Oh Gosh. Not You.

Autorstwa immybill

613K 15.3K 2K

This is the sequel to 'Oh Gosh. My Mate Is An Alpha.' You don't have to read it to understand this one. I alw... Więcej

Oh Gosh. Not You.
The Secret
Being the Sober Driver
Second thoughts of the blonde one
The Legend Of Wolves
What do you want?
Dissapeared And Spilled
Not Very Hung Over
Lunch Date
Finding Out The Secret
Spy or no spy?
Tabithas Mate
A Possible Way Out
The Call To Freedom
When Your Enemy Becomes Your Friend
Who Would've Known?
Which Mate To Trust
The Intruder
The Investigation Begins
The Comfrontation
Home Time
About The Kid
So What's The Punishment?
Destined To Be Alpha (End)

Sleep Tight...

17.3K 540 55
Autorstwa immybill


Lily squealed and literally shoved me out of the way before jumping on Zac. Dad had already moved away so he wasn't in the way. I stumbled and fell onto Gabe who grabbed me with two hands. I looked up at him and gave him a sheepish smile.

"Well hello there," I teased, smirking at him. He shivered and then carelessly threw me off of him, making me laugh. Once I was on my feet, I looked around and saw that everyone was still serious except for Lily and Zac who looked so happy.

I smiled seeing her so happy. It felt good to know that because of me, she is happy. She can now live happily with her mate, with no problems.

"Alright, I'll allow you to join ny pack but as soon as I see something suspicious, you're going straight to the cells," Dad warned, making Zac gulp and nervously nod.

"Yes Alpha," He bowed his head and waited for dad to make the final nod for him to enter. Dad finally nodded and Zac grinned, his smile reaching his ears.

"Get your stuff, park outside at the side of the house and then come to my office. Lily will show you," Dad spoke, turned around and started heading to the van. I nodded to everyone before jumping at the back.

I watched from there as Zac went to his car as Lily waited eagerly in the territory. The two patrols ran off and Ty and Cole jumped at the back with me while the rest went inside. I hit the roof twice and dad sped off.

"How long were you there for?" I asked, watching as Ty sat down and leaned on the side. He looked tired and tense. He was only wearing his basket ball shorts which was unlike him. When he patrols, he prefers the black cargo pants and black tee. "Was it even your turn to patrol?"

"Nah, I was sleeping when Cole told me they needed me to guard someone," He shrugged. "I've been there, on full guard, since like two," He groaned, closing his eyes.

"You can blame Logan for that," Cole muttered, making me face him.

"Why? What was he doing?" Ty asked.

"This Alpha was star gazing, naked," Cole mocked, pointing at the star less sky.

"First; star gazing? Seriously bro? And second; naked? What the hell dude! Don't tell me..." Ty trailed off, making me blush and Cole laugh.

"Hell no! Don't even go there!" I pointed a finger at him, making him smirk.

The fact that I didn't even do any of those is what annoyed me. Man, this is what I get for lying. Kids, do not lie, it is a sin.

"Just don't do it again," Cole laughed, making me roll my eyes.

"I promise you, I will never do it again," I promised, 100% sure I would keep this promise.


We all dragged our feet up the stairs, too tired to properly lift our legs up. Even dad was dragging his feet as he walked to his desk and chair. He had dismissed his Betas and Ty which only left Cole, me and the new couple.

Cole and I stood behind the two sofas which held Lily and Zac. Dad shuffled some papers around untill he picked up an A2 paper that was lined into two pieces and had a lot of squares on it. He studied it good before looking up at us.

"There's a room on Lilys floor but it is far away from her room," He stated, staring at the two. I heard Cole laugh but cover it with a cough, happy that the two will be away from each other.

"He can share a room with me," Lily suggested, smiling at Zac who looked all too happy.

"Hell no!" I yelled at the time that Cole yelled,

"Never!" We looked at eachother before nodding and looking back at the others.

Lily is too young to share a room with a male. Much too young! I know that he's her mate and that she's nearly eighteen but still! I refuse to let my baby cousin share a room with another male! I will absolutely not allow it.

"I agree," Dad nodded, "Zac, you will stay in a separate room to Lily and if I find out that you too are sleeping in each others room, I will not hesitate to tell her father," He pointed to Lily which made her frown.

"Yes Alpha," She sighed, looking down.

Dad was just being a good uncle and brother in law to John. He knew the way John would feel about all this and I was happy with his response.

"Good, now I will show you to your room, Zac." Dad stood up and walked to the door, followed by the rest of us.

