The Originals's Sister (The V...

By YellowGemeni

236K 4.9K 785

This story was deleted by accident. -annoyed sigh right here- We all know the story of the Originals, how Es... More

1: The Return
2: Complicated
3: Answers
4: Oh Witch
5: Making Memories
6: Speak of the Devil
7: Go Away
8: Darkness
8-3: Darkness
9: Homecoming
9-2: Homecoming
9-3: Homecoming
10: The New Deal
11: Our Town
12: The Ties That Bind
13: Brining Out The Dead
14: Dangerous Liaisons
14-2: Dangerous Liaisons
14-3: Dangerous Liaisons
15-1: All My Children

8-2: Darkness

9K 219 22
By YellowGemeni

Updated: July 22,2015


I do not own the vampire diaries BTW!


Flickers of firelight bounced around on the rough rocky surface of the cave walls. Not a single mark had yet to scar the stone lining the inside of the Mikaelson's monthly shelter. Rebekah though was about to change that. The girl was standing on an upraised section of rock near the right side of the cave. One hand was pressed against the wall to help her keep balance while the other held a knife. Her long blonde hair had been pulled behind her in a thick braid that traveled down most of her back and at the top of her head more golden locks were threaded into a smaller braid around her face to keep the strands from falling into her eyes. The teenager wore a look of concentration as she lifted the simple piece of leather wrapped metal that served as a blade and started to carve. She wasn't quite sure why she had felt the need to do this, but she had. She was determined to place her family's names on this wall, if not just to curve her growing boredom. Suddenly her silent world of concentration was broken by a voice se knew by heart.

"Rebekah," Her brother started, a whining tone lacing through the deep undertones of his voice. "Let me have at it." He instructed as his blue eyes scanned the cave wall in front of his sister. He would never admit it, but Rebekah was doing a fairly good job with the blade for a woman.

Normally the soft whine in her brother's voice would have amused the blonde girl, but at the moment she just found it to be exceedingly annoying. "Quiet Niklaus." She scolded, almost breathless in her concentration. Her eyes did not once leave the wall or her work as she continued to talk to her torch holding other brother. "I have to have my concentration if I'm not to slice off a finger." She pointed out. the steady sound of her knife scratching against the stone bounced off the walls around the two as the spoke. The sound reminded Niklaus of something, the noise was harsh and cruel, not unlike their father. Maybe that I the way to remove her from her project. The young man thought before acting on his latest idea.

"Father will not like you handling the blade." He pointed out snidely, muttering under his breath. He looked off to the side of the cave where the wall opened up into a walkway or sorts, as if he expected the scruffy old man to come charging in at that very moment, eyes full of anger.

The scraping stopped as soon as Nik's words reached his sister's ear. Rebekah stopped what she was doing and turned ever so slightly towards her brother. She now could just hardly see him out of the corner of her eyes. Her face the definition of annoyance, but the stringy haired boy could not see that, all he saw was that his sister had stopped working. for a moment he thought his battle had been won... That is until Rebekah started speaking.

"If I want to wield a blade, I shall wield a blade." She said firmly, her voice leaving no room for argument. The flicker of hope that had caught in her brother's eyes was quickly snuffed out as she turned back to the wall she had worked at. She muttered one last thing as she lifted her hands to start carving again. "Father need not know." The scraping from before started up again as the steel made contact with stone.

Nik turned his gaze away and towards the door as he continued on his course to get Rebekah to stop. "He will find out. He always does." He muttered, speaking as if this was a fact that everyone should already know. Now Rebekah turned fully towards her brother, deciding to stop this silly little game of back and forth that he had started.

"That is because you always tell him." She quipped as she started to walk down from her perch next to the wall. She leisurely made her way around a small boulder, her green skirt of her dress swaying around her feet ever so slightly before she stopped to stand in front of him. Klaus sighed a but looked apologetically at his sister. He knew she was right.

"I cannot help it." He admitted in a tired, sad voice. He cast his deep blue gaze down towards his feet for a moment before glancing back up to meet Rebekah's gaze. "He frightens me." Rebekah and he stood there in a single moment of silence. Understanding was suddenly washing away the previous light of frustration towards him. The teen opened her mouth to say something but another voice beat her to it.

"Me too, Nik."

The two older kids turned towards the source of the little voice. They were me by the sight of a young golden-haired girl standing just inside the cave entrance. Both of them looked surprised to see the child but at the same time, not.

"Madelyn..." Rebekah muttered her voice dropping to a gentle tone. The child turned her brilliant blue eyes to gaze upon her sister but kept to her place at the entrance. The young witch was almost hiding around the corner, with one leg inside and another outside of the cave, her golden hair blended in with the firelight that flickered off the cave walls and the dark blue fabric of her tiny handy down dress swirled with the shadows. Rebekah forced a smile onto her face, trying not to frighten the girl further. The talk of their father had clearly scraped off a thin layer of courage from her walls.

