. "He's a vampire. We're a predatory species. We don't have time to care about humans and their silly little lives."

Elena made a mocking face of confusion, "Is that why you did that runway show earlier? Because you don't care about the homecoming dance? Or why you fed Maddie your blood?" She questioned before she saw her friend drop her arms to her side, taking the book in her left hand only.

"Hey! Don't drag me into this, 'Lena!" She exclaimed, only to be ignored as Elena continued.

"Because you don't care about the homecoming dance and don't care about her?" She questioned and Rebekah slowly straightened up, knowing she had a point. "You know what, I'm just gonna go." With that she stood up and walked towards the door. Maddie sighed, irritated that she had to leave her newest story about Lexi and Stefan's travels. She dropped the book though and swung her feet over the edge of the bed, getting up and walking to the door.

"You haven't even heard half the story." Rebekah objected, feigning indifference.

Maddie walked to her friend's said as she stopped and turned around declaring. "And you're not going to tell it. You're just bored and looking for someone to push around. Find someone else to play with, maybe you can compel yourself a friend." At that last part she turned to go and Maddie couldn't help but whack Elena. That's a little harsh. She thought, but walked towards the door with her anyway.

"The necklace wasn't Stefan's to give. It belonged to the Original witch." Rebekah retorted, and Elena smiled as she turned around.

"The one who put the hybrid curse on Klaus?" She asked curiously. Rebekah nodded.

"Not just the hybrid curse." She informed before Maddie took a step forward, a confused frown on her face as she finished the sentence for her sister.

"She's the one who turned you into vampires." Rebekah cocked an eyebrow at her but nodded all the same. Maybe she has some memories left after all...


The three girls walked down the large stairways in the boarding house with Rebekah in the lead and Elena and Maddie scurrying along behind her. "So, vampirism was a form of protection?" Elena asked sounding surprised and sceptical even.

Maddie and Rebekah both seemed to answer at the same time. "Of course it was." "What else would it be?" Rebekah sounded uninterested until she noted that she wasn't the only one answering the question. Then she glanced over at Maddie who seemed to be growing more confused. When the blonde witch looked over at Rebekah and Elena she thought she saw a little smile creep it's way onto the vampire's face before she turned away and a thoughtful Elena replied.

"A curse."

Rebekah glanced up at Maddie who was on the stair above her and raised a brow in question again, as if asking if she was going to answer. When the blonde girl just looked away, Rebekah launched into another explanation. "My parents only saw a way of keeping their children alive." She responded.

"Yeah, but why stay? If they were so afraid of the werewolves, why not leave?" Elena asked.

This time both girls answered again, heir accented voices both holding the same sense of dread at the thought. "Pride."

Elena looked to Maddie in question, shocked that she seemed to know about all of this. In response, Maddie just shrugged, looking just as confused as Elena was. Rebekah though, didn't bother to wait for them to finish their silent conversation because she just continued to talk, keeping an eye on her sister to gauge her reaction. "My father didn't want to run anymore, he wanted to fight and be superior to the wolves." She informed. Maddie nodded slowly in response, but noticed that her headache had returned yet again and frowned. "Where they could bite we had to bite harder, where they had speed we had to be faster. Agility, senses, strength, everything would be heightened."

"But, Ayanna wouldn't do it." Maddie muttered to herself more then anything. "It was a crime against nature, and she knew it wasn't right." She paused and shook her head a bit, trying to clear it once more. Rebekah nodded though, her eyes encouraging. This was the most progress she'd seen, the most memories of her childhood that Maddie had mentioned and it gave Bekah hope that maybe she could uncover more.

With that in mind she tried to prompt her sister to continue. "So Mikael turn to..."

Elena watched the two of them in silence, confused as ever as to how Maddie seemed to know all of this. She watched as she ran a hand through her golden waves and bit her lip, nervously thinking. "To... To the sister." She finally stuttered out. "The sister and her mother." Despite the sad turn Rebekah knew the story took she smiled at Maddie.

