Percy Jackson, Guardian of th...

By Shadow_Warrior14

54.7K 1.2K 480

They had won the war, but with a great cost. Percy Jackson, the last of the seven, has returned to camp half... More

Champion of Flames
The Winged Demon
Chaos Agrees...Somewhat
Fighting, Blessing, and now Explaining
Master of Archery

Hero of War

9.6K 212 88
By Shadow_Warrior14

"Why have you called us here sister?"

Thunder shook the foundation of the throne room.

"Patience Zeus. Give me a couple of minutes and all will be explained," Hestia scorned.

The Lord of the sky's grumbled about being told what to do until the massive doors to the throne room opened, revealing a man wearing a black cloak.

He walked to the middle of the throne room and bowed down to Zeus. "Now we can begin brother."

The man stood up when she was done speaking to Zeus.

"This man has earned the right to become my champion and shall serve me whenever I need him to. You will not harm him. He is to be left alone until I deem him ready to serve Olympus once again."

The Olympians could only see his mouth which had a smirk plastered to it.

"I will always be loyal to Olympus and shall answer the call of war if the need arises, but for now I must train. For now you may refer to me as Guardian. I will not answer any questions for the time being. When this meeting is over I must speak with Hephaestus. I have some business to discuss with him."

Zeus's anger was growing, but there wasn't much he could do to go against his sister. If he was to harm her, he would have over half of Olympus after him.

"I will allow this man to live. If he can beat an Olympian in a sparing match."

Hestia herself grinned. "Choose your combatant brother, and choose wisely because my guardian has killed beings greater than even you. That will be your first and last warning."

Zeus paled a little, but collected himself and brought forth Ares and Dionysus.

"If your guardian has killed beings greater than me than these two shouldn't be much of a problem for him. Begin!"

The two Olympians pulled out their weapons and charged at the man who stood there. When the two dumbest gods were five feet away from him he pulled a pen out of the inside of his cloak.

Everyone immediately recognized the small object and Zeus immediately wished he had chosen more gods for this fight.

The man pulled the cap off of the pen, a sword elongated outward until the three foot bronze sword known as Anaklusmos was held tightly in his hands. Before Ares could slow down and analyze his target, the man leapt forward and swung his sword towards the god of wars head.

The god of war ducked just in time, but wasn't fast enough to dodge the roundhouse kick to his face that sent him flying back ten feet.

Dionysus stared at his half brother with pity before looking at the man wearing the cloak. "At least take off your hood so we can see who you are, coward."

Well, let's just say he isn't the brightest god out there.

The man grabbed his hood and pulled it back, revealing a grinning son of Poseidon. "Been looking forward to this for a long time now Dionysus."

Fear spread its way through the son of Zeus.

"P-Perseus Jackson, your s-supposed to be d-dead."

The wine god was visibly shaking by now.

"Sorry to disappoint you, you lazy ass bastard," Percy said before he ran forward and kicked Dionysus in the chest sending him stumbling back a few feet.

Ares saw this as his chance to strike, but the son of Poseidon had anticipated this as he swung his sword over his shoulder, blocking the strike from splitting him in half.

"You have to do better than that Ares. Then again I beat your ass when I was twelve and had no sword training so this isn't much of a surprise."

Hestia chuckled at her nephews and was shocked at how stupid they were to believe that they could beat her champion.

Ares tried using all of his strength to overpower the demigod, but Percy had grown used to super strong beings and was able to hold his own against the immortal son of Zeus.

Dionysus tried to sneak up on him, but when he was a couple of feet behind Percy, the demigod pulled back and stepped to the side. Ares went forward and stabbed his half brother in the shoulder with his sword. The wine god cried out in pain as Ares was hit by a wall of flames. A whip made of water struck Dionysus in the back, which made a huge gash that bled ichor.

When the whip struck him a second time it stuck to him and wound it's way up to the sword hilt and formed a hand.

Percy used his powers to twist the blade in a full circle before he made the hand turn into the whip again and worm up the gods arm to the wound and froze it there so he couldn't pull the sword out.

Ares had finally gotten away from the flames, but he had collected severe burns and had ichor pouring out of gashes and other wounds.

"You guys need to start training more. No wonder you need demigods to fight for you. I don't even believe it's because you actually care about the ancient laws forbidding you from interfering with mortal affairs. That is a load of bullshit. You are just too damn lazy too train and fight yourselves when hard challenges come along. It's not just these two. It's all of you. Only a couple have an excuse like Hestia and Demeter. It's mainly because they have domains that make them non aggresive."

When he was done with his speech to the Olympians, Percy walked over to Ares and knocked him out with a quick punch to the face.

