
By miahudsonnn

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"Trust me, Ella the good girl always falls for the bad boy. It's only sooner or later that you admit it." He... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 19

111 11 27
By miahudsonnn

Dedicated to HeldAtPointBlank for her messages and ideas.

I walk out of the room. Shutting the door behind me quietly. My mind is spinning. It's evolving around Luke. His blond hair. Sparkling, ocean like eyes. His expression when he stormed out. I feel like I want to cry. Like I want to scream. But I can't find it in me. I've cried enough today. So instead I feel nothing.

I hold my head up high as I walk down the corridor. I've got five minutes until the bell goes. Where has all that time gone. I stride straight to my next class, biology. At least if I'm early I will get a space at the back.

I arrive with two minutes to the bell. There's already a short queue of people outside. A few heads turn my way, then quickly turn back into their group gossiping. I guess the story about my late entry to art has travelled around the whole year.

"Is it true that you got a detention and that's why you were crying?" One of the girls in the queue asks me. I think her name is Emma. She has short black, curly hair, and grey eyes which are framed by thick, black, nerd glasses. Red spots cover her forehead and cheeks. I glare at her.

"Shut your mouth. You know nothing about what's wrong. I would of thought that you'd be smarter than to listen to rumours, clearly we were both wrong!" I shout at her. A few people turn to stare at me in shock. I glare at them. "There's nothing to look at here. Move along." One jock winks at me. I hear a few murmurs like, "Whoa tiger." And "PMS much." I roll my eyes and ignore them. Looking back at Emma.

Her and her friends look taken aback. In ways I am too. I can't believe I just did that. Where did I get all that anger and confidence from? Nobody is looking at me though apart from Emma's gang. I stare at them expectantly. Quickly they swivel. Not another word being uttered under their breath. I smirk.

We are soon ushered into the classroom. I don't speak another word. I push past Lucy, one of Emma's friends to get a seat at the back. Her red hair bounces as she jumps out of my way.

I slide into a seat at the back, near the window. The sky and sun is hidden behind grey/black clouds. Rain pours down on the grey courtyard, where the year 7's normally spend their break times. It's raining cats and dogs.

My hair has grown lots in the last few months. It's now almost brushing my elbows. I pull my chocolate hair into a messy bun on top of my hair, using a black, elastic from my wrist.

"Miss Matthews, scarf." I hear a low, voice say. I look up. My biology teacher is standing at the front of the class his hair in its usual, messy white pony tail. I slide my scarf off from around my neck and stuff it into my bag. I must of forgotten to take it off earlier.

Mr Thomas begins talking, striding around the room in his usual waddle. I try to pay attention like normal but a certain person with blue eyes and perfect blond hair, keeps on invading my mind. The fight repeating itself repetitively. I don't put my hand up like usual, answering all the questions. Instead I slouch in my chair, hoping that at any minute I will turn invisible and just disappear into thin air. At least it's lunch after this.

I copy Emma's notes into my own book. Barely even paying attention to what I'm writing.

"Can you answer the question, Miss Matthews?" My head snaps up at my name. Thirty pairs of eyes turn to face me.

"What was it sir?" I ask. I feel heat rushing to my cheeks in embarrassment.

"Why is the left side of the heart bigger than the right?" Come Ella you know this.

"Uh. Um. Isn't it b-b-because the right side has to s-send blood further, it sends it a-around the b-body." I stutter, my head falls into my hands.

"Very good. Now eyes on the board everyone." Sir clicks his fingers and everyone's head snaps back to the board.

Slowly I look up. The rest of the class seems to be taking notes on the film that they're watching. It appears to be about the human body. I scribble down a few of my own notes. Basic stuff, like what the lungs job is and why blood is red.

I walk out of the classroom when the bell rings. Pushing through the crowds. I spot a tall person with curly hair. Charlotte. I run up to her darting through gaps in the crowd.

"Ella." She gasps. "Where did you go? You disappeared from the canteen and didn't come back. Leah and I had to share your bagel."

