the worst day ever

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It's about 1:00 am on a Sunday and earlier I told my "best friend" about how I was raped in the past. She thought I was lying. I would never lie about something like that. And now I'm getting a text from her saying she's not my friend anymore. Well you know what. Screw her. I was always there for her and didn't get anything in return. This is a good thing. I responded...

"K bye."

And she tried again saying that we aren't friends anymore and that I had no reason earlier to raise my voice with her. Actually I did because she's sitting there treating me like crap while I'm over here having an anxiety attack from past memoried of my rape. I broke down crying. I know she was my best friend and that she and I weren't friends anymore...but it hurt. I depended on her for everything. I wanted to tell her about what happened for 2 years.... she said I just came out with it so I must be lying.... she didn't know how long I've been trying to.... so now I'm laying in bed crying myself to sleep.. wishing she knew everything I've been through.... and my last words before I we're out were,

"I wish you could have just understood...zoey...."


The next morning I woke up with drool running down the side of my cheek all dried up...ew. school is starting in a few weeks and my friend Jackson just got his schedule from the school. Sadly we don't have any classes together. I hardly have any classes with any of my friends so far. I've got pe. With my friends rose,Lauren and jhon so no frett there. I also have 3rd period with one of the most beautiful girls in school Sammy. Its to bad I had to leave all my friends from middle school. They were a grade below me so I have to wait a while before we all have school together again. Anyways. I got a text from Jackson.

"Hey! You going to the back to school dance ange? "

"Yeah. My step mom is making me go haha."

"Oh,that sucks. I can't go though....I'll be out of state until school starts."

"What?! Are you kidding me. That's no fair! I wanted to come over and hang out again before school starts!"

"Sorry A, I'll be out with my family. Maybe next summer?"

"I'll be working at camp next summer... I can't."

"Maybe I can work with you :)"

"That's be nice to have someone I know there with me."

"Yeah! Oh I gotta go. My pop and I are going out for lunch. Ttyl!!!"

"Alright...see you later j..."

Man this sucks...well my summer is ruined.


Hey guys so I know I said I'd update it yesterday but I wasn't feeling to good. I was dealing with a few things. Anyways thanks for your patience.

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