Niklaus seemed to notice his baby sister's behavior at the same time as Rebekah because instead of continuing the conversation he motioned for the child to come out and said. "Come here, Maddie." He said, he too speaking gently.

Ever so cautiously the girl started to make her way into the cave, dragging her doll that Bekah had made behind her to no one's surprise. Once she had made it the first few steps she glanced over her shoulder and picked up speed as if she was scared her father would walk through that door at that very moment. As she started to speed up, Rebekah bent down on her knees and held out her arms, the blade sitting on the ground beside her. Sure enough, Maddie saw this and immediately changed direction so she was headed towards her big sister instead of her brother. Klaus wasn't surprised in the least, he knew Madelyn always had and always would prefer Rebekah. Everyone knew that. It didn't mean she loved her other siblings any less, it's just for some reason she and Rebekah were the closest. All the boys claimed that it was simply because she was a girl. They would get into little discussions about who she would like best if she was a boy and who little Maddie liked best now, brother wise. Rebekah and Esther often listened to their arguments as they worked and found it a humorous way to pass the time while doing their chores.

When Maddie reached Rebekah, she was wrapped in gentle hug before being lifted up in the teenager's arms. Rebekah balanced the child on her hip with one arm and used her other hand to rub calming circles on her back. "Madelyn, what are you doing down here?" She asked softly. The little girl looked up at her and muttered.

"I was looking for you and Niklaus." In response. Then she looked over at her brother and held out her hand for him to take. Nik's lip twitched up into a small half-smile as he wrapped Madelyn's little fingers in his own hand. "He scares all of us, Nik." She whispered, looking at the ground. Rebekah held her a little tighter, wishing that their was something she could do to help her baby sister. It was true that she could tell the girl she had nothing to worry about, that she shouldn't be afraid, but... She should. Mikael had harmed each and every one of his children, even little Madelyn- actually especially little Madelyn and Niklaus. No one knew why he hated Niklaus with such fiery passion, but they did understand why he didn't like his youngest child. Ever since last year when she had gotten her powers he had changed his attitude towards her. In his eyes, having one witch was a good thing. She could protect you and help the family, but having two? that was a bother. Maddie's still new powers tended to be a little uncontrollable, and now she had to spend time with Esther training instead of working with her siblings to help support the family. All in all, Maddie had need for worry. After a moment of pondering Rebekah chose what she thought to be the best path to take in this particular conversation.

"Yes, he frightens us all." She said softly with a nod of agreement. Both of her siblings cast their gazes downward in silence agreement. Maddie snuggled further into Rebekah's hold for comfort. "That is why we stick together as one." She explained. Maddie glanced back up at her sister and asked.

"Always and forever?" her eyes shining with a small glimmer of hope.

"Always and forever." Rebekah agreed, smiling gently down at the girl, happy that she had gotten her to look at least a little hopeful. She turned to Nik and saw that he was still looking unsure of the situation. A slow smirk crept its way onto her face as she asked. "Right, traitor?" Nik glanced up at her and tried to hide his own smile before giving a firm but court nod.

"Right." Rebekah and Maddie were both smiling at him now. All of a sudden Madelyn let out a squeak and looked at her sister.

"Bekah, Mother wants you to come help her with the meal." she remembered. The teenager frowned a bit and cocked her head. She hadn't realized it was already that late in the day. She set her sister down on the ground again and picked up the knife.

"Alright." She said to the golden-haired child before turning to Niklaus. "Here. You finish." She instructed and he smirked a bit, walking towards the wall Rebekah had started her project at.

"Yes." he started, "Go tend to dinner. Leave the blades to the men, sister." Rebekah's mildly irritated look returned at his words, and Maddie wrinkled her face up in a look o confusion. Why do we have all the boring jobs? The child through as Nik turned around and held out his hand for the blade. Rebekah glanced down at the hand and then unceremoniously slammed the bladed side down on her brother's palm. Nik winced and frowned, frustrated at her.

"Ahh. Bekah." he growled, gritting his teeth.

At the same time Madelyn reached out and swatted her sister's side as her version of scolding. Rebekah smirked, not caring at the moment.

"It's just a little blood." She started, her brown eyes twinkling with amusement. "Be a man about it." Niklaus sighed a bit, but said nothing. He knew he had walked right into that one.