"Oh the hardship." I tease. She giggles lightly.

"Seriously though, you didn't come back."

"Yeah I went straight to biology after Luke and i's... Talk." It takes me a few seconds to find the right word.

Before Charlotte can reply there's a clapping of heels. A girl, with golden blond hair pushes past me knocking me into Charlotte with a bony elbow. It's too precise to be an accident. I stare at her in shock. How dare she? With a flick of her hair, she turns to sneer at me. Even through her layers of makeup I can tell how pretty she is.  Her blue eyes have a malicious glint in them as if reading my thoughts. Megan Anderson.

"Sorry nerd, didn't see you there." Megan's voice is cocky, cruel. I recognise it from somewhere different, but can't place it. With another flick of her blond hair she disappears round the corner out of sight. I glare after her. I hate her.

"Who the hell does she think she is?" Charlotte spits in shock. Anger filling her tone.

"Megan Anderson. Queen of the school." I whisper. That's exactly who she thinks she is.

"Well it's about time, somebody proved her wrong."

"Oh yeah. Are you gonna do that?"

"Perhaps." I smile at her.

"But then you'd have to deal with Rose Mills."

"Nah. She's as thick as a brick." I laugh.


"I'm surprised though that she hasn't spoken to you. I mean she's obsessed with Luke."

"Really? Who doesn't know?" Sarcasm leaks into my voice. Anger threatens to erupt out of me at the mention of Luke.

"Nobody I guess. I wonder if it's Megan that stops her." She says thoughtfully. I look at her confused.

"I mean Rose follows her every command, like a dog. Id watch your back, Matthews."

"Why is that, Smith?" I ask, using her last name.

"Megan may be after your man. Ever heard of her not getting what she wants?" I shake my head slowly. "Exactly, she'd do anything and everything to get her wish." I don't say anything else. Instead I wait. Wait for Charlottes words to sink in.


The canteen is heaving. I spot Leah with a green tray in front of her. What looks to be Lasagne is on her plate, some peas on the side. I take a seat next to her.

"Hey." She says. Her tone is almost surprised to see me.

"Hi. Sorry about the bagel, I know it must of been really hard for you to consume all those calories for me." I tease, poking her stomach. She laughs.

"I've taken the bullet once for you and I'll gladly do it again. The bagel was lush." I groan. Charlotte slides down next to Leah. On the red tray is a ham sandwich and a plate of wedges. I steal one and pop it in my mouth.

"Ay!" She squeals slapping my hand away. I snicker, taking another bite of it.

"Agh hot!" I gasp, dropping it on the floor and fanning my mouth. I steal Leah's bottle of water and take a sip, gasping. "Thanks." I mutter to Leah. Charlotte grins happily.

"Serves... you... right." She pauses after every word to shake her head at me. I roll my eyes.

"Hi Ella, have you heard about the party? Is that why you were crying?" A voice shouts across the canteen. I look up. A jock is sitting on a table with a bunch of cheerleaders laughing. I sigh confused. What party? I don't have much time to ponder over that thought because a short girl comes up to me, a smirk plastered on her face.

"Hey Ella." She beams taking a seat at our table. I glare at her. Why is she sitting at our table?

"Rose." I answer coldly.

"Brr. Don't freeze me." She teases, giggling at herself. I sneak a glance at Ella and Charlotte they're staring at her daggers.

"What do you want Rose?" I sigh. "Has Megan sent you on a little mission?"

"Aha." She giggles ignoring my whole demeanour. "Aren't you a cutie!" I glare at her. What did she just call me? Her hand gets closer to my face as if she's gonna tap me on the nose.

"I will bite you." I threaten, snapping my teeth together, pretending to bite her. She swiftly moves her hand back to under the table. I smirk at her.

