Saved (Part 2)

By CreativeCooki

3.9K 246 18

'We still had hope, didn't we? I could still save him...right?' Time is running out and with Alistar on the m... More

The Road So Far
Saved (One)
Saved (Two)
Saved (Three) Dean
Saved (Four)
Saved (Five)
Changed (Six)
Saved (Seven)
Saved (Nine)
Saved (Ten)
Saved (Final)
Seraph (Final Part) Sneak Peek

Saved (Eight)

161 13 0
By CreativeCooki

Saved (Eight)

"He knew that you guys would come looking for me," Castiel said quietly, his eyes trained down at his hands while Meg left the room to give us privacy. "I'm...I'm sorry, Dean." But I didn't know what to say, because...

How was I supposed to react?

We actually failed.

The world as we know it will be in complete and utter chaos and there was nothing we can do about it. Sam's vision was coming true and no doubt he'd think the rest of the vision would too...

The one were I go to the dark side.

"Why don't we go out for a walk?" Castiel asked suddenly and I sighed.

"Cas, I really don't-"

"Please? Just a quick walk to get the juices flowing and then we can decide what to do from there." His blue eyes begged me and I couldn't help but nod, because's not like this would change anything.


"How would you like to be human again?" Death asked him and for a moment, Castiel's breathing stopped, his eyes wide in shock before he smiled ever so slightly.

"What do I have to do?" He asked him, staring up at Death with determined blue eyes. Because to be human again meant getting rid of this curse, and maybe, just maybe, Dean would love him back after it was gone, because that's what he wanted right?

To be with a human?

"Easy. Just go to this location at exactly eight o'clock and let the pieces fall as they may."

Cas frowned down at the paper the angel handed over to him, peeking up at Death from under his lashes. "That's it? Just go here?" It seemed a little too good to be true.

"Yes, that's all I need you to do. Oh, and if you could bring Dean with you-"

"No." Cas said immediately, crumbling up the paper in his hand. "I'm not gonna bring Dean to this shady ass place, even if-"

"No, you idiot. You need someone there to protect you just in case intruders arrive." Death cut him off, seeming genuine and Castiel studied the angel for a moment before glancing down at the crumbled paper in his hand.

"No one will get hurt, right?" He asked quietly and Death nodded.

"No one will get hurt. All you have to do is keep quiet and take Dean there and I'll take care of the rest."

So that's what Castiel did. He kept silent. He pretended that his conversation with Death never happened and somehow managed to drag Dean over to the location.

But Cas should've known it was a trap.

What was he thinking? Trusting the angel of Death? As if! It was like signing your own funeral, which was exactly what Cas and Dean were trying to avoid right now.

"I thought you said this was safe!" Dean snapped as they ran down the street, blood dripping down their chins from having to fend off some of the vampires that jumped them and Cas glared at him briefly before tugging Dean into an alleyway on their left.

"I thought it was too! But I was wrong, okay? I'm sorry-"

"Apologize when we aren't being chased by a group of homicidal vampires!" Dean grunted out then pointed at the fire escape for them to climb up it. Castiel followed obediently and sped up to the top, both him and Dean peeking down the roof of the building to watch as the vampires ran passed their spot and off towards another direction.

"You're damn lucky you're my mate, or I swear..." he trailed off as Cas looked down at the ground, guilt written all over his expression. Dean sighed.

"Tell me everything." He ordered softly and after a moment's hesitation, Castiel did, watching as Dean's expression darkened with every word he said.

"I knew it. That little fucker is up to something and I don't like it," Dean frowned, pacing infront of him. Cas bit his lip.

"Should we warn, Sam?" He asked tentatively.

Dean nodded immediately. "We kinda have to now..." he mumbled, then suddenly laughed bitterly. "Oh, Bobby is just gonna have a field day with this one." He muttered, running a hand through his hair and while Castiel was worried for his mate, he was more worried about the bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.

The one that said that everything was about to change.


"God, how long are you planning on staying passed out? An angel of Death can only pause reality for so long," Death drawled the second I came back into consciousness. And I furrowed my brows in confusion, my eyes fluttering open before I froze in shock.

Reality really had been put on pause.

I could tell from the unmoving forms of Bobby and Trevor in the corner of the room. They looked like they had been paused in a middle of an argument, Trevor pushed up against the wall, while Bobby glared at him, his mouth half open and probably demanding to know what the hell happened to me.

You and me both, I thought bitterly.

"What is this?" I frowned as I sat up slowly from the bed, my eyes skimming around the room before they landed on Death, who leaned against the wall across from me with his arms folded over his chest.

"Time. The only chance we have together before everything turns to hell," he said simply and I frowned further, letting my eyes drift over to the two people in the corner of the room again, as if they'd suddenly wake out of whatever trance they were put in before I glanced back at the angel.

"Time for what?" I asked him as his words seemed to finally register in my mind, but I knew that it had something to do with that vision overload from earlier. It had to be.

"The vision, of course." He said, standing up straighter now. "I came here to tell you that's it's about to come true." He said and I froze, whatever defensive comments I had about Dean and myself dying down.

All of that...was real?

"B-but I thought-"

"What? That you still had time?" He chuckled dryly. "I told you that he was plotting, Samuel. And because of your stubborness now he's already put his plan into motion."

"But D-Dean," I started to argue and he sighed, cutting me off.

"Dean is starting to change as well. Look, I get that you wanna keep your boyfriend and all and that's sweet of you, but he's a vampire, Sam. They're bad people."

No. I refused to believe that! Dean was different. Dean was good!

"You're really gonna make me show you, aren't you?" And I frowned in confusion as Death snapped his fingers, conjuring a crystal ball into his hand and holding it out to me as an image appeared in the ball.

"No..." I whispered, watching with wide eyes as I saw Dean and Cas running through the streets, blood dripping down their chins. "No! This isn't true! You're lying!" I yelled at him and his eyes darkened.

"Does it feel like I'm lying?" He asked lowly. "Because tell me why else Dean wouldn't answer your calls, or why else he was soooo desperate to find Castiel, hmm?" My eyes watered. "He was using you, Sam, since day one. Lying to you, gaining your trust, doing what ever he could to side track you from stopping Alistar, and worked, didn't it?" My bottom lip trembled, my eyes glancing back at the image of Cas and Dean. Death sighed. "This isn't the Dean you fell in love with, Sam. And I'm sorry, but it's the truth. This man...this thing, is a vampire, and he's currently heading right here right now to finish you off. So the question is...are you gonna stand here and let it happen? Or are you gonna fight back?"

No....god, this was too much for me right now! I'm so confused! There's gotta be an explanation...there's gotta be a way to make things right again!

"Only you can decide your fate," Death said quietly then he snapped his fingers and vanished, the world unpausing as Bobby and Trevor started to move again.

And the pressure suddenly felt too much, Bobby's yelling, Trevor's fangs nearly peeking out from under his lips, the image of Dean and Cas replaying over and over again, and before I could even stop and think about what I was about say, I just...blurted it all out.

"Dean's not dead, Bobby."

And suddenly, for once in a really long time, everything was quiet.


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