Hot Lap! (Pause Spin-Off, Com...

By CJ_Adler

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"Racing because football, baseball, bowling and golf only require one ball." ~ Anonymous ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14::
Sequel Is Out!!!
Pause's Time to Shine
NB!!! Final Message before Launch!!!
We're live!

Chapter 10

14.3K 1.2K 193
By CJ_Adler

Chapter 10

The present

Emma's POV:

"I don't think I'll ever get used to this palace," I say as soon as we step into his mansion. I've been here before but I tend to forget just how rich Xave is because he doesn't mention his wealth often. 

I never agreed to Xave's date. As a compromise, he forced me into at least hanging out with him for the day. I couldn't say 'no' yet again.

"It's not a palace," Xavier chuckles, amused by my reaction. "Although, it might as well be." 

I follow Xavier into the kitchen, still glancing around in awe. "You must get lonely. This house feels so empty," I remark casually, initiating conversation. Out of everything in this mansion, that's what first comes to mind.

I'm not used to riches. Landon had to make a honest living for us as a car mechanic. He's talented at what he does and he enjoys it but he's never brought in a lot of income. The point being, I'm used to warm and cozy, not this, not fancy and spacious. Everything, for me at least, feels so out of place in this house.

"Hence why you're here," Xavier smirks. I've come to learn that he always hides behind his teasing and flirting. He's quick to change the subject, an indication that he's uncomfortable with the current one, "You hungry?"

Xavier's one of the strongest people I know. In spite of him barely ever seeing his parents, he doesn't let any of it affect him. He covers up his issues with a mask in order to appear 'fine' in front of everyone else. He doesn't want his weaknesses to be exposed in fear of them being exploited.

"No, thanks. I'm alright for now," I answer, choosing to drop the subject, for his sake. I don't like to push people for answers.

"You sure?" he asks with a raised eyebrow. "I'll even throw in a donut, just for you," he smiles, his dark eyes shimmering under the bright kitchen lights.

I don't waver, "You know that I'm really not that fond of donuts, right? I just used it as an excuse to get away from you."

It's about time I told him the truth.

"You sure?" Xavier questions teasingly. "I could have sworn that donuts were your favorite pastime snack," he remarks in sarcasm.

"Ha, ha," I retort, unimpressed. I can get sarcastic too if I want. "You're so annoying," I frown, crossing my arms over my chest as I watch him make himself a sandwich to eat. Honestly, it surprises me. Xavier has maids that work for his parents, maids that have seemed to keep him alive over the years, but it's almost as if he could care less. He never uses them.

The butlers and chefs are all subjected to Xave's will too. However, every time I visit, Xavier does everything for himself. He doesn't have to but he does. He chooses to do things himself. He doesn't force the workers to do his bidding. In actual fact, he treats them all with the highest of respect. He never takes advantage of them.

I have to admit, I admire this side to Xavier.

"You know..." I start off warily, "you seem to treat the people under you with a lot of kindness and compassion," I point out, patiently waiting to see his reaction.

"I guess," he admits with a shrug. "They all did their bit in raising me, I feel like I owe them respect. I don't see them as people below me. In a twisted sort of way, they're my family," he confesses, keeping his eyes off me and his back turned to me as he opens the fridge in search of something to drink.

It's moments like these where I find myself pitying him. His parents suck. I don't care if they have mega important jobs, it's no excuse to miss out on half of your kid's life. You're supposed to make time for your kid, no matter what.

I was fortunate. No matter how busy my father was, he still made time for Landon and me.

I can't help but feel sympathy for Xavier but I suppose all wounds ease with time. Still, as a child, it must have been hell for him. I can't even begin to imagine how he coped. It's almost as if he was abandoned.

Even when my dad passed away, I still had my older brother to take care of me. Xavier had no one. I can only relate to him in one department: my useless mother who ran away from life because she was and most likely still is, a coward.

Xavier slams the fridge door shut before turning to face me. His expression falls at the sight of my sad expression. "Don't try to sympathize with me," he sighs before running a free hand through his blonde strands of hair.

"But you deserve sympathy," I reply before boldly stepping forward and placing my hand on his upper arm in an attempt to comfort him. "You deserve it, Xave," I conclude softly.

His gaze lands on my hand that is placed on his arm. He stiffens slightly under my touch. He eventually tears his eyes away from my hand. "I don't need your pity, I had -- have -- a great life," he insists, almost as if he's trying to convince himself more than me. "I've always had it easy, okay?"