"Anyway. I'd like to invite you to an official slumber party. Megan and I had one on Saturday. So I know that it's gonna be like so really fun." Her tone sounds fake and girly. Is that even a sentence though? So really fun? WTF? "We'll do each other's nails and have facials, watch movies, talk about boys, stay up late. It'll be super dupes cute." I look at her as if she's mad. "Megan and I would love for you to come. It's on Friday."

"Uh. Rose?" I say her name slowly. "Why are you inviting me?"

"And you're funny too. Like I said honey bun, you're a cutie, and we reckon that we could change you into a popular like us."

"Excuse me?"

"Well you're really pretty so I think we'll put a bit more makeup on you and some more skin showing clothes then awesome." Her tone is so high and girly I want to puke.

"Am I asleep?" I ask stupidly. Mentally I face palm myself. Why am I, who Megan called a nerd being invited to their slumber party?

"I know right babe, like such a dream. Come sit with us tomorrow, we sit over there." She points a manicured finger at the back of the canteen, where Luke, Kyle, Bailey and... My heart drops. Megan. Who's sitting on Luke's lap smirking at me, while tousling his blond hair. Luke's eyes fill with concern, a sad glint in his eye. I shake my head. Must be the light. "Anyway got to go, bye babes!" She wiggles her fingers at me and then saunters towards her table, her hips swaying from side to side.

"I think I'd rather swallow a bullet." I mutter. Why was she sitting on his lap? Moved on that fast has he. I was just another one of his girls then. Tears threaten to spill. I can't be weak. I'm no longer going to cry over Luke freaking Moore.

"What a bitch!" Leah screeches loudly. A few year 7's turn to look at us. Leah gives them the finger. They spin around quickly.

"She only wants you to sit over there so Megan can gloat. As I said Ella, you need to watch your back." Charlotte States.

"Why was Megan sitting on Luke's lap, have you got the big S." She gasps. I stare at her. "What? I mean split." She recovers quickly.

"Leah. Be serious!" Charlotte scolds. I smile slightly.

"I guess we have." I mutter.


I used to love math. My brain just works in that way. I'm just good at it. I guess that's what makes me a nerd. Key word being 'used.'

Now I hate it. Why? Luke.

I'm in class before him. I take a seat at the back of the class like I did with Biology. The sky has cleared over lunch. Slight rays of sunlight leak through the clouds. Only a few grey clouds left. Unfortunately they are over my village. It's going to be a wet walk home.

Just then Kyle and Bailey walk into the room. They see me in my seat. They can't help but look at me with pity in their eyes. I give them a weak smile. As if pretending not to care, like he hasn't hurt me. Whereas inside I feel as if I've been cut into pieces, my heart severed.

Then he walks in the devil himself. His lips slightly swollen and red. I look down and begin doodling spirals in my math book. As he saunters past me I get a wave of his cologne. How the day has changed so fast. He slides into a seat next to Kyle.

I reach up to fix my bun, making it slightly messier. I pull down more strands to frame my face. I reach down to my bag, while under the table I slip some lipstick on. I am adamant that he's not going to see how much he has affected me.

"Right, afternoon class. It's come to that fun time of year when we go over algebra. Books out." Mrs Crouch asks. She's around thirty, with short brown/black hair and hazel eyes. Her voice at a normal pitch.

There's a rummage as everyone pulls their books out. I open mine up to a clean page. Pulling out a blue pen from my pencil case I write. Monday 2nd December, Mrs Crouch, Period 3, Algebra.

"Hey." I look up. On the chair in front of me is a jock. I think his name is James Williams. I smile at him.


"You going to the game on Friday?" He asks. He's quite cute really. With emerald green eyes and a lopsided smile. I smile at him, shy.


"Cool, I'll see you there then, beautiful" I smile. Beautiful. Heat floods my cheeks. He turns back round and faces the front, smirking to his friends. I hear a snort from behind me. I spin around in my seat, glaring. Luke is chuckling with Bailey.

"What?" I demand angrily. Luke looks at a point behind me not making eye contact with me. I glance at Kyle. He gives me a small, sympathetic smile. "Why are you laughing at me?"

