chapter 18

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okay here is the chapter before  what you guys are waiting for. sorry guys trying to prolong this story as much as possible.


it's Wednesday and the school and Mr. Carter let me stay home today to prepare. Landon had the option to stay home with me but he decided to go to school. he said he wanted to give me the space i asked for. yeah starting to regret saying that. i dont know i just feel very lonely right now and it seems like he's the only one that would be able to fill that hole and from the look on his face this morning it seemed like he felt the same way.

i got ready for the day and for my Lawyer's visit. it was about eleven when i got out of the shower. he's suppose to be here at 2 o'clock. i walk into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, when i closed the fridge door Landon was standing in the doorway. my heartbeat accelerators from fear and seeing him.

"hey, what are you doing home?" i asked him.

he shrugged."i thought you could use some confidence and company so i skipped

i smirked. "your going to get in trouble."

he shrugs again. "oh well."

i looked down, all of a sudden i felt shy. "thanks."

a emotion passed through his eyes. "anything for you."

a smile was creeping on to my face and the hole in my chest was going away. "does that mean you would take a walk with me?" i asked.

he smiled. "i think i can do that."

i noded my head towards the french doors that lead to the back yard. he starts towards them and opens them for me. i walk past him and wait until he shuts the doors then we started towards the woods.

"so how are you feeling? about all this." he asked.

"pretty good. freaking out a little bit but i think i can pull through."

"that's good, i'm glade your holding up."

from the corner of my eye i could see he went to touch my back but then he pulled back looking into the woods.

i look down and sigh. i wish i knew what to do. why can't i have a fairy godmother? stupid Cinderella! she gets her prince charming but i cant have mine without worrying that he might have second thoughts and mess around with another girl.

even though he made it very clear that it was a mistake and that from it he found that he is in love with me. or was in love with me, i dont know how he feels now. i sighed again and Landon must of heard it because he looked back at me.

he nudged me with his shoulder and asked, "what's wrong?"

i shook my head. should i ask him? talk about everything? get it out and tell him how i feel and put it out in the open and let it get all fixed? but instead i said, "nothing, just thinking."i know i'm a chicken shit, dont judge.

"about what? anything i can help with?" he asked.

we reached the creek or river and we sat on a rock facing it. well actually yes but should i?

"well i was thinking" i whispered.

he was quit for a moment then said, "and how are you coming on that?"

"not that well actually."

"oh. which part are yous stuck on?"

"trusting you not to break my heart...again."

my life as Aubrey (currently being edited)Where stories live. Discover now