I nod. I'm agreeing for his sake but I don't believe him at all. "Okay," I reassure him, "okay." I know that having money doesn't necessarily make life any easier. It's ignorant to think that way.

"If I told you everything about me, you wouldn't be pitying me," he persists, refusing to let it go. "You don't have a handle on all my history. You don't know all of my story," he concludes, determination flickering through his dark eyes. He really wants to persuade me into not feeling sorry for him.

"Well, you couldn't have been any worse than you are now," I joke, hoping to lighten the heavy atmosphere.

To my relief, Xavier cracks a smile. "So mean, Ems."

I roll my eyes, removing my hand from his arm. "Please, I have a sweet side," I inform him and take a step back from him.

"I prefer to call it your manipulator side," Xavier corrects, winking at me playfully. "We all know that you're not really nice." I scoff at that but he merely continues on, "Your 'sweet as honey' side is nothing but a front you use when you're after something. I mean, c'mon, your own brother is petrified of you when you're angry."  

I glare at him flatly, holding back a smile. He's not wrong.

Xavier must see that I'm close to smiling because he grins at me flirtatiously before taking a daring step torward me as if challenging me, as if testing the waters. He smirks in satisfaction when I don't move a muscle.

What is he doing?

He takes the open opportunity to close the gap between us as he strolls on forward until we're chest to chest. My breath hitches at the close proximity. He chuckles, making my nerves kickstart into gear.

"But, fortunately..." Xavier dips his head slightly as his eyes drop to my lips, "sweet Emma," he whispers into my ear seductively, a small shiver running up my spine at his smoothness, "I've never really been into nice girls."

Where is he taking this?

Apprehension sets in. Before I can even react or tell him to back off, he already has me pinned between him and the counter. My eyes flicker from our position and then to him. "What are you doing?" I question, my voice timid.

His grin leaves his lips and his expression turns serious. "Your move, Emma," he breathes. When I don't react, he speaks again. "Are you going to finally do something about this..." he motions to the small space between us, "or are you going to run away again like you always do?"

He makes me so infuriated when he says that I always run. I'm not a coward, I'm not my mother, I don't run.

I frown up at him before acting on impulse. Without thinking about it, I grab the back of his neck and bring his lips to mine. 

Xavier doesn't hesitate to respond.

In spite of having done this with him before, a swarm of butterflies still zoom through me, putting me on edge -- a good edge.

Xavier matches my pace and lifts me up onto the counter. I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist, drawing him closer. 

"Emma," he falters, his lips leaving mine for a second, "is this really happening...again?" He searches my eyes with his own.

I nod and kiss him a second time. "Just don't tell my brother," I mumble into the kiss, causing him to grin.

I move back slightly and begin to unbutton his shirt.

"Mr. Thorman," someone clears their throat, thereby interrupting us.

 Xavier and I both spring apart quickly. I'm a flustered mess and Xave's shirt is half undone.

An apologetic expression crosses the man's face as he looks over at Xavier and me with unease. He smiles sheepishly before bringing his eyes back to Xavier. "Uh...sorry, Sir, pardon me."

Xavier shakes his head at him as if to brush the matter off. "Don't worry about it, Richie. What can I do for you?" he asks politely, his voice now slightly rough around the edges. He's also a little breathless in his words.

I stifle a giggle behind my fist. My heart is still racing and my cheeks are probably scorching red in embarrassment.

"Your father called," Richie, the butler, informs him. "He's currently on the landline."

"I'll be right there," Xavier answers immediately. 

I'm assuming he takes his father's calls seriously -- that, or his father rarely calls.

I can't detect any bitterness toward his parents but then again, Xavier's extremely talented at hiding grudges.

The butler nods before leaving Xavier and me alone to deal with the aftermath of that kiss, the kiss that Xavier made obvious that he wanted, that maybe I wanted too -- I certainly feel a lot better.

Knowing that I initiated that kiss all on my own, has me all shy and out of place. I'm now having a difficult time looking him in the eye. 

Xavier glances down at me with half a smirk before breaking out into one of his rare smiles. "If you'd excuse me for a sec'," he breathes out huskily, a little coyly, before following after the Richie.

A small smile twitches at the corner of my lips when I hear him whistle beneath his breath while shaking his head in disbelief.

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