Love Struggles (EDITING)

By isthisfatee

57.6K 737 86

The Struggles of love More

Love Struggles
Chapter 1~Teanna
Chapter 2~Just A Kiss
Chapter 3~Moving On
Chapter 4~Say Sorry To This
Chapter 5~The "B" Word
Chapter 7~Georgia
Chapter 8~Memory Lane
Chapter 9~The Army Brat
Chapter 10~Remembering Him
Chapter 11~Forever
Chapter 12~Road Trip
Chapter 13~Happy
Chapter 15~Jealous
Chapter 16~High
Chapter 17~Loyalty
Chapter 18~ Time
Chapter 19~On The Way
Chapter 20~ Leave Me Lonely
Chapter 21~Twitter Fingers
Chapter 22~Forgiven
Silent Treatment
Chapter 24~ Oakland
Chapter 25~ Patient Love
Chapter 26~White Lies
Chapter 27~Games
Chapter 28~Training Day
Chapter 29~To Kill A Mocking Jay
Chapter 30~Calm
Chapter 31~Lost Days
Chapter 32~Truth
Chapter 33~Regret
Chapter 34~Flat Line

Chapter 6~SKIPDAY

1.6K 51 4
By isthisfatee

Lately life has been like a fairytale. Its only been like two days and I may be over exaggerating but who cares. Mickey isn't a total sucker and I actually find myself coming to like him. I'm really in the mood to just not even go to school today. Its 5:30 a.m. guys and I'm up in bed writing this entry because...well I have no real reasoning. I dont have time to be up wasting energy now when I have to waste energy for like six hours in that hell hole. The block building that the nation calls an education center. But anyway Im gonna go force myself to sleep for another hour. This was the most pointless entry I ever wrote. Goodnight...or morning...? Don't overthink that last sentence. Goodbye America. -Tee

Sadly I'm up and dressed about to go get Kammy and my friend that just moved here, Akemiko. We were tight in my younger grade school days before her parents split and she moved away. Her and Kammy really clicked once I introduced the two of them to each other so I didn't haven't to worry about anyone fighting for my attention. I was about to walk out the door and my brother decides he wants to bother me. I wonder what it is now. I bet this time he actually wants something.

"Hey little one! How you doing this fine morning?!" He asked with a large grin on his face

Now I know my brother pretty well so...He either fucked some bitch or wants something from me. Now I know he's with Jaylee and they've only been together for a week or two and I highly doubt he wants to cheat on her so.....he aint get no type of ass last night. So he's about to beg me for something. I'm not surprised.

I rolled my eyes annoyed, "What do you want Tevin?"

"Really? I'm hurt! I can't just ask my little sister how she's doing?" He questioned faking his hurt

I sucked my teeth, "Tevin you got 2 minutes to tell me what the fuck you want or I'm leaving and you get not a damn thing."

"Alright. I need your help."

Told you he was gonna want something

"What do you want Tev?"

"I'm planning a day for me and Jaylee. Like from morning to night. The whole nine! I want to buy her a few things to wear so she wont have to worry about anything. I need a girls' help. It's a complete surprise to her, so I really need you on this one." he pleaded

"You do know I have my own life and relationship right?"

No Mickey is still not my boyfriend. Dont get excited, maybe in a few weeks or something.

"Really Tee? You know I always got you with whatever you want when you want it. Exhibit A: Your party 2 weeks ago? Hmm? What about that!" He semi-yelled proving his point

"You noticed how I never said 'no' right? See..That's that assuming shit I be talking about."

He really did just assumer that I denied him.

"Yo. I'm about tired of yo shit. Make sure you here tomorrow right after school to help me." He started walking away

I laughed, "Okay."

As I make my way out the door my phone rings, and its Kammy.

"Hello?" I started

"Girl where the actual fuck are you?!" she shouted in my ear

Just count to ten Teanna and try not to snatch her through the phone

"Kammy you at a 10 imma need you to bring it all the way down to a 2 before I make you walk to school."