I watched as Zac and Lily never let go of eachothers hands. It's like they were glued together.

I stopped and looked up when the group stopped and looked at the door. It was the room that was right opposite to Coles room and about ten rooms away from Lilys. Ahhh, nice going dad.

"Well hey there, neighbor," Cole teased, throwing his arm over Zacs shoulder.

"There has to be another room," Lily pleaded but frowned when dad shook his head.

"Sorry, but this is it," He shrugged, " Now I'm off to bed, night!" He nodded to all of us and when Lily and Zac went into the room, I hi fived him.

"Thanks dad," I smiled at him which he returned with a nod. He walked away after that, towards his room.

"Yeah, night bro, I'm off too." I told Cole, bro hugging him. He nodded and I walked away to my room before groaning.

My freaking door was still broken! It was just lying on the side of the door frame, as though my room were out for the public to see. I went in and started collecting a towel and clothes.

"You guys broke my door! Where's another spare room?" I asked dad in the mind link, walking out of my room to find the halls empty.

"We'll get that fixed today. Three rooms away from Lilys," Dad replied almost immediately.

I walked to the room and smirked. Man I love my dad. He is such a smart arse. I walked in and locked the door after. This could have been Zacs but nope!

I had a quick shower before jumping into bed and falling asleep fast.


I jumped back in bed as I heard Jace walk up the stairs. I couldn't sleep without him here. While he was gone, I was pretty much just pacing around the room, counting the seconds that passed.

I quickly snuggled into the duvet and evened my breathing. He won't know I was ever awake. I heard the door open and then close. His footsteps to the bed weren't even considered footsteps, more like chains getting dragged on the floor.

"I know you're awake," He admitted, making me frown.

"No, I'm fast asleep," I mumbled, snuggling even deeper into the sheets. I heard his deep chuckle before the bed dipped on his side at the foot.

I sat up to see what he was doing. He was shirtless and was taking his shoes off. I leaned my back against the headboard and sat cross legged.

"How'd it go?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Good," He nodded, standing up and taking his shoes with him. "I don't think he is a spy," He explained, sliding his pants off. I nodded and lyed back down.

Soon the room went pitch black as Jace turned the light off and silent as the conversation stopped.

I soon felt the bed dent next to me and I was spooned from behind. Jace kissed my forehead with a good night before we both fell asleep.


"Alpha, pssssst,"

I heard Jace growl and I groaned as he unspooned me, leaving me feeling cold.

"What is it Tim?" Jace grumbled, leaning back on one elbow while the other hand rubbed his face.

"You're late for the meeting, almost everyone is." Tim stated, making Jace and I sit up fast.

"Not possible, what time is it?" I asked, quickly tying my hair in a messy bun.

"Uhhh, it's 12:35 and the meeting was supposed to be at 12,"

"Sh*t, ok we'll all be there in an hour," Jace stated, getting off the bed. With a bow, Tim smiled and then left. "This is why I have my own sleeping times," Jace grumbled, leaning back down in bed.

"Yeah, so uh tell me how it goes, aye?" I mumbled, falling back into bed and snuggled into the sheets.

"Oh no you don't!" Jace jumped on me, landing across my stomach.

"Get off!" I laughed, trying to push him off but he didn't budge.

"Not untill you promise to come with me," He looked up and I saw his lips were in a little pout.

I sighed, "Fine, you drama queen," He started getting up and i soon followed.

"Drama Alpha, thank you very much," He joked, running into the bathroom. I rolled my eyes and got up to get ready for this meeting.


"Logan, wake up," I shot out of bed and stared at Tim who was at the door, "Meeting restarts in an hour," With that said, he walked out and closed the door behind himself. I groaned.

Great, i completly forgot about the meeting! You see, everytime and new members joins the pack, the superiors usually have a meeting ASAP and then there would be a party to welcome them. I checked my phone and saw it was quarter to one. I am screwed.

I quickly got up and ran to my room, glad to find my door was fixed. Privacy, here i come! I shut the door behind me and quickly ran to the bathroom before stripping and hopping into the shower. I brushed my teeth and scrubbed my body before drying off and running into my room.

When i say run, i mean like actually running.

I changed into messy camouflage cargo shorts, black tee and black Puma high tops. I grabbed everything i needed and ran out of the room. Checking up on Lily and Zac won't hurt, right?

I walked over to Zacs room and opened the door a little and smiled when i saw he was alone on the bed. I closed the door and walked over to Lilys room and confirmed the same thing. Good, this is what i want to see.