Rebekah reached over to grab her sister's hand but the girl squirmed away from the grip and went over to her brother. She opened his palm so she could see the cut and frowned worriedly. "Are you alright, Niklaus?" She asked softly. The man smiled a bit at her concern and nodded

"I'll be fine little sister." He assured with a chuckle. Maddie shook her head a bit in disagreement and reached out to take his hand. She placed her palm over top of the cut and closed her eyes. Both of the older kids exchanged looks of confusion before they heard her soft voice whispering words in a strange language that they had come to recognize as a witch's speech. A minute or two later the child opened her eyes and smiled.

"All better." She chirped as she moved her hands away. When Nik looked down his hand was unscathed. Not a single mark plagued the smooth skin of his hand. Rebekah walked over to get to see, and a surprised look that matched Nik's appeared on her face. She looked down at her baby sister.

"Did mother teach you to do that, love?" She asked gently as she took her sister's hand. The girl nodded, beaming proudly at her work before tugging at her sister's hand.

"Come, Rebekah, we should get to mother." She said and the girl just nodded slowly before walking out of the cave with Madelyn and leaving Niklaus to finish writing on the cave walls.


"Maddie, Maddie wake up!" Elena muttered as she stared down at the blonde girl laying in Alaric's arms. It had taken her a moment to react when she had seen her friend fall. It was the strangest thing, one minute her friend was fine and the next she was a blur of blonde hair as her body was pulled to the ground. The one thing that she had been able to do in her moment of panic was yell. She recalled calling out to the blue-eyed girl, more out of shock than her thinking it would do any good.

If the doppelgänger made a list of pros and cons right now it would look something like this. Pros: 1. Ric had managed to catch her before she hit the ground- with all these rocks around who knows what would have happened. 2. Damon seemed to be at least a little concerned about Maddie, seeing as he had the same reaction as she had when he saw her fall. Cons: 1. Her friend wasn't waking up 2. She didn't know why 3. Caroline and Bonnie were going to freak out 4. They still had to figure out what these cave drawings meant and 5. She had no idea how to fix any of these problems.

Elena watched her friend as she started to toss and turn a bit as if she was having a nightmare. Elena reached over to check her pulse and found a small amount of relief when she found what she was looking for. The only problem was the speed. She was no doctor, but Elena knew that this was not right. She was snapped out of her thoughts as Damon called out to them.

"Get her over here Ric!" A moment later the teacher was on his feet, Maddie still limp in his arms. He rushed to the cave entrance as Elena scrambled to her feet as quickly as she could and ran over. By the time she got there, Maddie had been passed to Damon. The vampire was crouching on the ground, resting her friend up in a sitting position against the cave wall outside the barrier. His face shifted as veins started to appear under his now blood-red eyes, and his fangs elongated. Using the greatest vampire asset, he bit into his wrist, waiting until he tasted the copper liquid enter his mouth before pushing it towards Maddie.

The teen wrinkled her nose and started to turn away. Damon sighed and removed his wrist for a moment, shifting their positions so that she was resting against him instead of the wall. He bit into his wrist once more before reaching around her and pressing it to her lips. Again she tried to move, but now he was able to use the arm he had wrapped around her to keep her in place and his free hand rested on the back of her head to keep her from pulling back. "Come on, Matilda..." he muttered, a twinge of irritation shadowing his voice, when she still didn't swallow. He used his free hand to push her head forward, and closer to the wound allowing more blood to enter her mouth. Maddie let out a small groan of discomfort in her sleep-like state and tried to turn away again. Damon kept her in place with ease, and she let out another, now slightly panicked noise before Damon finally felt her do as he wanted. She swallowed. "There you go, Maddie." He praised softly as Elena let out a sigh of relief from her spot beside him.

The brunette gently took ahold of her friend's hand as she waited for Maddie to wake up now that she had gotten the equivalent of a supernatural miracle cure.

Damon didn't remove his wrist, just to be safe he waited for the stubborn little witch to swallow at least two more gulps of the thick red liquid first. After a moment he pulled back once more, noticing that she had stopped her fitful tossing and turning. Elena took the opportunity to check her friend's pulse. She sat up on her knees and reached out, gently brushing a layer of golden blonde hair off of Maddie's neck. Then she pressed two fingers to her pulse point and waited until she felt the steady drumming against her fingers before pulling away. She let out a sigh of pure relief as she realized that her friend's heart rate was slowing back to normal. The relief was short-lived though. A moment later she realized something when she looked into the younger girl's face and noticed something.

"Damon, why isn't she waking up?" Elena asked suddenly, frowning. She turned her attention to the vampire when he didn't answer and Alaric did as well, growing more worried than he already was for his newest student. "Damon." Elena tried again to get him to answer her. "Why isn't she waking up?!" The teenager demanded, wanting to know the reason behind her friend's current state not changing after getting some vampire blood in her system. Once again the Raven haired man stayed silent, just looking at Maddie with furled brows. "Damon!" Elena exclaimed.

