chapter 9

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It's been a couple days since my father's visit and he hasnt made any others so far. I hope he keeps it that way. Me and Landon still havent had the talk about the whole mates thing and I know soon but with everything going on I think its better if we don't. I don't want him to feel like he has to take care of me because of what has happened. I dont want him to think that i'm completely broken and I know I will heal in time I just don't know when and I don't want to hold him back.

We just got out of school an hour ago and Landon went to jump in the shower. I went to watch more movies. Who knew there was still so many I haven't seen? I just sat down with a blanket over me getting ready to watch What happens in Vegas when the doorbell rings. I hesitated when I got up because last time i did it didn't end well.

when I slowly opened the door and it wasnt immediately pushed open, I opened it the rest of the way. It was the girl that said she was Landon's girlfriend. "Hey." she waves like were old friends.

"Hey." I reply.

"Is Landon here?"

"Yeah...hes in  the shower."

"Oh, I can wait for him." She steps past me and goes into the TV room.

"Sure..." I close the door and follow her.

"Oh, I love this movie." she claps her hands and pushes the play button. "Aston is such a hottie."

"I've never seen it." I told her sitting down on the opposite side of the couch from her.

"Really? It's so funny." she smiles at me and leans back.

Well this isn't awkward at all. I sit back and watch the movie might as well wait for Landon to explain everything. About 5minutes later she jumps up and runs off to the right. I look over and she has her arms around Landons neck.

I fold my arms across my chest to stop myself from grabbing her and pulling her away from him.

"Kate, what are you doing here?" I heard him ask her.

"I came to see you. I notice you've been distant for a while and I wanted to fix it..." she trailed off running her hands on his chest.

I started gagging but quickly turned it into a cough. "Sorry, just need some water. I'll leave you two alone." I got up and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey," Landon's mother said when she looked up.

"Hey, I just came to get a glass of water."

"Okay. Is everything fine? you look pale." She said reaching out and placing a hand on my forehead.

"Just a little nauseated." I got a glass and put some water in it. I waved to her and headed back to the TV room hoping I gave them time to leave but when I walked in the room Landon was on the couch. All of a sudden i'm mad. How can he still be dating her? Yeah we haven't talk about us yet but still. I sit on the couch as far away as I can from him and started watching the movie again.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked.

"Oh, I dont know, maybe it's the fact that the guy that claims to be my mate is dating someone else." I did not mean to say that out loud.

I jump up, that reflex coming back again but before I can make any move Landon pulled me back down.

"Don't run off on me again. please." I nod and he continues. "I didnt break up with Kate because I didnt have the time to. We've been dating for while so I didnt want to just do it over the phone, I wanted to do it face to face. But I've been so concerned about you and the stuff that has been happening I just never had the time."

my life as Aubrey (currently being edited)Where stories live. Discover now