Por catchhhhhh

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A young lady named Nam Hee Yeon; passionate and strong-willed editor in Seoul whom shut herself out from the... Más

Only You: Prologue
Only You: Chapter 1
Only You: Chapter 2
Only You: Chapter 3
Only You: Chapter 4
Only You: Chapter 5
Only You: Chapter 6
Only You: Chapter 7
Only You: Chapter 8
Only You: Chapter 9
Special Chapter I
Only You: Chapter 10
Only You: Chapter 11
Only You: Chapter 12
Only You: Chapter 13
Only You: Chapter 14
Only You: Chapter 15
Only You: Chapter 16
Only You: Chapter 17
Only You: Chapter 18
Only You: Chapter 20
Special Chapter II
Only You: Chapter 21
Only You: Chapter 22
Only You: Chapter 23
Only You: Chapter 24
Only You: Chapter 25
Only You: Chapter 26
Only You: Chapter 27
Only You: Chapter 28
Only You: Chapter 29
Only You: Chapter 30
Only You: Chapter 31
Special Chapter III
Only You: Chapter 32
Only You: Chapter 33
Only You: Chapter 34
Only You: Chapter 35
Only You: Chapter 36
Only You: Chapter 37
Only You: Chapter 38
Special Chapter IV
Only You: Chapter 39
Only You: Chapter 40
Only You: Chapter 41
Only You: Chapter 42
Only You: Chapter 43
Only You: Epilogue
Appreciation Post

Only You: Chapter 19

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Por catchhhhhh

[Korean Translations]
Aegyo (애교): To act cute
Ajhussi (아저씨): Old man
Ajhumma (아줌마): Old woman
Ani (아니): No
Annyeong (안녕): Hello/Goodbye
Arasseo (알았어): Alright
Chukhahae (축하해): Congratulations
Daebak (대박): Awesome
Eomma (엄마): Mother
Hajima (하지마): Stop
Hyung (형): Older brother for males/Friend
Hwaiting (화이팅): Goodluck/ You can do it!
Gomawo (고마워): Thank you
Gwenchana (괜찮아): Are you okay?
Jalja (잘자): Goodnight
Jalmeokesseubnida (잘먹겠습니다): Thanks for the food
Jebal (제발): Please
Jinjja/Jeongmal (진짜/ 정말): Really
Maknae (막내): Youngest child/friend out of the group
Mianhe (미안해): I'm sorry
Ne (네): Yes
Noona (누나): Older sister for males /Friend
Omo (어머): Oh my
Ottoke (어떡해): What should I do?
Oppa (오빠): Older brother for females/Boyfriend
Saengil Chukhahae (생일축하해): Happy Birthday
Pabo (바보): Stupid
Wae (왜): Why?
Yeppeoda (예쁘다): Pretty

Chapter 19: Unexpected Meeting
Tuesday, December 17 2013

Almost a week had passed since Hee Yeon quit her job. Since she's unemployed there's nothing she can't do but to stay and wait at home. Hee Yeon has no idea that luck is on her side today but little does she know that the said 'luck' will lead her to something unexpected.

Hee Yeon's POV

I sit on my couch in front of the television watching a horror movie while I let my body sink on the soft foam of the furniture. It is a little too early for a horror movie but I have no choice. This is the only way to let time pass quickly since I wake up too early again. My sleep cycle have not yet change.

Since I left my job, I left a lot of unfinished work to my coworkers and to my psychoperv boss. Even if he did apologized, offered to give me a raise again and begged for me to stay I still chose to leave because I won't wait for him to do that to me again. Plus, that place sucks. You work your ass off and for what? Just to be unappreciated. Since then, I have no choice but to stay at home until I find another job.

Right after that incident a blessing came to me in disguise. A disguise called Park Jimin. He informed me, some time last week, that there's a job opening from where I guess he takes a part time job. It was awesome because the company is in the music industry business. So, I took the chance immediately before it got taken away from me.


I was making dinner, chopping some vegetables and meat in the kitchen on a flat wooden board, when Jimin called on a Wednesday night. Since he knew that I don't have a job and was looking for one he immediately informed me about a job opening.

"Yeonie, there's a company I know that has a job opening! If you're interested I'll give you the address. I think you'll be perfect for the job plus you'll love it!" he says excitingly.

"And guess what? It's from a music company!" he adds as he squeal like a little girl in a concert of her favorite artist.

"A music company? Jinja?" I exclaimed making me drop the knife that I was holding onto the table.

"How did you know all these? And how would my job connect to a music company? I don't even know how to write lyrics," I sighed, walking erratically at the kitchen leaving what I was cooking unattended.

A job that will relate to my career and to the music industry, a lyricist. That's all I can think of. There's no way I will instantly know how to write one, it's impossible. And since I'm an editor and not an official writer, it's really impossible for me to write lyrics. If there's a need to edit lyrics then I'm in but I doubt that there's something like that.

"I overheard them talking when I worked late last night.. oh don't mind that part. The important thing is I heard them say one of they're looking for is an experienced writer. So you automatically popped into my mind," he says in a very hyped tone.