"Yes." She agreed.

"How could they do anything?" Elena asked slowly as she looked back and forth between the two blonde girls.

Rebekah figured she would answer this one, just to give Madelyn a brake. "Because my mother was also a witch." Rebekah said and watched with amusement at Elena's surprised expression. "And my younger sister had inherited the gene." She smirked and started walking down the hall. "A witch of the Original family. An Original witch." Then she and Madelyn continued to walk while Elena stopped and just stared dumbfounded after them.


"There is more than one Original witch?" Elena asked as she entered the room Rebekah and Maddie had wondered into, the Library.

Rebekah just nodded in conformation. "Where do they keep their best vintage?" She asked, walking over to Damon's liquor cart.

"Then if your mother was a witch-"

"Am I? No. A witch is nature's servant," She started before Maddie popped into the conversation from her spot at the side of the room. She sounded more confident, now that she knew where the information was coming from.

"And a vampire is an abomination of nature. You have to be one or the other, Elena, you can't be both. That's why I don't like taking the vampire blood if I ever turned, I wouldn't have my magic." Maddie explained and Elena nodded with understanding. Then Rebekah continued with a sigh.

"My mother did this for us, she did not turn... And neither did my sister." She muttered.

"How did you turn?"

"She called upon the sun for life, and the ancient white oak tree, one of nature's eternal objects for immortality." She walked over to face the fire as she continued. "That night, my father offered us wine laced with blood. My sister, hadn't shown up for dinner that night, and we were told she was out fetching water for tomorrow's meals, later we would learn that she had been taken by Ayanna to keep her from being apart of the ritual and turning into the abomination that she had unknowingly helped create." She explained and Maddie felt a tugging sense of de-ja-vous. "And then he drove his sword through our hearts." She could hear both of the girls hearts speed up and Maddie had to sit down.

"He killed you?" The blonde whispered, feeling a sense of betrayal, guilt, and loss that she didn't understand. Sure it was an awful story, no child should have to go through that, but Elena wasn't having this hard of a time with it, so why was she? She heard Rebekah turn around to look at her, but she still didn't look up from staring at her lap.

"And he wasn't delicate about it either."


By now Rebekah had explained what had happened after she woke and the story had sunk in, and the girls had fallen into a deep silence. Rebekah was walking around with her bottle of alcohol while Maddie just sat in her hair staring at the fire, maybe thinking, maybe not, and Elena was pacing. Suddenly their little arrangement was broken when Elena spoke up and stopped her walking. "why did Mikael start hunting Klaus?" She asked. Rebekah sighed and muttered.

"When Nik made his first human kill it triggered his werewolf gene." She muttered under her breath. "With that he became my father's greatest shame." She walked over to the chair her sister was sitting in and set down the bottle on a nearby table before taking the little witch's hand in her own and giving it a comforting squeeze, trying to get her back to normal.

"Yeah, Elijah told me this part of the story." Elena said softly. "Your mother had had an affair with one of the werewolf villagers, Klaus wasn't his son." She recited. Rebekah nodded pulled a bit at Maddie's arm, getting her to look up at her before half leading, half dragging her out of the chair and over to the couch where they both took a seat next to each other.

"She tried to make it right." Rebekah started. "She put the hybrid curse on Nik to suppress his werewolf side and then she turned her back on him." Elena cocked her head in confusion when Maddie relaxed beside Rebekah, and put her head on the other girl's shoulder. It was like she had known Rebekah for years, she was acting like she did with her and the girls, actually. "But Mikael's greatest weakness as a human was his pride." Rebekah went on, surprising Elena when she didn't do anything to move the other blonde away from here.

"As a vampire it would have been magnified." Maddie muttered, and Elena nodded in agreement with her statement.

