my life as Aubrey (currently...

By Screamin_to_be_heard

468K 3.6K 385

Aubrey has a bad life at home. Her father beats her and her mother is to busy getting high or drunk to care... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34 The Ending

Chapter 15

13.4K 105 12
By Screamin_to_be_heard

hey, guys here's chapter 15 and i want to say thank to everybody who has read, voted and commented on this story! i feel very proud of myself right now and it's thanks to you guys.

okay enough with the cheesy stuff. i wanted to know if you guys could tell me who you think is Landon. i picked someone out and you can see on the right who that guy is but i don't know he just doesn't seem to fit. so if you guys would, i would love to know who you think should be him.


i meet Landon in the parking lot and drove to his house with him. the whole car ride there was pretty awkward and silent. when we pulled up to his house we got out and walked in.

"i think my father would be in his study." Landon told me when we walked inside.

i nodded. "i'll uh talk to you later then." i said a little shyly and turned to go but realized i didn't know where his father's study was. "uh which way is the study?" i asked.

"go to the kitchen and take a right and down that hall to the last door on your left."

"thanks." i waved awkwardly to him and started to the kitchen where i was met by Jane.

"hey!" she said and ran over to give me a hug.

"hey, Jane." i hugged her back.

"so i hear you had a visit from your mother?" she asked.

"how'd you know?"

"oh she had to let your lawyer know." she said and walked back over to the table.

"lawyer? i don't have a lawyer."

"oh honey do you really think we would leave you defenceless?" she asked a little hurt.

"of course not but a lawyer's a bit much."

she waved her hand in the air. "of course it's not."

i have a feeling i would never get her to call off the lawyer. "i should go talk to Mr. Carter." i said goodbye and promised to talk to her before i left and headed to his study.

i knocked on the door and he said to come in. i slowly opened the door and stepped inside. "Aubrey, what a nice surprise." he shut his book and put down his glasses. "what can i do for you?" he asked. he gestured for me to take one of the seats.

i did and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "i wanted to know about the court day. what i should expect and what i should be prepared for."

he nods. "yes of course. i was going to call you about us meeting with your lawyer and get you prepared for the day." he put his glasses back on and searched through a little black notebook. "i suppose i should get right on that." he picked up his phone and dialed a number.

i sat back and waited. the conversation didn't last long, all business. "he said he'll be here in two days, since the court day is a Friday, he'll want to go over everything with you."

i nod. "thank you for doing this."

he smiled. "you don't have to thank me, your practically my daughter Aubrey."

i smiled. "thank you Mr. Carter." it's been so long since i heard someone claim me in anyway it feels great to feel like part of a family. i stood up. "i guess that's all then. i'll let you get back to your book."

"and i'll let you go talk to my son."

i turned back around to face him. "how did you know..."

"that you and my son had a fight? he told me, not about the fight just that it's his fault your not living here anymore. but if it make much of a difference, he kept repeating 'i screwed up.' and 'i made a huge mistake.'"

"it might. goodbye Mr. Carter." i waved and walked out. i walked through the kitchen but didn't see Jane. i walked to the family room and TV room but no sign of Landon.

i walked up the stairs where i've never been, and looked down the hallway trying to figure out which one is his. i started down it, the hallway only had four doors. one was open and i could see it was a bathroom. i peaked in and saw it was big. it had a tub on one side and a shower on the other, two sinks. i shook my head then jumped when someone poked me.

"looking for someone?" Landon asked.

"yes, actually. have you seen your mother?" i asked. only half joking. i really didnt want to have this talk.

i saw his face fall in disappointment and hurt. "no last time i saw her she was in the kitchen." he turned to walk away.

"well she's not in there, so i guess i'm stuck with you." i said quickly not wanting him to go he turned back around and grinned. "lucky me." he swept his arm down the hallway and said, "after you."

"such a gentleman." i said while i walked past him.

