we've met before

By kittysoftpaws420

375 10 7

hi guys! so this is my first story uh....it's probably going to suck,like a lot. anyways.. my names Angeli... More

meeting everyone.
look into my life
the worst day ever
my friends
week before the dance
5 days before the dance
dance prep & drama queens
dance night
back to school
flashbacks and nightmares
romance and mystery
witch bitch
The Fight
the fair kiss
So that happened
today's festivities
the kidnappers
The Day After

i glow?

18 1 0
By kittysoftpaws420

I opened my door only to find my step mom holding a plate of... you guessed it. FOOD!!!

"Oooooo! Yummy. "

"Thought you'd like breakfast."

"Well duh,I'm starving."

I grabbed the plate and ran downstairs to sit Down. As soon as I did poppy followed and Brit brat came down with bags under her eyes.
Mom noticed and asked her what happened.

"Brittany why do you have bags under your eyes?"

"Because her stupid dog peed on my pumps!" She pointed to me. So I responded.

"Not my fault. You should've let him out to pee instead of snogging your 'stupid' boyfriend Jeff."

"You're just jealous."

I scoffed. "Of what? Your idiotic attempts of passing school? Yeah because I totally love bribing the smartest yet most love struck nerds in our class." I said rolling my eyes.

"I can't help that I'm so pretty and smart." Mom responded to this...

"Brittany Marie! Stop being self center and stuck up and do your own school work young lady!"

I started laughing.

"And you Angelina. Don't be a tattle tale."

"I'm not being a tattle tale if I'm telling the truth. "

And with that I went upstairs and got ready to hear to micheals and meet Lilly.

I left for micheals and found the house key in a brick by the front door. I unlocked the door and went in with my glue and gloves and went up to his room and got to work. A few minutes later Lilly came up and saw that I'd already started.

"You started without me?!"

"Sorry just couldn't wait I guess hahaha. "

"Alright alright. Gimme some glue I'll start on the desk."

"Mkay. "

I threw the invested hot glue gun over to her with like 50 sticks of glue.


I got to work on gluing his pillow to his bed and his trophies on the shelf so they wouldn't fall and break. I'm not that evil. And my phone rang.


"Hey Angelina! Thank God you didn't change your number!"

"If I may ask,who might I be speaking to?"

" it's Lina! From 5th grade.remember?"

"Oh,yeah yeah yeah I remember! Hows it going?!"

"Great. What are you doing?"

"Pranking someone with my friend Lilly. What about you?"

Oh I'm just playing call of du -"

"Angelina get off the phone and hurry up it's almost 5! He'll be home soon!"

"Ugh I gotta go lina I'll text you later."


"Okay Lilly let's finish the desk and get out of here."

"Okay.help me glue it to the wall. "


We held the desk there for like 20 minutes.after it dried we ran out of there and locked the door and put the key back. With time to spare. We got back to my house by 5:20 laughing. Lilly got a text from micheal.

"Dude my stuff is all screwed up!"

"How?" She was laughing her a*s off.

" like the desk is glued to the wall and my pillow and bet got glues to the wall and my trophies are glued down on my shelf and everything is really off."

"Oh really?"

"I know it was you and Angelina smart one. Nice try though."

Dangit! He knew!

"How do you know?"

"Because it smells like dogs and perfume."

"So? Doesn't mean it was us. "

"Angelina has a new dog and wears the same perfume I smell so I know it was her and knowing her she couldn't have gotten the idea to prank me without you so."

"Dam*it you got us."

"I gotta go take a shower. Nice try girls. "

Well,that sucks. But it was fun. Totally worth it. I turned on tv to fx and saw pirates of the Caribbean so I popped some popcorn and sat down on the couch next to Lilly laughing at jhonny depp h ing a weirdo and improvising random scenes.Then the power went out... and I saw a slight glow near me.I looked at my hand and saw my hand glowing pinkish orangish red.




"Ummm....look at yourself in thr mirror ange..."

I was glowing??? What is happening?!


Hey guys so I hope you liked this chapter. I was having a bit of fun laughing at the argument between Angelina and Brittany. Anyways thanks for reading this far xD

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