The New Beta(Liam Dunbar Fanf...

By Teenwolfmccallpack

146K 1.9K 469

Alyssa McCall is Scott McCall's little sister. You know, the True Alpha who is always running into trouble? W... More

The Dark Moon(pt.1)
The Dark Moon(pt.2)
The Benefactor(pt.1)
The Benefactor(pt.2)
Another Day(bonus chapter pt.1)
Another Day(bonus chapter pt.2)
Authors Note :(
Stuck In Between(bonus chapter pt.1)
Stuck In Between(bonus chapter pt.3)
Pain and Forgiveness(bonus chapter)
Author's Note
A Bit of Love
~I'm Alive Guys~

Stuck In Between(bonus chapter pt.2)

3.5K 71 32
By Teenwolfmccallpack

Btw, thoughts are in italics...
"Guys, please let me in!," Scott shouted, pounding on Liam's front door.

"Go away and leave Alyssa alone!," Liam shouted back, and I buried my head deeper in his chest, whimpering like the weakling I am. "Mason, we'll have to hang out later. I'm sorry dude."

I peeked under Liam's arm, vision blurred slightly from the tears running down my face, and saw Mason nod. He gave me a sympathetic smile, and turned towards the door.

"I'll see you guys later then," Mason mumbled, then opened the door, causing Scott to almost hit him in the face as he went to pound on the door again. Mason slammed the door behind him, and Liam let go of me to walk over and lock the door. A few seconds later, the doorknob rattled.

"Please" my brother's voice cracked, and I heard his hand bang against the door again, before sliding down it slowly. "I just-I just wanna t-talk."

I felt my tears fall faster at my brother sounding so broken. I felt my legs begin to wobble, and Liam's eyes widened as he rushed over to me. His arms wrapped around me just as my legs gave out. Sobs made their way through my body as Liam sat down on the floor, pulling me into his lap, my legs on both sides of him and I rested my head in the crook of his neck.

I heard a snap that was shortly followed by the door creaking open.
"Alyssa?," Scott called, and I whimpered, digging my face into Liam's neck.

"What the hell?," Liam growled.

"Don't worry, we'll fix the doorknob," I heard Stiles reply. "I already had a spare one made with the same keyhole and with me just in case we had to break it, and obviously we did."

"So you thought breaking in would help?," Liam ground out, hugging me closer as more sobs racked my body. "Get out! You're just hurting her even more by being here!"

"Not until she listens," Scott replied and my sobs got louder as I shook my head best I could considering I had my face buried in my boyfriends neck. I gripped onto Liam like he was my lifeline when I heard them take a few steps closer to us, my sobs becoming slightly hysterical. Dang, this is almost as bad as it was when we almost lost Liam. But with less anger.

I felt Liam place one of his hands gently under my butt, then stood up slowly, causing me to tightly wrap my legs around his wait. "Fix the doorknob and get the hell out of my house!"

I heard Scott sigh, then silence for a few seconds before I heard footsteps walk towards the door. I heard something jiggling for a minute or two, then the door creaked, the footsteps went outside, and the door slammed shortly afterwards. Liam sighed before turning and walking back to his room. I heard him kick his door closed before he walked to his bed, leaning over to set me down, but I refused to let go, afraid he would disappear.

"Lyss, you can let go, I'm not gonna leave you," Liam whispered softly in attempts to reassure me, and my cries began to soften. "I just wanna set you down so we can lay down and watch a movie again. I wanna cuddle with my amazing and beautiful mate."

I slowly let go of him as he set me on the bed, then buried my face in my hands, still sobbing but not as hard as before. I heard him walk over to his tv, mess with the Xbox for a few seconds, the walked over to the other side of the bed. I felt the bed dip before 2 hands grabbed me. Liam pulled me onto his chest, then started softly stroking my hair. I buried my face in his bare chest, fireworks dancing throughout my body, and my cries began to soften even more, then became nonexistent a minute later, only hiccups present.

"Are you ok?," Liam asked softly, and I shrugged my shoulders best I could laying on him. "Would watching 21 Jump Street make you feel better?" I sat up quickly, straddling his waist(Liam's downstairs area decided to make itself known, so I had to hold back laughter), and grinned. I nodded my head quickly and he laughed. "I thought so. I put that movie in cause I know you love it. Heck, I love the movie too."

I rolled off of my mate, and sat next to him, waiting for him to press play. He chuckled, but grabbed the Xbox remote off the bedside table next to him, pressing play. I bounced up and down, my previous sadness once again forgotten for the moment, and the only thing I was focused on was watching one of my favorite movies with my awesome boyfriend.

