my friends

21 1 0

I was just sitting around the house watching tv and playing with my poppy when my friend Lilly texted me.

"hey, prank the Micheal?"

"You know I do!"

"Okay cool,what should we do?"

"Um...what if we glue his bed to the wall and small things to the ceiling and everything on his desk we can glue down and glue that to the wall!"

"Thats a lot to do,but...You're a genius!"

"Okay let's head over there while he's at practice so we have the time to do all this. "

"Which is when?"

"He leaves at 2 and comes home at 5 so we have 3 hours."

"Ok let's go this,it's 1:35 now,we have half an hour."

"Alright I'll meet you there in half an hour"

I went out to Marshall's and got a bunch of different types of glue,and lots of it. Normal elmurs glue,hot glue,super glue,gorilla glue,and much more. This will be fun. I got home to fine Brittany sitting on the couch snogging her self centered thick skulled boy toy. I picked something special up for this. I went in my back and grabbed an air horn. I snuck up behind the couch where they were and 3,2,1....I pressed the button and they we're on the floor with their hearts beating out of their chests. Then down came poppy having to go to the bathroom. I brought him to brittany's room and set him down by her shoes and what do you know,poppy pissed on her favorite 3 inch pumps.


Hey guys,so I was actually in the best mood today because of my friends. They've been making me laugh all day so I figured I'd put a little sibling rivalry into this chapter.

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