Rekindling the Flame

By MindlessCreations15

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Sequel to Reversed Psychologies. Seven years ago, after leaving Gibbs with a 'Dear John' letter, Jenny Shepar... More

Gathering the Matches
Igniting a Spark
An Encouraging Puff of Air
A Tiny Flame
A Little Heat
Adding More Fuel
Waiting for the Flame to Catch
Heating Up
The Fires of Hell
Burning the Past
A Sizzling Heat
Untitled Part 13
Bedtime Shenanigans
Redefining The Road Trip
Up on the Roof
Riding the Waves
The Boy Next Door
An Awful Feeling of Dread
Sleepless Nights and Cranky Days - Part 1
Sleepless Nights and Cranky Days - Part 2
Fun in the Sun
Good News and Stalling Tactics
Childhood's End
A Sticky Situation
Back to Where it all Began

Adding the Kindling

658 22 2
By MindlessCreations15

Chapter 2 - Adding the Kindling

Twenty minutes later and the sanding had done its trick. The rhythmic back and forth motion had settled some of Gibbs' frustration and, although still worried about both his girls, he knew they'd have to start talking soon. 'His girls'? He didn't really have the right to call them that. Well not Jenny anyway. Ziva was definitely his girl, but Jenny? He had taken to wondering recently how she saw their current situation. Since Ziva and Tony had regressed, Jenny had certainly played a more active role in his life. Visiting more often, being his sounding board when he needed advice, offering a woman's point of view when it came to dealing with Ziva and generally just being a pillar of strength. He really didn't know how he would have made it through the last couple of months without her help. But what did she think of it all? He wasn't totally clueless. He had noticed the little looks she used to give him making an appearance again, the subtle touches such as a gentle hand on his arm, a brush against his cheek. But were these just signs of friendship? He certainly didn't want to rush forward and misread something.

He was suddenly pulled from his musings by a loud crash from upstairs. Rushing up the stairs two at a time, he stepped into the kitchen to see Ziva standing near the stove surrounded by water and a large pot lying on its side on the floor.

Hurrying to her, Gibbs said, "Was that water hot? Did you burn yourself?"

"No Daddy," she said quietly, shaking her head.

Fear quickly turned to relief, which then evolved into anger as he looked at her standing there, water dripping down her front and a guilty look on her face.

"What happened?" asked Jenny rushing into the room. "I must have fallen asleep. I didn't know she was in here."

"Hey what was that bang?" said Tony as he too rushed into the kitchen. "I was upstairs when I heard this loud noise. Woah, Ziva! Did you take a bath and forget to get undressed?" he added looking first at the dripping Ziva and then at all the water on the floor.

Ignoring both of them, Gibbs crouched down to Ziva's level, took hold of her arm and said sternly, "What were you doing?"

"I'm sorry Daddy," she said quickly.

"Ziva, what were you doing?" he asked again.

"I was trying to make the pasta for our dinner, but the pot was too heavy and I dropped it," she said quietly staring at the floor.

"Even after both Jenny and I told you no?" he asked lifting her chin and looking into her eyes.

She didn't say anything but nodded slowly.

"There's a reason why we tell you these things Ziva," growled Gibbs. "What if that pot had been full of boiling water? You could have been severely burnt."

Knowing she had done something seriously wrong, Ziva began to cry. "I just wanted to make us dinner," she sobbed.

"Jenny said you could help when the time came," Gibbs reasoned, trying not to be affected by the large doe eyes that always pulled at his heart. "Why didn't you wait?"

"Jenny was asleep," she said sniffing. "So I thought I might surprise you all and have it ready. I didn't realise it would be so heavy." She stepped into his arms and put her head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry Daddy, I was just trying to help," she added crying into his neck.

