The Truth Comes Out

By TheBestiesDuo

101K 1.9K 546

It's a normal day at Henry's house Charlotte and Henry were studying and eating nachos till Piper takes thing... More

Revenge of Piper Hart
Things Get Weird
Expect The Unexpected
Bianca Spreads Gossip
Staying At Henry's House
Remebering You All over Again
I Need You
Be my Hero
An unwanted Sickness
Were Having
Moving Day
Old Memoeries Remebereded
An Invisible Return
Nursery shopping
The Nursery
A Night To Remeber?
A/N Update
The Curse Of The Rain

How much I love you

4.1K 80 17
By TheBestiesDuo

I opened my eyes and looked around Henry was next to me sleeping holding my hand. Henry was so adorable sleeping I couldn't believe , he stayed here all might with me in the chair. Just to make sure I was okay, I don't know how I ended up with him as my boyfriend but I'm glad I did.But then I felt a squeeze and grab of my hand and saw Henry was waking up. "Morning beautiful did you sleep okay?" "Yeah best sleep ever!" "Good cause that's all your gonna be doing next week on bed rest". "Why" "The doctor said your gonna go home today once she rechecks on you." "But you have to be on bed rest to help the baby and yourself recover come all this" "Okay at least I'll get to sleep"

Then the doctor comes in
"I see your awake"  "yeah" "well I just want to make sure everything's good and I have some things for you to help you with your babies"  "what do you mean babies"  "Didn't you hear me from before Charlotte is pregnant with fraternal twins"  "Hen isn't this amazing were gonna have twins!" Charlotte said with a big smile on her face"

Henry with the biggest smile ever on his face "Henry? Hello earth to Henry!" Waving her hands in front of his face.  "I'm so happy for our fraternal twins!" Hugging Charlotte tightly. " with twin pregnancies there's always more risks so I advise you during bed rest to do no heavy lifting and to take it easy. Only getting up for the exception of bathroom use" "I will"   "and I will make sure of it" Henry smiling at Charlotte   "Oh and Mr.Bodyguard becomes Mr. Overprotective!"  "I like that name too"  " that's not a compliment that's a why are you so overprotective !"  " I just want you and our babies safe"  "Your only saying that cause there's two of them now!" Pointing to her stomach

"I love you char" " I love you too Henry" kissing Henry and Henry kisses back. Doctor coughs. "So when can I go home" " In a Couple of hours we just want to observe you to make sure your okay" "okay Hen I want breakfast and I want it from IHOP please!" "Okay char I'll go get them be right back" " No Henry Wait!" "What's wrong char?" "I want pancakes can you ask Ray or schwaz to get them for me I don't want to be alone!"I'm not leaving!" Sitting down next to char "good cause I was staring to get lonely already" Henry smiles and kisses Charlotte's forehead.

26 minutes later

Charlotte scarfing down pancakes. "Slow down char I don't want you choking on me!" "Hen I'm fine I'm super hungry you have to eat more with twins" then Charlotte quickly slurps her frosty "Charlotte!" "What Henry!"  "Don't drink that so fast!"  "Henry I think I know how to drink stuff !"  "But it's cold take it slow"  "Henry!" Then Charlotte gets a Brian freeze. "Ahh brain freeze!"   "Are you okay?!"  "Yes Hen I'm okay I'm just really thirsty"  "well have some water then"  "but I have my frosty!" " OW this thing keeps on giving me brain freezes!"  "Then don't drink it"  "But it tastes so good and delicious like chocolate!  " but water is better and doesn't give you brain freezes"  "Are what are you my personal nutritionist now!" Charlotte said annoyed

"Maybe"  " UGH! Just stop it!" " stop what!"  "Stop treating me like I m royalty!" "Do this! "Don't do that!" "Are you okay!"  "What's wrong!"  "Let me do this!"  "I can take it I'm sorry ." "Hen I don't wanna be controlled Anymore over everything I do every little second " "Everything I do I feel like you don't trust me to do anymore!" "I'm pregnant with twins and that's overwhelming enough!" Charlotte crying "I'm sorry char I never thought about how I was treating you" "DANG HORMONES!" Crying even more "I feel so stupid, helpless and ugly!"  "Char don't ever say that your intelligent and super smart and gorgeous " "I don't feel like any of those things I feel like a huge monster!"  "Charlotte you are not a monster!"  "Have you seen me I can't control my emotions!"  "I cry too much and then I get angry and then I cling to you"  "Then I never want you to leave me and then I'm crying again!" " cause I'm pregnant freak who's nuts and crazy!"