With that the vampire whirled his head around to look at her and snapped. "I don't know, Elena." His patience was wearing dangerously thin. If there was one thing Damon Salvatore didn't like it was not knowing. Well, that and an empty bar. Right now he had no idea what was going on. Maddie had gotten blood in her so she should be healing, and waking up by now, plus what had happened to her in the first place? Alaric had already walked around that cave a few times when they first found it, so it couldn't have been some weird ancient Indiana Jones trap that the mutts who made this place had set up. He hadn't smelt any blood, and that just reinforced his point that it couldn't have been anything attacking her... Long story short he was growing more and more concerned- wait why do I care? He asked himself as the thought came into his mind. This was just Witchy Little Donovan! It wasn't like he didn't have another witch, and he certainly didn't need any more of Elena's danger-prone friends especially if they were blonde, Original related, witchy ju-ju loving, danger-prone friends that happen to hate him. Nah, she can't hate me, I'm too hot to hate. He assured himself before carrying his conversation with the doppelgänger. "The blood should be healing her by now..." Then Alaric stepped in, giving them his two cents about the situation.

"Well either way, we can't do anything from here." He pointed out and Elena nodded in agreement while Damon just kept his icy eyes on the witch, half expecting her to bolt awake at any given moment. "Elena, is her pulse steady?" He asked, as he thought about what they should do. The teenager nodded in confirmation to his question and tightened her grip a bit on her friend's hand, growing more worried with every passing second that Maddie was asleep. Ric nodded and muttered, "Alright... Damon, let's get her back to my place, that way we can look after her and start looking through these pictures." The vampire nodded and got to his feet.

"Will do, buddy." He said, sounding much too cheery for the situation, but then again, maybe he was just trying to get on Alaric good side. Alaric ignored him and instead started walking out. Damon bent down and slid one arm under the bend of her knees and the other under her arms, picking her up bridal style. Elena waited until Damon had started walking after her teacher before following closely behind him. She was going to keep up on her promise to Maddie, she wasn't letting her out of her sight.


Later that morning- actually it was more afternoon now. After asking Ric to take care of Maddie while she was gone, Elena headed to the school. The day's classes were already over, but she wasn't there to learn book work. Her chocolate-brown eyes scanned the schoolyard for a certain blonde Original vampire. When she spotted her, she was once again struck with a small wave of shock at how similar she and Maddie looked. If she hadn't known any better she would have thought they were sisters! She shook that thought out of her head as soon as it appeared. That ridiculous! she scolded herself, Maddie's so sweet and Rebekah so... Rebekah. She scrunched her nose up at the thought, and focused again on the Original.

She watched as Rebekah stretched her arms up over her head and glanced back behind her. The other cheerleaders seemed to have noticed her preparing for something because they started nudging each other and turning towards her to watch. Rebekah couldn't help the smirk that rose to her lips at the humans. Its to easy. Once she was fairly certain all of them were watching her she got a running start before doing a series of tricks and round-off like tricks across the yard and landing in front of none other than Miss Elena Gilbert. She slowly dropped her arms back down to her sides and let out a sigh.

"You. Goody." She said with obvious sarcasm in her voice. She looked at Elena with a mix of irritation and indifference, as if she was nothing but a distraction, the equivalent of a fly that has set off on a course around your head. While it was annoying, you know that it would be easy enough to just squish the little bug.

"I was hoping we could talk." Elena said. If you just heard her voice than you would have thought she was perfectly of with going to talk to Rebekah about this, but once you got a look at her you would know that this definitely wasn't the case. Her eyes were wide and they kept glancing over Rebekah, as if watching for any sudden movements. She held her arms close to her, and might have even been shrinking down a bit.

Rebekah looked Elena over and raised a brow in question. She cocked her head before speaking in her heavily accented tone. "About what?" She asked, but didn't wait for an answer before taking a guess herself. "Stefan?" She watched as Elena let out a sigh, and looked towards the ground in annoyance at the topic. Part of Rebekah had been expecting Elena to ask her about it, seeing as she was currently dating, but the other half hadn't thought she would be brave- or stupid enough to knowingly challenge an original vampire. Either way she went on with her little pre-prepared speech. "Don't worry, I'm off him until he starts treating me better." She explained, not really paying attention to the doppelgänger as the she removed something from her over the shoulder bag. "In fact, you should probably take a page from my book if we're being honest." She quipped, gesturing with her right hand as she spoke.