"Well he's only talking to you to get in your pants." He chuckles.

"Oh please, stop putting your habits into other people. What do you think Megan is doing?"

"I think you should concentrate on math, you know stick to the stuff you're good at." I glare at him angrily.

"Whatever." I say mimicking him from this morning, when he had stormed out of the classroom. He stares at me dumbfounded. I turn back round, scribbling in my book.


I walk home in a daze. Why did Luke act like that? He refused to answer my question. Is he hiding something? Megan? Rose? So much has happened today, it's unbelievable.

We didn't talk for the rest of maths. I ignored everyone. Including Mrs Crouch. The most I got done in maths was my flower and heart doodles.

Just then there's a clap of thunder. I pull the hood of my hoody up over my head just as rain begins falling. I bury my face in my scarf. I shiver. My teeth are clattering together. I've only just left the school gates behind me.

The rain falls down on my hoody, darkening the navy colour, so that it turns almost black. I pull it tighter around me. Looking up at the sky the rain is still pouring.

Suddenly, I hear a roar of an engine behind me. I jump about ten feet in the air. Once I land I almost fall on my ass, skidding in a puddle. I spread my arms out gaining my balance back. My hand flies to my chest, over my heart. I turn around slowly. The motorbike having not passed me.

Behind me is a sleek, black motorcycle. I gasp. I recognise that bike too well. The rider has a black helmet on and a leather jacket, he's wearing black school trousers. He slides a gloved hand up to slide the black visor up. I gasp again. It comes out as a strangled sound. I'd recognise those blue eyes anywhere.

"Luke." I sigh.

"Need a ride?" He asks. His voice is slightly muffled by the pouring rain on the pavement. I nod my head and slip onto the back of the bike, without a second thought.

I slide my hands around his waist like every other time. This time however feels different, reserved. We arrive at my house in no time. I climb off the back and mutter a thanks. In the driveway there's two cars. My mums and a new car, a silver one. Shaking the thought off, I swing the door open and walk in. I guess it's a good thing that my mum is here. But the new car?

All the lights are on downstairs. I kick my shoes off and place them in a neat pile. My mums heels and a pair of mens shoes are already by the door. The smell of coffee is filling the house. I can't remember any of this happening for years. I follow the voices chatting, into the kitchen. A polite smile on my face. My mums laughter echoing through the house. Leaning against the granite counters, hands wrapped around red cups of coffee are two people.

"Hi mum." I greet. She beams up at me.

"Ooh honey. Darren this is Ella my daughter." I smile politely at the tall man standing in my kitchen. I have been trying to ignore him until now. He beams at me putting his cup down on the counter and leaning forward to shake my hand. "Ella, this is Darren." She takes a deep breath, "my boyfriend." My smile drops off my face.

"What?" I shout, my calm, polite facade falling.

"Honey." My mum warns, however still smiling. "Darren is very nice and good for me." She puts down her own coffee and takes Darren's hand.

"Do you want me to go?" He asks mum, she shakes her head her lips pursed.

"Oh no you don't have to, because I am." I turn on my heel and leave the kitchen.

"Gabriella Matthews where are you going?" Mum hollers at me.

"I don't know and I don't care." I kick my feet into my shoes and open the door. I almost bump into him in my haste to get away.

"Ella are you ok?" Luke asks looking at me. Concern filling his tone. I burst into tears. He wraps his arms around my body, holding me close to him. I sob into his chest, the tears falling fast. I've cried so much today. Too much.

"I'm s-s-sorry." I stutter, once the tears have slowed down. I pull back and wipe my eyes.

"Ella what's wrong?" He asks, holding me around the waist. I look up at his blue eyes. They meet.

"S-she's d-d-done it again. A-a mistake." I cry.

"Do you want to go back in? I'll come if you want." He offers making a small smile creep onto my face. He cares.

"I thought you hated me?" It comes out as more of a question than a statement.

"I could never hate you Ella. Not even if you tried." The sorry look creeps back into his eyes.

