Nobody Compares

By mmoore02

3.8K 53 12

I watched as the love of my life ran out of the door with tears streaming down her face. There was hurt lace... More

The Paps!
Baby come back
One Direction Infection
Five Drunks&Departures
Are You Joking Me?
Phone Calls
Forgive me maybe?
See you Saturday
Why me?
America here I come
Screw Managment
My little Black book
Dear Cindy,
Soul Mate
Saying Goodbye
I Wanna be With You
I did It for Love


84 3 2
By mmoore02

Niall's Pov

I walked in expecting to see the awful, familiar, pale, lifeless but yet so perfect face when I walked through the glass door. When I walked in that is not what I saw. "Niall!" Cindy warmly smiled. I couldn't help but to smile back. "Oh my god your awake!" I said in complete disbelief. "Why wouldn't I wake up?" She chuckled. I slowly approached the bed like I have done many times but this time as I advanced I couldn't see the bruises and cuts. "I thought I would never see you like this again!" I yelled in bliss. Then I heard that musical laughter that I could never grow tired of. It was all to perfect I knew she would wake up even though everyone doubted it. "I love you so much" I spoke truthfully as I pushed a stray hair away from her face. "I love you so much" Cindy giggled. I started to lean in and she did the same and just as I could almost feel her soft pink lips on my own someone started gently shaking me. My eyes snapped open and I sighed. I have been having the same dream for almost the whole two weeks that Cindy has been in critical condition. The dream never goes past that point. I always wake up before I know what happens next. "What?" I grumpily ask Gabbi who is standing over me. "Breakfast is ready if you want some" She said plastering on a smile I could only take as fake. I am sick and tired of everyone feeling sorry for me. I do not want their sympathy. Instead of blowing up I keep my cool and say "Thanks" She then exits the room. The tour was postponed since I refused to preform until I knew that my baby was ok. So I stayed in Chicago and stayed with Hannah and Tyler but slept in Cindy's room. It comforted me waking up to the sweet scent of strawberries every morning. The rest of the boys stay in a hotel close to the hospital because they don't want to leave me. It's sweet and all but it is unnecessary. Nicolette and Gabbi have also been staying with Hannah and Tyler too. Then Destiny stays at her home but drops by often. I love them all for everything that they have done for me. They are always here for me even though I refuse to talk to them and if that doesn't scream true friend I don't know what does. I slowly repeat the exact routine I have done for the past weeks. First I grab random articles of clothing, not really giving a fuck with what I looked like. Today I was going to be wearing a pair of cargo shorts and a Captain America bro tank top. After grabbing my outfit I headed to the small white bathroom so I could take a shower and cleanse myself.  

Gabbi's Pov 

I looked at the remains of the gross breakfast Tyler prepared. The bacon was cooked to an inedible crisp. I am just like everyone else and enjoy a piece of crispy bacon but there is such a thing as to crispy. Then toast was not even toast just a piece of warm bread with peanut butter slathered all over it.Don't even get me started on the slimey clump of tasteless eggs on my plate. I looked over as Hannah came into the kitchen and Tyler handed her a plate as well as Nicolette who walked in after her. Hannah sat next to me while Nicolette sat across from her. When I glanced at their plates it held perfectly cooked juicy bacon and perfectly toasted buttered toast with fluffy mountains of eggs. What the fuck is this shit?"Why do I have crappy breakfast while they have five star meals?" I asked Tyler as he poured three glasses of Florida orange juice. He came to the table and sat a glass in front of both Hannah and Nicolette and I expected the last crystal glass to be placed in front of me but Tyler sat it at an empty seat across from me and sat down,"Someone forgot what they said yesterday" Tyler spoke before he took a long sip of the citrus juice. "What are you talking about?" I asked genuinely confused. Tyler sighed an annoyed sigh "Yesterday you said I had oddly shaped ears and had a big head" I laughed remembering "And?" Tyler looked at me like it was the stupidest question he has ever heard "You never apologized" "You are such a child" I said as I poured myself a glass of orange juice with the pitcher in the fridge. "I am not talking to you until you say sorry" Tyler pouted I ignored him and took a long swig of the juice. As soon as the liquid touched my taste buds I spit it out letting the droplets fly everywhere. "Did I forget to mention that is my juice I drink before I workout?" Tyler laughed. "At least I don't have oddly shaped ears! "I yelled. "I can't help it! At least I don't buy my underwear in a pack from Wal-Mart" Tyler screamed back as he covered his ears. "How do you know about that, I mean no I don't" I protested. "Yeah huh you were bragging about how you got them on sale last week, remember when everyone watched that Pixar film?" Tyler said not backing down. "Shut up poop eater" I said the first comeback that I could think of. Everyone looked at me like I had two heads before Tyler started chanting "Clearance undies clearance undies!" I couldn't think of anything else to say so I started running after him. 