After that lovely start to the conversation, Elena was over what ever momentary fear she had been seized by earlier. So instead of worrying about what would happen she held what she had removed from the bag up with a flourish. In her hand was a photograph of the cave wall, specifically one name. Rebekah. "Actually, I'd rather talk about this." She declared. To say that Rebekah was surprised would have been an understatement. Her casually cocky 'tough girl' look was replaced by one of shock and maybe even worry as she gazed at the carving she had made over a millennia ago. Elena took this as a symbol to go on. "I'm curious why you and Klaus have spent a thousand years running from your father." Rebekah scrounged up her emotions as she started to get over the shock, and fear of Mikael set in. She took a breath and tried to put on a mask to hide her fear as the wind started to blow the girl's hair this way and that. She shifted once and opened her mouth to say something to Elena but no snarky comeback came to mind, and no quick-witted lie she could tell made itself known. After taking a moment to try to compose herself again she finally figured out that she didn't need to talk any longer, she just needed to get away from that doppelgänger.

"I should get back to the girls." She said trying to sound indifferent to the information but failing miserably as fear still swam freely through her. "Homecoming's right around the corner." She declared before turning her back to Elena and starting to walk away. Elena sighed, but she knew that she could still get what she wanted if she tried.

"Then maybe I'll just ask Mikael when we wake him." She said casually, as if it was no big deal. In the back of her mind she couldn't help but wonder, how could the all-powerful Klaus and his immortal siblings be afraid of some vampire hunter?

The Original sister, stopped in her tracks as Elena's threat sunk in. Every instinct in her screamed 'danger' at the mere name of that terrible man, but the thought of him coming back... It stopped her cold dead heart for a moment, and for the first time in a while she remembered what pure, uncensored fear felt like. For the first time in a long time she remembered that there might be a way to kill her, and not just put her to sleep for a few decades. She took several breaths to try to steady herself before she realized something. She practically laughed at herself for not thinking of this sooner.

"Your bluffing." She claimed, surely with a humored smile. Vampires by the dozen have tried to find the one man who could kill the ruthless Originals without success, how could one little human and her baby vampire lovers find him? She thought Before voicing her point. "You don't know where he is, no one does."

Elena wasn't about to be deterred by Rebekah. So instead of backing down she fired back. "Then who's rotting in that old cemetery in Charlotte?" And watched as the blonde's face fell. For a moment Rebekah was fearful again but that fear was quickly and easily channeled into rage. She stormed over to stand in front of Elena once more as she said.

"If you wake Mikael, then we are all doomed." She informed, her voice filled with her anger and sureness. The two girls were face to face by now.

"So then tell me!" Elena insisted.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Why don't you want me to wake him?" Rebekah searcher the brunette's face for a moment before saying.

"I need to get back to the girls." And turning, walking away. She only got half way through the courtyard like area before Elena called out to her again.

"Maddie's in trouble!" She blurted. Elena knew it was a risky path to take, telling Rebekah this, the last thing she wanted right now was for her to tell Klaus one of his 'resources' was dying and have him fly back there. On the other hand though, she needed Rebekah to listen and the blonde Original had taken a particular interest in her golden-haired friend. She held her breath as she watched Rebekah's reaction. To her relief the teen stopped and turned back around again.

"What?" She asked, once again hoping that she had heard Elena wrong. Elena just nodded to confirm her own story and watched as Rebekah stalked back over to her earlier position in front of her. "What. Happened?" She demanded to know through gritted teeth. She couldn't stand the thought of her baby sister hurt, especially by those idiots.

"I'll tell you when you tell me." Elena insisted, holding up the picture again. Rebekah frowned and took a step closer so the two were face to face.

"What happened, Elena?" She practically growled. Elena resisted the urge to take a step back as she realized that maybe she should be more worried about what Rebekah herself would do, rather than her calling Klaus. Her mind started racing as she tried to figure out what she could tell her without endangering her friend. The only problem was that Rebekah wasn't in the mood to wait. She glared at Elena and hissed, "Tell me what happened or I swear you will regret it."

Elena shifted on her feet but managed to keep fear from appearing in her face. "When we were in the caves something happened." she started, "She was looking at the drawings and then she just fell. Now she won't wake up." She tried to explain to the best of her abilities, which wasn't easy considering she didn't really know what had happened to the young witch.

Rebekah frowned and snapped. "Well give her some vampire blood." Thinking it was the most obvious solution to the problem. Sometimes she wondered how this girl had survived this long.

"We did." Elena informed with a frown. "It didn't help." Those three words were something that Rebekah wouldn't imagine hearing now. How could it not work? It's vampire blood! She thought before turning back to the conversation.

"Where is she?"

"Not until you explain."

