Nightingale ||Newt, Maze Runn...

By bloodyhellxo

3.1K 124 22

He hated every second, every minute, every hour, every day he had to spend in the maze. It drove him mad to t... More

Author's Note


454 11 2
By bloodyhellxo

[Newt's P.O.V]

Once we heard the box hit the top, Winston and Gally open up the rusty old door while I jump in to pull up the greenie.

As usual, it was a boy, he looked no older than 16 and I could tell by his face that like any of us, he lost his memory as well.

"Day one greenie, rise and shine." I extend my hand and once he takes, I pull him up and out of the box. Once I do that, I start hearing all the commotion coming from the rest of the gladers surrounding the box.

"Look at that shank!"

"How old is he?"

"Looks like a klunk in a t-shirt."

"You're the klunk, shuck-face."

I look at the greenie who seems like he's about to klunk his pants at any minute. I take a deep breath and look at everyone with a stern gaze, "Alright everyone, slim it!" And with that everyone shuts their mouth and turn their heads towards me, "No one's allowed near the greenie until I'm done showing him around and teaching him the basics, you're all gonna have enough time from chit-chat during dinner, go back to your jobs for now."

I watch as each and every one of them go back to their designated job. I turn to the greenie, "I'm Newt, welcome to the glade."

[Thomas's P.O.V]

"The glade? What is this place?" He motions for me to follow him, "Let me show you."
He shows me around the whole glade, tells me about the jobs that I'll be trying and explains to me their three simple rules:

1. Never hurt another glader.

2. Everyone does their part.

3. Never go outside the maze, unless you're a runner.

After that he asks me if I remember anything at all and I shake my head, the only thing I can remember is my name, Thomas. He explains that the people they call "the creators" have sent them all here with their memories erased, trapped between the walls of the maze and that the runners have been looking for a way out for three years now but the maze changes every night which makes it harder.

While we're walking, I can't help but notice how Newt has a constant limp but he doesn't seem in pain or discomfort so it must be an old injury. I try my best not to ask him about it but curiosity gets the best of me and the words come out of my mouth before I even realize it, "Is something wrong with your leg?", he snaps his head toward me with a look of ...anger? ...sadness? ...regret? His face is filled with so many emotions at one time, "That's none of your business."

I feel bad about asking and I try apologizing but he just brushes it off and introduces me to a boy named Chuck who's gonna be in charge of my sleeping arrangements. With that, Newt leaves and heads off to the gardens stating that he has some work to finish.


[Newt's P.O.V]

I sigh for probably the millionth time today while tying off another vine to the pole in front of me. I shouldn't have snapped at the greenie like that. After all, he did nothing wrong. I'll probably apologize to him later on.

I shake my head and look at the doors of the maze. "Alby and Minho should've been back by now...What if something went wrong...? What if they got attacked by a griever...? "

Then, as if reading my thoughts, they both come running in, stopping right in front of the doors trying to catch their breath. I try to brush off the thought of something going wrong but the look on Alby's face tells otherwise.

I walk up to them, "Did you guys find anything new?"

Minho lifts his head and nods firmly, "We found a new path, It needs to be explored first but I have a feeling that's gonna be our way out of here." I'm shocked, after 3 years of waiting, 3 years of pain, years of being trapped in this hell and a new path just decides to open up. These creators must be toying around with us.

"We also found something else." Alby says.

"What is it?"

"On one of the walls, there was a small plaque with engravings on it."

"What did it say?"

"Wicked is good."

I freeze at the sound of those words. The words that have been haunting me for weeks. Wicked is good. My mind wanders of to all the dreams that I've been having, looking for answer. I think I might have been standing still for too long because the next thing I know, Minho is snapping his fingers in front of my face and talking to me, "Hello? Earth to Newt, You there buddy?"

"Huh? Uh..Yeah, you were saying?"

"Are you alright? You froze so suddenly." He looks concerned.

"Yeah, It's nothing really." I feel the lie slipping so easily though Minho doesn't seem convinced he shrugs and says, "Alright then, I'll be in the map room. See you guys at dinner." I nod and he takes off to the small tower not too far away from the maze.

Alby eyes me suspiciously for a couple of seconds then he speaks up, "Newt? Is something going on? You don't seem yourself today..."

I frown at him knowing what he's hinting to, "I said I'm completely fine Alby, I'm not gonna jump off the wall or anything...again."

His eyes soften at me, "Newt, I didn't mean to. I was just looking out for you. Anyways, how's the greenie doing?" he says as we start walking towards the homestead.

"He's okay I guess, I gave him the tour and explained everything and I put Chuck in charge of his sleeping arrangements."

He smiles and pats me on the back, "I knew I can count on you, Newt."

I nod and smile back. When we enter the homestead, Alby makes his way to the greenie and introduces himself.

I stand back and watch them exchange a couple of words until one of the medjacks, Clint comes rushing downstairs and he stops right in front of me, "It's Ben, he just woke up and he wants to talk to you."

I get confused, "Why me?"

Clint shrugs, "I don't know, the first thing he said after he regained consciousness is your name then he said he wanted to speak to you."

I look at Alby who nods so I go upstairs which takes a bit because of my limp slowing me down then I follow Clint to the room where Ben is being kept in. I open the door and find Ben tied down by ropes, green veins almost transparent of his skin, his eyes are bloodshot and he looks like he was in a tremendous amount of pain, as expected from The changing. He would be one of he luckiest people if he survives this.

I grab one of the chairs and place it next to his bed, motioning for the two medjacks to leave, I sit down and look at him, "Ben? It's Newt. Clint said that you wanted to talk to m-" I am suddenly cut off by him trying to reach out to my neck to choke me, he starts yelling loudly, "I saw you! You did this to us! You work for them!"

I don't really have time to absorb what he said because somehow he manages to free himself, gets up and tries to knock me down. I try my best to get a hold of his hand in order to pin him down but I end up failing and yelling in pain as he kicks my bad ankle and tries to beat the hell out of me.

Moments later, Alby and the two medjacks must've heard the yells and screams because the next thing I know, they rush in and move Ben away from me, pinning him to the ground. Minho follows shortly afterwards and helps me up on my feet, "Did you get hurt?"

I leave out the fact that my, already damaged, ankle hurts and stand up on my own despite the pain, "No, I'm fine." Fine. A word that I've been forcing myself to use for a while now.

They manage to calm Ben down and tie him to bed again as he starts losing consciousness due to the pain of the changing.

I stare at him as he writhes and thrash in pain. The last words he says send chills down my spine;

"Wicked is good."


Once again, thank you all for reading! I'm sorry for any mistakes, feel free to point them out and I'll be happy to fix them as soon as possible! I'm also sorry that these first few chapters might be bad since I'm still new to this and hopefully I'll develop my writing skills throughout this story and become a better writer! Don't forget to vote and leave a comment, I would highly appreciate it! Until next time!

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