By catchhhhhh

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A young lady named Nam Hee Yeon; passionate and strong-willed editor in Seoul whom shut herself out from the... More

Only You: Prologue
Only You: Chapter 1
Only You: Chapter 2
Only You: Chapter 3
Only You: Chapter 4
Only You: Chapter 5
Only You: Chapter 6
Only You: Chapter 7
Only You: Chapter 8
Only You: Chapter 9
Special Chapter I
Only You: Chapter 10
Only You: Chapter 11
Only You: Chapter 12
Only You: Chapter 13
Only You: Chapter 14
Only You: Chapter 15
Only You: Chapter 16
Only You: Chapter 17
Only You: Chapter 18
Only You: Chapter 19
Special Chapter II
Only You: Chapter 21
Only You: Chapter 22
Only You: Chapter 23
Only You: Chapter 24
Only You: Chapter 25
Only You: Chapter 26
Only You: Chapter 27
Only You: Chapter 28
Only You: Chapter 29
Only You: Chapter 30
Only You: Chapter 31
Special Chapter III
Only You: Chapter 32
Only You: Chapter 33
Only You: Chapter 34
Only You: Chapter 35
Only You: Chapter 36
Only You: Chapter 37
Only You: Chapter 38
Special Chapter IV
Only You: Chapter 39
Only You: Chapter 40
Only You: Chapter 41
Only You: Chapter 42
Only You: Chapter 43
Only You: Epilogue
Appreciation Post

Only You: Chapter 20

1.9K 100 44
By catchhhhhh

[Korean Translations]
Aegyo (애교): To act cute
Ajhussi (아저씨): Old man
Ajhumma (아줌마): Old woman
Ani (아니): No
Annyeong (안녕): Hello/Goodbye
Arasseo (알았어): Alright
Chukhahae (축하해): Congratulations
Daebak (대박): Awesome
Dongsaeng (동생): Younger Sibling/ Friend
Eomma (엄마): Mother
Hajima (하지마): Stop
Hyung (형): Older brother for males/Friend
Hwaiting (화이팅): Goodluck/ You can do it!
Gomawo (고마워): Thank you
Gwenchana (괜찮아): Are you okay?
Jalja (잘자): Goodnight
Jalmeokesseubnida (잘먹겠습니다): Thanks for the food
Jebal (제발): Please
Jinjja/Jeongmal (진짜/ 정말): Really
Maknae (막내): Youngest child/friend out of the group
Mianhe (미안해): I'm sorry
Ne (네): Yes
Noona (누나): Older sister for males /Friend
Omo (어머): Oh my
Ottoke (어떡해): What should I do?
Oppa (오빠): Older brother for females/Boyfriend
Saengil Chukhahae (생일축하해): Happy Birthday
Pabo (바보): Stupid
Wae (왜): Why?
Yeppeoda (예쁘다): Pretty

Chapter 20: Truth
Tuesday, December 17 2013

Jimin's POV

A deep throaty voice startle me as I hear it call my name across the hall and I know immediately who was it from. Not knowing what to do, I instinctively run and hide behind Hee Yeon. She tries to shake me off but I stay still and firm at her back.

As I notice Namjoon hyung getting closer and closer, all I can think of doing is close my eyes thinking maybe that will make him disappear. I know it's a childish act but I do not have a choice. Namjoon hyung then suddenly grabbed me by the arm and drag me away just a few feet behind.

No, this is not happening in front of Hee Yeon. This is embarrassing. What would she think of me now? I look like a kid in front of her more than ever that will never be a man for her.

"Why did you suddenly disappear Jimin? And who's that? Is she somehow a new boss because she looks like one," Namjoon hyung asks as he quickly gaze at her while Hee Yeon stares at us.

"I don't know yet hyung. I was about to find out but you suddenly drag me," I explain, blaming it all on him. "And besides I didn't disappear I just went off to find her."

"Wait. You know her? How?" asks Namjoon hyung again as he secretly points at her.

Before I got the chance to answer his questions, three of the others came and interrupt us. Hobi hyung with his arms wrapped around Taehyung's shoulders and then followed by Jungkook.

I let off a chuckle as I see how Hee Yeon reacted when Hobi hyung and Tae smiled at her. If I was her I would also be weirded out by those two. And then there's Jungkook, who just passed by her being all shy again, as always when there's new people.

"Jiminnie.. Jiminnie.. why do you keep disappearing?" Hobi hyung says as he shook his head at me. "You know Namjoon hates it when you suddenly vanishes out of his sight," Hobi hyung chuckles.

"Hyung? Hyung? Who's the noona? Why is she staring at us?" whispers Jungkook while he looks at me with his eyes widen giving me the 'I don't know what's going on' look again.

Before I could say anything Namjoon interrupted with a question, "Where are the other hyungs?" he asks to the three who just arrived.

"There they are," Tae exclaims as he points to them using his head, pass behind Hee Yeon, making us all look at the same direction.

Yoongi hyung together with Jin hyung slowly walks towards us. One of them suddenly looks at Hee Yeon as they walk closer and closer to her with squinted eyes. I guess he was also curious who she is.

But then he suddenly stops and approach Hee Yeon from behind. He looks like he said something but I can't tell because they're pretty far and my hearing isn't that great.

Why would he stop behind her and talk to her? Did he met her already immediately after she got accepted?

That's pretty cool. I guess I won't have to bother introducing them to each other now.

