Partners In Crime (lietpol/Po...

By justanothercringe

58.8K 4.6K 6.6K

When Toris meets Feliks, he is overjoyed; Toris doesn't have many friends to start with. However, when Feliks... More

7 years later...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Bonus chapter
Bonus chapter 2

Bonus chapter 3

1.1K 88 91
By justanothercringe

Those deep violet eyes sent Ivan into shivers. So did those nimble fingers tugging at his scarf, and the knife affixed to her hip--who knew how she managed to sneak that into school?

"Ivan, Ivan!"

The Russian was practically paralyzed with fear. For some reason, Natalia's futile attempts at asking him out always managed to strike terror into him. Maybe it was the way shadows always seemed to dance across Natalia's face, or maybe it was the crazed look in her eyes. Either way, it was petrifying. "Please go away," Ivan whispered, trembling.

Natalia crossed her arms, mouth stuck in a grim smirk. She was used to Ivan's rejections by now. But not today. Oh no; Ivan was going to marry her whether he wanted to or not.

Natalia reached into her back pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. Hip Ships, it was titled. "Ivan, look! It's says here we should be married? See? See! Marry me, marry me, marry me!"

Ivan's knees were clattering. "N-no!" Natalia tightened her grip on his scarf.

The Belarusian pressed herself against Ivan's chest, clearly not willing to give up just yet. "One day," she pleaded. "Be mine for one day and afterward I'll leave you alone."

Ivan gulped. "Will you be doing the 'leaving alone' forever?"

Ivan's heart was still racing and fear still coiled in his gut, but the chance to get Natalia off his tail was a good one.

"A week," Natalia decided after a pause. "You be my boyfriend for a day with me, I'll leave you alone for a week. Then we will get married."

Natalia's relentless state bored into Ivan. He nodded, gulping.

**Time slips brought to you by Moldova's cosplay skills**

Natalia clung to Ivan's arm like a koala to a tree branch. Her fingers were icy cold, wrapping tightly around Ivan's bicep. If another girl so much as looked in their direction, Natalia would shoot them a murderous glare.

But despite the blatant discomfort of Natalia cutting the circulation off in his arm, it gave Ivan a sort of warm feeling. He'd never had anyone particularly want to get so close to him.

After all, even his closest friend, Toris, seemed to shy away from him when it came to physical contact. The Lithuanian would always walk toward the Russian hesitantly whenever he'd offer Toris a sunflower, or worse yet, a hug. But Natalia seemed more than happy to snuggle against the stocky Russian.

The other boys' jealous looks made Ivan a bit uncomfortable, but whatever. One day, Ivan would be super powerful and they'd all work for him, or become one as he liked to word it in his mind.


During lunch, Natalia saved a seat for Ivan. This was a pleasant change; normally Ivan was scrambling to find a spot that wasn't already 'saved' for someone else.

Huh. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all. Natalia was now vicious to everyone but him, which was a nice revision.

In fact, there more time Ivan spent with Natalia, the more he grew to like her.  She was always smiling with him, glowing with confidence, and she looked at Ivan with such a feel of appreciation and admiration that his heart soared.

Between class periods she would practically tackle him in a hug and hold onto him just a second or two longer than would be normal. She was blunt in her words, yes, but her brutal honesty was something that Ivan appreciated.

"Those guys," Natalia pointed to a group of athletically built boys. "They told me they don't like you."

"Why not?"

"Because they're assholes."

"Ohhhh. Okay. I lot of people don't like me."

"A lot of people are assholes."

Ivan smiled. So that's why people were always so rude to him. They were just 'assholes'. Who would've thought?


By the end of the day, Ivan was actually enjoying Natalia's company. He almost didn't want the gap week before they got "married".


Natalia's head turned fast. "Hmm?"

Ivan twiddled his thumbs. "What is the number of your phone?"

Natalia smiled, triumphant. She told Ivan her contact information before proudly announcing, "I don't need you to tell me your number. I already have it."

"You... Do?"

"Yup. And I also know your address, your email, your student ID number, the first and last names of your parents and grandparents and first cousins, your social security number, the password you've used for everything since you were seven, the estimate value of your house, your immigration records, all your school report cards, the exact url of your Instagram, the total balance in your family's bank account, the square footage of your backyard, and a copy of your birth certificate. Oh, and I also have your tax information bookmarked on my phone, and sometimes, when I get bored, I check to make sure that your parents are paying their taxes on time. They payed two days early this month."

Ivan's eyes widened. This information should have be been quite concerning, shouldn't it have? Yet somehow, Natalia's stalking didn't seem creepy to him, just sort of... Cute?

Was that the word? Did he find it cute that a girl probably knew more about him than he knew about himself?


But for sure, she was the first person Ivan wanted to 'become one' with.

A/N: Writers block, Writers block, lalala! Heh. Well sorry for the delay. I had a bit of writers block, plus a shit ton of school work. Like, do teachers not realize that I have better things to do than homework? Like write gay fanfiction for example.

QOTD: What Hetalia character do you think would be most likely to be your best friend?

AOTD: America. He's so energetic and he seems so fun!

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