I looked over at him to see that he was watching me with amusement, and I stuck my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes and chuckled a little bit. I watched him for another second before quickly leaning in, slamming my lips onto his. Our lips moved in sync, in a sweet, but passionate kiss. He sat up, pushing me onto my back, and straddled me, his lips staying firmly pressed against mine.

He traced my bottom lip with my tongue, trying to get me to open up, but I denied, deciding to tease him a bit. I felt one of his hands slid to my butt, before squeezing it firmly. I gasped and he slipped his tongue inside my mouth. We battled for dominance, both of us fighting hard, before I gave it to him. A second later, we broke apart, both of us breathing heavily. That didn't stop Liam though. He began trailing kisses down my neck. When his lips hit the point where my shoulder and neck meets on my right side, I moaned loudly. I felt him smile slightly against my skin before nipping and licking the area, more moans escaping my mouth. Suddenly I heard a growl before his teeth (he had shifted I guess) sunk into the spot he was just sucking on, and I screamed at the intense pain. It was excruciating. After a few more seconds, the pain faded quickly and became the most pleasurable feeling ever. The loudest moan I could possibly make escaped my mouth as I dug my nails into his lower back. I felt his tongue lick at the bite mark, then he slowly leaned his head away.
I felt my mind open up, and another presence enter it.

What the holly hell just happened?

"I'm not really sure," Liam answered, looking at me shocked.

"Did I say that out loud?," I questioned.

"No, I don't think you did," he replied in shock. "I think I just heard your thoughts."

"Dang," I muttered. "Well, let's see if works for me! Think something."

"Gosh I love this girl so much. She is so beautiful and amazing. I just want to keep her by my side forever, and love her in every way possible."

"Aw, Liam," I beamed, blushing. "I love you too, my handsome and wonderful mate."

He slowly leaned in and pressed his lips back onto mine, this kiss slow and sweet, but we broke apart when I yawned, causing Liam to laugh.

"Shh," I mumbled, yawning again. "Let me up, I wanna see my neck that you just savagely bit."

"Yeah, I have no idea what got into me," he blushed, looking away. "I just felt something kinda take over, then the next thing I know, I was biting you, then licking over it to stop clean it. You did seem to enjoy it though."

Now it was my turn to blush, making him laugh.
"Shut it you."

I got up, stumbling slightly from the random exhaustion that hit me, and went into Liam's bathroom. I looked in the mirror at my reflection, slowly moving my hair away from my neck. I gasped in shock at what I saw. On the right side of my neck, where Liam bit the area where my neck and shoulder meet, there was a light purple crescent moon and under it was L.D. in cursive. It was beautiful. I heard Liam get up and walk this way.

"Hey babe, what's-," Liam paused as he saw my neck. "Woah."

He walked forward slowly, his eyes on my neck still, then stopped when his chest was pressed against my back, and I felt his excitement in the 'downstairs' area. He lifted his right hand, then gently grazed his fingers on the mark. A rush of pleasure shot through me, and I moaned softly, gripping onto the countertop. He gave me a smile before leaning over and lightly pressed his lips on the mark causing me to moan even louder, tilting my neck away to give him more access. I felt his smile grow bigger as he nibbled on my neck, my moans probably echoing through the the house. A second later, I found myself turned around, and Liam slammed his lips on mine. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck as he licked my bottom lip, intertwining my fingers in his hair as he slipped his hands under my thighs. I opened my mouth, granting him entrance, and we fought hard for dominance. He pulled up slightly on my legs, and I jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist. He turned, our lips not breaking apart, and quickly walked to his bed, slowly setting me on my back. He pulled away, then straddled my, trailing kisses down my neck, stopping when he reached my mark.

"Liam," I attempted to say, but instead moaned it, and he took that as cue to keep going, slipping his hands under my shirt, right under my boobs, making me very aware that I still was not wearing a bra. "Babe, we gotta- we gotta stop. Maybe l-later, b-but not right now."
It was hard to force those words out.
I wanted to keep going, and not to mention, they all sounded like moans instead of normal words.

He nodded as he pulled away, breathing deeply.

"I'm gonna go take a shower," Liam said, getting off of me slowly. He beamed at me, staring with longing clear in his face.

"Is is gonna be a cold one?," I giggled.

"Oh shut it," he mumbled, playfully glaring at me, and I busted out laughing. He chuckled before turning and going into the bathroom, but not shutting the door. He started the shower, then turned to look at me. He slowly started pulling down his boxers, and I quickly covered my eyes with my hands.

"Liam," I whined, blushing. I was trying so hard not to look, and preserve the little of my innocence I had left. Though I have to admit, that turned me on even more.

He started laughing really hard. "Now you know how it feels babe."

I groaned, then remembered he could probably smell, and feel my arousal, and I blushed even harder.

"I can imagine you can feel and smell mine too," I heard him say in my head.

