By catchhhhhh

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A young lady named Nam Hee Yeon; passionate and strong-willed editor in Seoul whom shut herself out from the... More

Only You: Prologue
Only You: Chapter 1
Only You: Chapter 2
Only You: Chapter 3
Only You: Chapter 4
Only You: Chapter 5
Only You: Chapter 6
Only You: Chapter 7
Only You: Chapter 8
Only You: Chapter 9
Special Chapter I
Only You: Chapter 10
Only You: Chapter 11
Only You: Chapter 12
Only You: Chapter 13
Only You: Chapter 14
Only You: Chapter 15
Only You: Chapter 16
Only You: Chapter 17
Only You: Chapter 18
Only You: Chapter 19
Only You: Chapter 20
Special Chapter II
Only You: Chapter 21
Only You: Chapter 22
Only You: Chapter 24
Only You: Chapter 25
Only You: Chapter 26
Only You: Chapter 27
Only You: Chapter 28
Only You: Chapter 29
Only You: Chapter 30
Only You: Chapter 31
Special Chapter III
Only You: Chapter 32
Only You: Chapter 33
Only You: Chapter 34
Only You: Chapter 35
Only You: Chapter 36
Only You: Chapter 37
Only You: Chapter 38
Special Chapter IV
Only You: Chapter 39
Only You: Chapter 40
Only You: Chapter 41
Only You: Chapter 42
Only You: Chapter 43
Only You: Epilogue
Appreciation Post

Only You: Chapter 23

2.3K 96 11
By catchhhhhh

[Korean Translations]
Aegyo (애교): To act cute
Ajhussi (아저씨): Old man
Ajhumma (아줌마): Old woman
Ani (아니): No
Annyeong (안녕): Hello/Goodbye
Arasseo (알았어): Alright
Chukhahae (축하해): Congratulations
Daebak (대박): Awesome
Dongsaeng (동생): Younger Sibling/ Friend
Eomma (엄마): Mother
Hajima (하지마): Stop
Hyung (형): Older brother for males/Friend
Hwaiting (화이팅): Goodluck/ You can do it!
Gomawo (고마워): Thank you
Gwenchana (괜찮아): Are you okay?
Jalja (잘자): Goodnight
Jalmeokesseubnida (잘먹겠습니다): Thanks for the food
Jebal (제발): Please
Jinjja/Jeongmal (진짜/ 정말): Really
Maknae (막내): Youngest child/friend out of the group
Mianhe (미안해): I'm sorry
Ne (네): Yes
Noona (누나): Older sister for males /Friend
Omo (어머): Oh my
Ottoke (어떡해): What should I do?
Oppa (오빠): Older brother for females/Boyfriend
Saengil Chukhahae (생일축하해): Happy Birthday
Pabo (바보): Stupid
Wae (왜): Why?
Yeppeoda (예쁘다): Pretty

Chapter 23: The Leader's Proposal
Tuesday, December 17 2013

Seokjin's POV

After recording our new song we head back to our dormitory, ate dinner and rest. I still can't stop thinking about how I froze awhile ago while I talked to Hee Yeon. What a coward I must've been. I guess it was all because I regret doing all the things that made me hurt her and how her eyes looked at me, it was like she can never forgive me.

But even if that's the case I still won't give up. I will ask for her forgiveness until she forgives me. I will do everything what it takes because I can't just throw our childhood memories together.

I walk outside our room after Namjoon called out for me. Just then, I realized that I am the only one inside the room so I stood up and head outside and towards the stairs.

When I was walking at the corridor I saw Jimin got out of the bathroom. Perfect timing, I thought. I want to ask a few questions to him.

"Jiminnie!" I utter, making him look my way as he dries his hair with a towel. I wave at him to come closer and he did.

"Ne, hyung?" he utters.

I checked the hall if there's anyone there besides us, "I have a question about the girl awhile ago. You know Hee Yeon right? Can I ask how did you knew her?" I ask bluntly.

No matter how I put it I still can't figure out how.

"Oh. I met her by accident, hyung. I was out and we bumped into each other and we instantly became friends. Well, not instantly but you get the point," he utters as he force a smile.

Well, that makes sense because the Hee Yeon I know will instantly be friends with someone. She's a jolly girl after all.

But I can't get the fact out of my mind that she's a little bit different when I talked to her. I guess she is just mad at me that's why. I shrugged.

"Well, that's good to hear Jiminnie," I respond as I tap his shoulder.

I inhaled as I asked him another question, "So you're friends.. close friends? Did she ever mentioned me to you?" I say with hopeful eyes, smiling slightly.