I cannot miss the part where he said he work at a music industry. Maybe he's really into it that he started early, working part time while he studies. He's really something, I thought. And I never would've thought that it'll help me someday.

"But I'm only an editor and I am not that experienced," I say in a despair tone.

I have to admit it early didn't I? That I'm not capable of doing this.

"Well, for all I know is you're good at your job so maybe they'll make an exception. And there's no harm if you try. So please do," he utters in a soft tone as he tries to convince me. "I know you can do it Yeonie. Hwaiting!"

Everything that Jimin said was right. There's really no harm in trying, there'll only be harm if you don't try. Before we hang up I asked for the company's address that he's talking about. He said that there'll be an open interview tomorrow so I better prepare myself and my resumé fast. He said that I should leave an impression so they will remember me.


Looks like the company that he said isn't that big. It's just a five storey building with a huge signage in front 'Big Hit Entertainment'. It looks like a regular building in Seoul where you can't even notice that it's a building for a music company. I didn't expect it to be a big company though because I wouldn't stand any chance to work there. I just thought it'll be a little bigger than this.

At the interview I noticed many people wanting to apply for the job too. Some of them looks very professional and most of them looks like they are just here to pass by.

Me? I'm in between. I'm on my black coat, white shirt, black slacks and just a two inch heels to cover my foot. I can say that I'm wearing a rather semi-formal-casual suit.

I thought Jimin will walk me through this since he's the one who suggested it in the first place. Or maybe start me off with a good impression to boost me up but he said he was going to be busy so I guess I'll go through this alone.

During my turn they just asked random relatable questions to the job so I just answered what I know. I didn't feel any pressure or nervousness during my turn since it is not my first time to be interviewed. After that, they said that they'll give me a call sometime next week if I got accepted.

All I can say is I did my best.

[End of Flashback]

So, here I am waiting for a miracle while sitting on the sofa on a Tuesday morning watching a horror movie. It's already ten am and it is almost lunch time. So, I got up on my sit and head to the kitchen to prepare lunch without pausing my movie. This is how I like it preparing my own food while watching a movie.

While I prepare my lunch I heard my phone rang. I rushed to it thinking that it might be the company but it's not, it's just Jimin. I got excited for nothing.

"Yeonie, have they called you yet? I heard them say that they'll call the ones who passed the interview today."

Jinja, this guy. Since yesterday he has been calling me non-stop, asking if they've called me yet. It is like he feels more excited than me.

"How will they be able to call if you keep calling," I rant and then paused. How did he know that they're going to call today? I thought.

"Wait a minute.. are you there? You should be at school right? What are you doing there so early?"

"Long story—"

Before he can add anything he got cut off by a beeping sound. The beeping signifies a new caller. Once I looked it up, it's an unregistered number. I cut Jimin off for a minute to check who it was.

"Ms. Hee Yeon?" a voice of a lady answers which I guess is in mid-forties at age.


"This is Han Yoon Seo from Big Hit Entertainment. I am pleased to inform you that you got accepted to be part of this company. We expect you to be here at exactly one pm today for a meeting as well as for contract signing. I will explain further once you arrive later. I expect you to not arrive late. Goodbye and congratulations Ms. Hee Yeon," and then she hangs up without giving me a chance to say anything.

Even though she rudely did that I can't get the thought out off my mind that I got accepted. My whole body paused for approximately five whole minutes. I blink my eyes rapidly to wake myself up if this was only a dream but I realize it is not.

"Omo! Omo! I got accepted! Ahh!" I squeal, jumping up and down from happiness. I never thought that I would be accepted. This is freaking awesome!

Lost in my own happiness I heard a little voice talking, "Yeonie? Yeonie?" I look around and look for it and then I realized it was coming from my phone. I realize that Jimin was still on the line.

"Chim! I got accepted! OMO!!" I exclaimed making him scream too.

"Jinjaaa? I'm so happy for you, Yeonie!"

"Thank you! I will be going to the company later at one pm, meet me there?" I say excitingly.

He's the one I want to see first after I got off the meeting. He's the one who informed me about it after all and of course he's my best friend so I want to celebrate this with him.

"Yeah sure, I'll meet you there later but I need to go right now. Congratulations again. Annyeong~"


Five minutes and it will be one pm already. I wait patiently on a narrow hallway just at the corner of the main hall inside Big Hit Entertainment with some people who I guess got accepted too. I am wearing a somehow more formal clothes now to prove myself I am worthy since I got accepted. It is more of a corporate attire with a tight pencil cut skirt and a blouse.

A lady wearing a semi-formal attire step out off a door just a few feet away from us. She walk towards me and approach me, "Ms. Hee Yeon?" she says with a high pitch tone with her one brow raised at me. I nod and she ask me to follow her to the room.

I stepped in and saw a long table inside with five people sitting around it. Once I enter they automatically turn their heads to me.

One of them caught my attention —a middle aged, somewhat healthy man in a suit which I assumed is the owner just because he is sitting in the middle.