"Then why... Why was Megan sitting on your lap in the canteen? Why did you leave me alone in the classroom?" I ask, throwing all these questions at him. He takes it all in as if absorbing it.

"I'm not good for you Ella I was trying to make you move on. Make you hate me. Your grades are slipping, Ive seen your papers, you sit next to me. Also what Crow said finalised what I was already thinking, that I was holding you back. She's right you've got potential." The rain is slipping down his face, dripping off the end of his nose, his chin. I can see the droplets in his eyelashes.

"I need to make that choice myself though." I whisper. I wipe my eyes. I've stopped crying but the rain water is dripping out of my hair and onto my forehead. "We have lots to talk about."

"You're right. Come back to mine. I'll explain everything and anything you want to know." I nod my head.

"Why are you still here though in the first place?" I ask.

"You forgot your bag," he holds up my tote bag with all my books in it. I take it off of him and push it through the cat flap of my door. Someone will find it sooner or later. I climb on the back of the bike. This time when I wrap my arms around him it feels less reserved, more like it used to, but not there yet.


"Hi mum, I'm back." Luke shouts once we step through the doorway. I'm still in my sodden school uniform. I probably look like a drowned rat as my gran would say.

"Luke, I'm in the kitchen. Do you want some hot chocolate?" He turns to look at me and raises an eyebrow. I nod my head eagerly.

"Two please." He shouts. I slip my shoes off and place them by the door, before following Luke down the hallway.

"Two? Luke you're so greedy." She chastises. I giggle.

"No mum, Ella's here." She gives a little gasp as we step into view.

"You poor little thing. Luke did you offer her your jacket or anything? You have a thing or two to learn about being a gentlemen my boy. Letting a lady freeze to death. It's a miracle that she's still putting up with you." Anna scolds, waving a spoon at Luke. He smirks.

"Mum we were on the bike."

"I-I'm o-okay, h-h-honestly." I say, my teeth chattering.

"Luke take Ella upstairs and find her some clothes." He grabs my hand and pulls me upstairs. I smile.

We walk into Luke's room. He releases my hand to go to his chest of drawers. He pulls one of the White, sticker covered drawers open and pulls out a pair of folded sweat pants. He then opens another drawer and takes out a green hoody. He crosses the room to a basket under his bed where he grabs a pair of blue and red socks. He passes them to me.

"Thanks." I mutter. He gives me a small smile. I walk out of his room and down the hall into the bathroom. It's got a purple theme, with purple soaps, walls, bath mats and towels. I think that it looks quite cute and welcoming. I twist the lock on the door.

I strip out of my tights and skirt. Pulling it over my waist and down my legs. My tights being opaque haven't exactly protected my legs from the bitter wind and rain. They've turned a pale, purplish colour. I pull the cream sweat pants on over my hips. They're really baggy around the waist. I tighten the draw strings as tightly as I can, doing a neat bow at the front.

Unbuttoning my white shirt I peel off both my hoody and shirt. With the rain, my shirt has gone slightly see through, thank God I put on a tank top this morning. The pink top is only damp. I decide to leave it on, just in case I get too hot. Yeah that's likely. I throw the green hoody over my head and pull it down over my torso. On the back it says Luke Moore Striker. It's his school team hoody. Adam has one too, except his has his name and his position, Keeper.

I perch on the toilet seat to pull on the socks, surprisingly they don't smell. Not that I've been smelling them intently. Striding out of my bathroom with my bundle of wet clothing I walk into Luke's room. He turns around when he hears me walk in. Too late to back track, I blush. He's shirtless. His stomach is defined and chiseled. I want to run my hands along the planes of his chest. But fight back not  knowing where we stand.

"You can put your wet clothes, over here." He says, pointing to a radiator at the corner of his room. I nod my head and carefully lay them on the radiator, trying to take up as little space as possible. Luke slips a shirt over his head behind me, much to my dismay.