He put his arms around her and hugged her tightly. He knew it must have given her as much of a scare as it had the rest of them. "Ziva, this is why you need to listen to us when we tell you something. We don't put rules in place just to annoy you or take away your fun. We do it to keep you safe. Now I know you were only trying to help, but you were told not to try and make the pasta on your own."

He pulled her forward so they were looking eye to eye.

"Now I want you to go up to your room, change into something that's dry, and I'll come and see you when I've cleaned up this mess. Ok?" Gibbs said.

"No Daddy, I'm sorry," she said pulling away from him and bouncing on her feet.

"I know you're sorry, but you still need to go up to your room," he repeated. Standing up he turned her and pushed her gently forward. "Go on. I'll be up in a minute."

She began crying again as she ran out the room and up the stairs. He knew she was worried about getting a spanking. She had not only put herself in danger but also disobeyed both him and Jenny. He bent down and picked up the pot, returning it to the stove.

As he turned around to get the mop, Jenny said, "Tony, can you go into the living room for a minute please? I need to talk to your Dad." Tony nodded and left the kitchen to watch TV again.

Looking at Gibbs, Jenny said, "She was only trying to help Jethro. I don't think she was deliberately disobeying us."

"Yeah I know, but what if that pot had been filled with boiling water? What if she'd thought to fill it on the stove with a jug and only attempted to move it once the pasta had cooked?"

"But she didn't," argued Jenny. "I think dropping the pot gave her as much a scare as it did us. She realises what could have happened as well. I don't think she'll try that again."

"Maybe not, but what about the next time?" replied Gibbs. "Jen, she has to realise that when we tell her not to do something, it's for a reason."

"Ok," said Jenny. "But don't let your recent frustrations at her behaviour cloud your judgement."

Gibbs looked at her, eyebrows raised.

Jenny rolled her eyes and said, "Look I just don't think you should spank her for this. Something is bothering her and spanking her now will only add to the frustration of whatever is bugging her. I truly believe she was trying to help out and surprise us. Just talk to her, please," she added looking pleadingly into his face.

"Agh," he groaned. "You're as bad as she is with the puppy dog eyes. You know I'm a sucker for them."

"Yeah I know," she grinned up at him. Without her heels, the top of Jenny's head barely grazed his chin. He'd forgotten how tiny she was. He was so used to seeing her with the added three inches these days.

"Look, I won't promise anything, but I will go and talk to her. It will depend on her attitude as to how things go. Satisfied?" he added, looking into her eyes.

"I guess I'll have to be," she replied. "Ok then, I'll clean this up and make a start on the pasta. You go and chat to Miss Muffet up there." She turned and headed to the broom closet and Gibbs made his way upstairs.

As he entered Ziva's bedroom, he found her face down on the bed, crying. She looked up as he walked towards her and scrambled up into a sitting position.

"I'm sorry Daddy," she said again, scooting herself against the wall, knees drawn up and her bottom firmly planted on the bed.

He sat down on the bed and looked at her. Crooking his finger he said, "Come here Ziva,"

"No Daddy, I'm sorry," she said again, firmly wrapping her arms around her knees.

"Ziva," he said more firmly. "We need to talk and I'm not going to do that with you scrunched up against the wall. Now come over here please."

She reluctantly crawled to the edge of the bed and slid off, standing in front of Gibbs and looking very sorry for herself. He decided to put her out of her misery.

"I'm not going to spank you," he said.

She looked up suddenly, surprised by his words. "You're not?" she asked making sure she'd heard right.

"No," he said. "I should and I think deep down you know you deserve a spanking. But no, this time I'm not going to."

"Why?" she asked. Although obviously relieved, she was a little confused at this change in events.

"Well, to be honest it's because Jenny asked me not to," he answered. "She felt that you were only trying to help and that dropping the pot was enough to teach you why we had asked you not to make the pasta on your own."

Ziva nodded her head. "I do understand now why you told me not to," she confirmed.

