Nude » h.s (#Wattys2016)

By qveendom

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"There is a little bit of devil in her angel eyes." [Book 1] // © 2014 Qveendom. All Rights Reserved. |... More

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p r o l o g u e
e p i l o g u e
r a d i s h


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By qveendom


Seems like pain and regret are my two best friends.


[Harry's POV]  *sexual content*

"Ethan, I'm not sure about this." Harry told Ethan following him carefully inside the unknown house. He was against this but Ethan as the leader of the gang had forced them to come here.

"Don't be a püssy Harry. We are not going to kill anyone we will just scare that idiot who gave Travis to the police." Ethan reassured him. Harry nodded and looked behind him to see the others coming inside too. He was scared but he tried not to show it, he didn't want to seem weak in front of them.

"Who even is this man?" he asked him in a whisper. Ethan turned the flashlight towards his direction and studied Harry's features for a while before a small smirk appeared on his face.

"You are scared, aren't you?" he asked.

"No I'm not Ethan, I just think this is not right. It's illegal and personally I don't want to go to jail." Harry defended himself making Ethan scoff.

"Yeah whatever now move, nothing will happen." Ethan told him grabbing Harry from his jacket and pulling him forwards with force. The sudden movement made his eyes widen and he stumbled over his own feet before accidentally knocking a random vase on the floor.

"Shit! Fuck Harry." Ethan cursed running a hand through his blond hair and looking at the rest angrily. They stayed there for a while when...

"Who is there?" a deep voice asked making all of them freeze.

"They are awake, shit, let's go." Franco, one of the other members, said panicked. Harry nodded his head gazing at the floor where the shattered pieces of glass were lying.

"Yeah, he's right let's go Ethan." Harry finally spoke as the lights in the house turned on meaning that the family was awake. Ethan shook his head and quickly took the gun that he had hidden inside his jacket.

"No, I am not leaving. You can go if you want, cowards." Ethan hissed. Everyone looked at him with wide eyes.

"You said we were only going to scare them." Franco said angrily.

"Who the hell is there?" the same male voice was heard again, this time he was closer.

"Fucking hell, let's go boys." one of the other boys said running away from them and Franco followed him out from the kitchen door. It was only Harry and Ethan now inside the kitchen. Harry grabbed Ethan's wrist and pushed his hand down.

"What are you doing, let's just go. Listen to me." he said trying to convince him.

"Shut up Harry, plan changed. You can leave." Ethan yelled, the door in the kitchen opened slowly and Harry was quick to pull Ethan with him behind the wall.

"I called the police." the man yelled turning on the light and Harry shut his eyes breathing heavily, if they didn't make a sound they could manage to escape without the man noticing. He didn't want to get caught but Ethan had something else in mind. He moved fast without Harry noticing and stood in complete view for the other man to see, then he raised the hand that was holding the gun in the air.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house? I called the police you can't escape they will be here soon." Harry heard the man say. He saw Ethan smirk and he gulped parting his lips slightly.

"I Maxwell Starr am someone you shouldn't have messed with. The police might be here soon but you won't live to see me get caught." Ethan said, voice filled with venom, and just like that pressed the trigger. The sound echoed in the silent house as the bullet flew through the air and Harry jumped a bit. Maxwell groaned as the bullet hit him in the spot right next to his heart and collapsed on the floor. It took Harry a bit to realize what happened but when he did he couldn't stop his anger. He knew that protecting each other was an important rule in the gang and that losing Travis was something that pained Ethan but killing someone like this was never something they had planned.

"What did you do?" Harry yelled with fear and anger walking towards Ethan who had the gun still raised, his eyes moved to the lifeless body by the door and then back at Ethan. He pushed him away and gripped his jacket shaking him.

"What the hell did you do?" he yelled again, angry tears threatening to fall down his cheeks. Ethan looked down at him with an evil smile on his face, not affected by his actions. Harry punched him in the face making him take a few steps back and then he did it again.

"You could leave, I gave you the chance." Ethan shouted connecting his fist with Harry's stomach and making him moan in pain.

"You killed him. You killed an innocent man who probably had a family." Harry said in disbelief recovering quickly and hitting him again in the jaw causing blood to appear from Ethan's nose.

"He sent Travis to jail and could probably give you away to the police too. That night you were together with Travis and he saw you both. I did you a favor Harry. I don't think your dad would be pleased to find out that his beloved son is part of a gang which deals with drugs and kills people. What do you think?" Ethan said not returning the punch.

"Maxwell, are you okay?" a female's voice was heard and soon a woman stood in the door with eyes wide as she stared at her dead husband. A loud scream left her lips and she averted her eyes towards the two young boys.

