Chapter 2

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Toris groaned as he got up the next morning. It was the first day of 8th grade. Yay...


The Lithuanian groggily walked into the homeroom he had been assigned. He groggily picked up the rest of his schedule and groggily made his way to an empty desk and groggily- HOLY SHIT!

Toris snapped to attention immediately when he saw her. Her honey-colored hair gleamed, her deep eyes shone almost violet, she was... Stunningly beautiful. His face grew red just looking at her, and his palms grew cold and clammy. It was Natalia Arlovskaya, his longtime crush since 6th grade. She was so perfect.

I mean, sure, Toris had never actually talked to Natalia and sure, maybe Ivan said she was a creep but that didn't stop her from being absolutely perfect in every single way.

Just look at that cute little beginning-of-the-year-scowl, and furrowed brow, and clenched fist, and bloodthirsty glare, and

"Are you staring at me?"

Toris jumped in his seat, heart sent fleeting in surprise. "I, what, um, n-no of course not, and was just um, glancing in that general direction of you but not at you..."

Toris refused to make eye contact with Natalia. She shrugged and, noticing Ivan walking into the class, rushed over to him like an obedient puppy.

Seats were filling quickly, and if Toris was lucky then Natalia would distract Ivan long enough for all the seats beside the Lithuanian to fill up.

A pink blur raced through the door just as the bell rang, and zipped its way over to Toris. As it slowed, the figure turned out to be... Feliks?

Toris inhaled sharply. Now that was unexpected. At least he wasn't stuck next to Ivan, besides, Feliks didn't seem to be so talkative during class.

"Psst, Liet." Never mind. The teacher was in the middle of attendance and didn't seem to notice Feliks's too-loud whisper, so Toris wasn't too irritated.

"Liet." Toris ignored Feliks, but couldn't stop a little smirk catching the corner of his lips. The Pole was annoying, sure, and showed up in unexpected places, alright, but he was kind of fun to have around. Easier to deal with than Ivan, surprisingly.


"Hey, hey Liet."

"Like, Liet, I'm talking to you."

"Liet, Liet, Liet, Liet, Liet, Liet, Liet, Liet..."

Okay, so maybe Feliks was a bit aggravating.

"Liet, Liet, Liet, Liet, Liet, Liet, Liet, Liet..."

No, scratch that. Very aggravating.


Toris took a deep breath.

"WHAT!?" It was so unlike him to yell, especially at another person. His outbreak must've surprised him as much as it did everyone else.

Every eye in the class turned to Toris. The teacher, Mr. Torvald, cleared his throat. "May I help you?" He asked coldly. Toris swallowed and shook his head. Great, he already made a bad first impression.

Feliks didn't seem very apologetic, though. When the teacher returned to attendance he leaned close to Toris and whispered, "Don't you like, love ponies?"

Toris knew he should be angry but something about the Pole was just so innocently oblivious that Toris just couldn't stay mad.

"Uh, sure."

"I totally love ponies 'cause you can, like, ride them. I like pink too, but you can't ride pink. My favorite things are things you can ride. Like, if you were a pony I would ride you."

Toris covered his mouth with his hand to prevent from laughing. That sounded strangely suggestive, although it was doubtful that Feliks realized it.

"Oh, but once I like, painted a pony pink! But then it rained and it got all wet and the paint, like, got washed away. It's hard riding a wet pony."

Another wave of immature thoughts assaulted Toris.

Mr. Torvald called out, "Toris Laurinatis?"

"Ehehe... Ehem. Here!"

"Feliks Łukasiewicz?"

"Um, actually I prefer Coroporal Pink Pony. Since, like, my hobbies include riding ponies, and painting things that are not pink so that they are pink. The Coroporal part I made up because it sounds totally awesome."

The entire class erupted in laughter, but Feliks didn't even acknowledge it.

One student in particular seemed to have an obnoxiously loud voice. He had skin almost as pale as his gray-white hair. Toris could hear him choke between fits of laughter, "He kesesese thinks that kesesese he is kesesese AWESOME kesesese-"

**time skips are a proud sponsor of Russia's questionable sanity**

After the incident in homeroom school continued as most first days of schools did: boring, filled with chatty teachers, and not even remotely educational.

Gym was Toris's final period of the day. And unfortunately, it was Ivan's final period as well.

The coach explained that for the first day the students would be playing volleyball two-on-two. Ivan ran to interlink arms with the Lithuanian.

Toris smiled a little. Both he and Ivan were much taller than most of the other 8th graders so they should be able to do pretty well.


On one side of the net stood Erika and Vash, and on the other, Toris and Ivan.

Toris was feeling pretty confident. Vash wasn't a bad athlete, but Erika was so petite and small she was practically a dead weight.

Ivan served the ball, his forearm sending the ball flying over the net. Vash ran and set the ball, and Erika stood delicately in the corner


Toris could hear the air whizzing around the volleyball. He concealed a terrified squeal, hitting the floor to avoid getting pegged. Ivan shouted and covered his face with his arms.

Vash and Erika high-fived. "Big bruder," Erika whispered, sounding quite satanic.

Toris shivered. Somehow he knew this game would be hell, and yet still, all he could think of was Feliks whispering about ponies and pink and-

Wham! Erika served the ball with as much ferocity as she'd spiked it. Ivan ran for it. "I got it!" He yelled.

He raised his open palm to smack the ball, but at the last minute lost his balance and smacked Toris in the back of the head instead.

He hit the ground before he even realized he'd been smacked.

A/N: fluff starts next chapter! Please vote if you enjoyed, it means a lot to me ^J^ thanks!

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