Madara Uchiha | the thorns in...

By NarutosAkatsuki

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[COMPLETED] *book one in the Uzumaki series* Tomomi Uzumaki only has one close friend. And he's an Uchiha... More

1. part one
18. part two
31. part three
38. Finale


6.1K 195 81
By NarutosAkatsuki

Manami Uzumaki


My sister is known in our family for being the sensible one. She's never seen doing anything improper, and always respects those around her. There's always been this one instance that has stuck in my mind from when my sister once portrayed this sensibility. It was the last time our clan had an organised meeting in Uzushiogakure.

The room was in chaos, woman screeching at their husbands and men yelling at each other. 'An idiotic dreamer' was what I picked out of the conversation, the rest was a blur.

My father was tiredly arguing with his second cousin, Kuma Hagoromo, about the ties between the Uchiha and Senju. Kuma was not a blood related Uzumaki, but married an Uzumaki, therefore he had some sort of say in the matter. But I do not believe my father and him are on good terms still.

Besides this, the noise and the stress, it was my sister Tomoko who calmed down the room. She quietly stood from her place, cleared her throat loudly and began walking in front of everyone, giving them all small pats on the heads.

Everyone immediately stopped their bickering and turned towards her in confusion. And when they had done this, she bowed her head and calmly sat down once again.

Such a strange gesture, but she seemed to have cleared everyone's minds long enough to prevent a cold war between the two sides of the family.

That's what's not made so public about our clan. Our ties run deep yes, but not everyone believes in the little fantasy of following the Senju wherever they may go. For example, my father being one of them. The rest it would be hard to marginalise.

Tajima Uchiha it seemed, was very involved with his clan. From where I now sat, I felt several gazes on me. Tajima was...intimidating despite the gentleness his face held. I have always been afraid of when I would meet him again.

The first time I will never forget. I was 8 at the time and running around the Uchiha compound with the one and only idiot and his brothers, just as I turned a corner I crashed against someone. The impact made me freeze with shock and fall pathetically in front of the person. The person being Tajima Uchiha, he held a firm frown.

"Who are you, girl?" He questioned me in his husky tone. I was almost speechless if it wasn't for the others that now stood beside me wearily.

"Tomomi, sir." Came my timid reply. And then he smiled, brightly and wide and looked me up and down, it confused my small child mind. It wasn't that he was mean to me or anything that made me slightly afraid of him. It was the way such a man, with such power could become so calm. Ever since that meeting, when he gently said his goodbyes and carried on his way, I had been anxious about our next meeting. And of course now was the time for me to show him how much I had grown.

My father closed his eyes for a split second before staring at Tajima with an equal gaze. He spoke, "I am here to discuss our ties with the Senju and Uchiha," and that's when my heart thumped with sudden panic.

What is Atsushi talking about? Why would he be conferring with the Uchiha about our business with our allies?

Tajima didn't seem so swayed by my fathers announcement. But then again, I remembered what I had been told. That Tajima was expecting all that my father was about to tell him. But again I was not prepared for when my father uncovered the rising question in my brain.

"I want to become allies with the Uchiha clan."

Did I gasp? I couldn't tell you if I did as I intensely glared at the floor in front of me. This was not what I was expecting. Arranged marriage? Land ownership treaties? I was thinking that they would be more of the topic in this meeting. But then again, my father has his secrets, although this one was not well hidden from everyone but me.

"The Uchiha do not need allies with Senju scum." Came Tajima's response, it was as if I suddenly forgot how to breath.

"If that's what it takes, we will remove the Senju from our alliance."


"Oh really?" Tajima smirked very wide. "Would you just look at your daughters reaction, her great and wise father siding with the enemy." If this was what everyone had been hiding from my knowledge, that my father had planned to join with the Uchiha, I was horrified.

My outer family, the Uzumaki and Senju would never have thought of building an alliance with the Uchiha while dismissing ties with our allies. Yes they had their views, but actually carrying out those views? A civil war would start. Perhaps my father plans on betraying his family, but who will follow him? Me? My sister and mother?

"Please consider it..." Father finished in a somewhat defeated tone as he tried not to glance at me.

"No." Tajima stated his smile dropping from his face. My father went to answer but Tajima was not finished. "I will have a private meeting with you and then I will give you my answer." This seemed to have relaxed Atsushi.

"Atsushi-" That was my mother before father turned to us and spoke.

"It's alright. Myself and master Tajima need a private audience." His voice was even, although I could see the stern look in his eye warning me, if I made a mistake, everything could be on jeopardy. Yes me, I was not the quietest when stating my opinion. But maybe a liability was what I was searching for right now?