The lady ask me to sit and they started the meeting. It is not really a meeting actually it is more of like they explain their company rules, what job I got accepted in, discussion of salary and then contract signing afterwards.

"Ms. Hee Yeon, nice to meet you. I am Bang Shi Hyuk. Owner of Big Hit Entertainment," the man in the middle utters. "You lack in experience. You are not a writer but an editor and you're young."

Hearing his words made me nervous. Why is he saying this? I thought I was accepted? Why is he saying all these negative things about me?

And he continues, "But despite of that I see something unique in you. I see potential that can grow into something bigger. But due to the lack of experience I'm afraid you have to start small. We've made an exception and decided to make you the writer's assistant for our upcoming projects. But I believe you will do great things and will help our company achieve farther so I'll be watching you. Please let our company guide you to grow and help you achieve your innermost dreams."

The way he said it impressed me. He has this personality that can really motivate people and make you trust him immediately.

A writer's assistant, it is not that bad to start with compared to the work I had in the past. He's right. I need to start small and work hard to achieve my dreams. And I can feel that I can with his help.

After the contract signing and the meeting I head outside the main hall as they call the next person who got accepted. I sit on the waiting lounge just next to the information center waiting for Jimin to arrive. I look at my watch and it says three pm. Wow he is taking way too long, I thought.

I then noticed a van stop outside, right in front of the building. Once it stopped a bunch of young girls starts to surround the vehicle holding some signage and posters which I can't clearly see. Seriously, these girls should be at school right now rather than wasting their time for whoever that was, I thought as I went to the bathroom not wanting to see anymore of this.

After a few minutes of some 'me' time in the bathroom my phone suddenly rings. I grab it immediately thinking that it might be Jimin already and I'm not mistaken, it is him.

"Yeonie, where are you? Are you already finished?" he utters with a sweet tone.

"Yes, I am. I'm in the bathroom. Let's meet at the main hall in front since that's the only place I can locate without being lost," he then agrees while we both let out a soft chuckle and I hang up.

I wait for him just in the corner of the main hall. I notice that the van from awhile ago vanished alongside with the herd of young girls.

A loud thin voice then penetrates my ears as it called out my name, "Yeonie!" I turn and saw Jimin running towards me. He stop in front of me catching his breath and utters, "Chukhahae!" while he messes my hair.

I sway his arms away and playfully punch him right in the stomach making him arch his body and groan in pain.

"You deserve that since you made me wait," I say, crossing my arms and narrowing my eyes at him. Making him scratch his head, smiling.

"Wow. Yeonie, looks different with a formal attire. You look daebak!" he exclaims, pointing a thumbs up in front of me.

I give him a punch again but this time in the arm, for teasing me, making him caress his arm gently.

Suddenly, a loud deep voice bounce across the hall making me startle a bit.

"Jimin-ah!" Jimin then jumps out of fright making him automatically run and hide behind me.

I try to get him off of my back but then I noticed a massive shadow block the light that the fluorescent lights above gives.

I turn to look and saw this huge guy in front of me making my jaw drop because of his massive height. Feeling scared and amazed at the same time, I slowly look up to him. I saw this really sweet face smiling at me and was shocked because he bowed at me. What a respectful gesture, I thought. I guess I just assumed he was scary just because of his height.

After him, he is followed by three other guys. Two of them are massively smiling at me with one of them has their arm wrap around the other one's shoulders.

I just gave them a weird look thinking why are they smiling. While the another one just passed by me after he quickly remove his gaze at me.

I turn around and face Jimin again and saw the tall one drag him away from my back. I guess these are the guys Jimin was referring to as his hyungs but I don't get it because a few of the looks younger than him.

My heart suddenly starts pounding once I heard a familiar voice call out to me. I can feel a presence behind me that made me stiffen up.

I heard that voice somewhere, I thought. But where? Afraid to look behind I remain standing still. The voice call out to me again and touch my shoulder.

"Hee Yeon?"

It's a voice of a guy. I think deeply thinking who it was and why does his voice sounds familiar.

Then it hit me.

It's the voice that my ears are longing to hear but wouldn't want to hear. It's the voice that I don't want to ever hear again.

It's his voice.

No. I shook my head. It's not him, I try to convince myself. I turned my head slowly to prove myself wrong. But once I am facing him my whole body froze up into stone as I hear him say my name again.

"Hee Yeon!"

End of Chapter 19

A fan fiction is only a fan fiction.
No real harm done to the characters
of the story.

Writer's Note
Do you know who was the person Hee Yeon saw? Feel free to guess below! 😄

Thank you for reading the Chapter 18 & 19 of Only You. I was suppose to do a triple update but I just have to cut it right there and leave you thinking. I'm the worst, right? 😂 Personally, this is one of my favorite chapters yet and I hope you like it. ☺️ Don't forget to express your feels as a vote! I will sure appreciate it if I will receive as much love. 😄

Still dedicated to the following users: BTS4ever28 23Taehyung kpop_stories_rocker kookie12376 kim_taehyunged

The 20th & 21st chapter will be officially posted on Monday, August 17 2015. Including Special Chapter II!

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