Dionysus had already passed out from blood loss and pain a few minutes before.

Apollo went over and put the two gods on stretchers and took them to his palace so they could be treated properly.

"Even though you have insulted the council and have begun to gain even more power than I had hoped, I shall give you one thing for completing the task of beating two Olympians in a sparing match."

Percy stood there for a moment thinking about what he should ask for, not even shocked that he was being offered a gift from Zeus.

"How about wings. They could come in handy for the jobs I'm about to be doing and I think they would be cool."

Some of the gods looked at him a little strangely, but he just ignored them and stared at Zeus with an impatient expression as if he had somewhere important to be and with this demigod he probably did.

After Zeus got over his initial shock he walked over to Percy and placed his hand on his shoulder before muttering an incantation. A golden glow surrounded the son of Poseidon. The glow itself continued to grow until it was so bright not even the sun god could look upon him.

A loud scream of pain and the sound of bones being broken and shifting was enough to make even Hades himself cringe a little.

When the light finally died down, there stood the same Percy Jackson that walked into the room, only now he had two giant wings attached to his back. Black wings to be exact.

With the wing span of about twelve feet, Percy looked like an angel of death.

"Well thanks for the wings and warm up, but I have to get going now. See you later," Percy said cheerfully before he turned and ran out of the throne room and on to the busy streets of Olympus.

The Olympians summoned an iris message that showed what Percy was doing.


They watched him fold his wings behind his back to where you couldn't even tell he had any if you weren't looking close enough. They seemed to blend in with his black cloak.

He walked up to a part of Olympus where he could see the crowded city of New York below. He leaned against the railing and just stared at the city for a little bit. Without a second thought, Percy vaulted over the railing and began to fall down to the heavy traffic.

When he was almost next to a sky scraper, Percy extended his wings and flew to an abandoned alleyway. He retracted his wings all the way into his back when he started walking out of the small alleyway.

He walked along the busy streets of New York, passing people everywhere he went. He was about to walk into a small cafe when he heard a scream come from somewhere to his left where a small park was.

He turned and ran into the tree filled park, intent on finding out where the scream came from.

He came up to a small pond with a couple of benches scattered around it. A playground was a little to his right. Right across the pond was a group of men beating up a boy that looked to be about thirteen or fourteen.

Percy crept through the trees silently as he tried to hear what was going on. From where he was hiding he could see about five of them.

"This is what you get for stealing from me! I'm not running a charity you little shit," the man, who looked like the leader, snarled at the boy.

Percy had had enough and charged at the two in the back. Before they knew what had hit them, Percy snapped one's neck and shot the other in the head with the glock he pulled out of his cloak.

The loud bang from the gun caught the attention of the other three. When they turned around, Percy shot the leader in both of his knee caps and turned to the last two.

One charged at him and threw a punch, but Percy deflected it with his left arm (the one he used to shoot the others with) and punched the man in the throat with his right fist.

The son of Poseidon moved onto the other thug while his friend was slowly dying from a crushed windpipe. Instead of taking his time with him, Percy put the last three bullets he had into the guys chest.

The leader himself had tried to crawl away, but he was losing blood fast and didn't have a lot of strength left in him.

"You think it's okay to beat up a kid because he stole from you? That's what the police are for. You report it, not take matters into your own hands. At least not like this. This mistake has cost you your life," Percy said before he crushed the man's skull by bringing his combat boot down on the man's face.

The boy that had been beaten up ran off after Percy killed the first two. The demigod shrugged and made his way back to the city after loading another magazine into his gun.


The iris message had stopped when Hestia swiped her hand through it.

"Hey, what was that for? We were still watching that," Apollo whined.

"Because you do not need to be spying on my champion anymore. He has earned the right to have privacy. Anyone that disagrees can take it up with me or Poseidon as we are the only two who know where he is at all times."

Everyone looked at Poseidon with pleading eyes.

"Don't look at me. I'm not giving you permission to spy on my son. He doesn't need you harassing him all of the time. He's been through enough. You people will just make it worse. If you absolutely need to speak with him then talk to Hestia as she handles that stuff. I handle most of his missions unless my sister needs him for a specific job."

Hephaestus decided it was his time to speak up. "Actually Percy said he needed to meet with me after the meeting, but he just left so it would be great if I could talk to him or if you two know what he wanted."

Hestia rolled her eyes. "Just like his father, always forgetting stuff. Here are some blueprints nephew. If you could do me a favor and make this stuff exactly how I want it then I would be so happy."

The smith god nodded before flashing back to his palace so he could begin his work.

"This meeting is adjourned," Zeus said before anything else happened.

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