"LIAM," I whined louder. "Just get in the shower and stop invading my head. We've only had this for a little while and you're already space invading." I giggled again.

He laughed then replied,"I'm in the shower, you can uncover your eyes now."

"Are you sure I can trust you?"


I peeked through my fingers, and didn't see him. I sighed, knowing for sure that he was in the shower.

"Don't be too long," I thought to him, yawning as my exhaustion hit me again.

"I won't, just gimme a minute, ok?"

"Yea, I just wanna cuddle, I'm tired."

I yawned one last time, then rolled over and closed my eyes, just listening to the water hitting against Liam's skin, and against the bathtub.

A few minutes later, I felt myself beginning to drift off. I heard the water shut off a moment later, then a rustling before footsteps headed my way.

"Hey babe, you ok?," Liam asked, moving hair out of my face. I rolled over to face him.

"Yea, I'm fine," I mumbled, yawning again. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at him. He gave me a smile, his right hand resting on my cheek, the other holding up his towel. I slowly drug my eyes over his legs, waist, six-pack, then back up to his face, admiring him while water slowly dripped down his skin.

His laugh snapped me out of my lustful state, and I blushed scarlet red. "Like what you see?"

"Eh," I replied, trying to cover up my embarrassment. "I've seen so much better."

There is no one better, or better looking, than him.

He growled lightly, then crawled over top of me, straddling my waist once more.
Except he was only in a towel this time.

"L-liam, w-what are you doing?"
I watched him with wide eyes as he leaned down and put his lips next to my ear.

"Angel, I know you just told a lie as I heard you think it," he whispered. "And by the way, you're the best I've ever seen too."
He climbed off of me, and I was still breathing heavily. "Now look away, unless you want to see me get dressed."

I covered my eyes with my hands again and heard rustling around. After a minute, I heard footsteps head this way, then felt the bed dip, and arms wrapped around me, sending tingles shooting through my body.

"You can look now," he whispered.

I uncovered my eyes and looked at him. He had a light blue t-shirt on, and a plain pair of black boxers on. I smiled and snuggled into him, relishing in the warmth and comfort. I closed my eyes, and drifted off quickly as Liam drug his fingers through my hair softly.
I watched as Alyssa fell asleep, smiling as she breathed out in content. I shifted to lay on my back, pulling her onto my chest. The sudden movement caused her to grip tightly onto my shirt in her sleep, like she was subconsciously afraid of me leaving. I sighed as I continued to run my fingers through her hair, and thinking about Mason who had to leave when he just wanted to hang out with us cause he hasn't gotten to.

I should have him come back over. I slowly got up, peeling Alyssa's fingers off of my shirt and set her gently back on the bed causing her to whimper in her sleep, a frown appearing on her face. I sighed again, then headed out of my room and into the kitchen, bringing my phone with me. I quickly dialed Mason's number while I drummed my fingers along the kitchen countertop.

It rang a few times before he picked up.
"Missing me already?"

I laughed. "No. I just thought my best friend might want to hang out still because our fun was cut short by Alyssa's brother."

"Eh, maybe. Who says I don't have other plans and can't hang out with my best friends?"

"C'mon, we both know you don't, and whatever it was, you'd rather play video games with me and Alyssa," I joked.

"I guess you're right, be over in half an hour."

"Ok, see ya then."

I set my phone down on the countertop, glad my friend wasn't mad and was still willing to come hang. I folded my arms on the counter, then set my forehead on top. I closed my eyes, enjoyed the quiet, yet feeling awkward at the same time. I stood there for a few more minutes before an ear-splitting scream cut through the air, and immense pain shot through my sides. I jerked my head up, then bolted to my room. I came to an abrupt stop the second I got in the doorway. Alyssa was sitting up in my bed, her arms wrapped tightly around her, her face contorted in a look of pain, and tears continuously streaming down her faced as she screamed. I rushed over and curled my arms around her.

"Hey, hey, hey," I whispered in a rush, trying to get her attention. "It was just a dream, you're ok. Look at me, you're ok."

She stopped screaming, but continued to sob harshly. I put my face in the crook of her neck, and lightly pressed my lips against her mark, holding them there for a few seconds as her crying stopped.
I pulled my head away to look at her tear stained face, her eyes open but her face still held a pain filled expression.

"Are you ok?," I asked softly, and she shrugged her shoulders, not moving her arms from her waist. I inhaled deeply, expecting to get a just rush of her intoxicating scent, but instead got her wonderful scent with a slight mix in of mine, and blood. "Are you hurt?"

"Define hurt," Alyssa asked sarcastically, her voice slightly raspy.