"Here's your hot chocolates." Anna's voice chimes walking into the room, two mugs in her hands. I smile at her appreciatively. I can see the steam rolling off the top. The chocolate, milky, frothy layer at the top, looking more inviting than ever.

"Thank you." I say, as she turns to leave the room, once she's set them neatly on the desk in the corner.

"It's quite alright dear, you're always welcome here." I smile, as she leaves the room, shutting the door behind her, softly.

"Which mug do you want?" Luke asks bringing my attention back to him. I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't mind. Whichever." I reply walking over to him. "This one is fine." I pick up a plain white mug, with some commercial writing on the side. I take a sip. The heat scolds my tongue, making it go numb. But I don't care. I keep on sipping at it, the much invited heat spreading through my body. I hear Luke chuckle. I look up at him through my eyelashes, my hands clutched around the mug.

"You've got a moustache." He chuckles. My face flushed red. I pull a hand away from my mug to clean my face. I self consciously wipe my face.

"Gone?" I ask.

"Yep." He pops the p. Then his face breaks into a smile. I look at him questioningly.

"What?" I ask, running my hand around my face again.



"Yeah. You make me smile. You're just so cute." I grimace. Rose filling my head, 'well aren't you a cutie!'

"Don't call me that please." I say.

"Fine." He grumbles. "I'll call you princess instead." A small smile creeps onto my face now. But his face goes serious. "Why were you crying Ella? When you were leaving your house." I sigh. Putting my hot chocolate down on his bedside table and perching on the end of his bed.

"My mum has got a new boyfriend." I mumble quietly. His mouth forms an 'o' shape. "I know, not really a reason to cry, I should be happy for them." I take in a deep breath. "Did I ever tell you why I don't have a dad?"

"No." He sits down next to me.

"Well when I was seven my dad walked out, after cheating on my mum. It was a horrible breakup. I saw the lady and I haven't heard from him since. He'd been cheating on my mum though for a number of years, since I was about two maybe three. Josh and I watched all of it, the fighting and everything. So I don't trust men, boys. That's why I freaked out when you started smoking, I didn't want to lose you. Id started to trust you, with my heart, my everything. It's selfish really." I turn to look at Luke, who shakes his head vigorously.

"No. It's not." He whispers. "I'm sorry, for what I have done." I slide my hand into his.

"You can't of known, unless I told you. You were trying to help me. I was a daddy's girl, until he broke my heart. That's why I reacted so badly to Darren. I loved my dad. Did everything with him. No matter what he did, part of me still isn't ready to replace him." Luke chuckles lightly. A smile on his face. "I don't understand. What's so funny?"

"It's funny how you repel the idea of possibly having a new dad, whereas I would do anything to have my dad back." He chuckles again, however this time it's sad, regretting. Of course he lost his dad.

"I'm so sorry, I've been talking about Darren and my dad this whole time." He shakes his head again.

"He died of cancer. I remember watching him growing weaker and weaker, in and out of hospital." A single tear slips out of his eye, I reach up to wipe it away. "That's when I began being a player, the night he died." He sighs. "You know I told you that Michelle, had a sister in our year?" I nod my head slowly. "Her name is Megan Anderson, the girl I lost my virginity to." I take in a gasp. Why her? That's why she's so nasty to me.

"I went to her house to forget and I guess I did. I found it an escape. From there I began taking more risks, ditching school and smoking occasionally. I'd have a girl every night, it was like a game almost. Sad, sick. I hate that me. I've slept with lots and lots of girls, Ella but never have I loved them." He ends, looking at me. I stare back into his sparkling, blue eyes. So many emotions fill them.

"There's rumours going around Ella, about a party." Party? A jock was talking about a party in the canteen. "The weekend away, I went to a party. I got waster, I can't remember a thing. Some people are saying that I slept with Megan. But like I said I can't remember a thing about that night, I don't know if I did. I'm so sorry though, Ella."