"Fuck this." Ethan said under his breath and raised his hand in the air again ready to shot her but this time Harry was faster. He took Ethan's hand moving it way from her and tried to kick him wanting to take the gun away from him but he wouldn't let him do that. At the time Ethan was stronger and taller. They both fought to get the deadly object, Harry had finally the gun in his hand with Ethan's hand on top of his when suddenly he made him pull the trigger. It was an accident but Harry was the one holding the gun. The woman fell on the floor next to her husband as blood purred from the wound on her forehead. Harry stared at the blood filled floor with shock and disgust, hands shaking but before he could throw the gun down Ethan took it from him and pulled him towards the door as sirens echoed in the distance. He felt numb and his cheeks were stained with tears. He killed someone, he didn't mean to it was Ethan who caused it but still. It was his hand that was holding the gun.

~one year later~

Harry followed Ethan inside another room letting him show him around the big house. Alexander, the man who saved them from being caught one year ago, had offered Ethan a place to stay and Ethan wanted to show it to Harry immediately.

"And this mate is going to be my room." Ethan announced and Harry nodded his head crossing his hands over his chest as his eyes moved to a half naked woman who passed beside them and disappeared inside another room. Harry knew that Alexander wasn't a honest man and he did bad things, he didn't want Ethan to stay there. Ethan had always been a very fragile and unstable person easy to manipulate and he didn't want him to be around a man like Alexander, he would ruin that poor kid. He also knew that Alexander wouldn't offer Ethan a place to live just like that without something in return.

"I don't think you should stay here Ethan. What even is this place?" Harry asked.

"That's for me to decide not you and to answer your question this place is called Dollhouse." Ethan told him taking out a cigarette from his pocket and then lit it up.

"A what? Dollhouse?"

"You are so clueless Harry. All the girls who stay here are called Dolls or in other words prostitutes, they sell there bodies to men who are willing to pay a lot for them and please them with sex." Ethan explained.

"This is sick. That's what job Alexander does? Makes those poor girls lives a living hell?" Harry asked with disgust evident in his voice and Ethan sighed.

"Don't tell me you feel bad for them, god damn it Harry they are prostitutes. No one forces them to come here they choose to come willingly."

"We don't know that." Harry exclaimed. He was angry with Ethan for thinking like that and trusting Alexander so easily.

Just then Alexander appeared in the end of the corridor dressed in a blue suit matching his eyes and his curly dark hair which resembled Harry's pushed back. He rubbed his chin with his hand and smiled at the two boys showing off his white teeth. Ethan was the only one who returned it because Harry was too busy staring at the small figure hiding behind Alexander. It was a young girl probably a few years younger than him, she was thin and her skin was pale, her ocean blue eyes were dull and she chew nervously on her bottom lip looking around her with wide eyes. Her long brown hair reached her waist and she had pushed them behind her back. She looked tired and sad but at the same time beautiful. She was innocent, her white dress made her look like an angel and Harry found himself wondering what a girl like her was possibly doing at a place like this.

"Who is she?" he asked Ethan curiously.

"You won't believe it when I tell you."


"Remember one year ago when we broke inside that man's house with Franco and the others and you and me killed that man and woman? The one that gave Travis to the police?" Ethan asked causing Harry to clench his fists. How dare he say that they both killed them? It was him only, Ethan did it Harry was just unlucky to be holding the gun the second time. He was about to say something but he didn't want to make a scene so he simply nodded his head.

"Well they had a daughter, she was inside the house when we killed them. Alexander knew her parents, Maxwell and Veronica Starr. He actually hated her father so when I explained to him what happened that night he started searching for her. And now he found her."

"But why does he want her since he hated her father? Why not just let the girl go? I'm sure she has relatives." Harry told him. He felt bad for the girl, she was just another innocent she didn't deserve this.

"Mate I don't know and I don't even care what he does with that small bitch. For all I care he can make her a Doll." Ethan said bitterly, Harry looked at the girl who walked inside a different room with Alexander and gritted his teeth. It was his fault that this girl was here now and he wanted to save her but he knew he couldn't. He just prayed that Alexander would go easy on her.

I groaned in frustration running my hands over my face as I recalled the forgotten memories. Since yesterday when Angelina asked me about her parents I can't seem to stop thinking about then. Is it possible that her parents are the same couple that Ethan killed nine years ago? He never told me that girl's name and I never bothered to ask about it but never in a million years would I imagine that Angelina would be that girl. I thought Alexander killed her since I never saw or heard about her again but if that's the case and Angelina is really that girl then everything changes. I can fix the mistake I made so many years ago, if I save this girl from Alexander's hands. Fuck!