"Are you bleeding?," I tried again, already knowing the answer. She looked hesitant, but slowly nodded. I pulled away from her, causing her frown to deepen. "Where?"

I watched as she pulled her hands away from her sides, revealing that her claws were out and covered in blood. She sat completely still as I grabbed the hem of my shirt that she was wearing, and lifted it up, stopping right under her breasts. There were 5 claw marks and scratches on both of her sides oozing blood, each of them pretty deep. I grazed my fingers down her sides, wiping some of the blood away.

"Hey, I'm gonna run you a bath, ok? Mason is gonna be here in about 25 minutes, so you don't really have to rush." I picked her up and brought her into the bathroom, and sat her down on the toilet seat. I turned to the bathtub and started the water, making it pretty hot, but not too much to where it would burn. I turned to Alyssa, and watched her for a second before pushing her hair behind her ear, making her smile softly. "Can I undress you, and help you into the bath? I know you can probably do it, but I don't want you to hurt yourself any more, even with your supernatural healing."

She just nodded. She lifted her arms for me, and I slowly pulled her shirt over her head. I sucked in a deep breath as I took in her naked chest, her toned stomach, the claw marks no longer visible, only the blood that wasn't cleaned off. I just wanted to take her right here, but I knew neither one of us were ready. I grabbed her hand, getting some of her blood that was on her fingers onto my hand, and pulled her up. I slid my boxers down from around her waist, gulping when I saw her lacy black panties. I quickly slid those down too, and she stepped out of both. I threw them off to the side, then picked her up and gently set her in the bathtub. I let her dip her head back to get her hair wet, the grabbed the shampoo. I squirted a glob into my hand, then began to shampoo her hair, gently massaging her scalp. When I was done I had her tilt her head back again and rinsed the shampoo out of her hair. I then did the same with the conditioner, still being gentle with her as she seems really shaken up from the dream still. After I got the conditioner out of her hair, I grabbed my loofa and put a glob of my body wash on it. I carefully washed her body, starting from her neck and working my way down. I finished a couple of minutes later, then unclogged the drain, and grabbed a towel from the cabinets under the sink.

"I'm gonna go get new pajamas, ok?," I asked.

"Ok," she whispered, wrapping her arms around her legs.

I speed walked into my and over to my dresser. I grabbed a pair of my dark red boxers and a black t-shirt. I then went over to her suitcase and grabbed out a pair of her underwear. I ran back into the bathroom, then set the clothes on the countertop. I walked over to the bathtub and lifted her out of it, not caring that I was getting my shirt wet. I stood her up on the floor, and she shivered when I let go. I immediately grabbed the towel I set out and wrapped it around her, drying her body off quickly, and then dried the ends of her hair so it wasn't dripping. I then grabbed her lacy blue underwear off the counter and held them by her feet. She slowly stepped into them, and I slid them up, then did the same with the boxers I had grabbed for her. When I grabbed the shirt, I gently slipped it over her head, and she giggled when her hair was pushed in front of her face. I smiled then let her slip her arms through the shirt sleeves. I brushed her hair out of her face, then grabbed her hand and led her back to my bed. She sat down and smiled up at me. I smiled back, both of us staring into one another's eyes until a knock at the door made us jump.

"I'll be right back, I'm just gonna go unlock the door for Mason, ok?"

"Ok," she replied, sliding over to the middle of my bed. "But hurry please. I love you L Dawg."

"I love you too Lyss," I grinned, then bolted out of the room. I grabbed my phone off the kitchen countertop, then went to the front door. I unlocked it, then opened it wide. "Hey, Mason. Ready to get your ass kicked?"

He laughed. "Not a chance, it'll be you who gets your ass kicked my friend."

We both walked back to my room where Alyssa had already set up the X-box, two controllers connected.

"Thanks babe," I smiled as I walked over to the right side of my bed, and sat next to her. I gave her a small kiss on the lips, then slid in closer next to her, grabbing my controller, wrapped my left arm around her, pulling her close. She curled into my side, smiling.

"Hey Mase?," she called as Mason sat on the opposite side of her, grabbing his controller.

"Yea?," he questioned.

"Don't loose too bad," she laughed and he playfully glared at her.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence."

"No problem," she laughed. I felt her arms wrap around my torso as Mason pressed start for team death match on Black Ops 2. We were about a minute in, me and my computer team winning, when I felt Alyssa fall asleep and I smiled.

This is something I could definitely get used to.
Anyways, let me know what you think!
Do you think Liam and Alyssa's relationship is too fast or perfect the way it is?
Comment please and let me know!
And man was it getting steamy between them❤️😍💋
Oh, and do you want the next chapter to be another bonus chapter part or do you want me to move onto my base off of the next episode?

Love y'all's so very much
~Teenwolfmccallpack 😘❤️

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