"always." he replied. "it's on the right." he told me.

i pushed open the door and stepped in. Landon closed the door behind us and i had the first look at his room. his walls were blue just like his blankets. he had an enteranmentcenter with a flat screen on top and a crap loud of movies. he had a desk with a lap top on top of it. his closet was huge with double doors that were open and i could see it was a mess inside.

i walked over and took the desk chair while he sat on a chair off to the side by the TV which i could see a video game was hocked up to it.

"so..." i said, not knowing where to start. "nice room."

"thanks." he looks around but his eyes fall back on me. "look, Aubrey i've been wanting to explain." he leaned his elbows on his knees and looked up at me.

i leaned back and got ready for what he would say. "okay, explain." i said.

he takes a deep breath and runs his fingers through his hair. "Kate came on to me but that's no excusefor-"

"sure isn't because i saw you kiss her back and having your hands all over her." i said with a little hurt and snap to it.

i saw him flinch and look down. "yeah i did because, well i don't really know. look, me and Kate were dating for 2 years before i realized you are my mate. i still love her," i flinched back and looked down before he could see the tears. "but, but not like i used to. i love her and care for her but i'm not in love with her. i'm in love with you Aubrey." he said.

i was shocked. i never expected anyone to say that to me and i know he's my mate but when someone actually says it, it's a whole other feeling. i felt like i could fly, knowing he felt exactly how i felt about him.

"and," he continued. "when she kissed me, i didn't realize i was in love with you at the time, so yes i did kiss her and when she did i didn't feel anything and i thought it was weird that i didn't. i dated her for 2 years and loved her but now i felt nothing? how could that be? so i kissed her back, trying to find out why, then a picture of you popped up in my head, of you sleeping, laughing and i realized that i was in love with you."

he got up and crossed the room and knelt down in front of me, taking my hands. "but then i come home and find the one girl i'm in love with is gone. i was heart broken, devastated. wondering what happened to make her run off not even to me." he paused and i lifted up my head. tears were now running down my cheeks.

not just from hearing him talk about Kate, how they dated and them kissing but from feeling every piece of truth he was saying. he loved me. i touched his check and he covered my hand with his. "but then you said you hated me and it was the worst feeling in the world. i cant even described the feeling i had when you said it. what i'm trying to say Aubrey is that i'm sorry and that i love you. i just hope you feel the same and can forgive me."

he knelt there in front of me waiting for my answer and the thing is that i didnt know what it was. yes of course i love him but that image of him kissing another girl kept replaying in my head over and over again and i never want to feel this way again. how do i know he wont do it again? when my mom would tell me story's of mates i always pictured them living happily ever after. never getting hurt, never having to hope you don't get your heart broken.

but he broke mine. if a mate can do that, then is there a such thing as a ever after?

i looked down and pulled my hands free. "Landon, of course i feel the same." the most beautiful smile came across his face. "but i also feel something that i never want to feel again and until i know for sure i wont ever have to feel like this again because of you, i want us to slow down."

the smile disappeared and the most hurtful expression i've ever seen on him came into his eyes. he nodded his head and stood up and backed couple feet away. "i understand." he said but i can tell by his voice that his wolf did not agree. his ballad his hands into fist but i can still see them shaking.

my only hope is that the anger  is directed at himself not at me and that he can control it. "thank you." i stood up and kissed him lightly on the check. he relaxed immediately and he closed his eyes. "i'm going to go find Jane." i whispered and walked out.

i ended up talking with Jane not realizing what time it was and she took me back to the hotel room. she walked me inside and up to my room. she made sure i had everything i needed and said her goodbye.

that night i cried myself to sleep wonder if i made the right decision.

okay, vote, comment and fan.

and next on 'my life as Aubrey' an unexpected visitor? stay tune and find out. lol i totally just sounded like a commercial.

also check out my new story called 'nobody knows" about a suicidal teen.

tell me what you think and if i should continue, it's not that long just two pages wont take long so i would be really grateful if you guys did.

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