She'll be my salvation, all these nights filled with nightmares and guilt will go away. I wasn't able to save my sister from them but I will do everything right with her. If I wanted to save her before now I do even more. Alexander will soon get what he deserves and that's a promise.

I quickly stood up from the bed and took my phone in my hand dialing Louis' number.

"What do you want now Styles?" he asked as soon as he picked it up sighing dramatically in the end.

"I need you to do something for me. I want you to do a research about Maxwell Starr, Veronica Starr and their daughter. Please do it as soon as possible." I told him pacing around the room like a mad man glancing at the bathroom door to make sure that Angelina was still inside.

"Fine I'll do it, don't worry. But now I have to go I'm on a date man and you are ruining it. Bye." he said causing me to roll my eyes ready to say something to him but he hung up before I could do it. What an asshole. I looked at my clock and then back at the bathroom's door. What is taking her so long? Miles is waiting outside for her and Bianca will be here any minute now for the interview she wanted from me. This interview is important and I know that those two don't get along so let's just say that I would prefer it if they don't meet.

"Angelina come on Miles is waiting." I said loud enough for her to hear and knocked on the door lightly. She didn't answer though and I was about to knock again when I heard faint sounds coming from inside the room and then the door opened. Her small figure came to view and she looked at me through her long lashes biting her lip. Don't do that.

"What took you so long?" I asked raising my eyebrow at her.

"None of your business Harry." she snapped causing a smile to appear on my face. She looked frustrated but it was amusing.

"Why so rude, darling?" I asked stepping away to let her move inside the room. She didn't respond instead she approached her bag and placed inside a small pink packet, which I managed to see what it was.

"Ohh, I get it now." I said chuckling a bit.

"What?" she asked me with wide eyes.

"Is that time of the month again, when you women go crazy." I said walking outside the room and I heard her small footsteps behind me as she followed me to the living room. I smiled.

"I don't go crazy, and stop being like this." she said raising her hands in the air with a dramatic sigh.

"Like what?"


"Fine, if you don't want to talk I won't push you but you have to go now because Miles is waiting for you." I told her.

"Why do you want to get rid of me so bad? Are you waiting someone?" she asked curiously biting her lip again. I parted my lips to speak but didn't know how to reply. I couldn't exactly tell her about Bianca.

"Someone is coming over for an interview and I'd like to be alone." I replied and she nodded her head before taking her coat and walking towards the door. As she opened it ready to get out the room service girl that I ask for came in holding a tray in her hands with champagne and strawberries. Bloody perfect! Angelina stopped her eyes looking at the woman and then at me, a kind of emotion flashing through them. Then just like that she left. 

* * *

"Harry Styles we finally get to meet for business." Bianca said stepping inside the suite. I smiled at her politely taking her hand in mine and kissing it. She smirked seductively at me her icy blue eyes staring into mine intensely.

"Yes, we had to come to New York to do that." I joked guiding her inside. She walked in front of me swaying her hips lightly and sat down on a chair crossing her long legs. She took out from her purse a small recorder and a notepad and waited for me to sit down on the couch.

"I see you have come prepared." I told her, she simply smiled at me showing off her million dollar smile and run a hand through her long black hair. Bianca has always been aware of her beauty and extremely sexy body that drove every man crazy and she has always used that to get what she wanted and I can tell that what she wants right now is not just an interview from me. I am willing to play along.

"I am professional Harry, you know that." she replied. I filled our glasses with champagne and offered her one before taking my seat opposite her.

"Shall we start?" I asked rubbing my hands together and she nodded pressing a button on the recorder.

"So Mr. styles, let's begin. You have been hiding and avoiding the media for the past five years. What changed now? Why did you agree to do this interview?" she asked me.

"Well, that had been a very hard time for me after losing my father and sister I felt devastated. The pressure was too much for me and I didn't want to have people talking about my every move so I isolated myself from everything. But now those times passed and I wanted to change that that's why I decided to do this interview. There is no need for hiding anymore."

"What is your main focus right now Mr.Styles?"

"Right now the only thing that I want to do is help the company be as successful as it once was. I owe that to my father." I replied taking a sip from my drink.

"So no more painting for you?"

"I never said that."

"Very well, moving to the next question. Are you dating someone Mr. Styles? Many of us have seen you being photographed with a certain girl but you still haven't confirmed anything." she asked smirking as she leaned a bit closer towards me showing more of her cleavage.

"That's something I would like to keep to myself. My private life is something personal." I said causing her to laugh a bit.

"As you wish but people were actually wondering."