Zayn's Pov

As I walked in to the door all I heard was "Clearance undies, clearance undies!" I looked to the other three boys who looked as clueless as I was. Tyler shot past us and into the living room with Gabbi hot on his heels. I thought nothing of it and strolled into the kitchen with the other boys trailing behind me. I sat next to Hannah while Louis sat across from me.Harry and Liam helped themselves to some breakfast that was set out on the stove. "What's going on?" Harry asked with a mouthful of eggs. Nicolette shrugged her shoulders, "The usual" Nicolette said as she finished her orange juice. Everyone broke into conversation about little things. "I have big news" Liam smiled. "What?" everyone chorused. Liam paused for a minute. "Go on fool!" Louis yelled as he through a blueberry muffin at his head. Everyone had a quick laugh before Liam continued, "We almost are done with the album, we just all have to go down and confirm everything along with 'management' "Liam rolled his eyes at the word management. "What about management?" Niall asked as he walked in and grabbed a muffin from the middle of the square table. "They have to come with us to confirm everything for the album before it gets released "Liam explained as he looked at his shoe laces. Everyone just kind of avoids conversation with Niall so we don't set him off. I personally have tried to talk to him but he never holds the conversation so I told him when he wanted to talk, talk to me. He was not the same bubbly lad I met 2 years ago. Niall used to laugh at everything and have not a care in the world, now it's like he has thousands of worries on his shoulders. At just a glance he looks like the same old Niall but when you look at his face his eyes are blood shot and he has the biggest bags I have ever seen. All the life looks like it has been sucked out of him, with shoulders slumped and eyes sunken. Niall then slowly nodded his head at Liam "Want to go tomorrow?" Niall asked us. We all agreed we would take a plane first thing in the morning to get to London but be back the following day. Niall then left without saying another word but no one had to ask him to know where he was going. 

Niall's Pov

When I got to the hospital everything was pretty much the same as it had been the previous days before. "Hello Mr.Horan" The receptionist, Gwen chirped and smiled a genuine smile. I returned the smile and said,  "Hey Gwen" I then made my way down the familiar hallway until I was at Cindy's door. I always hoped that I would just walk in and everything was back to normal but when I walked in everything was how it was yesterday. I sighed before taking a seat in the chair placed next to the fancy hospital bed. I decided this would be a good time to make another entry in the journal. I pull the notebook out from a door located on the bed side table.  

Journal Entry 

If we could only go back in time it would make things a whole lot easier. I should have never let you talk me into letting you take a cab. Everyone is right, it is all my fault. I could have prevented it. If we hadn't got into that stupid fight you never would have left the country and never had to take that cab. I could have stopped you, but yet again I let you slip through my fingers. 

End of Journal

I just sat down and enjoyed the calm quietness. After about an hour of interrupted peaceful quiet time a series of loud beeps flooded into my ear drums. I quickly ran to the bed and with a trembling hand grabbed Cindy's hand. As the doctors and nurses rush in I realize how serious this is and without warning the tears start streaming down my face. The staff pushes me aside and all I see is people in uniforms swarming around the hospital bed barking orders. I don't even know what is really going on! I squeeze my eyes shut but open them to send Liam a text, "Please come to the hospital". He would figure out how to deal with this, almost instantly I received a message back, "On my way". The doctors whisked the hospital bed on wheels out of the room leaving me alone. The bland room felt less lively without Cindy's presence. After an estimated  20 minutes Liam ran into the room. "What is going on?", He asked as his chocolate eyes darted around the empty room. "I don't know" I admitted in a raspy voice. Liam left it at that and started pacing the room. After who knows how long one doctor came back. I could tell something was wrong by the way he walked in."Mr.Horan,Mr.Payne"He greeted with a fake smile. "Where is Cindy?" I asked cutting to the chase. "We did all we could" The doctor stalled rubbing his gray haired covered head. "What is going on?" I demanded standing up so I was face to face with him. "Ms.Dawson has passed" Those were the only words I heard as he explained to Liam what happened. After I analyzed what that meant my knees buckled under my weight and I dropped to the floor in a heap. I pulled my knees up to my face while the violent sobs racked my body. It didn't matter who seen me. Nothing mattered anymore. Dead, she is gone. The tears kept coming as I felt arms wrap me in a hug.

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