"Yes," he said. "I realise that too, but that's not why I was going to spank you. The spanking was for not listening to what we had told you. As I said downstairs Ziva, we make rules to protect you, not to make your life more difficult. If Jenny or I tell you not to do something it's for a reason and you need to listen to that reason and not disobey us. It was the disobedience that I was going to spank you for, not making the pasta."

She nodded again.

"Now, we need to have a talk about your behaviour lately," he said picking her up and sitting her on his lap so she was facing him. "Something's been bothering you lately and I'd really like it if you would talk to me about it."

She looked down. "I don't know Daddy. I just feel all yucky sometimes and I don't really know why," she said. She wouldn't look him in the eye and again, Gibbs felt that she was holding something back.

"You know I can't help if you don't tell me what's wrong?" he said lifting her chin.

"I know but I just can't explain it," she said.

He looked at her in silence for a while and when she pulled away and looked down again, he could see she wasn't going to offer anything more by way of explanation.

"Ok," he said. "But when you're ready to talk or you feel that you can explain what's wrong, I'll be waiting. I can only help when I know what the problem is."

She nodded her understanding.

"However, there is something very important I need to explain to you and I'd like you to look at me so I know you're listening." He waited while she looked up and made eye contact.

"I haven't been very impressed with your attitude lately," he began, looking sternly at her. "The way you've been speaking to people when you're feeling cross or upset has been quite disrespectful and even rude at times. Now if you're upset about something and you're not prepared to let us help, then it's not fair that we should have to put up with your rudeness and disrespect. So I've decided to make a small change in the rules. If you are deliberately rude to someone, especially someone in our family, and there's no good reason for it, then I will smack your bottom. I'm getting very tired of repeatedly asking you to watch your attitude and to not be rude to others and that includes poking your tongue out at another adult."

She widened her eyes about to argue, when he cut her off, "Last Sunday when Tim asked you to stop annoying him and Abby, I saw you poke your tongue out at him when he turned his back," said Gibbs. She went red and looked down again. "Hmmm," he added. "You didn't know that I saw that, but I did. And that's the kind of thing that will land you with a sore bottom young lady. Are we clear on that?" he asked lifting her chin again.

"Yes, Daddy," she said quietly.

"Good," he said. "Now, as I said I'm not going to spank you. However, you can stay in your room until dinner is ready which will be in about ten minutes. And I'd like you to think about your behaviour lately and how you might be able to make better choices when it comes to speaking to others."

Gibbs stood up and placed her on the floor. Kissing the top of her head, he said, "I'll call you when dinner's ready." He then turned and, closing her door behind him, left to head back downstairs. As he entered the kitchen, he found Jenny stirring the pasta in the pot as the water bubbled furiously. She looked up at him and smiled.

"What?" he asked when he caught her look.

"Well I can't hear her crying so I'm assuming you took my advice," she said tapping the spoon on the edge of the pot and placing it on the plate by the stove. Leaving the pasta to continue boiling on its own, they both sat at the table.

"Yes, I took your advice," he relented. "I'm still not convinced it was the best move to make considering her behaviour lately, but I'll give you that one. However, I did make it very clear that any further rudeness or disrespect for no good reason will result in a sore backside. I'm not having a child that blatantly disrespects other people Jen. It's just not something I'll put up with. I never took it from Kelly and I'm not about to start taking it from Ziva!" His look challenged her to disagree.

"Fair enough," she replied. "I agree with you. She has been pushing the limits lately. But I just didn't feel right about today. I don't know, call it women's intuition if you want. I just felt that there's more behind what happened today then just wanting to prove she could do it."

"Women's intuition!" he scoffed. "That's just an excuse you women use to manipulate us men."

"Huh!" she said indignantly. "How is it any different than you using your 'gut' as a reason to explain your actions or lack thereof? It's exactly the same Leroy Jethro Gibbs, so don't give me that lame excuse!" She stood up to check the pasta again and he smirked at her. She was so cute when she riled up like that. He knew he shouldn't do it, but sometimes it was worth the back lash just to see her eyes spark the way they did when she was angry.