"I want to see her." Rebekah bargained. "Bring her to the boarding house, and I'll tell you what you want to know." She said before turning on her heel and walking away.


The sound of metal clashing flooded through the small village, the sound bounced off of the small cabins and large trees alike on its path towards the Mikaelson children. Three of them were talking and working just outside of the village square when the noise reached them. The oldest of the group was a blonde teenager who had her hair drifting down her back in a long braid. She was wearing a plan looking, brown dress that drifted to just below her ankles, not unlike the girl next to her. The second girl there was clearly related to the first, having the same color hair and slightly similar facial features. She was also the youngest person there. She was holding hand up, clutching the older girl's hand in her own. Her hair was hanging freely down her back in long thick layers of golden waves. The last Mikaelson child in the little group was a boy. He had dark brown hair that reached his shoulders and a bright smile. He looked to be about 12 years old.

As the sound of the blades reached them, the eldest girl squeezed her sister's hand and smiled at her younger siblings. "Come on, Henrik, Madelyn, our brothers are fighting again!" She laughed. The boy scrambled to his feet, grinning at the idea of watching Elijah and Niklaus fight again. The boy loved to watch them battle, because he knew one day he would be doing that too.

All three of them took off in a run towards the square where the sound of the boys sparing cold be heard. They all knew which of their brothers they would find gripping sword hilts. Finn would not have time to play around with all the tasks he had to take on to help the family, and Kol would be to busy doing something foolish, like stealing knick-knacks from the other boys in town or wrestling with his friends.

When they got there they saw what they had expected, Niklaus and Elijah wielding swords at each other with grins on their faces. The three observers stood far enough away to not get hurt, but close enough that they would be able to watch. Rebekah and Henrik were standing the closest to the boys, with one of their little sister's hands in their own as she stood between them. Rebekah was watching happily, enjoying the show that her older brothers were putting on for them.

Elijah smiled as he noticed his gathering siblings off to the side. "Oh look, sister's come to watch my fast approaching victory." He quipped, aiming to tease his opponent. Klaus just smiled though before spotting his youngest sister from where she had been hidden between Henrik and Rebekah. He noticed that her gaze was on Elijah instead of him and immediately felt the need to catch her attention, which only made him more determined to win.

"On the contrary, Elijah." He said before they started swinging their swords again. Niklaus went to strike and Elijah blocked with ease. It was interesting to watch the two battle, seeing their quick and speedy reactions. When one went to strike, the other would contract before expanding to take a rivaling slash at the other. Eventually though Nik was able to spin around and with a slip of his sword cut Elijah's belt. The leather strap fell to the ground and Elijah let out a chuckle, still posed with his sword in the air. Niklaus smiled at his success and continued what he had been saying earlier. "They've com to laugh at you." He declared. All of the siblings started to laugh and the boys started to stand normally again. Maddie clapped as she let out a giggle and then pulled her hand from her sister and brother's grip. She practically skipped over to her blonde haired brother and he bent down again, scooping her up when she came to him and setting her down on his knee.

"Good job Nik!" The child praised as she beamed up at him. Elijah watched with a chuckle as Maddie turned to him and said. "Are you alright, 'lijah?" The dark-haired man nodded and replied in a mildly amused voice.

"I am fine, Madelyn." then he glanced down at his belt and picked it up. "I fear that this is not though." Maddie just shrugged and chimed.

"Bekah will fix it." Which earned a chuckle from all of the boys, and a frown from Rebekah herself.

"Why should I have to fix it?" The girl questioned, putting her hands on her hips and cocking her head. Maddie shrugged carelessly and replied.

"Well, I do not want to do it, Bekah." This made all of the boys laugh and even Bekah cracked a smile at her little sister.

"If there was any question of her relation to Kol it is now gone." Klaus commented through his chuckles. Elijah nods in agreement as Maddie just smiles.

Suddenly Klaus puts Maddie down, and stands up again, sword in hand when he spots their mother and father watching behind them. He sees Esther speaking to Mikael but, it does nothing to sooth the furious look on their father's face. A moment later he starts towards his children with a scowl placed firmly upon his face. Maddie looks up fearfully at her father, worried about what he might do. She is so absorbed in watching him that she hadn't noticed Rebekah coming up behind her and taking her arm in her hand. The younger girl glances over at her sister when she feels the tight grip she has on her arm. A moment later she stumbles backwards as Rebekah starts half dragging, half leading her away from Niklaus.

Mikael holds out his hand to Elijah and the eldest Mikaelson son hands the blade over with silent, but obvious, reluctance. Once Mikael has the sword in his hand he starts to speak in a voice loud enough for all of them to hear.