"Charlotte that's all apart of pregnancy  but you are beautiful and intelligent  I love you no matter how you act".  "But why would you love me if I can't control my emotions!"
"I love you cause your you, and your carrying our beautiful miracles "  " I hate myself!"  "Admit it I'm pain to be around and I make you miserable!  "I can't admit what isn't true" "you don't have to keep loving me cause I'm pregnant with your kids!" "Ive always loved you char"  "why can't you admit! Just don't lie to me and admit it!"
"I'm not lying!"  " your lying about me making you miserable and being a pain!" "I know you are you just don't want my feelings to get hurt!" Henry kisses Charlotte
"Please believe me that I love you I would do anything you request right now for you"

Charlotte crying and Henry wipes away her tears

"You wanna know what I want Hen" "What? Is it char" " I just wanna go home and lay on your bed with you cuddling " "Cause I feel like a broken mess that needs healing and fixing !" "I can certainly make that happen char because I love you"

Doctor comes In
"You can go home now just sign the release forms" Charlotte grabs the release forms but then Henry  takes them away from her " Henry!" "What?" "Uh why did you take the release forms out of my hands " "I want to sign them!" "I could handle it" "char your supposed to be taking it easy" "I know but" "how about we both sign them" "No I want to sign all of them" "okay you can sign all of them" " YAY! Now give me that pen!" "Here char" "thank you"

20 minutes later

Charlotte laying down in Henry's bed "hey you! Kissing Charlotte's forehead "don't go " grabbing Henry's arms "I'm just gonna go get you some water . cause the doctor strictly said in the care notes you need to stay hydrated" "Okay can you get me a snack to" ""sure char"

5 minutes later
"Alright I'm back" "yay! Why did you bring me vegetables !" " Piper ate all the good stuff and threw some stuff out" "that's your excuse I thought you were gonna say because its healthy and good for the twins " "it is healthy" "can we please cuddle now I don't want you getting up again" Henry lays down next to Charlotte wrapping both his around her waist "hen?" Cuddling into his chest "yeah" "when was the first time you loved me"

"1st grade I was coloring and you entered for the first time you were so gorgeous. I couldn't keep my eyes off you I felt my heart beat . A thousand times and I got this warm feeling in my stomach that's when I knew I found the one."

"Awww that's so sweet I  didn't know you felt that way why didn't you tell me that you felt that way?" "I was afraid that you wouldn't like me!" "Oh Hen I'll always like you cause your to adorable to not like and love" "Im so happy I have you char" hugging Charlotte  "Me too I'm just glad these little miracles Im Carrying inside me are yours" "me too" "Are you happy we're gonna have twins and not just one baby like we thought we were" "I can't wait to hold them in my arms" "well it's gonna be a while before then but you have me to hold in your arms for now " "yay!" Charlotte smiling then yawning "Hen I'm tired but I don't wanna go to sleep". "Do you want a story" " just like old times".

"Yeah" smiling. "Yes I'd love a story " "once upon a time there was a beautiful princess named Charlotte" Charlotte smiling and laughing. "She had been locked away in a tower by an evil witch who was jealous of her stunning beauty " "oh then what " A prince came riding on a horse to rescue the princess " "and who was this prince".  "Henry Hart". "Awww what happened after he rescued her"  "They got married" "Really!"  "Yeah then a few months later they had beautiful children "  "Awwww did they live happily ever after"  "yup" "Yay! But I still don't wanna close my eyes "   "Char can I give you something" " sure anything Hen what is it"  "I've been wanting to give you this" pulling out a golden ring.  "It's ring and it says I love you Charlotte Bolton  it means I will always be there for you"

Charlotte getting teary eyed "Awww Hen"  " I spent all my savings on it and I will never regret it ever"  "Hen when did you get this"  "last week" " I-I don't know what to say" Charlotte crying  "it's all for you char I love you" slipping the ring on her finger    "Awww how do I close my eyes to sleep when I don't want to because I just wanna hear your voice and see your next to me and be with me"  "Do you still wanna cuddle" "I don't want you to leave and then wake up and your not her I can't close my eyes to that"  "but what will you do if I'm asleep" "I could sleep too"  "thank you Henry I can't love you enough for everything you've done for me how do I repay you"  "a kiss would be nice"  Charlotte kisses Henry then breaks it.   "So have I repaid you now"  "yeah felt goood "

Charlotte laughing  then Charlotte buried her face into the croak of Henry's warm neck and started to fall asleep   Few minutes later Piper bursts into Henry's room " Piper what do you want and why'd you come in my room"  " I need to borrow your phone charger"  "uh no! Why don't you use yours" "I lost it !!!"  "Piper shut up Charlotte's trying to sleep"  "NO!" Take Henrys phone charger  " you better plan on giving that back or say hello to another embarrassing  picture of you".  "No I'm keeping it!" Storms out  "okay we'll be looking forward to an embarrassing picture of yourself you never wanted posted later"  "I don't care!" Yelling in the distance  "H-Hen?"

Charlotte angrily gets out of bed and storms down the hall towards pipers room with her fired up mood swings " please don't make her more angry char" grabbing her arm gently"  "hen I just want to go back to sleep but I can't and she woke me up making me mad"  "Let's just try to sleep again " "Look Hen I know I'm on bed rest but I need to teach that girl a lesson about messing with my man"Like what lesson"  "for messing with our nachos" "But if she didn't do that we wouldn't have our children" "You said you loved me way before I was even pregnant now your saying you love me because I'm pregnant "  "Charlotte I mean that I've always loved you I didn't mean to hurt you"  "I just want to go back to sleep but Piper woke me up!" Crying.   "You go to bed and I'll talk to Piper please don't cry "  "I'm really sorry ! I just hate being woken up mad I want to sleep because the babies are wearing me out!"  "Just go to sleep I'll handle this" kissing Charlotte's forehead  "okay I trust you" walking back to Henry's room. 