"It was." Rebekah assured. "He went on a rampage and killed half the village." Rebekah paused and Elena watched as the vampire's eyes flickered to the already upset girl beside her. Thoughts ran through Rebekah's head at an alarming speed as she debated whether or not she should tell Elena what had happened with Maddie sitting right there. She had already shown that she had memories, if only a few of her old life, so Rebekah wasn't sure if she should tell her that her own mother was murdered by her father. Soon enough though she ran out of time as both of the girls grew curious and looked over at her. Rebekah sighed and then finished her sentence, keeping her voice soft and her eyes on Madelyn. "And then he came home and killed her."

Rebekah was sure her heart broke as she watched her baby sister's face change to one of pure heartache. Her shaded blue eyes widened and her jaw dropped ever so slightly until her mouth formed an 'O'. It was Elena though who spoke up.

"Mikael killed your mother?" She asked gently, shock filling her voice with a little bit of pity.

Rebekah didn't take her eyes off of her sister as she answered. "He said she broke his heart so he would break hers. He tore it from her chest as Nik watched."

Maddie felt numb. There was no other way to describe it. She had never felt a pain like this in all of her life. It wasn't like everyone always explained it, her heart being pulled apart, or being stabbed in the heart, no. It was much worse. She felt tears start to trickle down her cheeks, but yet she didn't know why, she felt empty and alone and still no reason came to her. She turned her head away frown the other girls and brought a hand to her face, wiping at her nose and eyes as she heard Rebekah continue speaking to Elena from her spot next to her. All the while though she tuned them out, not knowing what they were talking about or caring. All she knew was that she hurt, and there was no rhyme or reason to why. She felt Rebekah get up from beside her and heard her start yelling a few moments later, but she just couldn't find the energy to care.

For some reason she felt her mind drift back to when Grams had died, and that feeling of being alone grew and grew until it was practically suffocating her. Still though, she didn't understand why. She hadn't known Rebekah's mother, nor had she heard of her before now, and yet she was grabbing every fiber of strength she had to keep herself from bursting into tears. She heard the door slam shut and felt a burst of air ruffle her hair. The couch sagged as another person sat down next to her and she squeezed her eyes shut for a moment to keep tears away.

"Maddie..." A soft accented voice whispered to her, and she felt Rebekah place a hand on her shoulder. Still she stubbornly stayed where she was, facing away from Rebekah. She heard the vampire sigh and say her name again, but she still didn't turn around. Rebekah finally started to use her strength to her advantage as she gently started to turn her sister around to face her. She could see the paths that tears had made down her cheeks while she had cried. "Madelyn, look at me..." She instructed and slowly but surely her sister moved her gaze from the fire to Rebekah, revealing to the vampire the unshed tears in her eyes as well as the confusion and sadness. "oh, sweety..." She whispered, pulling her into a hug. Then Maddie just couldn't hold it in anymore. She let out a soft sob and pressed her face into Rebekah's shoulder and started crying.


Maddie heard the door of the boarding house open from her spot down the hall. It had been an hour, maybe and hour and a half since Elena had left she had Rebekah at the house, but then again maybe not, seeing as she had been sobbing for most of it, and her attention hadn't been on the clocks. Either way it was night now, and she with Rebekah's help had finally gotten ahold of herself. She had stopped crying about fifteen minutes ago, and the two of them had just been sitting on the couch in silence, Rebekah stroking Maddie's hair and Maddie layed with her head on her sister's lap, emotionally and physically exhausted.

Maddie had gotten up to go use the restroom, and that's where she was now, washing her face clean of her ruined make-up and stain from salty tears. She still felt that ache in her chest, but now it was just barible instead of overwhelming. She knew she would probably have to cry about it again at some point, but for now she was alright. Soon enough though she heard yelling and turned the tap off. What's going on? She thought as she dried her face with a towel. Then she opened the door and more or less ran down the hallway and back into the library. She watched as Rebekah threw some papers into the fire and Elena walking towards the distressed vampire.

"... Are you so upset?" Maddie managed to catch Elena asking as she walked over. Rebekah hadn't caught sight of her yet, she was hones in on Elena.

