Resolutions (Harry & Ginny Fa...

By SuperMissA11

31.6K 450 90

This is going to be a the story of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince told from Ginny Weasley's perspecti... More

A Guest + A Phlegm
Falling For Ya'
Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
The Hogwarts Express
Slug and Blood
Dean Thomas
Quidditch Tryouts
An 'I love you' and Another Little Book
Gryffindor vs Slytherin
Late Night Wondering
Christmas at The Burrow
Christmas Sparks
Hermione's Helping Hand
Common Knowledge
Our Hiding Place

Potions of Love

1.5K 25 7
By SuperMissA11

A/N: In this part I will be flitting between Ginny and Harry's points of view, but I will put at the top! Starting with Ginny:

After a wonderful meal and feast, despite the awkward behaviour of both Harry and I, Emily, Alex and I retired straight to our dorm as we were exhausted from our day of travel and the added load of a huge meal, which we had openly eaten that evening. Not staying for long in the common room, we all said goodnight and headed straight to sleep. Until tomorrow....


During Breakfast the next day all resumed to normal, any tension from the previous evening had now depleted to nothing as we started to be swept away in the hustle and bustle of school life. Its hard to believe it was just yesterday I was waking up in my cosy bedroom back at the Burrow with all my brothers and Harry, but now it was time to learn as I have my O.W.L.S. These stand for Ordinary Wizarding Levels and would be important to establish what kind of career I wanted as a witch.

Today's lessons were as followed: Charms, Transfiguration, Divination, DADA and finally Herbology. It was going to be a long day, however Charms has always been a favourite subject of mine hence how I am famous for my legendary Bat-Bogey Hex as Zacharias Smith is now all too familiar with. All the classrooms are different in Hogwarts, as the variation in subjects is very extreme - stretching as far as seeing the future, and transfiguring a hedgehog into a pincushion. Professor Flitwick, head of Ravenclaw house, had decorated his room with a large pile at the front of the room, to extend his extraordinarly small height. Though he is a small wizard he is still as powerful as Professor Sprout or McGonagall, and happens to be one of my favourites.

The majority the lesson today however, much to my disappointment, was taken up by the lecture of our coming O.W.L's, even resorting to the cliche phrases like "Believe you can and your half-way there!". I think thats taking it a step too far and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the professor I usually had a lot more respect for. To finish the class we reviewed the Banishing and Summoning charm, accio, which we had all seen Harry use in the Triwizard Tournament when he battled the dragon. That had been very eventful and I don't think I could have done anywhere near as well as he did, in those kind of circumstances.

"Well done, Miss Weasley, 10 points to Gryffindor!"

Harry's P.O.V

Stood on a bench, Ron and I watched as swarms of students pushed and shoved down the corridor trying to get to their respective lessons, whereas Ron and I had a free period and therefore would be left to do as we please or 'study', although as this was the first lesson on the very first day of school that was not very likely. Nor would it be for the rest of the year, more than likely. Professor McGonagall obviously knew us well, as she called me down from our perch.

"I was under the impression, Potter, that you had the ambition of becoming an Auror?"
"Yes Professor, but I can't continue with Potions as I did not do well enough in my OWLs." I replied.

However, it soon came to light that I could in fact continue studying the 'art of potion making' because Slughorn is more lenient than the rules of Snape. At least this way I am one step closer to becoming an Auror. Spending a lot of my years so far working against the dark arts, even if not intentionally, had ignited my need to fight and repel against the forces bringing darkness to the world. Seeing, good people like Tonks and Mad-Eye has made me want to be like them and Potions would help do just that.

Approaching the classroom with Ron, Professor McGonagall had forced him to come along as well, which he wasn't too happy about, we soon realised that we were missing a vital piece of equipment we would need throughout the year: a textbook. We were unaware we were studying the subject and therefore had not bought the required book in Flourish and Blotts, but upon explaining the situation to Professor Slughorn, he let us borrow school books until we had chance to purchase our own.