"Stop grinning at me and set the table," she ordered, shaking her head in exasperation.

"Yes Ma'am," he replied getting up and quickly going to the cupboard to retrieve the plates.

He yelped as he suddenly felt the wooden spoon crack against his butt. Turning to her he pointed his finger saying, "Don't start something you can't finish Jen. You know I'll retaliate."

Holding up her hands in mock innocence, she replied, "I have no idea what you're talking about Jethro."

Now it was his turn to shake his head in exasperation. Grabbing the plates from the cupboard, he placed them on the table muttering, "Oh yes you do!"

As the four of them sat around the table, Jenny smiled as she watched Tony eating the spaghetti. He had taken a large mouthful and found one strand of spaghetti a little longer than the rest and was now trying to suck it up in one breath. As she laughed, Tony looked up at her. She wished she'd had a camera. Bulging eyes and sucked in cheeks, he looked so comical with a long strand of spaghetti hanging out of his mouth.

"Tony," said Gibbs. "Use your knife and cut it."

Sucking in the final bit and laughing as the ends whipped against his cheeks covering them in bolognaise sauce, he replied, "Nah, it's more fun this way." Picking up his napkin, he wiped his face then proceeded to fill his fork again. "I love your spaghetti Jenny," he praised again. "Thanks for making it."

"You're welcome," she said laughing. "It's nice to have my cooking appreciated. Plus, there's enough left in the pot for you to have some tomorrow night as well."

"Yes," he said as he shovelled the next load in.

"Tony!" reprimanded Gibbs again. "Try to pretend you have some table manners please."

"Sorry," the boy replied, picking up his knife and half spitting out the load, he tried to cut off the ends.

Watching him, Gibbs rolled his eyes saying, "Next time cut it before it enters your mouth. Or better yet, wind it around your fork like you're supposed to."

"OK," mumbled Tony around the massive ball of food that was now in his mouth.

Ziva giggled as she watched him. Looking to her own plate, she used her fingers to put a single strand of spaghetti in her mouth and tried to suck it up like Tony had. She'd almost managed it when, in a desperate attempt to suck in the final couple of inches, she applied a little too much force and ended up sending it shooting down the back of her throat. As she began to turn purple and struggled to breath, Gibbs rushed to pick her up and tipped her upside down, slapping her on the back with the heel of his hand. After the third whack between the shoulder blades, she eventually inhaled a massive breath and began coughing violently. Standing her upright, Gibbs supported her body as she coughed up the piece of offending spaghetti and sent it flying across the floor.

As Jenny rose to grab some paper towel and clean it up, Gibbs handed Ziva a glass of water. "Drink it slowly," he said gruffly as she took it from him.

She did as asked and was soon breathing normally again although a little dazed by the experience. Tony, who had sat frozen during the whole ordeal, found his voice and said, "Are you alright Zi?"

Ziva nodded, not quite able to talk just yet.

"And that dear children," said Gibbs looking from one to the other, "Is why we tell you to twist the spaghetti around your fork."

"Wow!" said Tony, still in shock by what he'd just witnessed. "I never knew that could happen."

"Well now you do," added Gibbs. Looking at Ziva he said, "Are you ok now?"

She nodded again, this time adding a small "Yes" to her response.

He rubbed her back where he had whacked her. "Is your back ok?" he asked. "I had to hit you hard to dislodge the spaghetti."

He gently felt down her spine and then pressed against her ribs. After each movement he checked to see that she was ok.

"It's ok Daddy," she said eventually. "It just stings a little bit."

"Ok," replied Gibbs. "Let me know if you find it hard to breath or you feel pain along your back or neck, ok?"

She nodded.

"I don't want any more dinner," she said, looking at her half finished plate.