"I don't believe people are that interested Bianca." I told her finishing my drink. She did the same and then placed the recorder on the table standing up slowly. My eyes trailed down to her long toned legs as she moved towards me, the white dress she was wearing was quite revealing and I knew she had done that on purpose. Not that I care. I have been chasing this woman for a long time now but she always played hard to get and now I have her in my suite and ready to do anything for me.

"I am interested Harry." she said sitting next to me so that our thighs were touching. Her red lips pouted and she placed her warm palm on my chest.

"I have seen that girl, she is not for you. I know what you need." Her hand slipped under my shirt and she quickly moved on top of me with her legs on my sides as she brought her lips near my ear. As she said those words images of Angelina flashed through my mind, her innocent and angelic face, and I found myself thinking twice about what I was about to do. I don't want to hurt her but I also know that nothing will happen between us and I don't want to let myself feel for her or get attached. I need to remind myself that. Bianca is right here ready for me and I'll take that chance just to prove to myself that I don't actually have feelings for Angelina or ever will. This is how I work, I don't love because I simply can't. It's better this way.

"What do I need then? Tell me."

"You need a real woman and I can give you that." she whispered into my ear placing a small kiss on my neck. She started moving her hips against me and my hands were fast to grab her waist pressing her  harder onto me. My hips rocked against hers as I kissed the top of her breasts making her exhale heavily. Her hand cupped my face and brought my lips to her, kissing me hungrily as her fingers played with my curls. God this woman is fire.

Within seconds her fingers were working at the buckle of my black skinny jeans. Her hand dipped into my boxers beginning to pump my length and I moaned resting my head back on the couch.

"Fuck." I groaned as she quickened her pace, my hands slipped under her dress caressing her thighs and I kissed roughly her neck sucking and biting on her flesh causing her to moan.

"You really needed this, didn't you?" she whispered and I just nodded before releasing violently on her hand. Fucking hell I needed this. I gazed at Bianca who was smiling at me licking her fingers and watched as she stood up and pulled down her thong.

"Don't make me wait any longer Harry. Just take me." she said. This woman didn't take no for a answer, I might as well finish what I started. I haven't had sex in a while and I need to release some of my stress. I stood up taking off my shirt and took her face in my hands pulling her to me and kissing her as we walked towards the bed.

"I'll make this quick." I whispered throwing her on the bed and crawling on top of her. Her hair was all over the place and she breathed heavily biting her lip. As I started pulling her dress up and looked down at her I couldn't help but imagine Angelina standing in her place but I blinked a few times getting rid of those thoughts. This was no time thinking about her.

"I can't wait babe." Bianca whined beneath me her hands grabbing my hips. Without saying anything and frustrated with myself for thinking about Angelina at this time I opened her legs and buried myself inside her. She screamed in surprise but was quick to hold onto my biceps for support as I started fucking her hard. I was trying really hard to concentrate on this and not the innocent girl that kept haunting my thoughts, I couldn't even hear Bianca beneath me moaning in pleasure as I thrust into her . Sweat was starting to form on my face as I moved quickly and I felt her nails dug into my flesh as she moaned and came all over me. With one last deep powerful thrust I finished and titled my head back.

"Angelina." I moaned before I could stop myself. Shit!

"What did you just say?" Bianca asked sitting up immediately on her elbows. I parted my lips to speak but nothing came out. 

"I- Bianca-"

"You said her name while we were having sex?" she asked angrily in disbelief pushing my body away from her. I got up pulling on my pants and zipping then quickly.

"I'm sorry." I said running a hand throw my hair. Why can't I stop thinking about her? Damn it Styles.

"You better be. Do you know how humiliating this is for me?" she yelled. She fixed her dress giving me that deathly stare of hers before exiting the room.

"I apologized Bianca." I stated following her to the living room again watching as she took her stuff putting them inside her purse.

"I don't care!" she yelled again but I didn't say anything else because my eyes were now fixed on the half opened door of the suite. I'm sure I locked it when Bianca came. Then after a few seconds Miles came into view holding a few bags in his hands. I gave him a confused look and then approached him.

"What are you doing here Miles?" I asked him. He glanced at Bianca who was standing behind me and then back at me clearing his throat.

"Miss Starr got bored and wanted to come back. I let her come up first since I had to take the bags with me. Isn't she here?" he asked with a frown on his face and then everything started to make sense. That's why the door was open. Fuck, fuck ,fuck.

She saw me and Bianca in bed.


I really dislike Harry right now, poor Angelina :(

Gif on the top is Bianca played by Megan Fox.

Just to let you know I made an instagram account where I will be posting different edits and videos, my username is @qveenstagram if you want to follow me :)

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