Me and Ron quickly walked over to the cupboard and opened it up. Inside lay two copies of Advanced Potion Making, one was in pristine condition however the other was the polar opposite. The cover, usually jet black, was a faded blue and the spine was cracked in multiple places. All pointing towards an old book than obviously neither I nor Ron wanted. Pushing and shoving we wrestled in order to see who would be able to grab the book first, however I was at a slight disadvantage as Ron had grown a lot more over the summer, yet I was still on the scrawny side. Obviously, Ron won and I was left with the less tidy book. Grabbing the book, I retreated back to the classroom as Hermione rolled her eyes as our childish behaviour.

At the front of the classroom sat three cauldrons, each containing a liquid of some sort. As we neared the front of the room, seeing our close proximity to the class, Professor Slughorn removed the lid from the cauldron. I recognised the mixture immediately as Polyjuice potion, as Ron, Hermione and I had transformed into dosey slytherins when the Heir of Slytherin was at large. A gurgle sound came from the pot as the brown gooey liquid bubbled and splashed around the cauldron. Although I ķnew the answer I let Hermione answer, as although not as bad as she used to be, would be slightly disheartened.

"10 points to Gryffindor, Miss Granger! Now can you tell me what this liquid is?" Professor Slughorn praised her. Now this one I had never seen before. The clear liquid reflected gold in the light and looked much more tasteful than the previous potion. A small vial of the potion was stationed above the cauldron and this would be our prize at the end of today's lesson. Liquid Luck: would make the drinker lucky for a time. I could do with a bit of luck and it seemed many others were in agreeance, because everyone rushed to the cupboard in order to collect supplies.

Upon returning to my table I realised that the book which I had grabbed was in fact vandalised. Instead of the textbook being neatly presented on parchment, both the ingredients and method alike were crossed out and re-written making the text hard to decipher. At first I tried to muddle through, using the given instructions by the potion book manufacturer however in the end, this was too difficult to achieve and I resorted to using the new method written by whoever had owned the book before myself.

It turned out this was the correct decision to make. The potion was supposed to be a deep blue colour and that mine was, whereas Hermione's was an odd lilac shade and Ron's was a peculiar shade of green, both far from the indigo liquid in my cauldron. Therefore due to the help of The Half-Blood Prince, I now had one vial of liquid luck to contend with. In order to fill the whole lesson with the art of potion making, Professor Slughorn had concocted another potion to show the class.

"Amortentia is the most powerful Love Potion in existence, and the smell is significant to the person that he/she loves. For example I smell freshly mown grass, new parchment and..... spearmint toothpaste!" Hermione faltered as she finished her explanation however as she glanced at Ron, it was clear he had no inclination to act on how clearly they loved each other. They were my best-friends and I want them to be happy but I did not want to be a "third-wheel" so to speak, if they began dating.

The other girls in the class, namely, Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil obviously inched forward to try and get a smell of the potion. They of course were girls and wanted to know who the love of their life was however from my position I could easily get a whiff of the liquid.

Treacle Tart, the woody scent of handle and a flowery scent, like perfume, reached my nostrils as I inhaled the familiar scent. But for the life of me I could not remember where I had smelt that particular scent nor who wore that particular perfume. I racked my brain, trying with no avail to remember who it was. Eventually, I gave up as we left the potions classroom and made our way to Transfiguration, the next lesson of the day.

As we were were walking, my thoughts were elsewhere and I paid no attention to the people walking past. Many just ignored me but some were friends and muttered greetings as we approached.

"Hiya Harry!" an unmistakable voice, came from the side of me as they advanced down the corridor. That was when I smelt it. The distinct smell of flowery perfume. The person I had been trying to remember, unable to get out of my head.

Her long, ginger hair floated behind her shoulders as she walked down the corridor, swaying her slender hips as she walked. Her fiery red hair and freckles over her nose and cheeks were a sure sign of her bloodline; she was a Weasley.

It was her. It has always been her.

Ginny Weasley.

A/N: I am sorry I haven't updated in ages but I have been so busy over the last week as school is coming up next week! This chapter seems to have taken forever to write but I am pleased with how its turned out.

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