Henry walks to pipers room   "GET OUT OF MY ROOM!"  "NO!"  "WHY NOT!"   "First of all you woke Charlotte up! Then you came in my room and took my phone charger !  Second Would it kill you to keep your voice down your upsetting Charlotte she needs her sleep!" "OH POOR CHARLOTTE ITS ALL ABOUT HER!"  " stop yelling" "NO YOUR NOT MOM OR DAD!"  "Just keep your voice down please" "NO! NO!NO! I DONT HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOU!"  "Why do you act this way" "CAUSE I CAN!"  "NOW SHUT UP AND LEAVE!"  "I'm not leaving" "WELL HAVE FUN STANDING THERE WATCHING ME YELL AT MARLA!" Charlotte couldn't take it any,ore and storms back in.   "PIPER SHUT YOUR FACE BEFORE I SHUT IT FOR YOU!"  "YOU CANT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!"  "OH WATCH ME ! YOU MAY THINK BECAUSE YOUR LOUDER AND YOUNGER YOUR BETTER THAN ME " "BUT YOUR NOT! YOUR JUST A SELFISH STUCK UP BRAT!" "HOW DARE YOU CALL ME THAT!"  "I CAN CALL YOU WHATEVER I WANT!

"Char stop this isn't good for the babies!" "NO!"  "What baby's!"  "Uh nothing !"   "Your pregnant!" "Uh NO!" "IM NOT DEAF!"  "Well I'm not pregnant!"  "Yes you are!" Lifting Charlotte's shirt "see you are pregnant!"  "HEY! Don't do that!"  "Yeah don't do that!"
"Why what are you gonna do Henry she's pregnant!" "now I know there's  nothing left to hide!"  "Please don't tell"  "convince me why I shouldn't "  "your my little sister" " I still wanna tell!"  What about money " "hmmmm keep talking!"   "100 bucks" "and" "I'll do your chores for a month"  "ok deal but you have to do something for me" "what is it!?" Said Charlotte and  Henry    "I get to hold the baby before any of your friends try to!"  "Okay" "we're having twins so you'll get to hold 2 "  "that's great" " you said baby not babies so I just wanted you to know that "char I think she gets it lets go". "YEAH GET OUT!"  Charlotte and Henry go back to Henry's room and lie down" "hen I can't sleep!"   Henry  lies down next to Charlotte and falls asleep   "How come you can sleep but I can't!"

"UGH I NEED COFFEE!"  Then Charlotte sneaks downstairs to go make coffee. "Isn't Henry going to be upset seeing you drink coffee"  "why do you care what I do!"  "I just want to say sorry for how I acted"  "well I can't fall asleep again so the only way I'm going to survive is drinking   coffee "but coffee will make you not sleep more" " yeah that's the whole point I can't fall back asleep and Henry can so by drinking coffee I just wont sleep!"  "Coffee is bad for babies"  " oh please don't turn into Henry he's asleep right now and has no idea Im about to drink coffee" "I'm not asleep anymore" said Henry with messy bed head hair "uh Piper sis you hear something!" "Char turn around" "It must be me cause I thought I heard someone talking" Henry comes over and wraps his arms around charlottes waist and stomach
"Oh it's Henry what are you doing down here and out of bed!" Laughing nervously
"I couldn't sense you next to me so I woke up" "Oh well I'm fine so you can go back to bed and I'm gonna drink some coffee sounds good okay great " grabbing her mug and trying to leave Henry

"Wait Charlotte Bolton come back here" start getting her coffee "Why do you have coffee" "uh I don't have coffee!" "Piper did Charlotte have coffee" "she was about to before I came down here to apologize" "spoiler!" Taking a sip of her coffee Henry takes the coffee out of Charlotte's hands " HEY! What was that for I was drinking that!"
"Coffee is not good" "but I'm so tired and I can't sleep so I need something to help me stay awake" "But coffee is not the answer" "well it's my answer cause I can't fall back asleep and it'll help me stay awake" "I can help you fall asleep" "How?" "What about a lullaby " "okay you can try but can we go back to your room first please" "okay" smiling Then Charlotte and Henry go back to Henry's room and Charlotte lays on Henry's bed Then Henry lays down next to Charlotte "Hen I'm not feeling sleepy yet"

Id like to sail to lands afar
Out on a boat that's built for two
Beneath the canopy of the stars
That would be just like a dream come true
Just to be with you

And oh,oh, oh , ohhh
When were together
Feels like forever
Worries that seem to fade away
As they become as distant memories
When were together

Then Charlotte smiles and falls asleep

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