Gibbs smiled at her. He couldn't blame her for being wary after that. "That's ok. Would you like something else, maybe a piece of toast or an apple or something?"

She shook her head and, as he sat down at the table again, she snuggled into him. Picking her up, he cradled her against his chest. "Just a cuddle hey?" he asked as he rocked gently. He felt her nod.

Looking over at Tony he saw the boy hadn't touched anymore of his dinner. "It's ok Tony, you can keep eating," Gibbs said smiling at the boy who just stared at his plate.

"I don't know," said Tony warily. "I didn't realise this was killer spaghetti."

"It's not if you eat it properly," retorted Gibbs. "And again, I find myself saying the same thing. We don't tell you do things just to annoy you. Sometimes there's actually a good reason why say not to do something. Sucking up the spaghetti that way does run the risk of having it get stuck in your throat. That's why I've shown you both how to wind it around your fork. Maybe now you'll give it a go. And Tony?" he added as the boy twisted another large mouthful around his fork. "Shovelling large amounts in your mouth is also asking for trouble. Try halving the amount. The spaghetti isn't going anywhere."

Looking a little embarrassed, Tony tipped the large portion off his fork and started again with about half the amount.

"That's better," praised Gibbs as he watched Tony easily put the smaller amount in his mouth.

Having finished her dinner, Jenny looked at Gibbs struggling to eat while holding Ziva on his lap. "Honey, do you want to come and sit with me so Daddy can finish his dinner?" she asked catching Ziva's eye.

The little girl shook her head and nuzzled in closer.

"Ah, Daddy's girl tonight I see," said Jenny smiling at her. She looked at Gibbs who just shrugged and continued to try and twist the remaining spaghetti around his fork. Raising it to his mouth, he watched horrified as the slippery pasta unravelled and landed on Ziva's head.

Tony burst out laughing.

"Oops," said Gibbs as he gently picked it out of his daughter's hair.

"Daddy!" exclaimed Ziva. "Did you just spit spaghetti in my hair?"

"No!" he laughed. "I didn't spit it out, it fell from the fork. And if you want to sit there while I'm eating you run the risk of having food fall in your hair. That's the trade off I'm afraid."

Looking up at him, Ziva rolled her eyes and scrambled off his lap. "I think I might have an apple," she said, picking one out of the fruit bowl. Sitting back at the table she cautiously bit into the fruit and chewed very slowly. After two or three bites however, she quickly regained her confidence and was soon chewing normally while chatting with Tony.

Once everyone had finished eating, Gibbs started to collect the plates. Turning to Jenny he said, "Tony and I can do the dishes. Why don't you run a bath for Ziva?"

"No!" said Ziva loudly. "I want you to run my bath Daddy."

Just as he was about to argue, Jenny stepped in. "I'll do the dishes with Tony, you run the bath. It will be much easier in the long run."

Sighing, Gibbs relented and, taking Ziva's hand, the two of them headed upstairs.

"Wash or dry?" asked Jenny as she and Tony were left in the kitchen.

"Dry," he said. "I hate putting my hands in spaghetti water. It feels like worms."

Jenny laughed and began to fill the sink. Putting in the detergent, she swished the water to increase the suds. Once it was filled, she turned off the tap and began putting in the glasses first.

"So," she said, as she washed a glass, rinsed it under the hot water and then stacked it in the dish rack. "What have you been up to today?"

Tony shrugged as he grabbed the glass and started to dry. "Nothing much. Played in the tree house for a bit. Ziva's being a real pain though so it's not that much fun anymore."

"Yeah, I noticed that. Do you know what's wrong with her?" asked Jenny. While she didn't want Tony to betray a confidence she did wonder if maybe he had some idea what was going on with his little sister.

"Nope," he replied, placing the glass on the table and picking up the next one. "But I think Dad's getting pretty sick of it."

"Oh yeah!" replied Jenny. "I think your Dad is pretty much at the end of his limit."