"May you please hurry up. I can't be late to English AGAIN!" She screamed impatienly waiting.

"Im coming. Bye."

I got in my car and drove off. I'm seriously not feeling school today and I really don't see the point in attending. The evil gears in my mind were turning and I decided to call Akemi.

She answered, "Hello?"

"Yo. Wassup."

"I'm waiting for your slow ass. Can you drive any slower, shit!"

Maybe her and Kammeron want me to kill them because I don't see why the both of them are trying me right now

"You and Kammy really wanna walk to school. Y'all keep trying me. Y'all gonna be footing it to school if ya keep on."

"Blah blah blah!" she yapped

"Anyway I don't feel like going to school. Let's kidnap Kammeron and be out to meet up with McKenzie and Niko."

"So you two can be caked up with ya men? No thank you. I'm not gonna be alone; I'll take school for 200 please." she refused

"I'm gonna call Jasen and Carter too. You wont be alone, I know you like Carter" I poked fun at her

She seriously does like Carter though or at least thinks he cute and she has every right to-he is.

"Tee just chill...but if he's going I'm down. And I don't like him..I just met Carter. I just think he's fine."

"Says the girl with all the niggas on her tip"

"Well you know I just can't keep them off. They all want a little piece of Akemiko" She laughed

I chuckled, "Girl you crazy. Come on I'm in the driveway."

I hung up and waited for her to get out. Yes a SKIP DAY! I been told McKenzie, Niko, Jasen, and Carter about it since last night. Its just Akemi and ECSPECIALLY Kammeron would probably say no. Kammeron's nerdy ass is a fucking scholar, that I can admit. She a bad ass but when it come to school this girl is all focus; no games, real talk. So we're kidnapping her and gonna go ride around. She is more than likely going to freak out maybe the first 30 minutes, but she'll live.

Akemi came out and hopped in the car, "Yo"

"Wassup." I looked her up and down.

The fuck she think she going?

I pulled out the driveway and shook my head, "Kemiko where you think you going with this outfit?"

She was sporting a long maxi dress with probably no panties on trying to show Carter a lil something.. This girl got her hair all curled and shit and wore a little bit of makeup.

She giggled, "What??? I can't look good?"

"Oh...looking good for Carter? Alright I understand you wanna catch the attention of your man."

"Tee please, I been got his attention." she said flipping her hair

I clapped her up, "My nigga already know wassup. Carter gonna like you, if he don't already"

"You already know I'm trying to let go of the one I don't want to name." she stated looking down

My sis has had her fair share of fuck boys as well

I let out a sigh, "Just forget about him Kemiko, he's no good for you. You'll find someone better it just takes time feel me?"

"Yeah I hear you. I rather not talk about it anymore though."

Just as she said that we engaged in a little more small talk as I pulled into Kammy's driveway

"Girl we just hit Kammy's house. Be ready to hear this girl's mouth." I joked but I knew all too well she was probably coming into this car with an attitude.

She laughed, "Right"

I promise I didn't even have to beep my horn or call this girl, she was hauling ass out the door. That shit was funny as hell! She let herself in the car, and I'm not gonna lie she looked stressed and mad at the same time. She need a damn skip day, always worried about some day school work.

"Good Morning Akemi" she greeted Akemi trying to fake her happiness

So she mad I'm late so she wanna act

"Kemiko the only person you see here Kammeron? I know you see me in this drivers seat" I protested looking at her through the rearview mirror

"Akemi do you hear something? I keep hearing an annoying ass sound."

"Bitch you gonna be footing it if you keep on"

I pulled out the driveway

I finished, "You and that raspy ass voice of yours gonna shut it with them smart remarks."

She mocked me in the back seat

We drove in silence till Akemi finally broke it, "So...Kammy how was your morning?"

She clapped her hands making it seemed like she had a whole fucking essay to read,

"Well...I got dressed and shit; texting Niko and waiting for this nigga to come get me. My mom came up to my room and told me that after graduation in a couple weeks we can go on a ROAD TRIP!!!"