I merely bowed my head to my father and the audience, stood up and exited without a second glance at the gathering. Others seemed to be leaving from the rustling of fabrics behind me. I looked up from the ground as I began walking away from the meeting place. The building sat on a deserted road, the type that you would see a random stray dog trotting down with its tongue happily dangling from its mouth.

I was about to follow my sister who was already half way up the road in front of me when a hand suddenly clutched my wrist. I almost squeaked as I was pulled backwards but another hand placed itself over my mouth. I didn't have to guess who it was when my back hit an alleyway wall.

"Your fathers rather sneaky isn't he?" He spoke with his head rather close and his free arm trapping me between him and the wall. I glared lifting my own hands to remove his palm from my lips.

"Idiot! Why didn't you tell me sooner!" I whispered harshly as a smirk graced his lips in amusement. "I was freaking out."

"I thought it would be funny." He retorted rolling his eyes with a small chuckle. I pouted as he made eye contact with me again. "And it was."

"I'll get you back. Just you wait Isamu." I mocked causing his eyebrow to twitch awkwardly.

"Stop calling me that!" He groaned irritated as he closed his eyes.

"Hey! I'm not the one who chose it!" I giggled with a large grin on my face at his annoyance.

"Just-follow me." Madara grumbled moving away and letting me stand up properly.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously and slyly followed him out of the alleyway. He didn't answer and suddenly took off running down the dirt of the Uchiha compounds roads.

"Oi! Pin head!" I growled trying to catch up with him as my many accessories bounced with each step.

"Those are so annoying." He grumbled suddenly facing me and gripped my arm roughly.

"Hey!" I protested and was swiftly slung across his shoulders. "I'll destroy you when I get down from here!" I screeched as quietly as possible.

"Whatever." He replied bored and ran even faster than he already was.

I already realized where we were going when we entered the familiar green and orange forest. The trees were plump with wide leaves, and the ground littered with small colourful flowers. It had always held a sort of magical aura, it calmed your nerves as soon as you looked upon it. I watched in content, letting each tree leave my gaze just as I captured it.

"Why are you taking me home?" I sighed exasperated just as he used chakra to run across the river top. Madara's jaw clenched slightly, I noticed it as I glanced at him.

"No other Uchiha would dare enter this compound...and we were being watched." He announced monotonously as I watched sakura blossoms fill the space above me. They swooned and fell graciously to the ground as we sped past them. I sighed in annoyance.

"Your clan knows about this don't they...would they inform my father?"

"No." He answered back simply and walked up to my window sill. "They don't think like that, but they're nosy," he added with a blank face. I sighed again, wondering when I would be let free. But it wasn't until Madara had opened my window, jumped through then closed it that he ungraciously flopped onto my made bed and let me roll across the now wrinkled blanket.


"-Irritating woman." Madara blankly stated staring at me as I prepared to jump at him. "Whoa whoa!" He motioned catching my arms before I hit him. He rolled his eyes to my hair as it flopped down. "You could take someones eye out," he added before struggling to pluck the fine needles knotted in my undone bun.

"Oh what would be of the great Madara Uchiha without his precious eyes." I retorted with a chuckle.

"Majorly pissed." Madara replied as I looked to see his once dark eyes turned to a crimson red. Sharingan, I thought in awe.

"We all know that." I laughed as he smirked and his eyes turned back to normal.

"Here." He said holding four sharp needles in his palm. I took them with a smile and leaned behind me to place them onto my side table. Thinking more at the matter on hand, my thoughts wondered to my father. Was he really willing to go against...the whole clan? The household would split, they would never want us to side with the Uchiha!

"Don't be surprised if my father agrees." Madara stated as he stared at me neutrally. I furrowed my brows and leaned against one of my hands.

"Why would he do that?" I questioned watching as Madara shifted so that he could lay on his back.

"Because he knows how strong the Uzumaki can be. What better way to fight the enemy than using their own?" He added distant minded crossing his arms behind his head for support.

"Have you...talked to Hashirama lately?" I hesitantly asked. Madara and him always had a strange friendship as Madara would call it.

"Not since his idiot father nearly killed Izuna." He almost growled closing his eyes with a frown. My heart jumped at the very thought.

I wish we didn't have to fight all the time.

"Why doesn't your father forbid you to see me like he did to Hashirama?" I said quietly, fiddling with the red fabric of my sleeves. Madara let out a small sigh and glanced at me.

"Because you're a woman." He stated simply and then closed his eyes again. A woman. My eyes widened in embarrassment for even asking.

Master Fuji would never assume-what if!

