The Investigation Begins

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I opened my eyes, before searching the room. I swear i heard something. But after my search, i confirmed that i was just imagining the noise. The only noise heard was of Colton snoring on the couch above me.

Bianca had her legs drapped over him and his head was hung to the back. I shrugged the noise off and closed my eyes to fall asleep again. But so suddenly i started to feel my blanket being pulled off of me. I pulled it back up but then it was pulled completely off in a second. 

"Ghost!" I screamed, sitting up and squirming away. 

"What?!" Bianca yelled, sitting up fast. 

"Ahhhh, where?!" Cole screamed, pulling his legs towards his chest. 

I looked around the room, hoping to see a real ghost but i was soon dissappointed as i saw Grace by my feet, laughing her head off. 

"You *gasp* should have *gasp* your faces!" She yelled between her laughs. I groaned and slid down until i was in a lying position. 

"That was cruel." Cole mumbled, slouching. 

"You're just jealous you couldn't see your expressions," Grace stated, sitting up. Although her laughing had stopped, there was still a grin spread across her face. 

"What time is it?" I asked, yawning. 

"It's eight in the morning!" She stated, standing up. "I was hoping to go for a run." 

"Where's William? Ask him." I mumbled, cuddling my sheets. I wouldn't mind going for a run with her, in fact, i'd love to! I'm just super tired after that movie last night and i'm not much of a morning person. 

"She's refusing to go with me." William stated, coming out of no where. "I don't know what to do."

I groaned, "We'll go later." 

"Promise?" She asked, poking my with her toe.

"Yes," I mumbled against my pillow.

"You better not be lying!" She yelled before walking away. I groaned into my pillow and sat up before doing some morning stretches. Once i'm awake, i'm awake. 

"I'm out." Bianca yawned, standing up. Cole nodded and slowly followed her, making his queit escape. I sat up and stretched, enjoying the feeling of my back as it flexed.

As i was standing up, Hazel ran into the room followed by some guy from Masons pack. She was crying and her face was red.

"He's dead." 


I woke up with a smile on my face. So the All Blacks won last night and we were happy about that. But we couldn't sleep after that, it was as though something was keeping us up. So we decided to go get some Mc Donalds and watch the planes come and go.

It was nice and relaxing. But we still had that feeling that something bad was happening. It troubled me of course but Jace said to let it go and focus on the present. 

Untangling myself from Jaces hands, i get up from bed and stretch my back. I sigh and stand up before making my way to the bathroom. I did my business, had a shower and then made my way to the wardrobe. Jace was gone but i knew he was in his office. 

I changed into skinny jeans and one of Jaces sweaters before making my way into his office. I found him behind his desk, still wearing his night wear and with sleepy eyes.

"You can use the bathroom now," I stated, pointing my thumb behind my shoulder. He looked up from his laptop and nodded before standing up.

"There's a pack meeting in 20 minutes." He said as he made his way towards me. I stepped aside to let him pass and followed him up to the room.

Oh Gosh. Not You.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum