flashbacks and nightmares

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I flashed back to the roses and the chocolate,the guy in the store...even when he was at my school. And then i remembered the scene of my mothers death. Over and over again multiple holes were made in her body. Knife to the head slit throat. It was horrifying. I may never be able to go back to school while he's there. I followed the glowing figure for miles into the woods past my mothers grave where it stopped for a bit. And then continued further.

"Hey! Wait up! I'm not that fast!" I yelled out.

It slowed down and let me catch up. I could barley make out the features on its face when we got to this gorgeous area. It was a small pond surrounded by trees. The ponds water was so clear you should see the bottom with a few small fish swimming around. I remembered this place.... my mother would take me here when i was sad and sing to me.... she had the most amazing voice it felt like every time she sang,id be put under a spell,it a trance honestly. Id see everything in a brighter way each time. It was amazing.

I looked back and the figure but all i saw in its place was.... no it couldn't be....she was killed years ago.... i saw my mom standing there,smiling..... she was smiling at me.... but how?..... and then it happened i started glowing and she followed. She started to say something when the man who killed her arrived. How the hell did this *sshole find me....

"What're you doing Here...." i asked.

"I like to come here when i need to clear my head. Why are you here? Are you alright?"

"I come here when i miss my mother." I said with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"Okay okay calm down tiger. I can go somewhere else."

"No it's fine. I was just leaving." I got up and as i was leaving he grabbed my arm.

"No i can tell you were in deep thought. Ill leave you stay here. And,sorry about this morning at school. i didn't know about the whole hair thing." He winked and walked away.

I gagged and my mother gave me that "why?" Look.

"Not my choice mom. I wasn't looking and ran into him at school. Lost my hat and freaked out. What was i suppose to do?"

She was mouthing something but i couldn't tell what she was saying.

"What? Mom i don't understand...." i pulled out a notebook and pencil and handed it to her. "Here,write it down. " she nodded.

She handed it back and it read,

"Sweetheart,you do know that man don't you? The man that killed me. Don't let him trick you.and,the reason you glow now,I'm sure you're confused about that. Its in your blood child,your father is a werewolf,yes they're real,and I'm a fairy. Which is why i can glow. Meaning you are part wolf part fairy.oh and,your little boyfriend is a werewolf too. He's your mate kiddo. "

I dropped the notebook at the last part freaking out. I wasn't as phased about the rest of it. I look up and see my mom laughing and realise that i look absolutely horrified and grossed out.

"Yeah yeah,laugh while you can. Ill get you for it later." I stand up wipe my pants after standing up to get rid of the dirt.

She was writing again.

"Sure you will babygirl id like to see you try."

"Well you said I'm part fairy,lets see what i can do." I tried to pick up some water from the pond and failed and tried again getting some up. Just enough to flick at her. She flinched and i giggled. She looked so offended but quickly grinned and dropped a huge orb of water on my head. The next thing i knew,we were having a magic water war.

Later on i got home and i was soaked. I went upstairs and took a shower and got changed into my pjs. I noticed a note on my pillow when i got out of the bathroom. It was from Jackson.

"Hey pretty lady,i didn't see you at school so i came by to check on you but your step mom said you weren't home. So i left a few presents hidden in your room. If you can find all of them then leave your window open tonight. Ill be by around midnight."

I looked around and noticed something shimmering under my desk in the corner. I got up and picked it up. It was a locket. Awe. I put it on and looked for the rest.

I was searching for a while but i think i found them all. So in total,i found a locket,a ring, flowers under my bed and a few of my favorite candies hidden in my dresser. I left my window open and went to lay down. After a while i heard someone climb through the window and i thought to myself

" he's completely insane I'm on the second floor of a two story building."

I turn around and i see Jackson standing there with what seemed like a thousand baby blue and midnight blue roses. I gasped and he grinned. But there was someone else....out side my window.....

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