"H-He doesn't think that-"


"Doesn't matter if he does." Madara grumbled quietly causing me to scowl in shyness. "Would you rather he did?" Madara smugly asked suddenly sitting up and putting his face closer to mine.

"At least he doesn't think you're interested in men." I retorted with a large smirk at his reaction. His eyes twitched with a gaping mouth before he grabbed one of my pillows and smothered my face with it.

"Take it back!" He ordered teasingly as I fell backwards and exploded with giggles.

"Never!" I yelled with a laugh trying to push the pillow away weakly.

"I do not like Hashirama in that way." He grumbled in a strong voice and stopped attacking me. I sighed in content as he was defeated and flopped onto his stomach, his head towards me.

"Should we go back?" I asked less excited than before and looked at him.


"Hey, what would your father do if you were interested in Hirashirama?" I couldn't help it, the Uchiha clan interested me too much. I silently laughed as Madara stiffened and he frowned. His face was priceless, caught between a snarl of disgust and what seemed to be a glare of utter promise that I would meet my demise later on.

"Tomimo!" I heard my mother call from my door. Oh no! I panicked and immediately jumped to my feet.

"Coming!" I answered quickly and ran to my door, not bothering to see what Madara was doing.

"Yes mother?" I tightly asked as I flung open the sliding door. She had a mischievous glint in her eye as she looked me up and down.

"You're back early." She pointed out and ran her fingers through my spirally locks. She had always loved- touching my hair, and never done unless she was especially proud or excited about something. Like the time I first walked up a wall using chakra, she praised me with a large grin and then continued to massage my hair unconsciously.

I merely shrugged at her as I leaned against my door frame casually.
"Yes...uhh I was with Isamu-"

"Ah yes! The Isamu Uchiha! Or better known as Madara Uchiha." She exclaimed with a victorious smirk.

"How long have you known." I grumbled in woe and bowed my head sadly.

"Hmm. I'm not sure." She answered honestly. "But I definitely won't inform your father." She smiled this time and poked her head through the other side of my doorway.

"Mr Madara Uchiha, come join us for tea." She sweetly said staring straight at the boy who awkwardly stood next to my bed.

"Ahh..."Madara hesitated looking at me. His stare held, The-great-Madara-Uchiha-Is-Now-Having-An-Internal-Battle type of vibe.

"Atsushi hasn't returned yet, dont worry." My mother reassured and began walking away.
I turned around with a shy smile as Madara amusingly glared.

"Sorry?" I questioned following my mother to the sitting area.

Madara did join us for tea, we were all tensely seated in our main room, my smiling mother opposite us both.
"Its so good to finally have you here after 10 years!" She exclaimed smiling brightly.

"Don't remind us." I grumbled before taking a small sip of my drink.

"Of course this isn't the first time you've been in our house."

"Busted." I muttered under by breath making Madara poke my side a little too hard as he stared ahead.

"I apologize for any conflict this case has caused in your family over the years." Madara spoke for the first time in a blank voice.

"Oh-not at all. You gained my trust many years ago, there's no need for you to worry." Mother sweetly said with a small smile on her face. Her pale eyes shimmered with happiness. Perhaps this was the happiest I had seen her in a while, was it because she finally admitted to knowing our secret? Or was it just the fact that she was actually teasing Madara Uchiha.

This woman. I sighed.

"Although this gathering has been wonderful," She emphasized wonderful with a cheeky grin, "if you do not want to be found out by Atsushi at this moment, I suggest you be ready to leave soon, Madara." Her face was instantly a neutral expression, her seriousness was back. It's as though she was part of our conspiring. Does she not actually believe that father needed to know of Madara?

"I'll see you again Tomomi, thank you for your hospitality Mrs Uzumaki." Madara bowed his head slightly and stood up from his cushion. I merely sighed in response and leaned against my hand.

I wonder what the result of the meeting was? Did father get what he wanted...?

"Tomomi." My mother spoke, her voice held some sort of authority I had always thought, but she was hardly someone to overpower another.

"Yes mother." I looked at her small face with interest.

"I can sense your father returning so I will tell you this now." She lowered her voice slightly. This must be important...

" continue."

"Tomomi, you do understand what will happen once word gets out of your fathers schemes." Chaos will break loose.

"I think I understand..." I replied and she took another sip of her brewing tea.

"War, Tomomi." She peered at me through her eyelashes. That's exactly what I don't want...

"Mother what will we do." I tiredly asked, lowering my head.

"We will do our duty, protecting our homes. And that is why I want to pass my skills to you." I snapped my head back up and stared with surprise at her.