"I already checked up on them," I jumped at Coles sudden voice and glared at him when he smirked. "A little jumpy i see," He mocked, walking away from me.

"Anyone would jump seeing your face," I muttered, walking after him.

"You're hilarious bro, you never told me you went to clown school!" He looked back to show me a smirk on his face. I flipped him off, making him look straight ahead and laught.

Damn his good come backs.

We walked to the meeting room where already it had people in. There was John and Gabe who were sitting opposite eachother, Ty a seat away from John and Dad sitting on the largest chair between the Betas with mom right behind him. Cole went and sat opposite to Ty while i decided to stand next to dad.

"Alright, now that we are all here, let this meeting begin," Dad spoke aloud, making us all face him. "Everyone is aware of Zac Morrison joining this pack?" He asked.

Everyone nodded.

"Good, any objections?" I looked around and saw that everyone was either shrugging their shoulders or shaking their head.

"I don't object but if i see anything i don't like, then he's out," I warned, throwing my thumb over my shoulder to emphasize out.

"Agreed," Cole added, making me smile.

Dad nodded, "Alright, then's it's official!"


I woke up with new determination. I'm done, i'm done living this way. I have to apologize to Zac and to my father, tell them that what i said wasn't from my heart and were just words. I have to set things straight, make everything as smooth as a ruler. Not those bendy rulers, the plastic- no metal rulers!

I quickly showered and changed before making my way down the hall. I want to say sorry to Zac first before my dad, that way i can think about what i'm going to say to my dad. I may even have to say sorry to my mother!

I stopped when i reached Zacs room and inhaled a deep breath before opening the door. My jaw dropped when i saw the room. It was empty, everything gone besides from the furniture. His posters no longer hung from the walls and his clothes no longer hung out of the drawers.

This must be some sort of joke. Maybe he moved out of his room and to another? Or maybe to his parents house? He couldn't just dissapear, right? I tried ringing his phone, off.

Maybe aliens- don't even go there, brain!

I ran out of his room, well his ex room, and made my way down the stairs and into my dads office. Maybe my dad will know what happened to him. I opened the door and frowned when i found it empty, the only movement were the curtains that moved from the wind.

I went to the shelves and looked for the big book that held every pack members details. I found it at the top, looking rather new and no bigger than the yellow pages. I grabbed it and layed it on the table before sitting on dads chair.

I opened the book and looked at the contents for Morrision. I found it and skipped to the pages. I dialed their number onto my phone before putting the phone to my ear.

Mrs Morrision answered on the fourth ring, "Hello, Morrison residence,"

"Hi Mrs Morrision. Uh, is Zac there?" I asked nervously, very worried of what her answer may be.

"Oh, Grace dear! No, he didn't tell you? He moved over to the Blood Hound pack," She said it so proudly which made me frown.

"What?" Was all i could manage to say.

Zac left my pack and left to Logans pack. Was it because he didn't like this pack and favored Logan over me? If that's true then that is just messed up! We've been friends since primary, like a brother to me!

"Yes dear, he said his mate is there," Oh, now that made more sense.

Zac really took what i said seriously. Well, i did threaten him pretty bad. But i didn't mean it! And he should know that! So he's gone to live with Lily and the Blood Hound pack. Good for him! But he left without telling me which really hurts.

"Oh, thank you Mrs Morrison," I hung up after i heard her say goodbye. I put my phone down before putting my head in my hands.

Things just get worser and worser.

Right on cue, the door opened and dad walked in. He looked up at me while one hand remained on the door handle. He just stared at me while i stared right back at him.

I think he was waiting for me to get out of his office because he didn't say anything. Man, i hurt him really bad. I can just see the pain and hurt in his eyes.

"I'm really sorry dad," I confessed, standing up and slowly walking around the desk.

"No no, i should have knocked. Take your time in here," He was about to turn around but i stopped him by hugging him. He didn't expect it, his body was tense but soon he relaxed and hugged me back.

"You're an idiot, dad," I muttered against his chest. He pulled back and held me by the shoulders, eyebrow raised.

"How so?" He questioned.

"Dad, i meant i was sorry about saying those things to you," His lips parted in a small O. "I swear i didn't mean any of those," I admitted, looking at him in the eyes.

"Yeah, i figured," He gave me a warm smile which i returned. "It's fine, honey, i understand." He gave me a small nod which i smiled to.

"So where's Zac?" I asked as he let go of me and walked to his desk.

"He left the pack and went to Jaces pack," He stated, making me frown. Ok, so it is true.