Like the little girls we act like sometimes we screamed like crazy!

I started, "Ayeee!!! About time they finally approved of the post grad trip. Yo we need to go as far as Atlanta then back."

Akemi added, "Hold the baby of all of us. What you doing calling shots? Girl sit."

Don't ask the baby or shit else then

"Yup! And I'll have my car starting next week! But we are going to ATL! You know them boys out there are just...YESSSS!!!!" Kammeron finished

"Kammeron you have a man. Go talk to Niko."

She rolled her eyes and engulfed herself into her phone perusual.

The whole time I was driving we were just doing are usual girl talk. Boys, school, and life as a whole. Separate we already weird, but together we just completely delirious. I have weird friends don't judge my choices in people. We're meeting the guys on South Beach, and decided to walk down the strip and chill till schools hours are done and over with. And try not to get caught by our parents. Little does Kammy know where she's going.

"Ummm....Teanna?" Kammy started


"Schools that way. Where the fuck are you taking my ass?!" She questioned harshly

"Ohh...South Beach." I replied calmly ready for her retaliation

That girl went INSANE

"Oh my shit!!! TEANNA AIKO WHITE! I fucking told you I cant be late to English and you take me to fucking South Beach?! My mom is going to DESTROY me if she finds out that I skipped school! D E S T R O Y! I swear Teanna if I get caught after I get destroyed I will destroy you!"

Damn...mad much?

"Sheesh..okay okay! We not gonna get caught. Relax man" I tried to calm down the situation she blew out of the water

I drove about 10 more mins and we finally got there and met up with the boys. Kam over here mean mugging and shit, this will be a long day with this one mad.

Niko laughed, "What's wrong with thugga over here."

"Alright keep making jokes let's see who'll be left lonely with no play today" Kammeron protested

Mickey laughed, "Got em!"

"Man shut the fuck up." Niko started wraping his arms around Kammeron, "I'm not gonna make her mad today."

She kissed him, "I'm glad that you know better babe."

Carter questioned, "So what we doing?"

"Umm...just hang really. But I highly doubt security will think today is a weekend and think we're here for fun so we can't be together in this big group. Split up. I got McKenzie-bye!"

I grabbed Mickey and went into an ice cream shop. It smelled really good. My greedy ass.

He sat me down in a booth, "So my beauty doing?"

That word...

"McKenzie...please don't ever call me that." I protested playfully but I was dead ass serious

"Don't act you know you like it."

Not coming from you no I don't like it

Time went by as we sat in silence and just stared at each other with large smiles like weirdoes then he started,

"Um...Teanna I gotta tell you something"

"Aye! You two! Shouldn't ya be in school?" A deep manly voice shouted out to us

And the cat and mouse game begins

I grabbed Mickey's hand and hauled ass. This fucking fat ass security guard decided he wanted to chase us. We ran past Johnny Rockets and into a boutique to hide. I seriously didn't think skipping school would be so much work. We started walking around and talking again.

"Hey what's Jaylee's favorite color?" I asked

"Magenta. Why?"

"Don't worry about it fool. All up in my business?" I laughed

He pulled me close and cuffed my face in his large hands

"You know that's not how you talk to big daddy"

I giggled, "Oh? And what is big daddy gonna do? Spank me?"

He lifted his head up and looked over me, " too good for that."

I tip-toed up to his level and kissed his lips. I don't know why I cant trust him or I act like I cant...he's a perfect gentleman, he shows loyalty, and he treats me right. But talk is cheap and everyone has a little actor in them if we're being real. My own insecurities and trust issues are whats stopping me from letting him have all of me. What am I doing seriously? Come on Teanna! GET IT TOGETHER! -Tee

"Tee...I need to let you know about some things.."

As he continued to speak we surprisingly we bumped into Kammy and Niko. I grabbed Kammy off of instinct and we left the boys alone

Niko started, "Yo, you tell her yet?"

Mickey sighed, "Naw.."

"You think she'll be mad?"

"Niko she doesn't even trust me, she'll be beyond that."

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