We sit in silence for minutes. Luke staring at me. My mind puzzles through everything that he's just confessed. I guess it's good of him to tell me. But what if he did? It's his fault that he got so drunk.

"Please say something." He whispers. I continue looking down at my hands, playing with my fingers. "Ella? Baby? Princess?"

"You didn't." I murmur.

"What? I'm so sorry Ella." He stares at me in shock. He murmurs more apologies, his eyes wide, willing.

"Was the party Saturday?" He nods his head confused.

"Yes. But I can't remember anything that happened."

"You didn't."

"Ella, I was drunk, I didn't know a thing that I was doing."

"Luke. Damn it, listen." His eyes fly open wider and look at me in shock.

"It's a lie. Rose said that her and Megan had a slumber party on Saturday night, she said this to me in the canteen."

"Are you kidding?"

"What do you think? Do you really want me to think that you cheated on me?" He swallows and shakes his head. "What a slut." He chuckles and kisses my cheek.

"You are amazing, Ella, princess. And I love you!" He beams at me. I grin and repeat, 'I love you' back to him. "Now please can you tell me what Crow said to you this morning. I know you walked into art crying, and I know that you haven't got a detention, she loves you too much." My smile drops slightly. I take a deep breath and force the words out.

"She wants me to stay away from you, Mr Harris, the headmaster, agrees. They're printing me a new freaking schedule and moving you away from me during tutor." He looks at me taken aback. "Apparently they will be contacting my parents, and probably yours too, if I persist on seeing you during school hours and if my grades don't improve. They want me to break up with you." Once I say 'you' my voice drops to not much more than a whisper. Another tear streams down my face. I can't cry again!

"Are you going to bre-" I cut him off.

"No. They can't make me. They'll have to contact my mum." I stamp my foot on the floor, standing up angrily, as if I'm a five year old having a tantrum.

"Did you seriously just stamp your foot?" He teases, lightening the mood of the conversation. I laugh lightly.

"We'll just have to stay away from each other as much as we can during school time." I say. He nods his head.

"That's going to be hard." He says quietly, thoughtfully. I nod my head slowly. He's right.

"I know. But as long as we're together that's all that matters right?"

"Of course."

"You'll still be at the games and everything. We can go on dates and text."

"We both need to revise. Prove them wrong." He groans quietly, I don't think he meant for me to hear it.

"Anything for you." I smile at his words and then my mind flickers back to the conversation in the corridor, this morning.

"Can you tell me who you were talking to in the corridor this morning?" He straightens his body stiffening, but he nods his head slowly.

"It was Megan." Now it's my turn for my body to stiffen.

"What did she want?" I growl through gritted teeth. An unfamiliar feeling runs through me. Jealousy.

"She was trying to make me believe that I had slept with her at the party."

"That bitch!" I spit.

"Don't worry. I told her that it was a mistake and in my eyes it never really happened. Wait a second, was it you who made a noise in the corridor, dropped something?" I nod my head slowly, my face flushing red like a tomato.

"My phone. I was eavesdropping. I was in the way to art, going the long way of course. I wanted to give my eyes time to die down. So nobody thought that I was having an allergic reaction." He chuckles quietly. "Oi don't judge!"

"I'm not judging."

"Good. Promise me that you won't get as drunk again."

"I promise. And definitely no secrets, they just rip us apart." I nod my head in agreement. "Will you take me back?" I pretend to ponder for a few seconds. Long fingers poke my sides making me giggle. "Say yes."

"I'm sorry yes, yes. Please stop! Yes!" I beg. He releases me and I curl into his side. I've missed the way our hands mould together. The way he smiles at me. How our bodies fit together. I never want to argue with him again.

So I'm going to try and start updating sooner. But I'd really like some more comments and votes!

What do you think of this chapter? They made up pretty quickly, I know! You've found out who Luke was talking to and more about both of their pasts. What about Darren though? And Ella not easily trusting men? Fair enough? Id love to hear some lines that you think would be funny/cool in future chapters.

Do you think Ella should go to the slumber party?

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