It was quiet for a few seconds as both of them concentrated on their assigned tasks. Then, without warning, Tony suddenly asked, "Do you like my Dad?"

"Hey?" said Jenny, stopping what she was doing and looking at the boy drying another glass.

"Do you like my Dad?" he repeated, looking at her.

"Yes, of course I do. He's good friend. Why do you ask?" She lifted out the last glass, rinsed it and placed it in the dish rack. Turning to the plates, she piled them in the hot water to soak.

"No not like that," said Tony. "I mean do you like my Dad, you know, like a boyfriend?"

Jenny stopped what she was doing but continued staring into the sink of dirty dishes. How on earth did she answer this question?

"Um... why do you ask Tony?" she said deflecting the question with another.

"Well, I just wondered," replied Tony. "You and Dad seem to be spending a lot of time together lately and when that happened with Senior they usually became one of his girlfriends. I just wondered how you felt about Dad. I mean he's a pretty cool guy for an old dude."

Jenny laughed. "Don't let your father hear you call him that," she said.

Realising Tony was still waiting for a reply she sighed. "It's complicated Tony. Your Dad and I have known each other for a very long time and we have always been very good friends."

Tony just nodded. He didn't say anything about the talk he'd had earlier. His Dad had trusted him calling it 'man to man' and Tony would never betray the trust his Dad had given him.

"But that's good isn't it? Being friends?" asked Tony.

"Yes of course, but sometimes that's all you end up being. Just good friends," Jenny said.

"So you don't want to be Dad's girlfriend?" Tony asked looking disappointed.

Jenny shook the water off her hands and dried them on the towel Tony was holding. Taking his arm she led him to the table and sat down on one of the chairs, standing Tony in front of her.

"Tony, this is really hard to explain and I don't want to sound like I'm not answering your question, because it's a very good question and you certainly deserve to have it answered," Jenny began, going around in circles while thinking of the best way she could satisfy his question. "But, as I said, it's complicated and difficult to explain. Your Dad is very special to me. A few years ago we spent a lot of time together working and we became very close. Then, things changed and I had to work somewhere else and your Dad came back here and we didn't see each other for a very long time. During that time, we each did our own thing and got on with our lives."

"Did you used to love Dad?" asked Tony looking earnestly into Jenny's eyes.

"Yes, very much," answered Jenny honestly. "And I still love your Dad today. He's the best friend I've ever had and I trust him with my life."

"Then why can't you be his girlfriend?" asked Tony, confused as to why they didn't just get together.

"Because it doesn't work that way, honey," replied Jenny smiling at him. When he sighed and rolled his eyes, she wrapped her left arm around his hips and drew him close to her. "I know, adults can be frustrating at times can't they?" she said, kissing him on the forehead.

Tony nodded.

"Can I ask you another question?" He looked at her again.

"Um... I guess," she answered nervously wondering what she was about to be interrogated with next.

"Do you love me and Ziva?" he asked shyly.

"Oh honey, of course I do!" she said, quickly drawing him even closer so that he was perched on one knee. "Now that's an easy question to answer. I don't even have to think about that one. I love you both very much. I think of you as my own children. Unlike your Dad, I've never had any children of my own, so you two are the closest thing I've ever had and you mean everything to me."

Tony didn't answer but continued to look down into his lap.

"So," he began tentatively. "If you and Dad did get together, what would happen to Ziva and me?"

"What do you mean?" asked Jenny unsure of his question.

"Well, I know that if you and Dad are together, then you're not going to want me and Ziva around. I know that because Senior's girlfriends never wanted me around and I was just one, me and Zi make two kids. So, I was wondering what would happen to us. Would we still get to see you and Dad?"

"Oh God Tony," exclaimed Jenny. She turned his chin so he was looking her. "Now you stay looking at me while I answer that question, because I want you to be very clear on my answer. No matter what happens with me and your Dad, this will always be your home and this will be where you live for as long as you want to. There is no way on earth either of us would send you or Ziva away. Your Dad would sooner pack me off to the Antarctic than send you or Ziva away, even if it did mean he'd have to cook every meal himself."