What really caught my attention is the way Hee Yeon stood still with an expression that I can't distinguish, plastered on her face. I've seen that expression before, I thought, but where.

He then suddenly touched her on the shoulder making her turn around to face him. Even though Hee Yeon has her back turned from me I can sense that she was surprised and I was too.

And then I hear him say her name. How did he knew her name? Is there by any chance that they really know each other?

Everyone gasped after what happened next. Hee Yeon unexpectedly bumped her shoulder into his body that made him fall a little bit out of balance.

She then walks away quickly headed for the stairs. Everyone is making this indescribable expressions, most of them has their jaw dropped looking shocked.

"Hyung!" Jungkook shouts as he runs and tries to comfort him.

"What happened?" Hobi hyung asks with a very worried tone and face but everyone didn't know what happened including me.

I knew immediately that something was wrong. When I was about to run after her, Namjoon hyung grabbed my arm and look at me curiously. I gave him the same look back because I don't know what is happening either.

I remove his hand slowly then continue to walk. I walk pass the two slowly and look at specifically him, he has this expression on his face that I've never seen before. He looks like he didn't expect any of that to happen.


Hee Yeon continuously walks hastily up the stairs while I run after her, calling her. No matter how fast I run I can't seem to catch up to her and she's not even running.

Wow. She's really fast, I thought. Where is she heading anyway? And did she just told me that she's not yet familiar with the building? I keep asking myself what the hell happened that possibly made her like this.

When we reach the top she suddenly went through a door which I guess leads to the rooftop. As soon as I open the door, I feel the cold breeze embrace my body immediately.

I've never been to the top of this building before but I expected that it will be like this. An empty wide space with water tanks all over the place and the exits for air vents.

Hee Yeon stood in the middle of the empty space staring blankly into nothing. I can tell that she's breathing heavily because her shoulders are moving up rapidly. As I approach her, I remove my coat and wrap it around her to save her from freezing.

"Yeonie?" I utter as I walk in front of her but she just keeps staring into nothing and didn't respond.

I don't know if she didn't noticed me or she's just ignoring me, intendedly.

"Is everything okay? Hee Yeon?" I ask as I hold her shoulder but she still didn't reply or even look at me. "May I know why did you did that to Jin hyung?" I ask politely. Maybe she has a good reason that she did that or perhaps it is just an accident.

There must be something that I've said that got her attention because she gradually looked at me with her eyes wide as if someone scared her.

"Y-you.. Y-you know Seokjin?" she murmurs and I nod.

She slowly dropped to the ground making herself sat on the floor as she looks at me while her eyes starts to fill up with tears.



Why would she call Jin hyung, Seokjin? She's a year younger than him, isn't she? Do they know each other perhaps? If they do, why would she do that to him? And why would Hee Yeon react like this?

And then I finally realized.

I remember now where I saw that expression before. It was whenever that stupid guy do something to Hee Yeon. The stupid guy which was the reason she almost got run by a car and the reason why we met.

I dropped to the ground as well, as I realize what was happening.

No. It can't be.

I convince myself that I might be wrong because it's hard to process this on my mind. It's impossible. But I want to know if I'm right so I need to confirm this to her.

"Hee Yeon.. I-is it perhaps.. T-that guy from the past.. is it.." my voice cracks up every time I try to ask her.

I don't know why but it's difficult for me to say it. I'm not ready for this. I've changed my mind and I don't want to know the answer. Just when I was about to stand up, Hee Yeon slowly hold my hands and stares at me with her eyes looking gloomy.

"It's him," she utters.

I feel my pupils shrink as I hear her say that. Maybe I heard wrong. I have a very weak hearing so I guess I must've heard wrong. I mean it's impossible for him to be Jin hyung.

It can't be him.

A few minutes passed and I let off a deep sigh. I guess I can't deny this anymore. Hee Yeon won't make up stories anyway and lie about it and Jin hyung seems to know her. I have to accept the fact that he is the guy Hee Yeon was referring to all this time.

It's okay. I just have to accept it. It's not going to change my bond between Jin hyung. I'll still respect him and Hee Yeon will still be my friend. But despite of the situation why do I get this feeling of ache on my chest.

"H-how did you know Seokjin?" she asks after she inhaled deeply.

The expression on her face suddenly changes from dreary into a serious one.

"Uhmm.. Remember the hyungs I was talking about? Well.. he's one of them," I answer.

"How did you know each other?" she asks again.

"A-actually, the seven of us.. we're from the same boy group," I gulped. Thinking how she'll react now that she knows the truth about me.

After I said that she stared at me surprised and confused, "Wait. Y-you're an idol?" and I nod. "W-why? H-how? I mean why didn't you told me earlier?"

"I was afraid of how you'll think of me after. But I was going to, a moment ago, if Namjoon hyung hasn't showed up and interrupted us," I utter.

I really was planning to tell her a moment ago because I want her to be cleared out from this since we'll be seeing each other a lot.

"And I was kinda planning of introducing you to them but I guess you wouldn't want to meet them anymore," I add.

She inhales deeply then stands up and fix her clothes. She then removes my coat and gave it back to me.

"Come on.." she utters, smiling.

"I want to meet them."

End of Chapter 20

A fan fiction is only a fan fiction.
No real harm done to the characters
of the story.


These chapters are dedicated to those who keeps voting and commenting on my chapters. Your votes and comments really psyched me up and makes me really happy so Thank You very much! Please continue to send love 💕

BTS4ever28 | EeveeZelena | kookiejiminxx | kpop_stories_rocker

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