"Skills...?" I muttered slowly.

"Tomomi, tell me, what do you think this is?" She said and pressed her index finger to her forehead.

"...A tattoo...?" She glared momentarily.

"No!" She groaned in amusement. "It is a seal!" Sealing jutsu?

"A seal? Like those our ninja use?" The Uzumaki are known for being very talented in using sealing jutsu, although I'm afraid I cannot do that yet. Every other child would have started Ninja training at a young age...I didn't get much of that part of growing up. I only started learning how to control my chakra to do simple things like walking against walls 2 years ago. I hadn't really kept up with the training. And since its not like I could actually beat Madara or anyone in a spar, I find it pointless.

"Yes. But this I do not use frequently. In fact I have only used it twice in my lifetime."

My mother continued her confusing explanation for the green shape on her forehead.

"So is that your power?" I asked, folding my hands in my lap.

"This seal is special, Tomomi. It stores chakra. And don't act like I'm some helpless woman!" She growled. I merely cringed and sighed. Why has she waited so long to tell me?

"Tomomi Uzumaki, I am going to teach you of the Uzumaki techniques and eventually, you will create your own seal. Do you accept?" My eyes widened. This would mean I would, learning the Uzumaki secrets. I felt slight excitement prickling my skin.

"...It's to protect my home." I stated, furrowing my brow.

"That's right." Mother nodded and placed her palms flat on the table.

"I...accept mother." A deep breath was taken through my nose and mother smiled.

"Good. Now tell me all you know about chakra control." We're starting now? I gave her an uneasy glance, but she sternly made me answer the question with her glare.

"Well to complete any jutsu successfully, you have to have some standard of chakra
control. Like walking on water!"

"Yes that is correct. But I still regret not doing this sooner when you were younger." I felt proud that I got the question correct, well it was all I had been learning, plus using certain weapons correctly. A certain thing came to my mind so I spoke again.

"Mother, does Tomoko have skills?" I had never seen my sister doing any training of sorts.

"Yes...your sister is slightly older than you so she has had her share in...sadness."

"Sadness? Like what?" Does she mean fighting? Has Tomoko seen people die?

"We woman, we don't fight out on the front lines, we have our duty to protect our homes yes, but such confronting violence is not what we aim for."

"Then why do we learn to fight?" I ask quite sternly.

"To protect out children and family if our homes become invaded. One day Tomomi...I fear we may be in great danger, that is when you will most need these skills you will posses." Mother clenched her fist that were still laid on the table.

"But mother, I already know how to defend myself. Isn't that enough?" My voice was confused.

"Yes I understand Tomomi, but like your sister we learn skills in healing and defence. Sometimes the worst happens and you can't save someone," her eyes weakened slightly. "That's when our strength comes in, we pull through and defeat what needs to be defeated." I nodded, my view of my mother had suddenly been reshaped by his one conversation.

And this is how my ninja training to become stronger began, to be ready for whatever would be thrown at me in the future.


There was a beautiful twilight as I sat upon my beloved Sakura tree. The stars captured my gaze as they shone against the purple, painted sky. It was like the air felt different now, like it was cooler and more assuring.

Nobody had stopped me from coming out here. If mother really wanted to find me then she could with her sensing abilities. That was something else I had learned today. But I was hoping she wouldn't come and tell me to come inside. Besides, I was meant to be asleep by now. But the sky was far to bright and exciting I had to come and gaze upon it.

I took my time to observe our wonderful home as well. The back of the house was filled with dark green grass and patches of tangled flowers planted by mother. The house itself was made of fine wood that gave of a rich, dark brown. Traditional plants swarmed the perimeter keeping it from prying eyes, the only part of the house that seemed not hidden was the front veranda. A small pond gravitated to one corner of the front garden, small fish and one large fish swarmed beneath the vines. When I was little I would spend hours naming each fish before they died, I irritated my father all day to bring them back. It wasn't until they had been replaced, that I was happy again.

Madara said I was stupid for crying over a fish, but I told him I could cry over whatever I wished. I've always felt bad for telling him that, his youngest brother passed away later that week. That was the price for growing up in war, there is no luxury around death.

Tomomi you think too much. That was myself scolding my mind again. I may be the genius in our small family, but that's only because of my over active imagination.

I smiled as a dazzling star shot across the sky, a trail of white fire following it.
Maybe tomorrow I can get Madara to help me find my nature affinity. Was my last thought before I numbly pulled myself from my sitting spot.


Ah it feels so good writing this story.

Please tell me your thoughts.

Question: Did anyone guess Isamu was Madara?

See you next time!

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