"So." He starts as he turns to face Klaus. "Why don't you teach me that trick... Young warrior." He says before taking a swing at his son. Nik hardly had time to move his sword high enough to block it before it could make contact with his body. The blow was harder than the ones he had exchanged with Elijah, he felt the sword hilt dig into the back of his hand as metal met metal.

"Father, we were just... Having fun." He tried to explain, but Mikael didn't stop in teaching his furry fueled lesson.

"We fight for our survival, and you find time for fun!" He repeated, his voice raising with every word he said until it was a roaring yell. Maddie watched, clutching to Rebekah's hand with both of her own out of fear. "I want to have fun!" He practically screamed. "Teach me!" When Niklaus didn't move he yelled again. "Come on!"

Nik started to shake his head, "Father it was nothing." He tried again to reason. Mikael swung a forceful blow at the blonde haired boy, and then another and another. Klaus struggled to block them all, and backed up with each movement Mikael made. With one final swing, the enraged man was able to knock the sword from the younger opponents' hand. He kicked up his leg, sending Nik to the ground as he feet flew out from under him. Maddie's grip tightened on Rebekah's hand, her beautiful blue eyes wide with fear as she watched Mikael raise his sword above her brother's neck.

"You, are foolish and impulsive, my boy." The man spat as he glared down at the panting boy on the ground. All the time he kept the blade mere inches from piercing Niklaus's throat. "What? No more laughter?" He yelled, before being interrupted by his wife.

"You've made your point, Mikael." She said firmly as she grew worried for her son's safety. She waited and watched as Mikael stayed where he was for a moment. Then with a shout he thrust his sword into the ground next to his head. Maddie let out a cry and berried her eyes into the layers of Rebekah's dress tears starting to fall from her eyes out of fear. Rebekah was so shocked herself that she found herself unable to move her eyes from the scene to calm her sister.

Despite the distance between them, Madelyn was able to hear Mikael's last words to Nik. "Some days, it's a miracle that your still alive. Boy."


Elena still hadn't returned from going to see Rebekah, and Alaric was starting to get worried. He had told her that this wasn't a good idea. It's not like they needed any more injured teens. The last thing they needed to happen was have Elena end up in a wheelchair because she started challenging an Original Vampire for information. To try to distract himself from the situation, Ric had started to look a the picture of the cave drawings that he had taken before the girls showed up with Damon. So far he had come up with two or three meanings that he was absolutely sure about and he was working of understanding some he had guesses about. That was the most frustrating part of trying to decode these drawings, there was no way to be sure he was correct in his assumptions. One second he would think that the picture meant one thing and then he would find another and think that the meanings he had come up with should be switched. It was an endless puzzle.

Ric was pulled out his thoughts when he heard some movement behind him. He turned around and looked at the source with a mixture of surprise and hope. Maddie was shifting from her spot on his bed where she had been placed that morning. She had been in the same sleep-like state for hours now, not moving a single muscle since Damon gave her his blood. They had decided to leave here instead of bringing her to one of the girl's houses or even her own home because the pictures of the cave drawings were here and that meant two things. First off that the group would probably be spending most of their time over there to try to understand them, and second, whatever had happened to Maddie had happened in that cave so maybe something there would hold the answer to what exactly had happened and how they could fix it.

As he as looking at the girl, his door suddenly flew opened and Bonnie ran inside, followed by Caroline before she hit the house barrier that is. Both girl's eyes were wide with worry, which led Alaric to believe that either Elena or Damon had told them about Maddie. Caroline put her hands against the barrier as she turned her gaze to Alaric with a pleading look. At the same time Bonnie blurted out the question on both of their minds.

"Where is she?"

Alaric sighed and stood up taking a few steps towards them before turning to Caroline. "Come in, Caroline." He said and the young vampire did just that, she walked quickly to Bonnie's side as Alaric continued to speak. "She's over here." He informed, gesturing towards his room. The two wasted no time in running into the room he motioned to. When they saw their friend they raced to her bedside, Caroline to her left and Bonnie on her right.

"What's wrong with her? I can hear her heartbeat, but..." Caroline trailed off. Alaric who was now near the end of the bed sighed and shook her head gently.

"We don't know." He admitted before turning to Bonnie and asked a question that had been bugging him for about an hour now. "Bonnie, could it be some kind of spell that's doing this?" The teacher inquired and the witch's gaze grew curious and hopeful as she considered the possibility.

"Maybe..." She said before reaching out to take one of her friend's hands. "If it is might be able to block whatever magic is doing this..." she admitted and Caroline looked up, eager to hear more. Bonnie though was done talking for now. Instead she closed her eyes as her hands encircled Maddie's, trying to sense something. It seemed that luck was on her side because a picture flashed in front of her closed eyelids for her to see. She took in a gasp at the sensation.