She smiled as she saw Tony laugh.

"Your Dad is not Senior. He will always put you and Ziva first in his life, first before me or anyone else for that matter. He knows that you both need him and he will always be there for you. Please, don't ever think that you would be sent away. Hell would freeze over before that happens, trust me!

Tony smiled again and nodded.

"Tony," concluded Jenny, "If anything was to ever happen between me and your Dad, then we would become four, not two. Your Dad is sort of a packaged deal, three for the price of one and I wouldn't have it any other way."

She lifted Tony's legs over hers so that he was sitting properly on her lap. Wrapping her arms around him, she gathered him into a tight hug. Tony didn't pull away, but snuggled into the feminine warmth. It had been a long time since he'd been cuddled like this and he'd missed it so much. He so desperately wanted Jenny and his Dad to get together. He missed his Mom terribly and, while he knew Jenny wasn't his Mom, she was the closest thing he would get to having one again. Over the last month or so, he had really grown to love Jenny. She was funny and kind, and he loved the way she would tease his Dad and make him smile.

As he sat enveloped in her warmth, he heard his Dad enter the room.

"Typical," said Gibbs in mock anger. "I go and help my daughter to have her bath and when I return I find my son in the arms of a woman, dishes dirty in the sink and not a care for anyone else."

Tony pulled away from Jenny's hug and smiled at his Dad. "Oh well, I guess you'll have to finish the dishes now," he said.

"Oh you think so do you?" replied Gibbs reaching down and plucking Tony from Jenny's lap. He held him in his arms, Tony's legs wrapped around his waist. "Well lucky for you it's time for your shower or I'd make you finish them on your own," said Gibbs, smiling into his son's face.

"And I'd tell you to stand down and stop being a bully," added Jenny standing up to her full height of five foot, five inches. "We were just having cuddle time, weren't we Tony," she said, looking up at him.

"Ah huh," he agreed. "And you missed out." He smirked at his Dad.

"Yep!" added Jenny. "You snooze, you lose!"

"Two against one," exclaimed Gibbs. "And I wasn't snoozing, I was helping my daughter thank you very much. That's hardly fair. "

"Who said life was fair?" replied Jenny cheekily.

Glaring at Jenny in mock sternness, he put Tony down saying, "Time for your shower Bud."

As Tony left the room, he advanced on Jenny. "Jethro," she said giggling as she backed away from him. "We were only playing."

"Oh, so now it's only playing?" he said, continuing to back her into the sink. When she found she had nowhere else to go, he reached around her and scooped up a handful of suds and pushed it into her face, covering her nose and cheeks in bubbles.

"Yuck," she spluttered as soap suds went up her nose and into her mouth. With her eyes screwed tightly shut to avoid soap getting in them, she groped around for the tea towel she knew was somewhere on the bench. Gibbs found it first and picking it up, he gently wiped her face. When she was able to open her eyes again, she grinned up at him.

"You don't play fair!" she said.

Smirking he repeated her earlier phrase, "Who said like was fair Jen?"

Glaring at him, she poked her tongue out.

"Oh so that's where Ziva get's it from," he said sternly. "Have you been teaching my daughter bad habits?"

"Who me?" she asked in mock innocence. "Never!"

"Wash the dishes woman," he retorted gruffly and as she turned to face the sink, he flicked her on the butt with the tea towel. She yelped and covered her bottom with her hands.

"Hey!" she cried indignantly rubbing away at the sting.

"That's for getting me with the wooden spoon," he said grinning. "I told you I'd retaliate."

Narrowing her eyes at him, she gave him her famous death glare, then turned back to the sink and continued washing the dishes.

Gibbs smirked. Life was fun with Jenny around to tease.


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