"And you just let him? What would Jace say? Would he even accept him?" I went and sat down on one of the sofas, getting comfy and sitting indian style.

"Yes, i did come to ask you but you were mad so i just let him slip away," He sat down before moving the big book and grabbing some papers to write on. "Uhh, i'm not too sure. Jace should let him, seeing as Zac is mated to one of his pack members and he has no pack but who knows," He shrugged.

"Lily is Zacs mate, Lily Raaz," He looked up as soon as i said this.

"John Raaz or Gabe Raaz?" He questioned.

"John i think," He looked very interested and it's kind of weird how he knows all of their names.

"Oh, then of course he would accept him. He can't reject his own Niece. Plus, John wouldn't allow it," He stated, looking back down at his papers. I nodded and we fell into a silence. 

"Dad, can i go and see them?" I suddenly asked as the thought passed my mind. I didn't think it through, just blurted it out.

"Hell no!" He boomed, looking up at me. I flinched and stared at my hands. I thought it would be a bad idea. "Sorry honey, but no, that's a terrible idea," I looked up to see him frowning at me.


"Because of many reasons! First is because we are at war with that pack now, they pretty much hate our guts. Second is that i doubt Zac would want to come back and Lily wouldn't be allowed to join this pack. And third is because of those Roups,"

"Roups?" I asked, tilting my head.

He chuckled, "Yeah, that's what i've decided to call that group of rouges that kidnap,"

"Oh right, roups," I muttered. Weird name. "Anywho dad, i'll see you around," I got up and started walking to the door but he soon asked me something.

"What's happening with you and Logan?" I stopped walking but didn't turn around as i replied.

"Never bring him up, ever." With that, i walked to the door and turned the knob before pushing it open. But the door didn't open. I kept pushing it and shoved at it but it didn't budge.

"Pull, honey," Dad said, amusement in his voice. I blushed a deep red, embarrassed. I nodded and pulled the door open before jumping out.

"Idiot," I growled, closing the door and running off. That's sure going to be a story dad will talk about at dinner time.


Dinner time came and went very fast and before i knew it, i was tired and heading off to bed. I had a shower and changed into my onsie. I loved my onsie. It was of Tiger with a hood and tail! So cute! I jumped into bed and snuggled into my sheets.

But little did i know of the danger that i was soon about to visit.    


Sneak peak of the next chapter:

I shot my eyes open groaned at the hard surface that continued to bounce up and down. I tried to move my hands but they were tied behind my back and my feet were tied together aswell. I screamed but they were muffled by the rag that was tied over my mouth. It was also pitch black and i soon realized it was the hood to my onesie, covering my eyes.

With skill, i flicked my head back twice really fast, causing the hood to fall back. My eyes went huge and i started sweating when i saw where i was. I was in the back seat of a car, in between two guys. But squished up next to me was none other than Tabitha, sleeping and leaning against the other guy. Somehow we all manged to fit at the back but i realized the van was huge. 

Both guys were werewolves and so were the two guys that were in front. I sniffed the air and confirmed my suspicions, they were rogues.

The guy i was sitting next to turned to face me and i could see the scars on his face. They must have been done with silver for them to become scars. He was pretty good looking otherwise. Light brown hair with pitch black eyes. A scar above his eyebrow. He looked only a year older than me, maybe even half. There was a black bandana covering his nose down so i didn't get to see his face properly, same with all the others.

"Well good morning sleeping beauty," He reached a hand out and stroked my cheek, making me scream. I started wiggling away from him, earning groans from the other guy.

"Stop it, Seth. Boss said not to touch that one," The driver said, looking at us through the rear view mirror. Seth groaned before getting a cloth and bottle from the pocket in front of him and i knew all too well what that was.

He poured some of the drug onto the cloth before putting the bottle away. I screamed and started wiggling away from him which earned more groans from the other guy.

"Stay still!" Seth growled before quickly bringing my rag down and putting the cloth to my mouth. I screamed into it, refusing to inhale but my lungs gave out quick and i inhaled a large amount of the strawberry tasting drug. 

"Sleep tight, little one," Was the last thing i heard before falling into darkness.


Who thought i'd do that??

Who thought i'd update so early?!

Next chapter wil be AMAZING!! Not sure when it'll come though, hopefully soon...

ALSO!! Tell me how you guys know about my updates. Is it how i sometimes post it and it gets sent to my followers by email? Or do you come to my page every day? Or do you refreash the page in your library? Let me know so i can see if i can help you get it faster....




Thanks! Immybill (: xoxo

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