Caroline's interest grew along with a bit of worry for Bonnie. "Bon-bon, you alright? Please tell me this witchy thing isn't contagious or anything, I don't need two best friends asleep." She tried to joke to lighten her mood though she found that she was only half-joking. Bonnie shook her head, keeping her eyes closed. The witch started muttering to her while she looked a the scene before her eyes.

"I'm trying to find out what's wrong..." She explained before starting to tell them what she saw. "I see... A book." She said softly. "I thinks it's..." She trailed off as she tried to get a closer look at the image. Alaric leaned forward, interesting in what she was saying, but Caroline wasn't willing to wait and she certainly wasn't about to try and guess what Bonnie was seeing.

"You think it's..." She prompted eagerly, waiting for Bonnie to continue. Luck for her, Bonnie started talking again, now her voice was confused.

"A grimoire." she finally stated. "It's not any of mine though... It looks ancient." She described before Caroline started asking questions again.

"Where is it?"

Bonnie made a face as she tried to get a better look. "Um... I can't tell." She finally admitted. "Its dark, and small... A drawer maybe?" She suggested and Caroline sighed in annoyance with the situation. They needed something more if they were going to find the thing- and she was going to find it. It must have something to do with Maddie, and she was not about to let her friend sleep through the rest of her life. So she tried asking something else.

"Ok... Well do you have audio? Or is this more like a picture only type of thing?" Bonnie took what Caroline said into consideration and tried to explain what her other senses could find.

"Right... I hear a um, some AC, and..." She faded away because she really couldn't hear much else. That is until a dim sounding chime-like noise appeared out of no where. Caroline noticed her friend's face shift into a look of confusion.

"What?" She asked, leaning towards bonnie a bit, hopeful.

Bonnie cocked he head and said, "I think I just heard a bell..." She admitted slowly. Caroline frowned in confusion as she thought about that.

"A bell?" She questioned. Bonnie nodded and muttered.

"Yeah, like a bell or a chime or something." She explained before opening her eyes and shrugging. "That's all I got." She said almost sadly. Then Caroline let out a sigh, before forcing a smile onto her face and saying to Bonnie.

"At least its a start." The three of them fell into silence once more, each of them thinking about what this could mean. Alaric decided to ask a question this time, hoping he could narrow down the possibilities of where the book could be.

"Bonnie," He started, waiting until the brown-eyed witch turned to look at him before he continued. "Do you think you've heard this bell before? Could it be here in Mystic Falls?"

The witch didn't have to think for even a second before she started nodding firmly. "I've heard it before." She said surely before Caroline jumped in.

"Well, was it like, Big Ben sort of thing, or more like wind chimes or something?" Bonnie turned her attention to her blonde haired friend before giving her another answer.

"Neither, but it was more like wind chimes then a big bell." She tried to explain as best she could. Caroline rubbed her forehead as she tried to think of anywhere else she had heard a bell or something like a bell. They all sat in silence as they each searched their memories, trying to find a noise like the one Bonnie had described. Then Caroline looked over at her friend and instructed,

"Get out her phone!" Bonnie frowned in confusion and then looked down at Maddie, before looking back up at her friend.

"Her phone?" she asked and Caroline nodded surely. "Care, I don't think now's the time for-"

"Just trust me." Caroline interrupted, suddenly excited. Bonnie looked confused but did as her friend instructed and pulled the cellphone out of Maddie's pocket, holding it out to Care. The young vampire immediately snatched the device and flipped it off silent before she set it down on the bed, before whipping her own phone out and starting to type something. A minute or so later Maddie's phone vibrated a bit and let out a soft Ding. Bonnie's eyes widened and she looked up at Caroline.

"That's it!" She said immediately before grabbing Maddie's cell off the bed and looking at the screen. The phone's screen was lit up, a message on the screen reading. '2 new E-mails' Bonnie glanced up at Caroline and showed her the screen, amazed that her friend could have figured this out. Caroline was just beaming happily, glad that they had something else to go off of now. The only other place that Maddie could have gotten her E-mail from is her computer, and that meant that the book from Bonnie's vision was in Maddie's room.

In their commotion they hadn't noticed that Alaric had left and hadn't heard the door to the apartment open. It wasn't until Alaric re-entered the room with Elena that they realized he had left at all. They both looked up at them, and at seeing their friend's face their smiles disappeared. They both knew by now that this meant something was up. Sure enough the first thing Elena said was,

"I need some help."


Alright so that's this chapter! I know I said last time that I would finish this episode this chapter but if I had it just would have been just amazingly to long! So I'll try to finish it next chapter, but I won't make any promises lol



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