"Why are you doing this to me?" She asked. "I've done nothing to you!"

Elena took another step forward and said, "Klaus killed your mother." With those four words, Rebekah's face shifted a bit Maddie knew she had to do something. She grabbed Elena's shoulder and spun her around so she was facing her.

"What are you doing?" She asked, and Elena couldn't help but frown when she realized that her younger friend's eyes were bloodshot, which must have meant she had been crying but she was also the tiniest bit releaved when she heard she had finally stopped talking with that accent.

"I'm telling her the truth." She said simply before turning back to Rebekah and continuing. "He killed her Rebekah! He has a hold on you, on me, on everyone. He has for a thousand years!" Before she could continue she felt someone jerk painfully at her arm, spinning her around again. She was met with Maddie's angry glare. The two locked gazes for a second before Maddie said two words she never thought she would hear her say to her.

"Get out."

Rebekah watched with surprise as Maddie told Elena to leave. She noted the hard resolve in the girl's eyes and the tenseness in her shoulders as she stared at Elena. "What?" The brunette girl asked, shock apparent in her voice. Then Maddie let go of the arm she had grabbed and took two slow steps off to the side before repeating.

"Get out. Leave her alone, Elena." And gestures towards the door. In that moment Rebekah couldn't have been more thankful towards her sister. It seemed that the two's position had been reversed from earlier, seeing as now Rebekah was the one who was holding in tears.

Elena looked shocked that her friend was trying to kick her out. "Maddie, she has right to know!" She objected and the witch just glared back at her friend, now fed up. With all of the emotional rollarcoastering she had done today she was NOT in the mood to discuss this right now and she certainly wasn't about to let her keep hammering Rebekah like that after what the vampire had done for her.

"Elena, I don't want to do this but, so help me, if you don't get your butt out that door I will kick you out." She said slowly as if talking to a child. Elena couldn't help but be a little afraid, as suddenly she ws reminded that Maddie wasn't just her little best friend, but a powerful witch.

"Mads I-"

Maddie quickly cut her off as she walked over to Rebekah's side. "Now." Then, using her powers, she pushed Elena back a good two or three feet, causing her to stumble and her chocolate colored eyes to grow wide in surprise. She sent one last look over at Rebekah and her friend before practically running towards the door.

Rebekah fell to her knees as tears fell down her face, and Maddie turned around, dropping to the ground beside her. "Shh.." She whispered, knowing that now it was her turn to comfort instead of be comforted. She noted Rebekah shake her head through the tears and soft, muffled sobs and the witch wrapped her arms around the other girl. "Shh..." She cooed. Again though the older girl shook her head at her words and this time she caught what she had been tring to say through the sobs.

"Stop it!" The vampire sobbed and Maddie frowned, pulling away.

"What is it?" She asked, only receiving the same sort of response.

"Stop!" This time though that wasn't the only thing Rebekah had to say. "Stop lying! I can't take anymore lies!" Maddie just frowned in confusion as she pushed a long strand of golden hair back away from her face. She wasn't lying about anything, she was just trying to calm her friend down, trying to talk to her. Wait a minute... She thought Could she mean, She cut her thoughts off and hugged Rebekah tightly once more as she decided to act on her idea. She cleared her throat before speaking again.

"Better?" She whispered, though the word came out more rounded and pure than what she had said before. Rebekah nodded despite the sobs that racked her body as he heard the soft twinkle of her sister's real voice, not that fake accent she used. She wanted her sister, not some mask that she had created to fit in.

And for the next few hours that was what she got. Maddie stayed with her the whole night until eventually they both fell asleep on the couch, side by side, and the last thought that crossed Rebekah's mind was the promise she had made to Madelyn the day she carved her family's name into the cave wall. We stick together as one. Always and Forever.


Alright well that's this chapter :) I hope you liked it!

Please leave me a review about what you think of my 'deleted scenes' idea that I told you about at the top, ask any questions, comments, leave ideas, suggestions, corrections, etc. etc. :)



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