"I guess you can say that we're pretty close. Oh and yes hyung, she mentioned you once," he replies, smiling as well.

"What did she said?" keeping the hopeful eyes and letting off a light smile.

So she still does talk about me.

"She said that there's this guy who's her childhood friend but most of the time she doesn't want to talk about it. At first, I didn't know it was you she was referring to so I didn't tell you. Mianhe, hyung."

"It's okay, Jiminnie. I understand," I say with a soft tone.

Maybe she was really mad that she can't even mention my name to others. And I know Jimin will tell it to me immediately if she does.

In the middle of our conversation Namjoon called out again and this time he said to bring Jimin with me. As we both clearly heard it, we head downstairs together.

Jimin's POV

We both settled on the couch where I sit beside Hobi hyung and Yoongi hyung and he sits together with the others on the other furniture.

Why would Namjoon call for us suddenly? How long have they been downstairs and why is everybody staring at me? I have a bad feeling about this.

"Okay, we are gathered here tonight because we need to discuss something important. It's about Jin hyung," Namjoon hyung utters.

I feel a thump on my chest as I realized that I was right. And I have a feeling that they will include me in this topic.

"What is this about Namjoon?" Jin hyung utters looking surprised I bet he doesn't know anything about this too.

"Well, remember what you told me awhile ago, hyung. I want to help you but I need everyone in this," says Namjoon hyung as he try to explain.

Most of them look confused but somehow interested and I'm just here waiting to be mentioned. I really have a bad feeling about this, I think to myself. 

"As you all know, Jin hyung is Hee Yeon's childhood friend but he said at the studio he did something that hurt her. I know that Jin hyung would never do something that will hurt someone so I guess he really regret that. So this meeting is really all about how him and Hee Yeon will be friends again," everyone nods as Namjoon hyung continues to explain. "Jin hyung said to me a moment ago that he wants to ask forgiveness from her and I think that it'll be great if we all help him."

As I sit at the corner I keep wondering if Jin hyung is really the guy Hee Yeon was talking about. I mean he doesn't fit how she described him. I will believe it more if it was Yoongi hyung but Jin hyung is just the opposite of all that.

"And our main way to do that is.." then Namjoon hyung points at me.

I was immediately brought back to reality as I was lost in my own thoughts. I point at myself, unsure, because I don't get why am I the main way.

"Yes you. You're friends with her right?" I nod slowly still confused. "Then you're perfect!"

"W-why me? I mean I know I am close with her but I'm not the best option here. She doesn't listen to me.. at all," I utter as I prove my point.

I honestly think that Jin hyung deserves a second chance. I don't want two of my friends giving cold and awkward atmospheres all the time.

But the thing is, what can I do? As if Hee Yeon listens to me. She doesn't even bother to listen to anything I say. She might even get mad at me if I force her to do that.

"But you are the only one who knows her already and the fact that you're close with her is an advantage. Let's do this for Jin hyung, Jimin," I looked down as I noticed that everyone looked at my way.

I really want them to make up but I really have no idea how I will do it so I remained silent. I don't want them to expect something from me that I can't even do. I know that if I'll disagree again they'll think of the wrong idea so I might as well stay silent.

"Is there perhaps a reason why you don't want to help Jin hyung?" says Yoongi hyung making me turn to him, surprised.

His eyes gives this serious look. The look he uses when he knows something's up. I am very familiar with this look because he use this to me every time he wants me to tell him something that I've been keeping.

"Ani! It's not that I don't want to help hyung. I just don't know what to do," I immediately utter.

I seriously don't want them to get the wrong idea. Yes, I like her, but it doesn't mean I'll disagree with the plan for Jin hyung and Hee Yeon to be friends again. I'm not that kind of guy. I just like her, nothing more to it because I strongly doubt that we'll be together.

I  wander my eyes and looked up at Jin hyung. He is just sitting quietly beside Jungkook and he has this look in his eyes where you can really see he's desperate.

"It's okay Jimin. You're not in this alone we will help you. So are you in?" utters Namjoon hyung.

I guess the only way to make them feel at ease is to agree so I nodded. It's not that I don't have a choice, it's just that I really want to help him. And what kind of friend would I be if I wouldn't.

Jin hyung let off an assured sigh and then smiled. The others did that as well. Hobi hyung tapped me in the shoulders while Namjoon hyung nodded and smiled.

Just when I thought it was over out of nowhere. Taehyung suddenly utters, "Don't worry Jimin, Jin hyung only wants to be friends with her. So you really got nothing to worry about," showing off the dirtiest smirk I've ever seen.

"I told you we're just friends," giving an annoyed expression on my face as Tae playfully chuckles at me. He seriously needs to stop before he gets into my nerves.

"Well, if you won't make a move then I will," says Hobi hyung making all the attention shift to him.

We all looked surprised at first but we immediately figured that he's just joking. He always find ways to sneak his puns on a conversation. We then gave him a weird stare.

"What? I'm just kidding. I just think that she's cute. Don't you think she's cute?" he adds as he lets off a light laugh but no one laughed with him.

"Well, I find her interesting," Namjoon utters tucking his lips into his mouth making his dimples appear as he sits on the couch with both of his elbows rested on his lap.

"She's okay," says Yoongi hyung as he leans on the back of the sofa and wanders his eyes to the ceiling.

"I still hate her," Jungook scoffs.

Jin hyung wrap his arms around the protective maknae and give him a little squeeze as he smiles sweetly. Jungkook then returns the sweet smile as he leans his head on Jin hyungs shoulder.

"Okay! I think that's all for tonight. Go ahead and rest now we'll still be busy tomorrow. Jalja~"

All of them head upstairs and bid each other goodnight. Jin hyung approached me before heading up and thanked me for agreeing with the plan.

I just smiled and gave him a half hug with my arm on his back. As I watch him walk upstairs, I keep thinking that I still don't have any idea how I'm going to help.

Before I head up, I checked my messages first. Hee Yeon hasn't sent a message to me yet so that made me worried and made me call her.

As she picks up, she answers with an irritated voice, "What is it?"

"Are you okay? Are you mad at me?" I ask with a soft tone.

"Yeah," she quickly answers without any hesitation. I wondered why so I asked her.

"Because you made me stand in the middle of the studio like an idiot. I thought you were going to be the one who'll introduce me but no. You just have to sit there and watch me make a fool of myself, didn't you?"

"Oh that.. Mianhe, if I made you look like a fool awhile ago I didn't mean that. Namjoon hyung was there. He's always the one who introduces us and I'm afraid if I steal his job he might scold at me or just think I needed attention," I take a sit back to the sofa since all of them are upstairs.

"I think I should be the one to get mad because you're the one who didn't said goodbye to me," I add as I rest my head to the back of the furniture.

"Now I'm the one to blame?" she huffs.

"Didn't you got the part where I said 'YOU MADE ME LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT'? If you want my goodbye so much why didn't you ran after me then?"

I am getting weaker and weaker as she scolds at me. Her personality is very similar to Namjoon hyung. They both gives me chills when they yell. I am really not the one at fault here but the way she says it makes me just want to apologize to her.

"I did but.." I paused, hesitating to continue.

She asked immediately why because she's a very impatient girl so I replied, "I saw Jin hyung approached you first so I backed out."

I don't know why but I'm not usually like this. I am always the one who interrupts conversations. But as soon as I saw Jin hyung approached her I immediately sensed that I'm not supposed to be there and that I should leave them alone even if I don't want to.

"Oh.." she murmurs.

I guess she got the idea immediately because for a few minutes the atmosphere became silent. She didn't even shout at me anymore. I can just hear her breathing.

"Yeonie? I have a question," I honestly don't want to ask this but I'm really getting curious. "What did Jin hyung exactly do that made you want to forget about him?" I ask as I lift my head upright.

I seriously want to know the whole story because I still doubt that he's the one she's talking about and that he did something regretful.

She then inhales softly and whispers, "You know Chim, I'm really exhausted. I think I should go ahead and sleep now. Annyeong~" 

Without giving me a chance to answer she just hung up. Just like the other days, she doesn't really like talking about it. I guess I'll never know the whole story.

End of Chapter 23

A fan fiction is only a fan fiction.
No real harm done to the characters
of the story.

Writer's Note
I think I am getting used to doing POVs of the other characters. It is really hard to place yourself to seven members of BTS who has different personalities. 😅 During Chapter 22 that's is my own perspective of what the guys would be like when you first meet them. I hope I did portray very well.

What do you think really happened between Seokjin and Hee Yeon? Do you think she will forgive her? Stay calm and tune in.

Thank you for reading the Chapter 22 & 23 of Only You. Don't forget to express your feels as a vote! I really love comments from you guys! It inspires me 😄

Still dedicated to the following users: BTSGot17 kookiejiminxx kim_taehyunged FluffyChim gretaquinn666 JiminIsDope

The 24th, 25th & 26th chapter will be officially posted on Saturday, August 22 2015.

Fun Facts
The owner of Big Hit Entertainment is Bang Shi Hyuk and BTS' manager is Kim Leejin (If I'm not mistaken. My friend only told me about him)

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